
Whiskey`yay my 14.04 is locking up at starting cups-browsed. is there a way to skip a statup service on boot?00:06
juan95hola, necesito su auda acabo de instalar kubuntu 14 y no he podido instalr el flash player  alguno sabe como hacerlo03:30
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lordievaderGood morning.07:47
alketgood morning lordievader07:47
lordievaderHey alket, how are you?07:48
alketfine , you07:49
lordievaderDoing allright, waking up.07:51
maysaraHi, I want to install ufw-kde but I'm facing this problem every time: http://paste.kde.org/pkhwmkwsb08:41
smoofwhat deo u mean maysara?08:44
smoofis kde a desktop? wtf is ufw?08:44
smoofgood luck with that08:44
lordievadermaysara: That might be a packaging issue.08:44
maysaralordievader: How can I fix it?08:45
smoofwat is ufw-kde?08:45
smoofthat might solve your problem if u could actually define its origin lol08:45
lordievadermaysara: If I'm right the maintainer needs to fix it.08:46
lordievadersmoof: Ufw is the uncomplicated firewall, a front-end for iptables. ufw-kde is a qt gui for ufw.08:47
maysaralordievader: Ok thanks08:47
lordievadermaysara: What may be a work around is to rename the file it is trying to overwrite.08:48
maysaralordievader: I'll try08:49
lordievadermaysara: I asked in #kubuntu-devel if it was a packaging issue, apachelogger said the following:08:52
lordievader< apachelogger> lordievader: system, they have a ufw-kde version from a foreign source apparently08:52
maysaralordievader: Aha08:53
soeeis it possible in kruner to add some alias to open website in default webbrowser ?>08:53
lordievadermaysara: You can also use dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/ufw-kde_0.5.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb08:54
maysaralordievader: It's ok. I removed the foreign package and install ufw-kde and it works fine. Thank you!08:57
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lordievadermaysara: Good to hear :)08:58
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aLeSD_hi all10:47
aLeSD_is it possible to have kde4 on 14.04 ?10:47
hateballIt's what it comes with, so10:47
Anon_is there a way to use skype through telepathy?10:53
aLeSD_mmm ... and I can't find a package for KGraphViewer...10:56
aLeSD_I am ucrrent on ubuntu 14.04. Do you know if it is contained in another bigger package ?10:56
windows8anybody know how I can turn off these annoyuing join/leave messages in quassel?10:57
hateballwindows8: rightclick -> hide events10:58
windows8anon: I tried to use skype through telepathy.. it was a pain in the ass.. why bother.... it didn't work... you can just install skype!!11:07
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:09
kriaghow to backup kubuntu?11:11
kriaghelp please11:11
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:11
kriagi using kubuntu 14.0411:12
kriagand using kup for backup but kup have a probem with libc-2.1911:12
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AnonSkillz_does anyone know how i can get my desktop back to its original resolution?12:02
BluesKajAnonSkillz_, what have you done so far to correct the problem?12:05
AnonSkillz_ive went to system setting to make sure my display was still at the correct resolution and it is but everything looks blown up since restart12:10
BluesKajso no options to change resolution in system settings display?12:11
AnonSkillz_no its at the correct resolution12:12
AnonSkillz_the panel and the windows are a lot bigger though12:14
DutchmanAnonSkillz_, did you try <Meta>+0 or <Meta>+-? Maybe you somehow triggered the screen magnifier?12:16
BluesKajAnonSkillz_, open a terminal, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'12:16
BluesKajdriver in use pls, AnonSkillz_12:17
AnonSkillz_<BluesKaj> radeon12:25
BluesKajAnonSkillz_, so you updated and upgraded and this happened.12:29
AnonSkillz_no i restarted after installing the skype plugin for telepathy12:31
BluesKajAnonSkillz_, what's the "correct" resolution and have you tried any higher settings if available?12:34
AnonSkillz_1366x768 is the highest and what its set at. i've also tried to apply lower resolutions and then reapply the native resolution12:35
BluesKajAnonSkillz_, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.212:46
