
petri4kovhi all00:36
petri4kovanyone here deep enough in understanding ubuntu touch, and doesn't mind telling what is left to be done in the whole system?00:37
petri4kovI have a university project which must include the future plans for ubuntu touch00:37
RAOFpetri4kov: Hm, what do you mean?00:39
petri4kovI'm not really sure myself00:39
petri4kovbut I must write about what is to happen with ubuntu touch in the future00:40
petri4kovin developer point of view00:40
petri4kovlet's say for example, implement that or this00:40
RAOFWell, a bunch of stuff is on blueprints.launchpad.net.00:42
RAOFAnd there's stuff like the core-apps stuff on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps00:43
petri4kovcore apps is just another section of the project00:44
petri4kovthis one is for future development plans00:44
petri4kovi looked over the stuff at launchpad00:45
petri4kovseems like a really big bunch of stuff00:46
petri4kovI gave it deeper look now00:47
petri4kovIt seems like it will do a part of the job00:47
kenvandinepetri4kov, another suggestion would be to hang out in #ubuntu-touch-meeting on fridays00:58
kenvandinethere are a series of meetings on each of the core apps00:58
kenvandineto discuss status00:59
rsalvetislangasek: uploaded a new qtubuntu-gles and we also should have the remaining bins in new as well00:59
kenvandinepetri4kov, i don't have the full schedule, but i know the trojita developers meet at 1300 UTC tomorrow01:00
petri4kovkenvandine, thanks that would be really helpful, but unforutnately I have to pass the paper on saturday01:00
kenvandinepetri4kov, so you could just watch what they discuss to get an idea of what still needs to be done01:00
petri4kovas always in the last minute01:00
kenvandineit a pretty broad topic to get a handle on quickly01:01
RAOF#ubuntu-touch is presumably logged?01:01
kenvandineoh right01:01
kenvandineyou could read the logs for last weeks meetings01:01
kenvandinethe meetings are in #ubuntu-touch-meeting01:02
petri4kovfor now I need to generalize what needs to be done01:02
petri4kovlike I can think of not draining battery power so qiuckly01:02
petri4kovI will give those log a shot01:02
techdocHi, I'm trying to boot my phone into the bootloader, but for some reason it does not want to do that.01:52
techdocdoes anyone of you know what might be causing this?01:52
slangaseksergiusens: nuntium sponsored/accepted02:05
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dholbachgood morning06:51
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truptiin Your first Autopilot test, I am unable to install  libautopilot-qt python-autopilot07:36
truptii am using ubuntu 12.0407:36
popeympt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#Phone seems to have no options for setting alarm / notification sounds which are not text messages, e.g. for clock. Is that something which should be in there, or should be in-app?07:49
mptpopey, that’s a good question. I don’t know.07:50
mptNormally I’d say that’s a per-app setting. But for sounds in particular it may be useful to see them listed together, so that you can (for example) make sure you aren’t using the same sound effect for two unrelated things.07:51
popeyon iOS it's all in one place - "Sounds" for baked in apps.07:52
popeybut each app also has its own settings.07:53
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Lost Sock Memorial Day! :-D08:02
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mardyloicm: hi! I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/lp1296728/+merge/21861708:24
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Sossigerhello katie09:11
Sossigernice everybody is very talkative here09:11
mandelElleo, because the other branches are waiting for approval I have decide to request a silo just with the qml change, as soon as it is created and tested I'll let you know09:15
Elleomandel: okay, thanks09:30
popeympt: the reason I ask is that we're currently using the ringtone, which is confusing, can nik90 (clock dev) get guidance on where the setting should go?09:35
ogra_is it actually the ringtone ? i thought it is "a ringtone" not even from the set of rigtones from the phone09:37
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nik90ogra_: I thought the alarm ringtone was the same as when receiving a call, no?09:45
nik90ogra_: atm we are discussing with mpt where the setting to change the alarm "sound" should go..in the settings app or the clock app09:45
ogra_well, it surely isnt the same for me but i think my system isnt default anymore09:46
mptpopey, nik90: I suggest putting it in the clock app for now. But remember, where the setting should go is a different issue from the default being confusing.09:47
nik90mpt: agreed they are two different issues09:47
nik90mpt: should each alarm be given the ability to choose their ringtone or do we go with one sound for all alarms?09:48
mptnik90, a separate sound for each alarm would be useful. The alarm to wake me up may be more strident than the alarm reminding me to take my painkillers. :)09:49
ogra_nik90, btw, a way to make the alarm go off *before* the actual appointment time wuld be very helpful too09:49
* ogra_ perfers to be notified 5min before a meeting starts 09:49
nik90mpt: ok09:49
nik90ogra_: hmm I think that should be a calendar app feature and not the clock..to provide a way to remind about an appointment few minutes before09:50
nik90ogra_: I don't think you would want alarms to do that09:50
ogra_oh, right, i thought you talk about calendar09:50
ogra_yeah, sorry09:51
ogra_alarms are perfectly fine when they are on time :)09:51
