
AndChat-99281Morning ubuntu people04:37
Kilosmorning all05:26
mazalMôre oom05:37
mazalHet oom al reastersys op 14.04 probeer ?05:39
mazalremastersys even05:39
Kiloshi mazal 05:45
Kilosis dit nie opgehou nie05:45
mazalOns het sopas een suksesvol gedoen met die laaste deb wat release was :-)05:45
mazaliso gemaak van my 14.04 en install op barry se pc05:46
Kiloswerk jou 14.04 nou?05:46
mazalHet die heel onderste 3.3mb deb gebruik05:46
mazalInstall hom met sudp dpkg -i05:47
mazalKry error05:47
Kiloslaat ek gaan kyk05:47
mazalrun sudo apt-get install -f05:47
mazalInstall deb dan met dpkg -i05:47
mazalDan install hy sharp , en maak iso wat werk :)05:47
mazalDis net sy cli , maar ek gebruik anyway nog altyd net die cli vir hom05:48
Kilosgebruik jy 64bit 14.0405:49
Kiloshi Spekko 05:50
Kiloswokky laat weer05:50
Spekkomore Kilos05:50
Spekkobaie laat05:50
Spekkoweeti, ekt hom vanoggend gebel, toe antwoord hy nie, so dink hy is siek.05:51
Spekkote hard gesuip sekere05:51
Kilosdie mis is so dik hier buite ek kannie 50 meter ver sien nie05:51
Spekkoholy shit, hier is dit maar net bietjie bewolk05:52
Kilosons sien net als wit05:52
mazalHi Spekko 05:55
Spekkomorning mazal05:56
mazalMyne is nou redelik stabiel oom , sukkel net nog met lifrea. Hy crash nie meer nie maar gooi elke keer wat ek restart die reading pane se size weg05:56
Kiloshet jy dit en sy dependancies reinstall05:57
Kilosdit sal nog aflaai eks seker05:57
mazalEk dink dis 'n unity thing05:58
Kilosek het weer synaptic installeer en as ek van daar reinstall wat in is dan gaan haal dit nog goed05:59
mazalEn barry is op die lug ! :)05:59
Kilosself as jy unity bo intik en dan al die unity goed reinstall kry dit nog06:00
Kiloshi bduk 06:00
Kilosek kon nog nooit met apt-get en aptitude upgrade kry dat als gedoen is nie06:01
Kilosmoes altyd deur als in synaptic reinstall06:01
SpekkoHier kom Jabber nou in06:02
Kiloslyk hy swak?06:02
Kiloshi jabberwocky93 06:04
Kiloswat stuier jy so06:04
Kiloskop seer?06:04
jabberwocky93sjoe nie geweet ek lyk so sleg dat mens oor IRC kan sien nie06:08
jabberwocky93more Kilos06:08
jabberwocky93Maaz: coffee on06:09
* Maaz washes some mugs06:09
KilosMaaz, coffee please06:10
MaazKilos: Righto06:10
KilosMaaz, large06:10
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos06:10
MaazCoffee's ready for jabberwocky93 and Kilos!06:13
KilosMaaz, danke06:14
bduk1More almal06:15
Kiloshi theblazehen 06:18
Kilosmazal, dankie vir die remastersys info06:19
Private_Usermorning all06:42
Kiloshi Private_User 06:42
Private_Userhey Kilos06:43
Kilosmorning superfly ThatGraemeGuy 06:57
Kilosinetpro, did you get lost in the mist?07:03
superflymorning Kilos, bduk1, Private_User, jabberwocky93 Spekko07:05
Private_Usermorning superfly07:05
Spekkomorning superfly07:05
inetprogood morning Kilos07:06
inetprooh and hi to everyone else as well07:06
superflymorning inetpro!07:06
Kilossjoe too cold to be good man07:06
* Kilos sings the mtn song07:07
Kiloscome on summer come on07:07
jabberwocky93hi superfly07:10
superflySo, ANC 60%, DA 25% and other parties 15%07:11
superfly(so far)07:11
superflyWith the DA winning the Western Cape (again)07:11
jabberwocky93you can navigate into provinces07:14
jabberwocky93also don't miss the 'high detail' button07:14
Private_Usermorning inetpro07:26
Private_Usermorning jabberwocky9307:26
Private_Usermorning mazal07:27
Private_Usermorning theblazehen07:27
mazalMorning Private_User 07:27
jabberwocky93hi Private_User07:30
charl_hi jabberwocky93, Private_User, superfly, Kilos, inetpro 07:30
Private_Usermorning charl_07:31
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:31
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:31
Kiloshi charl_ 07:32
jabberwocky93morning charl_07:32
jabberwocky93Maaz: large07:32
MaazIn a beer mug just for you jabberwocky9307:32
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:33
MaazKilos: Done07:33
KilosMaaz, larger07:33
Maazinna bucket for you Kilos07:33
Private_UserMaaz: coffee please07:33
MaazPrivate_User: Yessir07:33