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daum_does anyone else have issues where sometimes when you open the chrome window it doesn't fully refresh the whole window?  So parts of the window are whatever otehr tab you had open?13:25
BluesKajdaum_, chrome or chromium?13:30
daum_BluesKaj, chromium13:30
BluesKajnever seen that13:30
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DecusFriends, is anyone here using → https://github.com/linrunner/TLP ?14:05
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shattingduckwhen I push the volume up/down keys on my keyboard the volume of the NVIDIA card's soundcard is changed, but I need to change the "built-in-audio"-card, since I don't use sound over hdmi, how do I change the keyboard keys to map to a different mixer channel?15:57
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amundseni'm trying to make icedtea-plugin run under chromium19:12
amundsenbut i get a message telling me to install java plugin19:12
amundseni've tried some solutions from inet19:13
amundsenwith no success19:13
amundsenanybody has chromium running icedtea-plugin correctly?19:13
andy123might be a bug19:14
andy123* https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/3608219:15
rberg_fwiw chromium keeps telling me to upgrade java when I am already on the latest.. 1.7 u55 or something19:21
rberg_oracle java that is19:21
TheFakeazneD525Use Oracle Java19:21
TheFakeazneD525less hassle to set up and full java support19:22
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Guest77231nick superwhore19:35
kod3nanybodies here ?20:25
* genii slides kod3n a fresh mug of coffee20:26
* TheFakeazneD525 slides genii a fresh mug of adran20:38
TheFakeazneD525er, coffee20:38
geniiHah, thanks :)20:38
TheFakeazneD525genii: so20:45
TheFakeazneD525how's it goin20:46
geniiTheFakeazneD525: Not bad, researching parts for tablets right now. And it's Friday with 15 minutes left in the workday :)20:47
TheFakeazneD525genii: :}20:47
TheFakeazneD525genii: so, do you think there'll be a Kubuntu touch?20:47
geniiI'm dubious, but it would be nice.20:48
TheFakeazneD525Plasma Active <320:48
geniiThe plasma-netbook might even be usable as-is for most tablets20:48
TheFakeazneD525Hmm, I haven't used plasma-netbook much20:49
* TheFakeazneD525 is on a netbook and likes Plasma Desktop20:49
TheFakeazneD525but my main panel is tiny :320:49
geniiTheFakeazneD525: Basically it uses folder tabs across the top20:49
fusaonetalguem do Brasil online ???20:50
genii!br | fusaonet20:54
ubottufusaonet: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:54
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Rocco-_oxygen annimations consumes are recommended ??21:40
Rocco-_forget consumes***21:41
Rocco-_or slow down KDE animations ??21:42
geniiRocco-_: Enabling desktop effects should be fine for most computers, unless it is very old or underpowered. If the animations become too much, it will turn them off automatically anyways.21:46
Rocco-_im running kde on a pentium4 2gbram genii21:47
Rocco-_runs fine, just im too noob on KDE21:47
Rocco-_128mb video memory21:47
Rocco-_automatically turned off..got it21:48
geniiRocco-_: It's a bit older system you have there, if you enable a lot of desktop effects it might turn them off if it starts using too many resourses21:48
rberg_you can do some amount of adjusting the effects.. like "high display resolution and low CPU" or "low display resolution and low CPU"21:48
Rocco-_i have just a few effects going on here..consumes at startup 300mb- 1-10cpu21:49
Rocco-_escuse my english..21:49
Rocco-_i have that rberg_21:49
rberg_I would also disable the blur effect.. that one can be a bit heavy21:50
Rocco-_ok..im takin notes21:50
mr-richOk ... just attempted to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04. Got a mesage about shutting down kdm and said yes ... system totally hosed ... HELP!22:29
mr-richRecover mode not working22:29
mr-richhanging on mounting ...22:30
mr-richthis is my main computer ... I'm panicing ... :(22:30
mr-richany help? Please?22:33
dmattmr-rich: was it restart after upgrade has finished or in the middle22:35
