
funyes works now00:00
funwas path stuff00:00
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sarnoldfun: heh, no, I still haven't tried a smartcard :) you?00:28
funwell I got reader00:28
funnow if I can find card locally :D00:28
vonsyd0wi cant figure out why bind won't load my zone files. bind says "zone 10.10.20.in-addr.arpa/IN: loading from master file /etc/zones/10.10.20.in-addr.arpa failed: file not found" but the file is there. anyone know whats going on?01:02
vonsyd0wthat error is from syslog when restarting bind01:03
sarnoldvonsyd0w: any chroot games going on?01:04
vonsyd0wnot that i'm aware of. i just rain aptitude install bind9, so whatever the defaults, thats what im using.01:05
vonsyd0wno, i didn't setup a chroot. that requires additional steps, and i followed the server guide for bind9.01:06
vonsyd0wthe only additional thing i did was create a separate directory for my zones at /etc/bind/zones.01:07
vonsyd0wi corrected my name.conf.local file so each zone points to "/etc/bind/zones". The error above says /etc/zones, which was incorrect01:07
sarnoldvonsyd0w: the error message just says /etc/zones/ not /etc/bind/zones -- grep -r /etc/zones /etc/   ? :)01:08
vonsyd0wsorry about that, i copied an older syslog error01:08
vonsyd0wim going to try to put the zone files in /etc/bind and see what happens brb01:09
vonsyd0wi used named-checkzone to check each zone file; each file passed with "OK". I moved the zone files back to /etc/bind with the other default zones that load OK, and I'm still getting the error stated above.01:15
vonsyd0wI completely wiped "purged" bind9 and its configs and now have done this twice. no luck01:15
vonsyd0wsame exact problem. im not sure what im doing wrong01:15
vonsyd0wcould be permissions? files aren't owned by bind or a member of the bind group01:16
sarnoldvonsyd0w: it should work so long as the bind user has read permission on the files; the error says "file not found", not "permission denied" or "operation not permitted"01:17
vonsyd0wtrue OK, I'll keep hunting. pretty determine to get this working01:18
rostamhi I am using ubuntu 12.04. for some tasks we need to use sudo command. I would like to know whether it is possible to limit usage of sudo to selected command for specific users? thx02:11
sarnoldrostam: 99.99% of the sudoers(5) manpage describes how to make that happen :) the downside is that the sudo configuration language is -very- flexible.02:12
mun24want to understand process of services in ubuntu02:37
Armadillosmun24: Like how?02:45
mun24I want to install ftpd server02:51
mun24how can I know it is using init.d or xinted02:51
ArmadillosSee if there's a file in the /etc/init.d directory for ftp (most likely vsftp, or ftpd)02:52
Armadilloserr... vsftpd02:52
jgeemun24: remember also that xinet uses inetd.conf as well as its own xinetd.conf and files in xinetd.d02:54
jgeemun24: I also check /etc/default (some services make it clear in a settings file there whether to run as daemon or under inetd)02:55
mun24somehow ftpclient makes the conection and then connection get close. Any idea why02:57
vonsyd0wwow sarnold, I'm an idiot bind/named was looking for a filed called "10.10.20.in-addr.arpa" when it should of been "db.10.10.20"03:34
vonsyd0wi fixed it and now have a new error message03:34
vonsyd0woff to fix that now03:35
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sarnoldvonsyd0w: thanks for reporting back :) I always like to find out what it was..04:56
vonsyd0wsarnold, no problem! I can officially resolve hostnames and caching works! now i need to get dynamic dns working (with a Ubiquiti EdgeMax Router/DHCP) fun!05:19
sarnoldvonsyd0w: oooh, how are those ubiquiti routers? :) I've been wanting an excuse to buy one.05:19
vonsyd0w$100 and i love it05:19
vonsyd0wi'm learning so much with it05:19
sarnoldnice :)05:20
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eagles0513875hey all06:49
eagles0513875lordievader: hey06:49
eagles0513875hey guys what is the best way to implement a user password policy? would something like LDAP be needed?06:51
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lordievaderGood morning.07:47
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stephankWell, hope I did this correctly: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/131781109:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317811 in linux "Dropped packets on EC2, "xen_netfront: xennet: skb rides the rocket: x slots"" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:36
rostamsarnold thx09:39
hxmhello I have a dedicated server with ubuntu 13.04 and it is deprecated right? I would want to upgrade it but, is it safe?09:42
hxmwill I lose data or configuration files or services?09:42
cfhowletthxm safer than running a non-supported server for certain09:42
hxmwhat you mean09:42
xnoxhxm: $ do-release-upgrade09:43
cfhowlettxnox nope.  13.04 is end of life09:43
ubottuhxm: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:43
xnoxcfhowlett: i believe 13.04 is still on master archives, and didn't move to old-releases yet.09:44
ogra_oh, man ... aptitude ...09:44
