
bzoltanToyKeeper: i have the AP logs if you need02:02
bzoltanrobru: ToyKeeper: i will check with zsombi the cursor issue, but i agree that it is a small thing02:03
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 18 building (started: 20140509 02:10) ===02:09
ToyKeeperbzoltan: BTW, where are the autopilot tests for things like the music app, calculator, clock, file manager, terminal, weather app, etc?02:26
ToyKeeperI found the AP tests for some of the items in the ui-toolkit test plan, but wasn't able to find at least half of them.02:27
bzoltanToyKeeper: I use them from their packages02:27
bzoltanToyKeeper: apt-get install -y ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot gallery-app-autopilot share-app-autopilot address-book-app-autopilot messaging-app-autopilot dialer-app-autopilot camera-app-autopilot notes-app-autopilot friends-app-autopilot webbrowser-app-autopilot mediaplayer-app-autopilot unity8-autopilot ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts-autopilot02:28
ToyKeeperYes, I found the ones which had a corresponding -autopilot package.  Not sure about the ones which don't, though.02:29
bzoltanToyKeeper:  they are click packages, right?02:29
ToyKeeperYes, I think so.02:29
bzoltanToyKeeper:  that is how those are done  -> phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable;phablet-click-test-setup --click com.ubuntu.calculator;       phablet-test-run ubuntu_calculator_app02:30
ToyKeeperHmm, okay.  Thanks.  I've only had minimal direct exposure to AP, but that should change during the upcoming sprint.02:32
bzoltanToyKeeper:  consider yourself lucky :)02:32
bzoltanToyKeeper:  I see the UITK package in the queue here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=02:34
bzoltanToyKeeper: is there anybody I could ping to push it?02:34
ToyKeeperbzoltan: Sorry, I'm not sure who has control of that.02:35
bzoltanToyKeeper:  I will look around ... because that seems to be the slowest part of the process02:36
bzoltanToyKeeper: do you know wthat is the -gles ending in the UITK package names? like qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=03:15
ToyKeeperNope, haven't seen that suffix before.03:15
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 18 DONE (finished: 20140509 03:20) ===03:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/18.changes ===03:19
bzoltanToyKeeper:  i wonder if I should be worried about it ...03:20
bzoltanToyKeeper: I just crosschecked that I have not changed anything in the debian/control ... so no idea03:21
Mirvogra_: I think we'd need #19 to get https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/0.3+14.10.20140506.1-0ubuntu1 in that finally migrated to release pocket, to fix Friends06:50
dbarthsil2100: hello07:32
sil2100dbarth: morning!07:32
dbarthsil2100: i'm trying to resolve the landing of that online account settings module07:32
dbarthwhat type of change or config do we need to push?07:32
dbarthappparently the branch got merged, but then autopkgtest rejected the upload07:33
dbarthnow if we ty to push a fix in the same silo it blocks07:33
dbarthdo we need a new silo for uploading that change and unblocking the upload further down?07:33
sil2100Let me take a look07:33
sil2100But I guess we'll only have to force things in07:33
sil2100Let me just double check things07:34
sil2100dbarth: are you sure it got rejected from -proposed?07:35
sil2100dbarth: since I see 0.3+14.10.20140506.1-0ubuntu1  in the archive (saying it came from silo 18)07:36
sil2100https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/0.3+14.10.20140506.1-0ubuntu1 <- wasn't that the thing that was blocked on autopkgtests?07:36
dbarthsil2100: checking, hold on07:37
dbarthmardy: ^^07:38
mardydbarth, sil2100: mmm... yes, I think that's what was blocked07:39
sil2100mardy, dbarth: so, what could have happened...07:39
mardysil2100: I'm quite confused of what happened and also what's the current state07:39
sil2100mardy, dbarth: in overall there were some issues with autopkgtests lately, and yesterday even with the migration... so most probably the autopkgtests simply failed as a false-positive07:40
dbarthbut in the end it's uploaded07:40
dbarthright, that may be it07:40
dbarthmardy: but your change can still be added as a new upload07:40
sil2100And maybe someone (or the migrator) re-ran the test and it passed (had the same case yesterday)07:40
dbarthsince it makes things better wrt to autopkgtests07:40
sil2100Need to think of a nice way to resolve this07:41
sil2100Since I see 2 options:07:41
sil21001) You include this 'released' changelog entry in a merge request which you add to the list of MRs07:42
sil21002) We 'release' the old version (merge to trunk) and we prepare a new landing for all the other stuff07:42
sil21002 is more time consuming, but it seems a bit better than 1 - as with 1, we won't have the release tagged correctly07:43
sil2100Which I guess is not a big deal07:43
sil2100But still07:43
mardysil2100: either is fine with me; dbarth?07:43
dbarth2 is better right?07:44
dbarthso let's do that07:44
Mirvsil2100: mardy: yes, I noticed in the morning that the release had migrated to -release. so the silo should have been merge & clean:d.07:44
dbarthdo i need to m&c it still?07:45
Mirvdbarth: if something is stuck in -proposed, it needs to be waited to know whether it will be really rejected or not07:45
sil2100dbarth: yes, I would say it would be the best way, if you could just move the new MRs to a different landing and leave only the one that was there before, I will take care of cleaning it up ;)07:45
dbarthok, perfect07:45
sil2100As I guess it might require some additional 'mojo';p07:45
dbarthmardy: i guess you have that single branch from yesterday07:46
dbarthsil2100: yeah ;)07:46
Mirvyep, I agree. I was waiting for you to come online, but I was a bit worried first about the build error since a rebuild had been triggered, but luckily the CI Train had blocked the build so the PPA is still intact07:46
sil2100Thanks! Just give me a sign ;)07:46
Mirvdbarth: if the the PPA rebuild would have succeeded yesterday, the PPA contents would have differed from the archives so this would have been trickier07:46
sil2100Mirv: yes, it all should be ok - and well, we don't even care abotu the PPA state right now, only thing that matters is the utopic-proposed branch07:47
sil2100Mirv: which should have stayed intact, ready to be merged07:47
Mirvsil2100: oh, right, utopic-proposed being the "real thing" makes it easier, a build wouldn't have even harmed that directly, only another publish07:47
Mirvso m&c it is07:48
mardydbarth: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/autopilot/+merge/21877707:49
dbarthsil2100: i'm on line 35 now07:51
sil2100dbarth: thanks :)07:56
Mirvsil2100: so are you running the m&c for the 018 silo?07:57
sil2100In a moment07:57
sil2100Need to make sure all is ok07:57
Mirvyeah, just checking07:57
sil2100Ok, all seems ok, let me try now07:59
Mirvhmm where dig ogra drop08:00
MirvI'd like him to launch an image build08:01
sil2100didrocks: do you remember if packages are in destination and utopic-proposed branches are prepared, if I press m&c with 'ignore step' - will it merge in the old utopic-proposed branch to trunk? :)08:01
sil2100Mirv: something important landed? :)08:01
didrockssil2100: it will merge whatever is in the silo (so, the latest that you prepared)08:02
Mirvsil2100: yes, the friends would work now because of the migration08:02
sil21002x \o/08:02
sil2100I just love didrocks's CITrain, it's so smart o/08:03
didrockssil2100: hum, not sur eyou got it right :p08:03
didrocksso, if you rebuilt08:03
didrocksin the same silo08:03
didrocksthat's what it will merge08:03
didrocksnot what's in proposed08:03
sil2100Well, it never processed the build correctly, as it was bailing out on the build job08:04
didrockswell, if it started to consider the component, that's a start of preparation08:06
sil2100I might have to fix trunk manually, oh well ;/08:07
didrocksyou just have to bzr pull -proposed08:07
didrocksfrom LP08:07
didrocksand get that to trunk08:07
popeyanyone else ( ogra_ ?) get this when their phone does alarms? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRQI8DnTEIg (it's only 22s long)08:09
