
DammitJimgood morning12:41
DammitJimcan you guys suggest me a good mirror for this problem:12:41
DammitJimErr http://security.ubuntu.com precise-security/multiverse Sources12:42
DammitJim  404  Not Found [IP: 80]12:42
mhall119nope, have you tried asking in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel?12:55
mhall119DammitJim: ^^12:55
DammitJim#ubuntu didn't have an answer for me13:06
DammitJimbut I'll ask again... that was yesterday13:06
DammitJimthanks mhall119 13:06
DammitJimhow are things btw?13:06
mhall119DammitJim: busy busy, you'd think I'd get a break after an LTS release, but nope13:12
DammitJimhee hee13:15
Bryansteinmhall119, you alive?18:15
mhall119hey Bryanstein!18:29
mhall119what's going on?18:29
BryansteinNothing much buddy...just trying to get Fossetcon going!18:30
BryansteinI'd like you to submit a talk...our cfp is open!18:30
mhall119Fossetcon? tell me more18:31
BryansteinFossetcon is the Free and Open Source Software Expo and Technology Conference18:31
BryansteinIt happening in Orlando, FL Sept 11-13th... 3 days free food, over 10,000sq ft expo hall18:31
mhall119oh yes! Finally another Florida convention!18:32
BryansteinSpeaker tracks and keynotes!18:32
mhall119yeah man, I'll submit a talk, probably will be about Ubuntu App Development18:32
BryansteinOk...I can email you a link to the cfp...pm me your addy18:32
mhall119no need for PM, it's already all over the internet18:33
Bryansteinlol...how is the family?18:34
mhall119doing good18:34
mhall119are ticket sales closed already, or have they not opened yet?18:34
Bryansteinmhall119, not open yet but I'll have that up soon18:35
mhall119Bryanstein: also, do you happen to know what the different sponsor levels cost?18:35
Bryansteinmhall119, of course I know...we have a full prospectus that I can send you!18:36
Bryansteinmhall119, mind you...this event has food so our sponsorship levels are a bit higher than your usual, booth in the hallway conference18:36
mhall119Bryanstein: please do, I'll forward it on to my Canonical overlords18:36
Bryansteinmhall119, sure thing...Day 0(thursday) is just for workshops and tutorials so there is room for an Ubuntu specific hands on workshop on Day 018:37
mhall119that sounds good18:41
BryansteinThe later two days are when the exhibit hall and the rest of the jazz happens, but breakfast and lunch are planned for Day 018:42
BryansteinYou should have the prospectus now is mhall119 18:44
mhall119thanks Bryanstein 18:44
Bryansteinsure thing mhall119 thank you!18:44
mhall119Bryanstein: you should email the florida team too, in case anybody wants to attend18:45
mhall119Bryanstein: since this is the first event I may be asking for too much, but how many attendees do you expect to have?18:47
Bryanstein600 +18:47
BryansteinThat's in the prospectus also on page 2 :oP18:47
Bryansteinmhall119, I actually did email the list a few times...evidently I'm being moderated18:48
mhall119Bryanstein: no prospectus attached in that second email18:49
Bryansteinmhall119, resending18:50
mhall119itnet7 is the list moderator,I'll email him about getting yours through18:50
mhall119Bryanstein: have you contacted the PenPod folks?19:01
mhall119they're based in Orlando19:02
Bryansteinmhall119, oh yes...so hahaha I was at OSCON umm last year and I talked with the guy19:04
* mhall119 wishes he got to go to OSCON19:04
BryansteinWe were supposed to be meeting up  but he didn't make it...I don't know why the name Malcolm pops up in my head19:04
BryansteinI actually played with one last year19:04
BryansteinI have his cell too hmmm... mhall119 you reminded me that I need to check in with him again19:05
Bryansteinmhall119, if there is anyone else that comes across you mind...please do put me on notice...we need to get more sponsors onboard...our exhibit hall will hold approx 50 exhibitors19:06
mhall119you can try ZaReason and System76, the sponsort at a lot of FLOSS events19:09
mhall119rackspace too19:10
mhall119atlantic.net sponsored shirts years ago, I think itnet7 arranged that19:10
BryansteinYes I have the rackspace contact...been trying to work that one since err Feb :oP19:10
