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darkxstthis seems really odd? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.8.6-0ubuntu107:55
darkxstwhy would there be a dep-wait on an existing package?07:55
Laneydarkxst: either versioned or main/universe08:04
darkxstcan you (or someone) just demote gnome-control-center to universe?08:05
Laneynot really, unless the schemas are split out08:05
darkxstLaney, the schemas are in g-s-d aren;t they?08:06
LaneyI mean -shared-data08:06
seb128we use the shared-data binary08:06
seb128the -dev is also a build-depends of stuff in main that build panels for u-c-c and g-c-c08:07
seb128like deja-dup for example08:07
Laneyisn't colord in main already anyway?08:07
seb128it has an approved Mir08:07
Laneyit might just be this binary package08:07
seb128but we didn't promote it because nothing uses it08:07
darkxstLaney, colord-gtk?08:07
didrocksonce again, a reminder I should really get out of the MIR team :)08:08
seb128we demoted it back because nothing was keeping it in main08:08
Laneyso you can add it if you need to08:08
seb128why is that conversation happening on -release?08:08
seb128(I though we were on -devel)08:08
darkxstseb128, you missed the start, being why is g-c-c in dep-wait08:09
seb128that's not really a release issue either ;-)08:09
darkxstseb128, oh sorry!08:14
seb128no problem, it's not like there were lot of release discussions happening atm here ;-)08:14
darkxstdidrocks, speaking of MIR's did you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/131399608:16
Laneywe can definitely move to -desktop now :P08:16
didrocksdarkxst: on my list of MIRs to look at08:16
darkxstdidrocks, thanks, Laney ok!08:17
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bzoltan1hello gents, my UITK landing is blocked here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=10:03
bzoltan1the problem is that Ricardo has created the -gles  packages out of my landing request and now it is blocking me ...10:04
cjwatsonrsalveti: I think you need to redo qtmultimedia-opensource-src-gles - doesn't it need to build qml-module-qtmultimedia-gles and Conflicts: qml-module-qtmultimedia nowadays?  Conflicting with a transitional package (qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin) doesn't seem very useful10:32
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, not sure, but i thought that module should be gone with the landing of the new media-hub (but i'll leave that to rsalveti)10:44
cjwatsonxnox: hinted gnutls26 and gnutls2810:55
xnoxcjwatson: ta.11:00
cjwatsonxnox: as well as reuploading that to utopic, please remember to build with -vWHATEVER to get intermediate changelog entries into .changes12:18
xnoxcjwatson: yes.12:19
xnoxfrom bash_history: dch --release '' --distribution trusty12:19
* xnox is not sure what i was thinking12:20
knomexnox, nothing it seems12:23
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xnoxCan sysvinit be allowed to go in? ADT failures: startpar -> uninstallable, blocked on further changes; neutron -> strange logs with dpkg-reconfigure failing, never passed on utopic infra;  linux -> fail, yet to pass on utopic, being worked on; mysql-5.6 -> no idea.13:54
xnoxnone of the failures are caused by sysvinit change.... of cpufreq governor...13:55
rsalveticjwatson: yeah, the main src got updated while this got approved, but it's not a problem atm as the seeds is still depending on the transitional package, but will get this updated14:17
rsalvetiogra_: only the -touch version was dropped14:18
rsalvetiqtmultimedia itself is still needed as we're still using its api14:18
cjwatson<cjwatson@amber ~/src/ubuntu/cdimage/cdimage>$ bzr ci -m 'When building with --live, only build images whose livefs builds succeed, to avoid producing confusingly half-updated images.'14:18
ogra_ah, k14:18
cjwatsonpsivaa: ^- hopefully that will help with a long-standing category of problem14:18
rsalveticjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glmark2/2014.03-0ubuntu1 updated this package yesterday, and as it's now build-depending on mir, it can't build on powerpc and ppc64el anymore14:19
rsalvetiguess this will be a problem when migrating the package to release14:19
cjwatsonrsalveti: Well, it is a problem because an attempt to install the -gles variant on top of the main one would only uninstall the transitional package and would then fail14:19
rsalveticjwatson: sure, that's why I need to updated it, just saying that when creating the emulator image it's still not an issue as the seeds wasn't updated to reflect the new name14:20
rsalvetibut will get this updated later today14:20
cjwatsonOK, thanks14:20
cjwatsonrsalveti: glmark2 has no rdeps, so should be easy for an archive admin to remove the no-longer-built binaries14:20
rsalveticjwatson: great, thanks14:20
cjwatsonrsalveti: (though I don't have time for the binary NEW review just now, I'm afraid)14:20
rsalvetino worries, not critical14:20
bdmurrayIs there an archive admin who could fully phase nautilus in trusty for me?15:02
ogra_can someone let the nuntium binaries out of NEW ?15:05
bdmurrayslangasek: could you fully phase nautilus for trusty-updates?20:23
slangasekbdmurray: didn't I do that already?20:48
slangasekI thought this is what you asked me for yesterday20:48
* slangasek finds in his command history: change-override -z 100 -s trusty-updates nautilus20:48
slangasekperhaps I forgot to confirm it though and it timed out without me noticing, so... trying again now20:49
slangasek6 publications remained the same.20:50
slangasekbdmurray: ^^ fwiw20:50
bdmurrayslangasek: okay, I didn't see that you had said anything about it yesterday20:50
slangasekbdmurray: ah, k - there was a rather long gap between request and response :)20:51

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