sil2100Well, bzr pull is not enough, need to merge it ;/08:09
ogra_popey, yes, had that once08:10
dbarthsil2100: i also have line 36 with an SRU request08:10
Mirvogra_: you dropped off but if image would be built now, Friends app would work again08:10
ogra_sil2100, ^^^ do you want an image ?08:10
sil2100ogra_: yes :) as per Mirv's request08:12
sil2100The more images, the merrier08:13
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 19 building (started: 20140509 08:20) ===08:19
sil2100dbarth: phew, it should be ok - the system worked differently then I expected so it took some manual tinkering, but we should be fine now08:21
sil2100Time to put on some daily clothes08:21
Mirvdbarth: continuing from above, line 35 now has landing-001 for it08:26
dbarthsil2100: nice, thanks for bringing us back to clear here08:32
dbarthMirv: thank you sir! :)08:32
popeyAccidentally pressed the suspend button while in a hangout. Started PC back up and the hangout carried on. Phew!08:34
Mirvpopey: I've needed some hunting for my OpenWRT Barrier Breaker running secondary WiFi AP (combined with possible utopic wifi issues on my laptop), and I've noticed Hangouts quite nicely recovers from anything that lasts for short enough amount of time08:38
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Wellarksil2100: around?09:07
Wellarksil2100: I now added  libconnectivity-cpp-dev (>=0.0.1+14.10.20140509) to the build-deps of indicator-network09:09
Wellarkthat should now get it to dependency-wait in the silo09:09
mhr3thostr_, taking care of the issue in 009?09:11
Wellarkmhr3: which issue?09:11
mhr3Wellark, no gcc4.7 on utopic ppc6409:11
Wellarkwe don't care about ppc6409:11
mhr3Wellark, previous upload of indicator-network worked on it09:12
mhr3so you're dropping it?09:12
Wellarkwell, if gcc-4.7 is not available then it's not available09:13
mhr3why do you force build with it?09:14
Wellarkbecause all of the -cpp libs are forced to be built with 4.709:14
Wellarkbecause platform api is built with 4.709:14
Wellarkand there is a ABI breakage between 4.7 and 4.809:14
mhr3so platform api won't be buildable either?09:15
sil2100Wellark: \o/09:15
sil2100Wellark: thanks, will rebuild this component in the silo to get it into the PPA09:15
mhr3sounds like a problem that should be fixed, anyone let foundations know?09:15
Wellarkthey know09:15
Wellarksil2100: already asked thostr to do a complete rebuild09:16
sil2100Wellark: excellent09:16
Wellarksil2100: but didn't get reply from him, so could you hit the build button?09:16
Wellarksil2100: also to make sure it works correctly, could the ppa be cleared first?09:16
WellarkI don't know if reconfigure does that09:17
Wellarkmhr3: they know09:17
Wellarkmhr3: tvoss knows09:17
Wellarkon their TODO list09:17
Wellarkg++-4.7  sucks on multiple counts09:17
Wellarksil2100, thostr_: I let you guys figure it out. :)09:19
sil2100Wellark, thostr_: running a build for those ;)09:19
thostr_sil2100: you mean 4.8?09:20
thostr_sil2100: or 4.7 for ppc09:21
sil2100thostr_: I mean, I ran a re-build of silo's 009 connectivity-api and indicator-network so that the new dep-version change is picked up09:21
thostr_sil2100: ah09:22
sil2100Since we need those two rebuilt so that the new build-dep version makes sense09:22
cjwatsonThe standard practice in other packages is to use gcc-4.8 on only ppc64el09:24
cjwatsonYou'll find this in several of the *-cpp packages09:24
Wellarkthe only real fix is that we get rid of g++-4.709:25
cjwatsonNevertheless, this is a fix09:25
cjwatsonI mean, I agree it would be good to upgrade, but there's no need to block on that (complex) change for this09:26
Wellarkok, I see dbus-cpp now has some magic to select between 4.7 and 4.809:28
Wellarkwill add that later to indicator-network and connectivity-api as well09:28
cjwatsonRight, same thing should work09:32
cjwatsonIs the failure in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-009/+build/5989594 likely to be racy, i.e. worth retrying?09:33
Wellarknever seen that before09:34
Wellarkit might be racy if the builder is really really slow09:34
Wellarkor under exterme load09:34
Wellarklet's see how the rebuild goes09:34
Wellarkcjwatson: there is already a rebuild happening09:34
Wellarki need to run some errands09:34
WellarkI'll be back later09:35
ogra_davmor2, popey, do we have a bug for the clock being always halted/behind on resume of the phone ?09:36
popeyi haven't seen that09:36
ogra_popey, your clock is not several minuted behind and jumps to the right time when you unlock (after it was off for a while) ?09:37
ogra_i think that is what makes me miss the alarms all the time09:38
ogra_(when it appens that the alarms are  missed i usually see it being 1-2 mins before the alarm and when i unlock it jumps past the alarm time so the app never sees the marker to actually trigger the alarm)09:39
* ogra_ notes his french accent today ...09:39
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 19 DONE (finished: 20140509 09:40) ===09:39
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/19.changes ===09:39
* ogra_ notes that ToyKeeper silently dropped the "haptics are audible during calls" bug from her list09:41
bzoltan1ogra_: do you know who needs to click on a button to move this queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= The UITK seems to be blocked for 10 hours09:59
ogra_bzoltan1, ubuntu archive ... best to ask in the #ubuntu-release channel that an archive admin gets active on it10:00
ogra_bzoltan1, the package ships new binary packages, these need manual approval10:01
ubot5Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )10:01
ogra_you win !10:01
jussipopey: you are welcome :)10:01
bzoltan1ogra_: it is not my package, I did not do that ... I did not touch the debian/control .. this is for the x86 emulator image10:02
popeyogra_: no10:02
ogra_bzoltan1, sure, but if you want it to move now instead of waiting for ricardo, poke an archive admin10:02
bzoltan1ogra_: I wonder why ricardo put me in this place ...10:03
ogra_bzoltan1, surely because there is an evil conspiracy against you :P10:04
ogra_(i bet he just forgot about that)10:04
bzoltan1ogra_:  I do not say that :) But it is uncool to hijack other peoples landings and block them for whatever reason... Ricardo could have made a separate integration round10:05
ogra_well, he announced it various times on the ML that he rebuilds everything for gles for emulator use ...10:06
bzoltan1ogra_:  that does not sound like "hey I will hijack your MRs and block them for a day"10:06
bzoltan1ogra_: I am not against the -gles packages... me too need it for the emulator. But at the same time core app devs are waiting for the UITK fixes. These -gles rebuilds should be on a different track10:08
ogra_come on, we all have to do our work and at times there is no other way for you but block others ... and he properly announced the work10:08
bzoltan1ogra_: no, that is a different thing...10:09
ogra_you would be as well screwed if we had issues with the images ad would stop all landings ... even if the image breakage wouldnt be your fault10:09
bzoltan1ogra_:  creating a new binary package and landing a fix for apps are two different tracks... I would not even mix these, because even I know, that landing new packages are slow10:09
ogra_that is what happens in big teams10:09
ogra_no need to get upset about it10:10
bzoltan1ogra_: I am not upset :) I just do not agree that it is OK to hijak a landing and block it for a totally different purpose than the landing was initiated10:10
ogra_you *do not own* a package in ubuntu ...10:11
ogra_while it is nice from the upload to notify you there is no requirement at all ... i could right now upload your package and completely break it if i wanted ... (indeed i wont do that) ... we have explicitly no package ownership in the archive for anything10:12
bzoltan1ogra_:  häh ... wait a sec :) Mirv says that this -gles packaging does not actually block te UITK landing ...10:12
bzoltan1ogra_:  I though that the UITK back merging is blocked by this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=10:13