BryansteinAtlantic.net...no that we me19:11
mhall119probably anything cloud-related is worth a shot, that's big business anymore19:11
BryansteinI contacted Adnan Raja and he said no budget for conferences this year :o(19:11
mhall119who's your rackspace contact?19:11
BryansteinDee Rosales19:12
mhall119I know someone in MongoDB too, might be worth an ask19:12
mhall119I know a rackspace engineer, not sure how much he could help with a sponsorship request though19:12
BryansteinDee is the Marketing events manager19:12
BryansteinBut...the engineer can definitely submit a talk!19:12
mhall119ah, better contact than I have19:13
mhall119I'll let him know about hte CFP19:13
BryansteinCool...forward him that link please...we need speakers...roughly 60 of them :oP19:13
BryansteinMichelle still doing FOSS stuff?19:14
mhall119no, we closed the charity project years ago, and Qimo hasn't gotten a lot of attention either19:14
mhall119Bryanstein: also posted it to https://www.facebook.com/ubuntuflorida19:16
mhall119also on https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/11679074155980942207719:17
BryansteinThanks mhall119 19:18
Bryansteinso I have a facebook question...because I'm horrible with fb and I was trying to make a group but the stupid profile name interferes.19:18
BryansteinI'm wondering if I change that fb page link name...if I can then create the group with the old name19:18
Bryansteinhmmm maybe I should just make a couple bogus accounts and try it19:18
* Bryanstein would rather have the group than the page19:18
mhall119Bryanstein: I can't help you with FB, sorry, I just use the pages that are already there :)19:21
Bryansteinlol hahaha man...fb instagram wordpress tumblr twitter pinterest blah and blah....it's too much19:22
mhall119don't forget Google+ :)19:23
Bryansteinoh yea pfff...oh and don't forget diaspora status.net/identica/pump.io19:24
mhall119I'm going to forget those :)19:25
mhall119also the Ubuntu LoCo Teams Portal: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-florida/2811-fossetcon/19:25
mhall119for now I set the Registration link to the fossetcon ticket's page, let me know if that should change when tickets go on sale19:26
BryansteinYes sir...man that was fast19:26
BryansteinI tried to get RMS and Eben Moglen to keynote mhall119 they both have scheduling conflicts19:27
mhall119Bryanstein: are you on Google+?19:29
Bryansteinmhall119, yes and there should be an event g+ which doesn't get much love...let me find the link19:36
Bryansteinwell that is just lanyard...but I thought I posted it on there...hmmm19:36
BryansteinI added you to my ominous circle of doom19:41
BryansteinHmm so I'll make a  google plus community also...evidently lol19:43
jmarreromhall119: the fossetcon.org is organized by yourself?21:33
jmarreroHaving the susecon and fossetcon there, I imagine there a good userbase on FL.21:36
mhall119jmarrero: no, it's organized by Bryanstein 21:36
mhall119I don't know if susecon is always in Florida, or if it moves around21:36
jmarreromhall119: Got no idea either but think last year was in FL too.21:37
mhall119I think so, yeah21:37
mhall119I remember Lunduke inviting me to it, but I was too busy to take those days off21:37
jmarreromhall119: I stayed in lakeland like two years ago, loved it there, but din't get to be on my own. 21:38
jmarreroI was working there for 3 days.21:38
mhall119jmarrero: oh nice, I live in lakeland21:38
jmarreroThat is very beautiful place, there is a place near called Bartow very nice too21:41
jmarreroBartow* I think It was called like that maybe I am misspelling21:41
jmarreromhall119: thank you for the info, I will hand around in the channel from now on.21:42
jmarreroI am finishing my Masters degree and as soon I finish I am off to work in FL. So I am looking forward to that. 21:43
mhall119yeah, Bartow21:43
jmarreroI am from Puerto Rico.21:43
mhall119jmarrero: we'll have to have another meetup then, we just had one a couple weeks ago21:43
jmarreroKeep me informed :)21:44
mhall119will do21:45
* jmarrero goes back to work21:46

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