
rick_h_yay ... or not11:10
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
bookiebothttp://is.gd/Y8DR8t - Amazon.com: Since Strangling Isn't an Option eBook: Sandra A. Crowe: Kindle Store13:02
cmaloneyrick_h_: ^^13:02
rick_h_trying to hint at anything13:02
cmaloneyNot at all13:03
cmaloneyRecommernded to Diana as well13:03
mrgoodcatlittle known fact. exclamation marks make notifications travel faster to rick_h_'s phone14:43
mrgoodcatrick_h_: not a very enthusiastic pong14:43
cmaloneyYet another in the "MySQL does strange shit" category: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16549566/mysql-cant-insert-record-with-unsigned-primary-key-being-zero15:49
bookiebothttp://is.gd/KLnWSg - mysql can't insert record with unsigned primary key being zero - Stack Overflow15:49
cmaloneyand the "I wish you were PostgreSQL" category: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-SERIAL15:49
bookiebothttp://is.gd/crFrOT - PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.3: Numeric Types15:49
mrgoodcatcmaloney: he really shouldn't be explicitly trying to set a value on an autoincrement primary key field15:57
mrgoodcatthe whole point of it is that it is automatic15:57
mrgoodcatif you need an explicit field you should make another column15:57
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I mostly agree.15:58
cmaloneythough it still irritates me that 0 has special meaning15:58
cmaloneyif I want to have a 0 == None category listing then there's no way to do that.15:58
cmaloneyOutside of trickery.15:59
mrgoodcatanybody use Gradle?17:34
brouschI use a Griddle17:35
mrgoodcatreading the "modern java developer" blog that's been going around in the last week or so17:36
mrgoodcathe mentions Ant and Maven as being old relics17:36
mrgoodcatapparently "the modern Java developer uses Gradle"17:36
mrgoodcatwhich is what android uses by default17:36
brouschAndroid Studio does17:37
cmaloney"Thus avoiding smells like shotgun changes or divergent change that turn your build into a maintenance nightmare."18:05
mrgoodcatit does seem to have some nice features18:09
cmaloneyyeah, !java, and !xml18:09
mrgoodcatjava 8 is so much better than java 718:10
mrgoodcati'd have been happy if the only change was adding lambdas18:10
cmaloneyIt's only better by 1 java though18:11
bookiebothttp://is.gd/ZADwOb - Pastebin: CigFkdvc | IRCCloud18:11
mrgoodcatturns into18:11
brouschgah, I hate lambdas. Write a frickin function18:11
bookiebothttp://is.gd/geyOEt - Pastebin: G839h6pf | IRCCloud18:11
mrgoodcatdisclaimer: not my code18:12
cmaloneyYou know what I see in that code?18:12
cmaloneyTypesafe boilerplate18:12
cmaloneyMap<Character, List<String>>18:14
mrgoodcatoh in the first code18:14
cmaloneypublic static void main(String[] args)18:14
cmaloneyOh, is the second one Java8?18:14
cmaloneyI'm not sure that's much better but it's a lot less syntax. :)18:15
mrgoodcatway less typing18:15
mrgoodcatit is much better18:15
mrgoodcatit may not be BEST18:15
mrgoodcatbut it beats java <= 718:15
cmaloneyrick_h_: http://www.commitstrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Strip-Vision-Open-source-650-finalenglish.jpg18:40
bookiebothttp://is.gd/wErwzT - image/jpeg18:40
bookiebothttp://is.gd/qmCQIg - Euthanasia Coaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia18:42
mrgoodcatlol jurassic fork18:43
rick_h_cmaloney: :)18:48
jrwrenwhy would you hate lambdas?19:22
jrwrenlambdas give you closure properties that regular functions don't give you in most languages.19:22
jrwrenunless of course you can next functions :)19:22
mrgoodcatrip jcastro19:45
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
jrwrenthat isn't funny mrgoodcat20:22
jrwrenyou scared me.20:22
jrwreni've had too many acquaintances die this year20:22
mrgoodcatOh sorry. His terminal died20:23
jrwrenyeah, i figured that out20:24
jrwrenbut for 2 seconds I was freaking out20:24
mrgoodcatI say it all the time in my other channel. Didn't even think about it20:27
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I've seen that in other channels20:27
jrwrennevermind me then.20:27
cmaloneybut a good number of us are in the age where we're starting to lose more friends.20:27
cmaloneySo the humor doesn't translate. :)20:28
cmaloneyie: A good number of folks from my elementary class are dead20:28
cmaloneygranted a good number of them offed themselves doing stupid things.20:28
* brousch joins in shaking his cane at mrgoodcat20:29
mrgoodcatAt the cane20:29
mrgoodcatNot deaths20:30
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho21:02
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Reflect The Enemy by Flesh Field on Strain21:02
* cmaloney wonders if he could ever DJ a dance at Penguicon or something21:03
cmaloneyDamn, I love this song.21:06
cmaloney(OK, I'll shut up now. ;) )21:07
shakes808Hello everyone22:29
shakes808I have finally started getting my server set up :)22:31
shakes808I am trying to configure some things now22:31
shakes808I got side tracked with trying to set up a registered IRC channel22:31
shakes808I have a manual for that22:31
shakes808but my question is to get a logger so that I can see what was written while I was away from the channel22:32
shakes808Does that make any sense?  Similar to the irclogs.ubuntu.com22:32
shakes808the brown cow is great22:34
shakes808the brown cow is great22:34
shakes808the brown cow is great22:34
shakes808the brown cow is great22:34
shakes808I love you zachary. You are the best son that I have.22:34
shakes808sorry wrong chat22:35
shakes808 :)22:35
brouschis that your password?22:35
shakes808No. I am teaching my son how to type and thought I was in that channel22:36
shakes808:| sorry :)22:36
shakes808Is there anything special that I need for the logger?22:43

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