ogra_if foundations does a low level library transition and your package needs touching (and gets a new dep that prevents it from publishing) they can do that ...10:13
bzoltan1ogra_: sure, of course10:14
ogra_bzoltan1, yes, i know what you thought :) i'm just saying you cant claim ownership of that package and if someone else uploads and breaks it you have to live with that ...10:14
ogra_no policy that forces anyone to notify you about an upload of y package you work most on (it is simply good practice, but doesnt need to happen oor some such)10:15
bzoltan1ogra_: those people who have license to upload are in some way on a different trust level. That is natural and good10:16
* bzoltan1 got the point :D no need for further punishment 10:16
ogra_heh, i didnt mean to "punish" :P10:17
ogra_(though popey accused me of being "hulky" yesterday :P ...)10:18
bzoltan1not understanding something and realizing that I was talking crap feels like punishment :)10:18
bzoltan1you, ogra_ being hulky ... LOL10:19
ogra_well, you werent talking crap ... what you assumed *could* happen all the time10:19
Mirvyeah so the gles is not related to the normal uitk landing, instead it looks like autopkg tests are stuck or something10:19
ogra_yeah ... say "new toolbar" and i'll turn green :)10:19
* didrocks missed ogra_'s hulk moment?10:21
cjwatsonI've forced the autopkgtests that were blocking ubuntu-ui-toolkit; one had never passed (though I'll see if I can fix it, looks easy enough) and the other actually did pass but our buggy integration code didn't notice10:29
bzoltan1didrocks: and bzoltan1's double facepalm monent ... nothing new here :D10:29
didrocksbzoltan1: ahah :)10:29
cjwatsonbzoltan1: ubuntu-ui-toolkit is migrating to the release pocket now10:53
bzoltan1cjwatson: thanks a lot10:53
Mirvthat's great indeed, now there11:05
* sil2100 goes to prepare lunch11:34
zsombiguys, I need to get CI to run on this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1315775/+merge/21820611:38
ogra_psivaa, see the last comment on bug 1316978 ... do we have some product i can open a bugtask for that reflects "hey we need this new test in the test suite"11:39
ubot5bug 1316978 in ubuntu-touch-session (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-touch-session needs to be able to start even if the homedir is filled to 100%" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131697811:39
zsombifginther: can someone enable CI on https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1315775/+merge/21820611:40
psivaaogra_: let me take a look. missing a bit of context. will go through the bug report11:41
psivaaogra_: ok, now i understood the question :), that's 'Ubuntu CI Services' : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself11:52
ogra_ah, thanks :)11:52
Wellarksil2100: ok, I'm back12:03
Wellarkbut I see no new packages in the silo..12:03
Wellarkare the builders under such load atm that the uploads are queued?12:04
cjwatsonNo, there's plenty of spare capacity in the build farm used by silos12:06
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/builders/ - silos use the "Official distributions" bit12:06
Wellarkug, oh..12:07
Wellark  File "/srv/juju/vol-0000005d/var/lib/jenkins/citrain/citrain/cupstream2distro/branchhandling.py", line 302, in grab_committers_compared_to12:07
Wellark    raise Exception("bzr missing on {} returned a failure: {}".format(lp_branch_to_scan, stderr.decode("utf-8").strip()))12:07
WellarkException: bzr missing on lp:~unity-api-team/indicator-network/indicator-network-cpp returned a failure: Permission denied (publickey).12:07
Wellarkdidrocks: ^12:09
didrocksWellark: as the logs says, seems bzr missing lp:~unity-api-team/indicator-network/indicator-network-cpp failed12:10
Wellarkdidrocks: nothing to do with my branch12:10
didrocksWellark: well, nothing to do with the train either :p12:10
ogra_psivaa, hmm, seems one mako went astray in the recent test run for image 1912:11
didrocksWellark: seems it's working, can be a hickup12:11
didrocksWellark: so you should just retry a build on that one12:11
Wellarkdidrocks: well, the reason is that citrain public key got Permission denied from LP12:11
Wellarkso yes, it's a citrain issue :)12:11
psivaaogra_: yea, i've kicked them on another device, which is flashing now12:11
WellarkI don't have permissions to rebuild..12:11
ogra_psivaa, thanks12:11
Wellarkdidrocks: could you hit the button on the sheet?12:12
didrocksWellark: what is the citrain public key? it's just calling bzr12:12
psivaathe earlier one was stuck in fastboot btw. the same device twice this week12:12
didrocksso can be a network hickup with LP12:12
didrocksWellark: but it's between bzr and LP12:12
ogra_sigh ..12:12
didrocksWellark: there is no "CI Train public key"12:12
Wellarkok, so ci train can't access private repos then?12:12
Wellark(not that my repo would be private)12:13
didrocksWellark: is ps-jenkins part of the ~unity-api-team team?12:13
didrocksWellark: it's the only consideration for getting bzr working12:13
didrocksWellark: if it was a hikcupp, I can rerun12:13
Wellarkdidrocks: it most probably is a hickup, as the train already built those repos once12:13
didrocksok, /me retries12:14
didrockswith the same parameter that sil2100 setup12:14
sil2100didrocks: o/ Thanks, I'm still in the middle of lunch preparation12:14
didrocksWellark: restarted12:14
Wellarkdidrocks: thanks!12:14
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
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renatosil2100, good morning, do you know the status of silo4?12:35
sil2100renato: let me check in a moment :)12:35
renatosil2100, thanks12:36
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sil2100renato: ok, so, I guess we'll have to ask someone to remove address-book-app for the non-supported archs12:38
cjwatsonDid my patch not help?12:39
sil2100cjwatson, didrocks: could anyone of you get rid of address-book-app and address-book-app-dbg from the archive for archs for arm64, powerpc and ppc64el? With the patch the archs are out-of-date now12:40
cjwatsonOh, it did, yes I can just remove the binaries - but please copy it to -proposed first12:40
sil2100cjwatson: I might be misunderstanding update_excuses ;)12:40
cjwatsonAh, it's in -proposed, OK12:40
cjwatsonI'll deal with it12:40
sil2100cjwatson: those seem to be in -proposed already12:40
sil2100cjwatson: thank you!12:40
dpmhi josepht, I've seen a couple of failures on https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1316950/+merge/218829 and https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-design/+merge/218341 I couldn't understand. As far as I can see, they're not related to the tests. Could you give me a hand figuring them out or retriggering the jobs?12:41
renatosil2100, how important is have the addres-book-app in other arch? Maybe we can split the qml keyboard plugin in a individual projects that not depend on keyboard code12:41
Wellarksil2100: it works! https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-009/+build/599287512:42
josephtdpm: sure, looking12:42
cjwatsonsil2100: done12:42
dpmcool, thanks12:42
cjwatsonrenato: it's dealt with12:42
cjwatsonrenato: it's not particularly important to have the app itself - I just wanted to minimise the amount of fallout from reverse-dependencies12:43
cjwatsonrenato: so if you think splitting it would be a better design, by all means, but you shouldn't feel obliged and there are probably more important things to do12:43
renatocjwatson, ok lets keep this for now12:44
renatothank you guys12:44
cjwatson(and really, I'd rather get platform-api building everywhere so that we don't have to care about this in lots of individual packages, but that's not this week's project ...)12:45
* didrocks goes for a run12:46
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ogra_cjwatson, how would you do that without having android bindings ? with fake packages that do not work ?12:47
Wellarksil2100: although, now it seems indicator-network got stuck to that dependency-wait12:49
Wellarkthere are packages available of the connectivity-api for i386 and amd64 to satisfy the dependency, but the builds are not starting..12:50