Private_UserMaaz: largest07:34
MaazWhew do you want a bath full Private_User?07:34
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_, Kilos and Private_User!07:35
KilosMaaz, ty07:36
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:36
Private_UserMaaz: thank you07:36
MaazPrivate_User: Sure07:36
Golynx><)))'>       ><)))'>    ><)))'>07:40
Kiloswhats the funny signs Golynx 07:46
charl_Maaz: thanks07:46
Maazcharl_: No problem07:46
charl_Kilos: they're ascii art fishes07:46
charl_hi Vince-0 07:46
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:46
Kilosfish charl_ 07:48
Kilosmultiple of fish is fish07:48
KilosMaaz, define fishes07:49
MaazKilos: Crawfish \Craw"fish`\ (kr[add]"f[i^]sh`), Crayfish \Cray"fish`\ (kr[=a]"f[i^]sh`), n.; pl. {-fishes} or {-fish}. [Corrupted fr. OE. crevis, creves, OF. crevice, F. ['e]crevisse, fr. OHG. krebiz crab, G. krebs. See {Crab}. The ending -fish arose from confusion with E. fish.] (Zool.) Any decapod crustacean of the family {Astacid[ae]} (genera {Cambarus} and07:49
Maaz{Cambarus}), resembling the lobster, but smaller, and found in fresh waters. Crawfishes are …07:49
=== Golynx is now known as x--^--__---
Kilosyay the sun arrived07:58
Private_Userhi Vince-007:58
=== x--^--__--- is now known as ltevh5qw8zu3ctrb
Kilosoh my , we bored ltevh5qw8zu3ctrb?08:03
Kilospost going today08:03
ltevh5qw8zu3ctrbmostly whites here08:09
ltevh5qw8zu3ctrbdont greet the kallit08:13
Kiloswhat are you on about08:14
Kiloshi theblazehen 08:14
Kilosyou in an argumentative mood again ltevh5qw8zu3ctrb, go back to your nick08:15
ltevh5qw8zu3ctrbgreetings must die08:18
Kilosgolynx wake up and grow up08:18
Private_Userwhat is kallit ltevh5qw8zu3ctrb?08:23
ltevh5qw8zu3ctrbbrown people , coulred racist south africans . Product of apartheid08:26
Vince-0Private_User, charl_ , Kilos  - another kak day in paradise?08:29
Kilosyeah looks like08:29
Private_Useryeah same ol same ol different day08:30
Kiloshi Xethron 08:30
Private_Userhi Xethron08:30
=== ltevh5qw8zu3ctrb is now known as Ablynx
charl_Kilos: it seems like you're right, it's fish, not fishes09:22
Kilosacually weird but thats the way they did it09:24
Kilosother things they put an s behind09:26
Kilosmaybe it was to difficult to say fishs09:26
charl_it's like sheeps, they said no make it sheep instead09:34
Kilosweird hey09:34
Kilosproper english is actually a very difficult language09:39
Kilosbut its the main international language so there is no choice09:41
charl_yeah but 90% of the world speak it poorly :P09:42
charl_NL is third on the list !09:43
charl_i am interested to know how well england and north america fares but they are not on the list09:44
charl_i wonder if they can speak their own language09:44
inetprono South Africa on the list either09:54
Kiloshaha the peeps in england dont understand each other from town to town10:02
Kilosthats why they made that song10:02
Kiloswhy cant the english learn to speak10:03
* Kilos the walking wounded today10:06
Kilosgot 2 of those thorns through shoes and one under fingernail10:06
Private_Usercharl_: its always people who do not invent or create something that become sort of experts or professionals in it10:15
Private_Usereg. Cricket and Rugby both from England10:15
charl_i would laugh very hard if we in europe can speak better english than they in britain10:20
charl_that would be epically funny10:20
charl_i doubt that to be the case though10:20
Private_UserI guess its where you go in Britain10:21
charl_maybe you get confronted with scottish, irish, gaelic, welsh or cornish10:21
Private_UserI used to speak telephonically to many people from all parts of Britain and I could not see a huge difference between their English and ours however the accent is drastically different from their different areas and this is in England itself10:24
Private_Userand then I spoke to people who lived there for many years and they confirm that depending where you go you will hear a different accent10:25