mr-richin the middle ... screen went to the screen with the dots ... stayed there ...22:35
mr-richeventually I rebooted from cli ... NOTHING WORKS NOW ...22:36
mr-richmy home dir is on a different disk and it is not mounted ...22:36
mr-richtried rebooting to recover mode ... stops while trying to mount disks and hangs22:37
mr-richtry reboot command nothing happens22:37
mr-richhit reset and get the grub screen22:38
dmattmr-rich: do you get command line?22:39
dmattif yes you can attempt to continue upgrade22:40
mr-richyes ... a "maintainance shell"22:40
dmattcould you manually mount home?22:40
mr-richTrhying to ... managed to moung /boot ...22:41
mr-richgot /home mounted ...22:42
dmattwhat kernel are you on, old or new?22:42
dmattuname -a22:43
mr-richOld ... 3.2.0-6122:44
mr-richcame with the update for 12.04 from a few days ago ... compiled may 222:45
dmattapt-get check ?22:45
mr-richmounted /home on /home where it should be and /boot, too ...22:46
dmattwhat does "apt-get check" says?22:46
mr-richlots of errors ...22:46
mr-richUnmet dependencies22:47
mr-richsays to run with -f, but that's not working ...22:48
dmattwhat does /etc/apt/sources.list point to?22:48
mr-richrunning apt-get install -f ...22:49
mr-richdmatt: I don't think I have internet yet ...22:50
dmattmaybe you can check /var/log/apt/history.log to see, how far the update went22:50
mr-richseems to be installing from downloaded packages ...22:51
dmatteverything is diwnloaded first so you should have it localy22:51
mr-richone thing I noticed when the upgrade was happening is that the dialog box said upgrading to "Ubuntu 14.04" not Kubuntu ...22:52
dmattby the way i syour home necrypted?22:52
mr-richthankfully ... :)22:53
dmattmr-rich: did you backup your data ?22:53
mr-richnot recently ... it's all there, though ... /home/myuser is safe ...22:54
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mr-richseems to be completing the upgrade ...22:56
mr-richbut I saw kernel 3.2.0 scroll by ...22:57
dmattmr-rich: you may need to repeat install -f few times22:59
dmattand I am not sure about grub, you might need a medium for grub repair23:00
geniiIf you have some other boot media you can reinstall it from that, just specify --boot-directory23:05
mr-richseems to be booting now ... kede log in working ...23:09
mr-richdmatt: everything looks good ... but I got a bunch of socket errors ... not sure what that means ...23:11
dmattmr-rich: me neither..23:12
dmattmr-rich: other thing work? full desktop is on?23:13
mr-richdmatt: full desktop ... internet ... did't want to reboot/shutdown from GUI, thought ...23:16
mr-richrebooted from CLI ...23:16
dmattmr-rich: well it wasn't such disaster then ...23:17
dmatt14.04 does not use kdm, but lightdm23:17
mr-richaha ... says I have 1000+ updates waiting ... try to run, but get auth failed. never get an auth dialog23:20
dmattrun the first updates from command line23:21
dmattand maybe try also recovery boot and automatic dpkg repair, it could help if you stil have some packages in wrong state23:22
mr-richwhat is the command to update a package from CLI?23:25
dmattsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:27
dmattyou may try to run sudo apt-get check first23:27
dmattto see if you have everything solved23:27
mr-richno errors ...23:28
dmattthen go ahead with updates23:29
mr-richrunning now ...23:30
darkseid__Greetings.. This is the output for dolphin: serch desktop disabled when restarting ubuntu 14.0423:35
darkseid__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7425707/ --23:35
darkseid__dolphin is crashing everytime I run it.23:36
darkseid__Any ideia?23:36
dmattdarkseid__: reinstall it23:37
darkseid__dmatt: Already did twice..23:37
dmatttry to rename /home/ubik/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc to backup and let it create configuration from scratch23:40
dmattto dolphinrc.backup23:40
darkseid__http://paste.ubuntu.com/7425707/ -- Dolphin and gwenview is crashung. Don't even open up!!23:41
valoriedarkseid__: can you give the output of `apt-cache policy ibus`?23:46
valorieit appears you are missing some dependencies23:48
valoriepfff, have to go to dinner -- hope someone can help darseid if s/he returns23:56

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