Wellarkor is it just a really slow cron job that checks the dependency-wait tasks only ever so often?12:50
cjwatsonogra_: yeah, I'm not sure12:52
cjwatsonWellark: dep-waits are checked every 30 minutes12:52
Wellarkcjwatson: sweet12:53
cjwatsonWellark: I'll prod them for you now12:54
cjwatsonWellark: there's a lot of reverse-dependency fallout from connectivity-api/ppc64el though - would it help if I put together a patch for that?12:55
Wellarkcjwatson: should only affect indicator-network if connectivity-api is not available12:56
cjwatsonwhich it isn't12:56
cjwatsonneeds the gcc-4.8 fix12:56
Wellarkcjwatson: well, if you are offering your help how could I refuse :)12:57
Wellarkalthough I could cook it up myself during the weekend also12:57
Wellarkyou probably have better things to do..12:57
Wellarkright now12:57
cjwatsoneh, I've already written the patch, just need to build-test it12:58
Wellarkjust make sure to crosscompile it then12:59
Wellarkbuild time tests wont work if you compile with g++-4.812:59
cjwatsonrather than native compile?12:59
Wellarkif you have a ppc64el at hand then you can do a native compilation as well :)12:59
cjwatsonwhich I do13:00
Wellarkcarry on then! :D13:00
Wellarkcjwatson: just remind me again, why is it a priority right now to get the unity8 stack compiling on ppc64el13:00
WellarkI though it is a server architecture13:00
Wellark(don't mean to be a dick, just honestly curious about this)13:01
cjwatsonit's not in itself, but our dependency stacks are very tightly interwoven in many places13:01
cjwatsonin this case indicator-network was already built on ppc64el13:01
Wellarkright. ok.13:01
cjwatsonundoing that would mean tearing out the UOA stack, which is really painful to make arch-specific, we've been there before and I would rather not go back13:01
cjwatsonlots of explicit architecture annotations - it's easier to just make it build everywhere13:02
Wellarkbut just to point out indicator-network it's totally useless wihtout unity813:02
cjwatsonsure, I know13:02
cjwatsonas I say the rdeps are more of an annoyance13:02
ogra_just wait til apple announced the iphone 9 with ppc64el CPU ;)13:02
cjwatsonthe general rule is that packages must build on all architectures where they used to build13:03
cjwatsonand we generally try to build all packages everywhere, insofar as it's possible - our dependency stack is really a tremendously messy graph and things you might not expect to be useful on a server arch wind up in the oddest places when sorting out build-deps13:03
Wellarkwhich tells about a different kind of a problem to solve, but let's not go there13:04
cjwatsonalso having high build percentages makes us look good to the client :)13:04
ogra_(and while i was joking above, nobody would have predicted an arm64 phone two years ago, so you never know ...)13:05
cjwatsonand once we do the whole convergence thing, we might want things like unity8 for remote sessions13:05
Wellarkogra_: well, Apple does have quite some history with ppc, but I think the breakup was so bad that they will never go back :)13:06
Wellarkif for nothing else then just on plain principle13:06
ogra_lenovo builds phones too and still stands pretty close to IBM ;)13:06
=== jhodapp|brb is now known as jhodapp
ogra_(though i admit ppc64el is probably not designed for mobile power consumption)13:07
Wellark"who cares about power concuption.. We have our own power plant just to run this data center. Give me calculation power."13:08
cjwatsonanyway mostly my motivation is not having to do evil things to reverse-dependencies elsewhere.  I don't really care horribly much if stuff that never built continues to not build13:08
cjwatsonWellark: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/connectivity-api/ppc64el-gcc-4.8/+merge/218984, build-tested cleanly on ppc64el13:08
cjwatsonbasically copied and pasted from dbus-cpp13:09
Wellarkwell, IMO indicator-network should never have been built for ppc64el, but "mistakes" happen ;)13:09
Wellarkcjwatson: cool. I will merge that in13:09
Wellarkcjwatson: thanks!13:09
Wellarkcjwatson: I need to do the same for indicator-network also13:09
Wellarkor do you have a branch for it, too? :)13:09
cjwatsonI can make one for you if you can point me to the branch I need to base it on13:10
josephtdpm: the job is running now13:11
cjwatsonalthough I'm not sure if I can land something that involves a prerequisite branch through the ci train, so it might be easier if I gave you a patch13:11
dpmjosepht, great, thanks!13:11
Wellarkcjwatson: if you could just propose a MP against that one13:11
WellarkI can then merge it directly in if any other modifications are needed to the -cpp branch13:12
cjwatsonWellark: ok, https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/indicator-network/ppc64el-gcc-4.8/+merge/218986 - can't easily test that until connectivity-api lands, but it's not very complicated so should be fine13:15
Wellarkcjwatson: thanks!13:16
Wellarkoh, one more thing13:16
Wellarkcould you make this: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/connectivity-api/ppc64el-gcc-4.8/+merge/21898413:16
Wellarkproposed to be merged to this:13:16
sergiusenssil2100: any update on my changelog issue?13:17
sergiusenssil2100: should I just dput myself?13:17
cjwatsonWellark: done, resubmitted as https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/connectivity-api/ppc64el-gcc-4.8/+merge/21898713:17
Wellarkcjwatson: it has merge conflict13:18
cjwatsonsigh, one sec13:19
Wellarkcjwatson: also, is this outdated? https://wiki.debian.org/CrossBuildPackagingGuidelines13:19
Wellarkas it says that DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE is not always available13:20
cjwatsonwhere does it say that?13:20
Wellarkcjwatson: "Sadly we can't just set $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc always because that doesn't work natively"13:21
cjwatsonoh, I think that *may* have changed in Ubuntu very very recently13:21
Wellarktherefor /dev already had that ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE),$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE))13:21
Wellarkcjwatson: ok. feel free to remove the ifeq else endif then :)13:22
cjwatsonit's not harmful to use that, so I'll just leave it13:22
WellarkI'm not going back13:22
Wellarkcjwatson: thanks!13:22
cjwatsonmerge conflict fixed13:22
Wellarkcjwatson: thank you sir!13:23
* cjwatson goes back to cdimage hacking13:25
=== oSoMoN__ is now known as oSoMoN
davmor2sil2100: so I see very little difference between mako and flo, 2 outstanding things being it looks like flo is using more power than mako (I'm assuming expected due to bigger screen etc) there are issues on some webpages where the app say mobile so sets page to the top left corner, planet.ubuntu.com is a good example of this13:35
sil2100sergiusens: so, I'm working on that now, give me 30 minutes13:36
davmor2sil2100: that of course could be the same on mako but with the smaller screen the feed fits it13:37
sil2100davmor2: ok, thanks, at least it seems similarily usable13:37
davmor2sil2100: pretty much identical13:37
davmor2sil2100: so it looks like manta is the new maguro the unloved one in the corner ;)13:38
* sil2100 feels sad for manta :<13:38
davmor2sil2100: so what I might start doing is a regular look at manta and mako as flo is so similar to mako, until they land landscape mode on flo then things might change a little13:40
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sil2100sergiusens: so, I'm trying to somehow make us handle this case, but the thing is that citrain doesn't really 'do something wrong' here13:47
sil2100sergiusens: because your branch has ogra's one set as prereq and by being based on that branch, this basically means that the branch you want to merge in includes both commits from you and ogra_13:48
sergiusenssil2100: but that means prerequisites aren't really supported13:48
sil2100sergiusens: citrain currently doesn't really support prereqs right now - for now what we were doing were either merging prereqs manually to the branch being proposed13:49
sil2100Trying to add basic support, but still need some time13:49