charl_i thought the irish can be very hard to understand10:25
charl_yeah but that's everywhere in europe, the same in NL and DE10:25
charl_ask anyone who has ever spoken to swiss people, when you hear a swiss person from zurich or somewhere and compare that to a person from berlin, it doens't even sound like the same language10:26
charl_i find swiss german to be easier to understand because the accent is a lot more similar to dutch10:26
charl_but the swiss take it to the next level by even pronouncing a "k" like a "ch"10:26
Private_Useryeah in the beginning I used to have an issue but after a while I got used to it although I am not sure if I will still be able to understand them as good as I used to now10:27
charl_so if you ask a swiss person about a potato and they will respond with about a "chartoffel"10:27
Private_Userso you mean kubuntu will be pronounced chu boon too10:28
charl_probably have never heard it10:28
Private_Userthanks, there are a few sayings here I heard on a series I was watching and understood what was meant but did not get now I understand exactly what was said10:34
charl_it's a strange dialect, most germans complain they don't understand the swiss10:39
mazalGuys I get this all the time when running various cli commands :11:32
mazalno talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory11:32
mazalAny ideas ?11:32
theblazehenMaaz: tell mazal does it do the same when launching GUI apps from the CLI as well? Perhaps something is wrong with a library12:13
Maaztheblazehen: Okay, I'll tell mazal on freenode12:13
magespawnhi all12:20
Kiloshi magespawn 12:23
KilosAblynx,  RD876310741ZA12:26
Private_Userhi magespawn12:29
* Kilos needs to reboot12:32
AblynxKilos, ty12:54
magespawnnow it is home time later all.14:07
superflyhappy birthday, inetpro!14:17
Kilosoh my goodness14:30
Kiloshappy birthday inetpro may every year just get better and better14:31
inetprothank you kindly 14:55
charl_good evening folks16:22
charl_Maaz: coffee on16:22
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:22
charl_congrats inetpro !!16:22
Kiloshi charl_ 16:23
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!16:26
charl_hi Kilos 16:35
charl_Maaz: thanks16:35
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)16:35
charl_hi spinza 16:40
Kiloshes a very quiet fella16:41
charl_hey smile 17:08
smilehi :D17:11
charl_nice weather we're having right? :D17:13
charl_rain rain and more rain17:13
charl_and then some more rain17:13
charl_wb theblazehen 17:14
theblazehenty charl_ 17:59
inetprothose IEC servers really need to be changed so they handle the load18:18
inetprocharl_: thanks18:19
Private_Userinetpro: I had same issues with IEC site. Your can use these links for live results http://www.news24.com/Elections/Results#map=live and SABC has an option to look at your voting district results as well and the link is http://elections.sabc.co.za/Elections2014/RaceForVotes.aspx18:27
inetproPrivate_User: I used the mail and guardians results in the end18:40
theblazehenWhen you have skype running in the CLI...18:40
* inetpro just saying that the IEC should do better18:40
theblazehenKilos: have a look at Whatsapp for libpurple or something like that18:40
theblazehenGet whatsapp in pdgin18:40
Private_UserI agree inetpro18:40
inetprocan't understand why tshwane results are so damn slow18:41
Kiloshmm... i think i did before theblazehen , have they got it working yet18:42
theblazeheninetpro: Voting results?18:42
theblazehenKilos: I think it might be.. Not too sure18:42
inetprotheblazehen: yep18:42
theblazehenDon't wanna try and get a password from my phone now18:42
theblazehenSetting up a VM, and a proxy and all that18:42
Kiloscool ty ill have a look18:42
theblazehenkk, np18:43
theblazehenalso Whosthere18:43
theblazehenKilos: ^18:43
Kiloswill that work to whatsapp?18:43
theblazehenKilos: it should 18:44
theblazehen"Whatsapp client for ubuntu18:44
charl_what do you do with the password then18:45
charl_how do you get that off the phone18:45
