
john_ramboAnybody using lxqt ? I just installed it but cant login to it....it just logs out03:17
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MaxFrameshow do I autostart an application (nm-applet) for all users on lubuntu 14.04?09:38
Vankalifhi to all10:27
Vankalifпривет всем10:28
Vankalifесть кто10:28
Vankalifотпишитесь закоенктился я или нет?10:28
silverlionVankalif: i am sorry but here it's english to talk10:31
silverlionrussian speaker are not available now10:31
Vankalifsorry idont know10:32
alketHi , I currently use kubuntu  , but I want more speed from my laptop , I want to install lubuntu-desktop package , but when I enter the lubuntu "mode" will it launch kde depencies ?10:41
silverlionalket: it can happen, yes. (but i am not a100% sure. best way is a complete re-install to get kde completely off your hard-drive10:43
alketsilverlion: thank you10:44
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vasa1Has anyone here managed to login to the lxqt desktop after installing the lxqt metapackage on Lubuntu 14.04?16:52
vasa1I just get returned to the login screen16:52
ianorlinI haven't figured that out yet17:03
bollo__I've got the same problem17:03
musshanHello people. I am on a brand new istall of lubuntu 14.04 and enjoying its speed :D17:14
musshanI want to know the keyboard shortcuts for lubuntu 14.0417:16
musshancan anyone help me with that?17:16
musshanis no one online?17:20
ianorlinthere is a page on the wiki with all of them and if you go read only to ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml has all of them in there but is confusing to figure out the xml17:23
ianorlinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard is the wiki page17:23
musshanianorlin: thanks for the reply17:40
musshanianorlin: is there anyway to have automatically switching wallpaper in lubuntu like in ubuntu?17:40
musshanianorlin: when i ctrl+ald+del the system logouts instead of lxtask17:43
leszekmusshan: you could write a script which copies new wallpapers to one file which pcmanfm uses as wallpaper17:43
musshanleszek: i am not familiar with scripts although if you can guide me i might be able to follow17:44
leszekmusshan: look at .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml for ctrl-alt-del and set it to lxtask instead17:44
leszekmusshan: I guess there are some already available17:44
leszekmusshan: see for example this here which is a pretty clever one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184382417:45
leszekmusshan: but this script assumes you have the wallpapers all in one folder and nummerically named like 01.jpg 02.jpg and so on17:46
leszekmusshan: it also only seems to work with jpgs17:46
musshanleszek: ic17:46
musshanleszek:is there a keyboard shortcut for killing an unresposive application?17:47
leszekmusshan: if ctrl+alt+esc is not starting xkill then I think no17:48
leszekmusshan: so basically alt+f2 "xkill" enter would be the shortest I guess17:48
musshanleszek:  in the xml i found that ctrl+alt+del is pointing to task manager only but my system is logging out17:49
leszekmusshan: Interesting. Can you show me that file (currently @work and don't have lubuntu running here). Either the ctrl+alt+del stuff is commented out or some other app is interfering like the power manager. Check also the power manager if something is set there in its settings17:52
musshanleszek:how do i show you the file?17:54
leszekmusshan: paste it to a paste service like paste.kde.org or pastebin.com17:55
musshanleszek: i have pasted on pastebin.com17:57
musshanleszek: the link is http://pastebin.com/QdW5gKHt17:59
leszekmusshan: and if you execute lxsession-default tasks it starts the taskmanager and does not log you out ?18:01
musshanleszek: like the menu logout does not log me out directly it shows me the menu where i can choose to logout to shutdown18:02
leszekso even lxsession-default tasks does this ?18:03
musshanleszek: lxsession-default means the poweroff button or logout from the menu?18:04
ianorlinI think leszek is talking aboutin a terminal18:12
musshanianorlin: so i shoud typre lxsession-default in terminal? and check?18:13
musshanianorlin: also can you help me config a manual ip for my network? i have done it in gnome network manager, but this looks different18:15
leszekmusshan: yeah please type this command in the terminal and see what happens :)18:15
musshanleszek: okay doing it now18:16
musshanleszek: nothing is happening18:18
leszekhmm... interesting. Because this is the command that get executed when you press ctrl+alt+del18:19
leszekmusshan: did you check the power manager if it has something set for pressing ctrl+alt+del ?18:19
musshanleszek: nothing for ctrl+alt+del18:22
musshanleszek: can you help me configure manual ip address?18:22
leszekwhats the problem there ?18:23
musshanleszek: ah nothing i didnt check it out sorry18:26
musshanleszek: i removed this poweroff button from the panel is there a way to get it back?18:28
musshanleszek: thanks for helping for now. ciao tomo. its getting late. gtg. bye mate.18:29
leszekok bye. For the power button right clicking the panel will help.18:30
leszekthere you can add plugins to the panel18:30
leszekone of them should be the power button I hope18:30
musshanleszek: there is not power button plugin mate. will figureout these things tomo18:31
leszekok cu18:31
urielvigilanthow to I already installed sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java and also sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer but i cant run a file.jar .how to use it ?19:26
wxlurielvigilant: java file.jar19:26
urielvigilantwxl let me try it .19:29
urielvigilanti went to the folder where it is the jar, then dii what you said and then i receive this answear Error: Could not find or load main class startup.jar19:31
wxlso you're trying to run a file called startup.jar?19:33
urielvigilantyes ?19:33
wxlis that a question or a statrement?19:34
urielvigilantyes it is a startup.jar ! sorry19:35
urielvigilantthe programmer send me this link, it is a web email extracter  http://vietspider.org/release/VietSpider3_20_XML_Linux.zip19:35
wxland if you do `ls startup.jar` you get `startup.jar` back?19:35
urielvigilantlet me see19:36
wxli'm not about to touch some unknown zip file, sorry19:36
urielvigilantyes it game that back19:36
urielvigilantit give me back19:36
wxltry `java -jar startup.jar`19:36
urielvigilantit says : no main manifest attribute, in startup.jar19:38
wxlsounds like you got a problem with your jar file; talk to "the programmer"19:39
urielvigilantthank you19:39
morsing_Trying to install lubuntu, i get a "The ext4 file system in partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed." Where do i go from here?20:54
geniimorsing_: Is this a clean install?20:54
geniiYou could try switching to a console and manually mkfs on it20:55
morsing_Can you guide me? Or is there an online guide  i can use?20:56
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geniiI'm soon leaving, but the basic process: ctrl-alt-F1  ( you can probably use any of F1 thru to F4) then you should get a prompt. Then find where it's currently mounted with: mount     ...the device you are looking for is /dev/sda1    which SHOULD be mounted on /target  . then you unmount it with: sudo umount /target  (or different name if the mount command showed something else than /target) . Then: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1    and let it finish. Then21:00
geniimount it again in same place as before with: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /target ...then to alt-tab-F# back to install screen21:00
geniiWhere F# is one of the function keys , I think F1 or maybe F4 in the install not like F7 in regular X21:01
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morsing_thanks, i will try. :)21:01
morsing_I think the HDD might be broken21:07
morsing_BDMA stat 0x2421:08
morsing_failed command: READ DMA21:08
morsing_I/O error21:08
morsing_And the SMART data says the disk is failing, that was a sad solution.21:11
geniimorsing_: I decided to stay a bit longer at work today, I'm just back at my desk now. Yes, looks like you have faulty ND21:21
geniiHD, rather...21:22

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