sergiusensthat really breaks my bzr pipeline development as the changelog would be a lie13:50
sergiusenssil2100: the way the changelog is formatted now it even adds the bug fix to the bot instead of ogra_13:53
sil2100Oh, right, damn, this I missed13:54
sil2100Ah ha, I've got an idea13:56
sergiusenssil2100: can't you walk the prereq chain for unmerged branches and snatch the commit message and linked bugs?14:01
sil2100The theory is not hard, the practical part is a bit more work-consuming ;)14:02
sil2100But working on that14:02
ogra_i dont get why https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/improve-haptics/+merge/218966 fails the CI bot14:06
ogra_( i re-targeted the MP to a different branch, looks like CI doesnt pick that up properly)14:06
dpmjosepht, are those Jenkins jobs for Reminders still running? I've not yet seen any new output from Jenkins on the MP14:23
josephtdpm: they are still running, though I might need to run them again since the MP wasn't top-approved when they ran14:43
dpmok, thanks josepht14:43
sil2100sergiusens: can I experiment by doing rebuilds on your silo?14:48
sil2100Need to do a few tests14:48
sergiusenssil2100: yeah14:48
dpmjosepht, thanks, Jenkins now auto-landed one branch, but failed on the other - https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-design/+merge/21834114:57
josephtdpm: k, I'll rerun that one15:03
dpmawesome, thanks josepht15:04
sil2100sergiusens: so, the changelog is fixed for that landing, but I still have to do this support 'better'15:07
sil2100But at least you shouldn't be blocked anymore15:07
sil2100popey: do you know if there is a new filemanager release pending?15:17
popeysil2100: yeah, we are 4 revs behind trunk15:18
popeyfm still fails sometimes..15:18
popeyballoons: is it worth me testing r173 and pushing to store?15:20
sil2100popey: since for instance balloons wrote that some issues we're having on smoketesting should be fixed, at least most of the flakyness15:20
popeylemme run the ap tests locally and let you know15:21
ogra_josepht, i seem to have confused the CI bot on my MP https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/improve-haptics/+merge/218466 ... (i was asked to rebase on a adifferent branch and update the MP to point to that branch for the merge too ... now the bot doesnt like to pass)15:21
balloonspopey, sil2100 it worked MUCH better on my devices, but I was still able to produce the issue sometimes15:21
balloonsneeds a continued look15:21
ogra_josepht, is there anything i can do ? or should i just do a new MP15:21
balloonsI enabled more tests and did alot of cleanup work15:21
sil2100balloons: would love having that released15:23
sil2100plars: hi! Are you around to maybe try re-running some tests for us ? :)15:23
plarssil2100: yes15:24
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
sil2100plars: on 19 we had some new failures, could you try re-running camera_app, sudoku_app and weather_app? :)15:24
sil2100plars: thanks!15:24
ogra_yeah, #19 doesnt look so great :/15:24
plarssil2100: will do15:24
sil2100Thank you!15:25
sil2100popey, davmor2: how does #19 look dogfooding-wise on mako? :)15:35
davmor2sil2100: I'm just double checking mako but flo was on 1915:36
popeysil2100: I haven't been dogfooding much today. I'll give it a run through in a moment when these AP tests finish15:36
sil2100Thanks :)15:36
davmor2sil2100: camera app is fine. I'll check weather and sudoku now though15:36
sil2100Since I guess we could promote #19 today, as there wasn't much changes from 18, so the additional failures have to be old flaky tests15:36
sil2100But we'll see after the re-runs finish15:37
sil2100As the diff between 18 and 19 is are only packages from the ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts source15:37
sil2100And this fixes friends-app15:37
sil2100But we'll discuss that on the meeting15:38
davmor2sil2100: weather is fine unless you add Saint Julians, malta oddly15:38
sil2100How come?15:38
davmor2sil2100: try it15:38
popeyballoons: why can't i run ubuntu_filemanager_app tests?15:41
popeycould not import package ubuntu_filemanager_app: No module named ubuntu_filemanager_app15:41
popeyoh, it's just filemanager now15:42
sil2100davmor2: seems to work here15:42
sil2100But hm, wait15:42
sil2100davmor2: no, it's fine here it seems15:42
sil2100I'm on #1915:42
elopioping josepht: we have a test that works in trusty, but fails in utopic.15:46
elopiocan you help us finding what's different on the machines?15:46
elopiofginther was helping us yesterday with this test.15:46
josephtelopio: looking15:46
davmor2sil2100: I add saint julians and then I get could not load weather15:47
fgintherelopio, josepht I'll have to do this (due to machine access issues)15:47
sil2100davmor2: here after adding the city it displays the weather normally here, saying it's 71F etc.15:48
davmor2sil2100: let me reboot15:48
davmor2sil2100: I'm wondering if it was because there were 3 cities already with data accrued and then adding another city just killed it15:49
josephtfginther: ack15:49
plarssil2100: sudoku and camera did fine on the rerun, weather is going now15:51
sil2100plars: \o/ thanks, then it's as I suspected15:51
popeyballoons: one failure in filemanager15:52
popeytesttools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test failed: '/tmp/tmpj5xetj18/tmpfmql_pr_2g' != '/tmp/tmpj5xetj18'15:52
popeyis that what you get?15:52
elopiojosepht, fginther: ok, thanks.15:57
popeyballoons: joining the call?16:04
fgintherelopio, this testing worked yesterday. and there are some output differences visible there vs the trusty run16:05
popeyballoons: can you push filemanager to the store please?16:06
popey173 works for me16:06
fgintherelopio, I double checked that the same change was made to /etc/signond.conf (which was to set "SecretsStorage=default")16:06
fgintherelopio, I need to step away for a bit but will try some more experiments later. The best answer I have so far is that there is already a difference in behavior between trusty and utopic.16:08
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
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sil2100ogra_: reminding about promotion!16:17
ogra_sil2100, dude !16:18
ogra_the script takes 10min ... give it time to finish16:18
sil2100Make it run FASTER16:18
ogra_=== IMAGE #19 Promoted ===16:18
robruogra_, did you promote yet!?!? ;-)16:18
sil2100Thanks ;)16:18
ogra_fginther, hey ... i had to rebase an MP onto a staging branch of the same code ... now the CI bot is playing tricks on me (and rebuilding seems to be a no-op) ... is there anything i can do ? https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/improve-haptics/+merge/21846616:19
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* sil2100 notes down to start sending out G+ info about landing team annoucements16:23
ogra_i wouldnt mind doing it ... *IF* the silly G+ app we have would support posting links !16:24
ogra_(and if copy paste would work :P )16:25
* ogra_ does G+ mostly on the phone16:25
sil2100No worries, I'll do it! Just need to prepare myself mentally16:30
sil2100robru: leaving landing in your hands o/16:30
sil2100Good luck ;p16:31
robrusil2100, thanks, have a good weekend!16:31
sil2100Same to you16:32
sil2100See you next week!16:32
* sil2100 goes of to the vet with his animals16:32
balloonspopey, yep, fm is pushed to the store now16:43
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t1mpwhat can cause errors like this in autolanding? W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_utopic_universe_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch16:51
t1mpfrom https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-sdk-team-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-staging-utopic-amd64-autolanding/10/console16:51
cjwatsonrace with mirror updates, I suggest just retrying16:56
t1mpcjwatson: okay, thanks17:00
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
popeycan someone please confirm bug 131798617:10
ubot5bug 1317986 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Cannot add or edit online accounts in #19" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131798617:10
popeyrobru: ^17:10