hxmthat is the theory, but I want to know the practice, is a production server09:44
ogra_why is that still in so many docs :(09:44
xnoxhxm: (a) don't use non-lts on production servers (b) over the past year everyone did upgrade to 13.10, and 2/3 of 13.10 users have already upgraded to 14.0409:45
hxmi started with this when it was already mounted09:45
hxmi blame the last employee09:46
xnoxhxm: blaming people, is not so good. Test the upgrade on a non-production server you have (if you don't - set up a clone).09:47
xnoxhxm: it's production server, nobody but you knows how critical it is, or what procedures it needs..... if you don't, it's for you to find out and document for future self =)09:47
hxmim not saying I did it well, I just said I got the trouble by surprise09:48
hxmcloning the os and trying will be the safest way09:48
nikolamI started installing Ubuntu Server 14.04  LTS 32-bit in VirtualBox VM 4.3.8 and it started installing and then just display Lilla colored screen and does nothing...09:51
nikolamalso not using much of an CPU, just sits there.09:52
apwjamespage, yo ... seems that openvswitch is lagging wrt debian, but it is not clear if the bits you did are included ... wonder if you could have a look09:56
hxmis still posible to upgrade to 13.04 to 13.10 safely and then 14?09:58
DarkStar1morning guys. I created a user like so : sudo adduser --system --no-create-home playservice but when I try to run a script under that user I get a passwd prompt10:12
DarkStar1except I thought system users were created without passwords10:12
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med_Daviey, happy birthday!13:10
med_Are you old enough to drink now?  (j/k)13:11
Davieymed_, hah. Thanks13:17
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kaffiendid the rules for bonding nic interfaces  change from  ubuntu server 12.04 and 14.04?  I cannot seem to get LACP working for the life of me16:56
kaffienalso what would cause ubuntu to rename my network interfaces?16:57
sarnoldkaffien: that second issue is the 'biosdevname' package; I believe you can just remove the package and rebuild your initrds16:58
kaffienit doesn't seem to like my 4 port nic i installed hehe16:58
kaffienthen again im guessing bonding is difficult if you nic keep renaming16:59
kaffienhow can i rebuild my initrd?16:59
sarnoldkaffien: I think that'd be "update-initramfs -u"17:00
kaffienthat is what i just found to.17:01
kaffienhave you any experience with  4 port nic cards?17:02
sarnoldhah, I wish :)17:02
kaffienThe interface for this network card goes like so   p7p1 p7p2 p7p3 etc17:02
kaffienmaybe this will help with the names staying put17:02
kaffienbonding really isn't that complicated darnit.17:02
sarnoldthe idea is to make it easy to see a NIC name on a machine and know where exactly -on- the machine that NIC is -- and have it keep that name no matter if you add more cards or remove cards. the goal seems laudable, but it seems some people wind up with 'renamedX' kinds ofinterface names17:03
kaffieni might just subscribe to ubuntu advantage for this server.17:04
kaffienahhhh proper eth addresses17:08
hxmwhat is the package name which contains mod_authz_default.so17:31
hxmor how can I find it trought the package manager17:31
sarnoldhxm: the apt-file package is wonderful for answering those kinds of questions17:32
hxmah -bin17:32
ogra_dpkg -S /path/to/the/file.so17:32
sarnoldhxm: it'd be apt-file search mod_authz_default.so17:32
sarnold(ogra's answer is better if the file is installed; mine will help when the file isn't yet installed)17:33
ogra_right :)17:33
kaffienonce you have your  /etc/network/interface setup nice for bonding you still need to run   ifenslave bond0  eth2 eth3  etc.   It is now all working. Thanks for your help sarnold!17:42
sarnoldkaffien: ah :) cool! thanks17:43
kaffieni wish i could control my network though17:49
kaffienI cannot seem to reset the networks now17:49
sarnoldkaffien: let me guess, you tried service networking restart  and watched your computer hang?17:50
kaffienie  /etc/init.d/network restart doesn't work nor does  service network restart.17:50
kaffienit just doesn't do a damned thing17:50
sarnoldkaffien: the 'right way' is ifup and ifdown17:50
sarnoldkaffien: oh, nice, it used to seriously upset upstart or dbus or something. hehe.17:51
sarnoldkaffien: so ifup bond0 and ifdown bond0 ..17:51
kaffienthey need to stop screwing with stuff that's been working for the last 10 years.17:51
kaffienI will attempt that   ifconfig bond0 down basically deleted bond017:52
kaffienie i could not ifconfig bond0 up  as the device was no invalid.17:52
sarnoldifdown, not ifconfig down ..17:52
kaffiense previous comment17:52
sarnoldkaffien: no kidding, I swore at a hung desktop more than once as a result of that..17:52
kaffienI will attempt ifdown next17:52
kaffienI sure am glad we invested in a second NAS.17:53
kaffienwell that was fun.   ifdown bond0   interface is 'not configured'17:57
kaffienlol for th record it starts up on boot just fine now ... sooo18:00
Balusewhen is swap memory used ?18:03
bekksWhen all RAM is actively used by applications.18:07
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