
delt19:01 < OvenWerk1> delt: under media playback there is a "HDAJackretask" that may (or not) help00:34
deltwere you talking about the mixer app?00:35
deltah i see, alsa-tools-gui - GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware00:35
delthmm, i don't see the menu entry under "media playback", but: alsa-tools-gui is already the newest version.00:36
deltthough i do have the "hdajackretask" binary installed00:37
OvenWerk1I don't know why it wouldn't be there. I don't think I installed it, so it was on the ISO.00:38
OvenWerk1Mine won't run as the internal sound is turned off in bios... Cause I have such a high opinion of it :)00:38
delthehe -) what sound card are you using?00:39
OvenWerk1I have a delta66 for audio and an old ensoniq audiopci for midi.00:39
OvenWerk1They are not the best, but better than the internal. I can get much lower latency too.00:40
deltI'm using the internal hda of my mobo, which i find actually quite decent, and a good old SB live for midi input (db15 connector) / spare audio stuff.00:41
OvenWerk1The output from the internals is generally very good. I have had too much problem with the inputs to use them. Often one or other channel will be noisy for no reason.00:42
OvenWerk1Also, the delta has standard level inputs and outputs that work with the mic preamps and mixer.00:43
deltreading the documentation of hda-jack-retask00:48
deltalso nice. =)00:48
deltjust wondering why do most onboard sound cards only have one line-out jack (stereo) if they support, say, up to 7.1 surround?00:54
OvenWerk1Most newer ones also have more on headers on the MB.00:55
OvenWerk1But a lot expect you to use the digital video out that some of them have00:55
OvenWerk1HDV or whatever connector00:56
deltah, so in most "analog" cases, you need to buy/make a module that has "jumper" type connectors on one side and audio jacks on the other...?00:56
OvenWerk1Something like that. I think you can get ready made ones too.00:57
delt*fishes out motherboard manual*00:57
OvenWerk1Often you can use the line in as an output and the front line out as another00:58
OvenWerk1Thats 6, not sure where the other two are :)00:59
deltah, i see my motherboard has a 10-pin connector (5x2 pins, one absent and one NC) for HDA and a similar one for AC9701:00
deltthough hdajackretask shows pin ID's up to 0x1F, which is higher than 1001:03
OvenWerk1Some of those may belong to the rear panel01:03
deltoh duh, that counts the connectors on the rear panel01:03
deltebay:  0 results found for hda front panel01:07
OvenWerk1The nice thing about the header is that you can build a panel/BOB with real connecters on it instead of tiny little jacks.01:08
OvenWerk1Most of those come with the case.01:08
OvenWerk1Ya, I know missing lots :)01:10
deltif i can find one with 4 USB ports as well, for a reasonable price i'd probably buy it.01:12
deltnormally those red 1/4" (mic) are physically stereo jacks, right?01:16
OvenWerk1On HDA they are and detect a stereo plug plugged in if set right01:19
deltthat's part of the official specs?01:20
delthello cfhowlett01:20
OvenWerk1I think so. It is kind of a long document... I have looked through, but read it all. :)01:21
OvenWerk1that shold be not...01:21
OvenWerk1But plug detect is one of the HDA features that has to be turned off if you plug AC97 plugs into the MB01:22
cfhowlettdelt greetings01:22
OvenWerk1The idea is to be able to have more than one use for all audio jacks.01:24
OvenWerk1In theory you need 4 jacks for 7.1 sound. So three on the back and two on the front leaves one left over for a mic.01:28
deltah i see.01:29
deltwho needs 7.1 anyway :D01:29
OvenWerk1If I can mix good stereo I will be happy01:30
deltfor me even 5.1 is kind of overkill. + i mostly use headphones which are 2.0 anyway.01:30
deltCD's are stereo. afaik there's no way to store surround sound on a standard audio cd01:30
OvenWerk1There are ... or were 4 chanel headphones at one time.01:31
deltyeah, sony designed that weird kind of connector01:31
deltlike, 10 years ago01:31
OvenWerk1Anyway, I should go eat.01:32
OvenWerk1(supper here)01:33
deltbon app/tit01:33
deltuh... appétit01:33
deltdamn...why do all front panels on ebay only have 2 audio jacks :( ??02:08
holsteindelt: stereo.. its what most need03:33
holsteindelt: you'll need to search the "pro audio" section for things with more inputs03:33
letstrythisso what happend to cpushare" and can i still use it to do what it was meant to be used for?03:41
letstrythiscpushare.com doesn't load03:41
cfhowlettletstrythis http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/cpushare.com.html03:44
letstrythislol ty04:35
deltholstein: yeah, us musicians are happy with stereo... but i thought masses of consumers were into 5.1 surround if not 7.1 these days....?05:55
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rhizoHi folks12:25
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delti just installed 14.04 on my laptop, now i'm getting the "screen goes black" bug when i close the lid.22:47
deltfortunately i mapped a key to "xrandr --auto" but how do i fix this?22:48
delti created a /etc/acpi/lid.sh but it doesn't get executed on lid open/close :/23:12
deltand even if it did, it can't open the :0 display23:20

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