robrupopey, ah, just flashing now17:11
robrupopey, confirmed17:12
* popey goes to get food, back in a bit17:14
* sil2100 sighs17:18
sil2100popey: did anyone else reproduce it?17:18
ogra_seems so17:19
ogra_(in #ubuntu-app-devel)17:19
sil2100davmor2: we need to add it too to the dogfooding exercise17:19
sil2100I would prefer getting this fixed ASAP, as reverting ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts would mean simply going back to 1817:20
sil2100dbarth: are you around still?17:20
* sil2100 feels ashamed having an image with such a flaw promoted17:21
sil2100Sorry guys!17:21
ogra_happens ... not the first time, dont worry17:21
sil2100mardy: ping!17:23
sil2100mardy: are you around?17:23
dbarthsil2100: i am17:23
dbarthsil2100: what's up?17:24
sil2100dbarth: o/ big regression: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+bug/131798617:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1317986 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Cannot add or edit online accounts in #19" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:24
sil2100dbarth: last ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts upload broke online accounts it seems, I would prefer not to revert, but if needed we can do that temporarily17:24
sil2100Since it's in the promoted image ;/17:24
dbarthoh my17:24
sil2100dbarth: do you think it's still possible to fix today?17:25
dbarthit feels like the dialog does not appear17:25
dbarthbecause of another surface priority issues17:25
dbarthsil2100: not possible, i recommend to revert at the very least17:25
dbarth(mardy may come back online later)17:26
sil2100dbarth: ACK, let me try and revert that then17:26
dbarthbut i suspect a bad interaction with a unity/mir landing though17:26
sil2100ogra_: if I prepare a debdiff, would you be so kind and publish it? A revert - we would promote the image with the revert then17:26
dbarthi did not notice it when testing on wednesday17:26
sil2100ogra_: since basically #18 was good anyway17:26
sil2100dbarth: could be...17:26
ogra_sil2100, sure, np17:27
sil2100popey: thanks for catching this one!17:28
davmor2sil2100: arse monkeys my accounts were already full on phone and flo :(17:34
davmor2sil2100: Mondays I tend to wipe the system and start from scratch17:34
sil2100davmor2: no problem, let's just add such a test to our testing plan - I also don't really touch my accounts after setting them up once ;p17:35
ogra_same here17:35
davmor2sil2100: I'll add it when I get back from Tea unless you want to add it popey17:37
ogra_sil2100, there were a bunch of uploads and changes during the day a new image will pick up, even if you roll back17:37
ogra_just fyi17:37
davmor2sil2100: personally I'm ashamed of how few autopilot tests the settings app must have if this got through17:37
davmor2anyway tea17:38
dbarthsil2100: i'm staying around if you need me17:38
sil2100Ah, crap, hmmm17:38
sil2100Right, we can't block and only allow one new update17:38
ogra_mainly rsalveti rebuilding the world for gles ...17:38
ogra_which shouldnt have any impact17:39
sil2100robru: ^17:39
ogra_but i also see ubuntu-download-manager17:39
ogra_and libphonenumber17:39
robrusil2100, hey what's up? yeah I published udm for mandel17:40
dbarthsil2100: is there an older rev. of the package somwhere i could try downgrading to?17:40
ogra_oh, and a new UITK17:40
sil2100Ok, so we're officially screwed17:40
dbarthie, i still worry about other parts being the cause17:40
mandelsil2100, robru what happened?17:40
sil2100ogra_: we can't somehow like, you know, cheat and make #18 as the next one and promote it as #20 ;) ?17:41
ogra_and camera-app17:41
robrumandel, nothing, there's a big regression in image #19 unrelated to udm, but we can't just revert it and re-promote because there's new bits that would appear in image #2017:41
ogra_and qtorganize5-eds17:41
fgintherogra_, your MP is in the jenkins autolanding queue17:41
mandelrobru, ah, ok17:41
ogra_fginther, oh, so its just slow ?17:41
mandelrobru, sil2100 one questions, ti seems that sergiusens and I lost permissions to clean, is due to that block, right?17:41
fgintherogra_, it's waiting on other MPs to merge, autolanding is 1 at a time17:42
ogra_fginther, ok17:42
ogra_i'll be patient then :)17:42
Saviq"saviq is missing the Job/Build permission" on ci train? what happened?17:42
sil2100ogra_: ^17:42
robrumandel, uh, not sure. I'll just clean it for now but we should figure out how to get your permissions back ;-)17:42
sil2100ogra_: I mean, is that cheat possible? ;)17:42
mandelrobru, great, thx, sergiusens has the same issue17:42
ogra_sil2100, yes, looking ... never done that before i might mess up the world ...17:42
Saviqboo :|17:43
SaviqI'll be back, please ping when resolved17:43
robrusil2100, how do we change the ci train build permissions? is it done with LP groups?17:43
ogra_and no stgraber :(17:43
sil2100robru: we need adding to ci-train-users, but Saviq was there last time I looked17:44
robrusil2100, hm, mandel and saviq and sergiusens are all in that group...17:45
ogra_sil2100, i pinged stgraber, lets see what he says17:45
sil2100robru: hm, I think it's time to ping webops about that17:45
sergiusensrobru: might be a broken link on the jenkins instance?17:45
fgintherogra_, I'm looking into 'rebuilding seems to be a no-op'. What did you see that led to this?17:46
fgintherogra_, oh, you mean the 'rebuild' link in the MP comments?17:47
ogra_fginther, well, i clicked rebuild and nothing happened for quite a while17:47
sil2100ogra_: thanks o/17:47
ogra_sil2100, i *think* i know how to do that but i'm uncertain17:47
* ogra_ ponders to just take the risk and hit the button 17:47
sil2100ogra_: wouldn't want anything broken, but if it would be possible, I guess that would be a 'safe' way to proceed17:48
sil2100As the delta is only this one package I guess17:48
* popey returns17:48
popeyI can dogfood 20 when it's done17:48
popeyif that helps?17:48
ogra_it will be incosistent between the channels ... since promoted #20 wont be what -proposed #20 is anymore17:48
sil2100We would release the revert anyway to have all the other images not-broken temporarily17:48
ogra_popey, no need if i can just copy #18 to be #2017:49
popeyoh i see17:49
popeyneat, well, have we tested that #18 isn't broken?17:49
sil2100ogra_: can't we somehow copy 18 to be 20 in the -proposed channel as well?17:49
popeythis sounds very hacky17:49
ogra_sil2100, well, it is unlikely that we will ever promote the real 2017:50
ogra_so i think we are safe ...17:50
sil2100popey: you mentioned that accounts is not broken in #18, right?17:50
ogra_there are ways to copy within a channel but these are hacks i prefer to leave to stephane17:50
popeysil2100: i did not17:50
ogra_i saw someone mention it works in #1717:50
dbarthso are we going #20 + some reverts or from 19?17:50
sil2100Ok, so I misunderstood something then17:51
ogra_dbarth, no, we just copy 18 to be 2017:51
sil2100popey: could you quickly flash 18 and check?17:51
sil2100ogra_: wait a moment pelase17:51
ogra_dbarth, existing images17:51
ogra_sil2100, yeah indeed :)17:51
popeysil2100: i can, yes17:52
sil2100popey: thanks17:52
* sil2100 ran into the channel after he saw the issue e-mail and is still a bit untidy17:52
popeydownloading now17:52
popeySorry I didn't spot this earlier, we don't have manual tests for creating online accounts ☹17:53
dbarthmardy: ping? if you come back this evening17:53
dbarthcan you check if a ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts revert also implies a revert of friends-app?17:54
sil2100dbarth: from what Timo told me, those two are interconnected, but we already had one without the other17:55
robrusil2100, no vanguard in #webops so I filed this RT: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=70171&results=cc511376a9798e5b669d6f9015596abf17:56
dbarthsil2100: they are connected, but friends-app should still run without the revert17:57
sil2100dbarth: I remember we had an autopilot test failure in friends_app then17:58
robrusil2100, if there was an AP failure for friends_app then either friends_app crashed on launch or it was a bug in some other component, because friends_app test is basically a no-op18:00
