
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
hamid_hello every body07:45
=== hamid_ is now known as Guest63219
Guest63219hello i need a powerfull download manager can you help me?07:49
Guest63219hello i need a powerfull download manager can you help me?07:49
nigelber, wget -c?07:50
Guest63219wget -c ?07:51
nigelbanyway, what do you mean by powerful download manager?07:51
nigelbwhat does it need to do?07:51
nigelbdownload and retry?07:52
nigelband what else?07:52
nigelbwhat are you using now?07:53
nigelbwhat features is it missing?07:53
Guest63219fast speed and Resum multi conection07:56
nigelbspeed is not really controlled by your manager07:56
nigelbIt's controlled by your network.07:56
nigelbamsuingly, the commandline tool `wget` can do most of what you want.07:57
Guest63219my internet speed in my contry is Tragedy!now i install aria2 but i cant work by it!07:58
=== jodran is now known as jordan
KurionAnyone have advice for the fastest way of mastering command line?21:54
geniiPractice makes perfect.21:59
geniiOfficial documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:59

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