
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
phunyguy!appeals > FireBeard02:54
zykotick9was i just kicked from #ubuntu?  i certainly didn't see any message in irssi, but also haven't seen any activity - since that flood, which i really don't think i provoked in any way...03:47
zykotick9never mind... (someone else posted to the channel). thanks #ubuntu OPs, you provide a service i certainly couldn't.  that's for your efforts.03:49
phunyguyso.. about #ubuntu... ullblull (~frasheri@ has quit (Quit: iLeGaiS Security Clan =/= OwNED MoFoS ;-))03:56
phunyguyseemed to be a small bot attack that unopaste pwned03:56
phunyguybots incoming in #ubuntu...04:15
phunyguygetting attackedpretty good in there....04:17
ubottuphunyguy called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:18
elkyoh joy04:19
ubottuowh called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()04:19
Flanneloh goodness, what did I come home to04:55
phunyguyseems to be the same few IPs04:59
phunyguyso I banned those.04:59
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu Arduino wanting to discuss offtopic things during spammings.05:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:01
ubottuIn ubottu, Debbie_Burns said: !failure is <reply>success!05:12
phunyguysomeone else take the con in #ubuntu.  I have stuff to do. :)06:32
phunyguya chu is their06:41
Tm_Tphunyguy: flu?07:01
oneWhat is the most direct way to obtain a source package of the generic kernel already running apt-get pulls linux-meta with a different versioning.07:10
valorieone, you can look at kernel.org07:11
onevalorie: Ubuntu has it's own custom kernel doesn't it?07:12
valorieyes, but that's not what you asked07:13
oneI asked about  the07:14
knomeand this is not a support channel to begin with07:14
one             generic kernel already running (Ubuntu kernel)07:14
valoriesorry, knome07:14
oneWhatever apt-get pulled down it is not the same version as what is running the crypto doesn't match and it is unable to unlock the LVM.07:15
oneThe package lists the same version as the running generic kern, but when compiled it compiles as a newer version with the mentioned problem.07:16
valorieone: perhaps ask in #ubuntu-kernel07:17
valorievery nice helpful people there07:17
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
oneunblock one07:29
phunyguyTm_T: mm?08:01
phunyguyI think so.08:02
phunyguyno idea though.08:02
knomeo hai Tm_T.08:02
Tm_Tphunyguy: "a chu"08:02
bazhangou chu08:02
phunyguyoh.....lol...I am also sick...08:05
oneunblock one08:14
knomeone, stop posting that.08:18
oneI have a story, or many08:28
bazhangplease exit the channel at this time one08:28
onecome on over for tea08:28
onewhat channel?08:29
oneshow me a map08:29
onepoint to the channel08:29
oneu play game?08:30
onesmoke crack and eat pork ribs?08:30
oneIf you exit channel it isnt going to be asked08:31
onebazhang: incase you haven't noticed08:31
onethere's muslims all over08:32
DJonesone: Please stop, this channel is for operator/channel issues, not for general chat08:32
oneWhat do they do?08:32
oneno matter what they deny08:32
oneall things work together for the good of those who love God08:32
onepolice kidnapped me and stripped me naked in front of cameras took pictures of my penis and locked me up with a robot called a doctor and then gave me a jehovas witness bible that has 'updates'08:34
onedo you see in colors08:36
onedo all the horses have shades or colors?08:36
onesmoke detectors and gubbament programs08:36
onedid you call up hinkley?08:38
onestart arranging access to the next nuclear weapons test08:39
onecode in the spot08:39
onestill searching for a heart out there08:41
onehearts in atlantis old man08:41
onedo you have a cell phone tower installed in your skull?08:44
onehave to pay to use it on top of that?08:44
onethere are two possibilities08:45
oneeither my face can be glowing and melted from radiation or it is a holographic simulation08:45
oneMoses wore a veil08:46
oneyou can argue about it but theres really only one way to find out08:47
onemilitary simulations must include fractal traversal08:48
oneSet the machine up so that it is programmable.08:53
onenot just download crap from apt08:53
onetrue science requires an untampered control08:54
onea secular word for virgin08:54
DJones!ops !staff Anybody around to help with a botnet in #ubuntu09:54
ubottuDJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:54
ubottuowh called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()09:54
elkylol dude we don't need your life story (#u)10:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu, cpined said: ubottu, problem is I can no longer use my mouse to bring up a browser.  Normally, I have seen the extension pack shell script under /media/VBOX....16:38
bazhang<TSHirt> im glad this channel is filled with kind people i cant imagine if it wasnt17:55
bazhangjust banned in #debain17:56
bazhangphunyguy, got +o in #ubuntu still18:56
bazhang@ rather18:56
tsimpsonyou were right the first time19:00
tsimpsonChanServ to the rescue19:01
geniiHeh... "<Yelu> Armag3dd0n1, your battery's life would last 2 times longer in /JOIN #ubuntu-offtopic"19:20
phunyguybazhang: I had temporarily last night in rww's absense.  I am not a normal op there (yet)21:25
IdleOnethere is no such thing as a normal op21:26
IdleOnewe are all deranged to one extent or another21:26
Unit193phunyguy: I'm not an OP there at all. \o/21:29
geniiDeranged is the new normal.21:33

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