sil2100dbarth: ^18:00
dbarthsil2100: but so if you switch back to #18, then the problem is gone?18:00
ogra_dbarth, popey is just confirming that18:00
ogra_we know it works in #1718:00
popeytaking a while to download, will take another 10-15m18:01
sil2100dbarth: on #18 there was that friends-app problem, but the problem with accounts might be gone18:01
dbarthsil2100: was online accounts already in #18?18:01
dbarthfriends-app needs a patch to work with the new app-access scheme, and that was reason for the crash i think18:01
ogra_signon-plugin was ...18:02
dbarthbut not the friend-app update?18:02
dbarthi thought silos was landing in one op18:02
sil2100dbarth: so, fiends-app update was in 18 but online-accounts in 1918:02
ogra_thats 1918:02
sil2100dbarth: online-accounts got blocked in -proposed18:02
dbarthoh geez, so friends-app with the patch, crashes18:03
sil2100dbarth: so both got out-of-sync in the archive... nothing we could do about that ;/18:03
sil2100ogra_: here should be the debdiff18:06
sil2100ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7422675/18:06
ogra_sil2100, yeah, but that woont help without a full re-test of the image18:06
sil2100ogra_: yeah, I just want it in for now, so that the next images in -proposed won't be badly broken18:06
ogra_btw, why dont we just roll back to 17 ...18:07
ogra_that was the last promoted one18:07
sil2100ogra_: we can...18:07
sil2100ogra_: wanted to have some progress though ;p18:07
dbarthogra_: i think that's required18:08
dbarth#18 will have that out-of-sync set of packages between friends and OA18:08
ogra_indeed :) lets wait for popey ... but we can definitely go back to that one18:08
sil2100dbarth: 17 still has that...18:08
dbarththe same package set?18:08
sil2100dbarth: friends-app landed in 16 :<18:08
sil2100dbarth: that is why I wanted 19 promoted, as I knew it will fix any outstanding friends-app issues18:09
popeyflashing now...18:10
sil2100dbarth: but it seems this big regression slipped through our hands18:10
sil2100Ok guys, I need to go now, leaving things in ogra_'s hands:18:10
sil2100- If popey gives a +1 on the issue fixed in 18, let's promote 18 as 2018:10
sil2100- If there are doubts, promote 17 as 2018:10
sil2100- In the meantime, please land the revert :)18:11
ogra_which package is that for ?18:11
ogra_ah, i see it18:11
sil2100ogra_: it's ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts18:12
sil2100ogra_: I'll push the revert to trunk now, ok?18:12
ogra_yeah, its in the paths ...18:12
ogra_ok, and i'll upload a deb18:12
sil2100Thank you :)18:12
sil2100ogra_: I'm thinking of reverting friends-app maybe as well, hmm18:12
sil2100Although not sure if I have the time to do that now ;p18:13
ogra_sil2100, hrm ...18:14
ogra_patching fails on the .po file18:14
sil2100Did I mess up something?18:14
ogra_i guess that got updated at build time18:14
* sil2100 sighs18:15
sil2100btw. I won't push that to trunk, as I remember Didier saying we don't have to18:15
sil2100Since it's a temporary revert18:15
popey18 is broken too it seems...18:15
ogra_i can just cut that file out of the patch ... but not sure if anything breaks then18:15
sil2100ogra_: no, I guess let's not upload18:16
ogra_sil2100, lets eave it in the hands of the owners18:16
popeyshall i confirm 17 is okay?18:16
sil2100popey: yes, please :)18:16
ogra_proposed is not guaranteed to be working all the time18:16
sil2100ogra_: so, 18 is bad, so let's give popey a moment to check 17 and could you re-promote that one?18:16
dbarthso #19 is -proposed or stable?18:16
ogra_can as well be broken over the weekend (just announce it in a mail)18:16
ogra_dbarth, both currently18:17
ogra_well, stable is trusty ...18:17
ToyKeeperogra_: I didn't drop the bug; people asked me to change focus a bit and not re-test so many bugs every time.18:17
popeywill take 20 mins to download and flash18:17
ogra_devel vs devel-proposed18:17
ogra_(stable is not used by anyone or promoted anywhere anyway)18:17
ogra_its always devel vs devel-proposed18:17
ogra_ToyKeeper, well, i have a "fix" (by adjusting the haptics to sane values) ...18:18
ToyKeeperGood news.  :)18:18
ogra_yeah, i got tired by being scared that all screws will loosen over time :)18:19
sil2100popey, ogra_, dbarth: thanks for your swift reactions to the problem :)18:21
popeynp, lets add a manual test to find this next time ☻18:21
sil2100Sorry for making this slip, but I guess we'll make sure such a thing doesn't happen again!18:21
sil2100See you later - I'll be reading e-mails in case something else explodes ;_;18:22
ogra_sil2100, can you actually write one too ?18:22
sil2100ogra_: just did18:22
popeyogra_: if you cpoy #17 to #20 then wont it be #17 internally?18:22
ogra_so people know about the broken accounts over the weekend18:22
ogra_ah, good18:22
ogra_popey, nope18:22
sil2100I hope I made it clear that it will be broken18:22
sil2100See you guys o/18:23
popeyok, you know best ☻18:23
popeysee you sil210018:23
ogra_popey, i will copy from -proposed again ... that process actually generates a new image on top of 19 in devel18:23
popeyogra_: 17 looks good18:40
ogra_ok, pushing (or trying at least ... i hope it works like i think :P )18:40
ogra_=== IMAGE #20 (17) Promoted ===18:42
ogra_seems to have worked18:42
popeyI'll try and upgrade18:43
popeymy #19 phone doesnt see it yet18:44
dbarthsame here18:44
ogra_my 17 one des18:47
ogra_(blank updater window now ... but i expect it to finish)18:48
robruogra_, hm, just tried ubuntu-device-flash and it tries to flash 1918:48
ogra_robru, with the devel channel ?18:48
davmor2all I see on 19 is File manager update18:48
popeymine is devel-proposed18:49
robruogra_, oh, utopic-proposed18:49
ogra_yeah, i dont touch that18:49
popeyi have a non-proposed phone too18:49
popeywill get that18:49
dbarthany chance to get it on #19 or should i ubuntu-device-flash?18:50
popeyyay, 17 is getting 2018:50
popeynice one ogra_18:50
davmor2software is now up-to-date :(18:51
popeydavmor2: what channel?18:51
davmor2popey: devel-proposed18:51
ogra_see backlog :)18:52
ogra_17 from devel-proposed became 20 in devel18:53
ogra_devel-proposed didnt change18:53
ogra_(and will only change to 20 once there is a new build)18:53
davmor2ogra_: booo!18:54
popeycron will mean you'll get a new image tomorrow18:54
davmor2popey: indeed18:55
ogra_yeah, and then 20 wont be what you would expect ;)18:55
popeythanks for sorting that out ogra_18:55
davmor2ogra_, popey: I'm assuming this is just a cowboy to fix the accounts issue right?18:56
ogra_yup, system info says i'm on 2018:56
mardydbarth: hi! Yes, friends indeed needs to be reverted as well18:56
dbarthmardy: we're reverting to 3 images back to be safe18:56
mardydbarth: I'm a bit surprised by this bug, I wonder how that's possible...18:56
dbarthhowever that whole set of hacks to get around the absence of the trusted session18:57
dbarthi think that needs to go18:57
dbarthand disable account creation until this is fixed18:57
mardydbarth, robru: could it be that not all packages where installed?18:57
mardyI mean, updated18:58
dbarthmardy: i tried, it works fine for the testlogin account but the ui for creating accounts with a web interface; that ones never shows up18:58
robrumardy, I doubt it. for that to be the case, some of the packages would have to be held in -proposed, but I don't see anything there.18:58
mardydbarth, robru: something like this could happen if u-s-s-o-a is updated, but not  qtdeclarative5-online-accounts-client0.118:59
dbarthmardy: where can i see logs that say what happens once the web pocess starts (or not?)18:59
dbarthi looked into dbus.log18:59
dbarthbut it says ====== PLUGIN FINISHED ======18:59
dbarthmardy: ah, and there is no version lock in the packaging?19:00
dbarthie requiring an exact identical vesion to tie them19:00
mardydbarth: no, forget what I wrote, it cannot be that19:00
mardyrobru: this didn't land, did it? https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/unity-mir/signonui-with-oxide/+merge/21684519:01
robrumardy, doesn't look like it19:02
mardydbarth: it's weird, I don't think we changed anything that would impact that19:02