theblazehencharl_: you use a MITM proxy with custom SSL cert to allow you to intercept the traffic18:46
theblazehenyeah :/18:46
theblazehenWritten in .NET18:46
charl_you have to execute a full on attack on the stupid thing18:46
theblazehenyeah :(18:46
theblazehenAlmost wish they kept the old passwords..18:47
charl_if it falls for a fake cert it is also really weak on security18:47
theblazehenaka md5(wifiMACAddress)18:47
charl_what if the NSA does a MITM18:47
theblazehencharl_: Better than it was :p18:47
charl_bah that's even worse18:47
theblazehenthat was for iOS18:47
charl_and if you can do a MITM what prevents anyone else from doing it18:47
theblazehenandroid was md5(IMEI)18:47
charl_this thing has epic fail18:48
theblazehencharl_: you need to install ssl cert on phone18:48
charl_ah ok18:48
charl_that's not so bad then18:48
theblazehencharl_: I believe there are ways to ensure security even with that though?18:51
charl_not sure what you mean ?18:52
theblazehencharl_: I believe I may have read something where you can ensure SSL security even if someone installs a cert on your device18:53
theblazehenProbably wrong though..18:54
theblazehenDoesn't fit in well with my logic18:54
theblazehenhttp://security.stackexchange.com/questions/29988/what-is-certificate-pinning ah yes! there we go18:54
charl_yes that is correct18:56
charl_i have done it18:56
charl_that would be better tooo18:56
charl_or actually what i would do is...18:56
charl_i would make my own CA (root CA)18:56
theblazehenHmm, google and such would be using that correct?18:56
charl_and then validate all certificates against that18:56
charl_so it has to have my root CA at the top of the chain18:57
charl_otherwise it fails18:57
theblazehenah yes18:57
charl_then even if my CA gets exploited and false certificates get generated i am not vulnerable18:57
charl_and lock the private key of the CA somewhere in a secure safe18:57
theblazehenWait, google etc. Wouldn't be able to use it as they can't tel lbrowser to only use their cert, right?18:57
theblazehenYeah, good plan18:57
Kiloswhosethere dont work on 14.04 yet they say18:58
Kilosnp will keep looking ty18:58
charl_yes correct18:58
charl_websites have to rely on the browser18:58
theblazehenhttp://imgur.com/5RfTr7D heh, I <3 the terminal a bit TOO much..18:58
charl_but if you control the client (in the case of an android app) you *should* have control over the TLS layer18:58
charl_and then you can configure it as you will18:59
theblazehenI read in reddit.com/r/netsec a few weeks ago a way for ANY app to access whatsapp DB on android..19:00
charl_yes but whatsapp is as full of holes as swiss cheese19:00
charl_it's worse than openssl :P19:00
charl_it turns out that the code behind openssl is complete filth19:01
charl_project already got forked by the openbsd people19:01
charl_libressl or something19:01
theblazehenyeah, I heard19:01
charl_and they are busy "stripping at the code"19:01
theblazehenyep, libreSSL19:01
Kilosi tried that android sdk thing . too much work and data waste19:01
charl_because apparently most of the code is indeed not even needed hahahaha :D19:01
Kiloswhatsapp not worth it19:01
theblazehenDidn't mozilla also have a SSL implementation?19:01
charl_pssibly, not sure19:01
theblazehenheh, yeah. And also why the fuck would you implement your own kinda malloc ?!19:02
theblazehenBelieve thats part of what was behind heartbleed19:02
charl_but since the heartbleed attack they now have one after the other attack19:04
charl_the other day a denial of service again19:04
theblazehenyeah, I've heard :D19:04
charl_patch upon patch19:04
charl_everyone is looking because the code is horse ****19:04
theblazehenWell ":D" IF I were wanting to exploit them...19:04
charl_i don't run openssl on my server any more i just wait for libressl19:05
charl_openbsd project doesn't mess around19:05
theblazehenWeren't they stripping away stuff needed for other *nix distributions?19:05
theblazehenOr not yet?19:06
theblazehenAnyone here use screen?19:07