robrumardy, should it have? if it was landed it would be merged.19:02
mardyrobru: no, it shouldn't have19:02
mardydbarth: but this worked in the silo, didn't it?19:03
dbarthmardy: this is what landed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7422936/19:04
mardydbarth: looks fine19:04
dbarthmardy: it did, but i was testing with TestLogin mainly19:05
mardydbarth: right19:05
dbarthcan't remember if i did the twitter manual test all along on that image; and that image was probably around #16 when i did19:06
dbarthmardy: where does signon-ui put its logs then?19:09
mardydbarth: standard output. You must kill it, and then:19:09
mardyexport SSOUI_LOGGING_LEVEL=219:09
mardyexport SSOUI_DAEMON_TIMEOUT=900019:10
mardydbarth: then run signon-ui and try to create an account19:10
dbarthactually, i remember that it worked for twitter, so that's another change that crashed it19:11
dbarthmardy: ok19:11
dbarthmardy: what's the cmd line to stat it; even with a desktop_file_hint i won't see anything on screen19:13
mardydbarth: check /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.nokia.singlesignonui.service19:16
mardyI think it was just /usr/bin/signon-ui19:16
dbarthit is but that doesn't display anything19:17
mardyrobru: were there landings of unity8, mir or unity-mir in these latest images?19:17
dbarthmardy: /usr/bin/signon-ui --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/signon-ui-browser-process.desktop19:18
robrumardy, there was a unity8 landing recently, let me check19:18
mardydbarth: OK, try that then19:18
robrumardy, yeah, #18 had unity8 http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/18.changes19:18
mardyrobru: I have a suspicion19:19
mardyrobru: I bet that if those libsignon-* packages are reverted, it will work19:19
mardyrobru: or, in alternative, signon-plugin-oauth2 must be rebuilt19:20
robrumardy, ok, should I start a silo with a no-change rebuild of signon-plugin-oauth2?19:20
mardyrobru: yes please19:21
robru(better than reverting if it'll work)19:21
dbarthmardy: which packages?19:21
dbarththe account plugins?19:21
mardydbarth: no, someone uploaded signond (and its libraries) to move the libs from /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/$ARCH19:22
mardydbarth: but that path also affects the location where signond will look for plugins19:22
mardydbarth: so the oauth2 plugin is not found19:22
dbarthi'll try a symlink to confirm19:23
mardydbarth: yes thanks. IIRC, it's in /usr/lib/signon/19:23
* mardy brb19:23
dbarthmardy: not sure what to symlink from / to19:29
dbarthmardy: i tried all sorts of them, but that doesn't seem to solve the issue19:29
dbarthmardy: which .so should i move? oauth2 or the whole set of libsignon-something?19:30
robrudbarth, mardy: ok I have that rebuild going in silo 4, will test that on image #19 as soon as it's done19:30
mardydbarth: my VM is off, but you should symlink all the files which currently are in /usr/lib/signon/ to /usr/lib/armhf.../signon/19:35
dbarthmardy: ah, that i haven't tried19:37
dbarthuh yes i did19:37
dbarththere is just liboauth2plugin.so as far as i can see19:38
dbarthmardy: uh it's all over the place: there is stuf in /usr/lib/signon and /usr/lib/armhf and in /usr/lib/armhf.../signon/19:39
robrumardy, ugh, no-change rebuild is failing: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/175042956/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.signon-plugin-oauth2_0.19%2B14.10.20140509-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:40
dbarthok, you need to link from /usr/lib/signon to /usr/lib/armhf.../signon19:40
dbarthand then it works again19:40
mardyrobru: oh, indeed, because now files are installed in a different place19:40
dbarthmardy, robru ^^ this is the change that broke OA account creation support19:40
robrumardy, well as far as I can see in the error, you just need to update debian/*install to the current expectations.19:41
mardyrobru: would you be able to fix the debian packaging? should be a matter of changing "usr/lib/signon/*.so" to "usr/lib/*/signon/*.so"19:41
dbarthrobru: i guess it's over for promoting another one this week-end, isn't it?19:42
robrudbarth, pretty much...19:43
robrudbarth, unless you can sweet-talk the dogfooders + ogra to put in some weekend hours19:43
robrudbarth, but we can at least get this fixed for promotion on monday19:43
dbarthwe should be back to the safe zone with the image that was reverted to19:44
dbarthogra_: ^^ right? so we can prep. this one calmly for promotion on monday19:45
dbarthmardy, robru: thanks for the quick turnaround on this btw19:45
robruyou're welcome19:50
robrumardy, oh, missed your message. yeah I can make that change19:59
dbarththanks robru20:07
* dbarth going eow now20:08
robrudbarth, have a good weekend!20:08
robrubuilding now: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-004-1-build/63/console20:08
bfillerrobru: need a silo for line 28 please20:11
robrubfiller, silo 520:12
bfillerrobru: getting this weird error when trying to build silo 5: bfiller is missing the Job/Build permission20:16
robruoh god20:17
robrubfiller, it seems you and everybody else. there's an RT open for this20:17
robrubfiller, https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=70171&results=cc511376a9798e5b669d6f9015596abf20:17
bfillerrobru: ah ok20:17
robrubfiller, so I can just hit build for you there for now20:18
robruin fact just ping me for anything really20:18
bfillerrobru: yes please :)20:19
robrubfiller, merge conflict: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-005-1-build/48/console20:19
bfillerrenato: ^^^20:20
bfillerrenato: trying to build new silo there is a merge conflict20:20
bfillerrobru: lines 29 and 30 need silos too and builds kicked off20:21
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: s-jenkins restart needed
renatorobru, bfiller I will fix20:54
robrurenato, thanks20:57
robrupopey, davmor2 hey are either of you around? I believe silo 4 contains a fix for bug 1317986, please test it (works for me on mako).20:58
ubot5bug 1317986 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Cannot add or edit online accounts in #19" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131798620:58
robrumardy, dbarth ^20:59
renatorobru, bfiller, fixed21:00
robrurenato, alright, rebuilding21:01
popeyurochord i am21:01
popeyrobru: i am21:01
robrupopey, cool. yeah, image #19 + silo 4, and I was able to add an account.21:02
popeyok, lemme fresh flash21:02
robrurenato, bfiller: still conflicting: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-005-1-build/49/console21:05
renatorobru, fixing21:05
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: s-jenkins restart needed
renatorobru, fixed21:11
renatorobru, I have update the MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/sync-monitor/remove-addressbook/+merge/219073, do you need to change something ?21:11
renatoI added "lp:~renatofilho/sync-monitor/i18n" as prerequisite21:11
robrurenato, is that the same MR or a new one?21:12
renatoI resubmitted the proposal21:13
robrurenato, oh yeah, have to reconfig with the new URL, thanks21:14
robrurenato, please add the commit message on the new MP21:16
renatorobru, sorry21:16
renatorobru, done :D21:16
robrufinger crossed: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-005-1-build/52/console21:17
popeyrobru: got a link to silo 4?21:19
robrupopey, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-00421:20
robrupopey, also helpful: https://github.com/robru/dotfiles/blob/master/.profile.d/citrain.sh#L3921:20
popeyits just finished flashing so won't be long to test21:24
popeyyou gonna kick an image or leave it for cron?21:24
robrupopey, probably leave it for cron...21:24
robrunot urgent since we got that reverted image promoted21:25
robruany luck popey?21:42
popeyrobru: sorry, yup21:44
popeylooks good to me21:44
popeybetter than it was before, auth windows are sized correctly21:44
robrupopey, great, I'll publish it21:56
Laneyhow come that works without you having to change LIBDIR in debian/rules?21:56
robruLaney, because I have no idea what I'm doing. ;-)21:57
LaneyI think it's weird that it does work!21:57

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