Kiloshmmm...ask inetpro 19:08
charl_dunno exactly19:08
theblazeheninetpro: ping19:08
Kilosi think my bot is using it19:08
charl_i *used* to use screen19:08
theblazehenKilos: probably..19:08
charl_before switching to byobu19:08
theblazehencharl_: ok. Easy to make tabs, kinda like tabs in tmux?19:08
theblazehenI have multiple tmux sessions open, and wanna manage them easily over ssh, without needing to run tmux inside tmux19:09
Kilosits the only way i can control the bot on the host and not have it crash when i close the terminal19:09
Kilosi think19:09
Kiloshi drussell 19:09
theblazehenKilos: or use nohup $cmd, or $cmd& && disown19:09
charl_theblazehen: yes ctrl+a c19:10
charl_c for create19:10
charl_theblazehen: you can easily run tmux inside tmux but then you need to change ctrl+b to something else like ctrl+A19:11
theblazehencharl_: kk, kinda like tmux then. Does it have a kinda window list?19:11
charl_in byobu it's easily configurable with f119:11
charl_can't recall the window list actually, not sure now19:11
theblazehenAnd yeah, but it's gonna be on the same host. Not gonna run tmux on host ssh'ing into my machine19:11
Kilostheblazehen, ask the pro tomorrow i think he is being treated tonight19:11
Kiloshe is a bit older today19:12
theblazehenBasically I want to access all my tmux sessions from school, in a single PuTTY session19:12
theblazehenKilos: ty19:12
theblazehenWell "screen screenshots" on google images sure was helpfull...19:12
theblazehen /s19:13
theblazehenIt's... adequate:/19:15
theblazehencharl_: You manage some servers right?19:16
theblazehenhttp://qntm.org/suicide Dare you to run this in production..19:20
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:23
charl_sorry it will be a dare i need to refuse19:23
charl_night Kilos 19:23
theblazehenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ5MA685ApE nice!19:26
theblazehencya all19:30
inetprocharl_: pong19:30
theblazeheninetpro: I believe it was I who pinged you..19:30
theblazehenHappy birthday BTW19:30
inetprooh sorry 19:30
inetprothanks theblazehen19:31
theblazehenWanted to find out just how horrible it is to use screen19:31
theblazehenDoesn't seem TOO bad19:31
theblazehenSince I'm gonna run tmux's inside it anyway19:31
* inetpro can't live without screen19:31
inetproor byobu for that matter19:31
theblazeheninetpro: You have seen my tmux, right?19:32
inetprothink I have19:32
theblazehenWell cya inetpro, charl_ 19:32
inetprono need to use screen if you are used to tmux19:32
* inetpro just still very used to screen19:32
theblazeheninetpro: Gonna run tmux inside screen19:33
theblazehenI normally keep 1 tmux on each workspace in my WM, but can't do it easy over SSH19:33
theblazehenSo use screen and attach all the tmux's there19:33
inetprowhen I run screen inside another screen I start the first one as follows19:34
inetproscreen -e^Pp19:34
inetprocheck -e in the man page19:35
theblazehenyeah, tmux can also do it19:36
theblazehenWould just prefer to manage it with a different multiplexer19:36
theblazehenDon't want my full statusbar etc. twice19:36
inetprothat makes sense19:37
theblazehenyeah, well night inetpro, ChanServ 19:37
inetprogood night19:37
theblazehencharl_ too I suppose..19:37
charl_ciao theblazehen :D19:39
charl_inetpro: ah so you set the default command character to p (in your case)19:39
charl_yes that sounds good19:39
inetproand the next one will be the normal a character19:39
inetproand you actually have to think twice before you close the p one19:40
inetprobecause the fingers do the a naturally19:40
charl_that's true you get so used to it19:40
charl_and p is on the opposite side of the keyboard19:41
charl_brb have to take the washing out of the dryer19:41
Private_Userinetpro: sorry just read above now its your birthday... Happy Birthday!!!19:47
inetproPrivate_User: thanks19:58
superflyit's easy to criticise others when you're not in their shoes...20:02
inetprosuperfly: uh?20:02
charl_hi back20:02

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