nik90ogra_: :) I would be angry if my alarms woke me up 15 minutes earlier than the intended time09:51
nik90popey: ok so that is settled..I will add the ability to set the alarm sound in the "add alarm page"...if the user doesn't choose anything it will default to the system ringtone.09:52
ogra_i cant find any tone that even matches what i hear on alarms09:54
ogra_(or calendar notifications)09:54
ogra_i wonder where that tune even comes from ... it surely isnt in the list to select from09:55
nik90ogra_: You will have to ask charles then where he chose that sound then :)09:56
ogra_probably someting some Qt module ships or so09:56
popeynik90: src/snap.cpp:#define ALARM_SOUND_FILENAME "/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/phone-incoming-call.ogg"09:58
popeyhard wired in indicator-datetime09:58
ogra_hmm, why is that sound not in the list09:58
popeynik90: so maybe file a bug in clock with a task on i-d09:58
popeyas that will need changing09:58
ogra_(not that i'm eager to use that awful sound though)09:58
nik90ogra_: If I vaguely remember, that's not the folder the settings app displays for the list of ringtones09:59
nik90popey: ok..will create a bug09:59
popeynice one09:59
ogra_well, we shouldnt ship it if you cant use it09:59
ogra_just wastes space09:59
seb128the fact that it's not used by the settings doesn't mean that the package is useless10:03
seb128we need to check if any of the sounds shipped in the binary is used by code we run10:03
nik90seb128: was it you or someone else who did the sound listing in the UI? Just asking so that I could follow a similar approach in the clock app.10:19
seb128nik90, me10:20
nik90seb128: is it possible to list the files using pure QML? Or do I need to add a C++ plugin?10:20
seb128nik90, no need of cpp iirc10:21
nik90seb128: ok..I will be most likely listing the ringtones in an option selector using http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-folderlistmodel.html10:23
seb128nik90, but ringtones might not be what you want to list10:24
ogra_yeah, notification sounds rather10:24
nik90seb128: true..I need to first look at all the sound folders available and choose the correct one10:25
seb128well, notifications are not great either10:25
seb128they are the messages' sound10:25
seb128usually quite short, not mean to loop either10:25
seb128ideally we would get some alarm sounds10:25
nik90seb128: where can I find the sound folders? On my trusty machine, I went to /usr/share/sounds10:26
nik90seb128: however I cannot findn the phone ringtones there10:26
nik90seb128: basically I need to show the same sounds folder that is present on the phone and the desktop10:26
seb128nik90, that's the correct folder10:27
nik90seb128: otherwise the clock app wont work on the desktop10:27
seb128well, expect it has subdirs10:27
nik90it has ubuntu, alsa, freedesktop10:27
nik90the ubuntu folder has only the folder stereo10:27
nik90inside which are the ringtones that are not shown on the phone10:28
seb128nik90, right, stereo is the old desktop set of sounds10:35
ogra_nik90, i see a ringtones and a notifications folder10:35
seb128notification/ringtone are the new ones we got for touch10:35
ogra_next to "stereo"10:35
seb128ogra_, those are not on desktop atm10:35
ogra_ah, right10:36
seb128but we can install ubuntu-touch-sounds on the desktop iso10:36
nik90seb128, ogra_: Is there a package that I can add as a dependency to the clock app to have the phone ringtones installed on the desktop as well?10:36
nik90seb128: ok..I think that's the best solution10:37
seb128well, "best"10:37
seb128those sounds are still not good ones for alarms10:37
ogra_well, and make someone add an alarms dir to that  package too ;)10:37
nik90for now*10:37
seb128I don't want a ringtone or a sms sound to wake up10:37
nik90ogra_: yes...I will request popey to talk to the design team for that10:38
seb128we should also talk to mpt about getting a design to import custom sounds10:38
seb128I know kenvandine said he wanted to look at that10:38
seb128we can import through the content-hub, we just need a design for the workflow10:38
ogra_and we need some click package design so devs can provide "soundtheme" packages too10:38
nik90ooh I get to play with content-hub then..awesome10:39
ogra_and wallpaper collections :)10:39
ogra_(or rather lockscreen collectios since you cant change the wallapaer anymore)10:39
seb128speaking of which, we need to update the settings10:39
seb128we are sure than the ability to customize the bg is not coming back?10:40
ogra_yeah :(10:40
seb128Laney emailed Mark about it, but no news since10:40
ogra_i think you will still be able10:40
ogra_but it only will shine through in the small stripe between header and app content10:40
ogra_pretty useless imho10:40
nik90ah :(10:40
ogra_(at least that is what i was told when i asked)10:40
seb128it would be nice to be able to have the bg of the lenses as an image10:41
nik90it would have been nice to have a blurred user background shown in the dash..but too bad10:41
LaneyI don't think it's the end of the matter10:41
ogra_well, ask design, i'm probably not up to date with that10:41
ogra_but it came up in my ranting thread about the back button placement on the ml10:41
seb128design keep changing their mind on lot of topics10:41
seb128so let's see10:41
* ogra_ wishes theyy would change it for the back button :P )10:42
LaneyI talked to Rick about it and he said it'd be easier to resolve that in person so we can raise it at the sprint10:42
ogra_fistfights !10:42
mptPillow fights!10:42
ogra_(with fluffy gloves indeed)10:42
seb128the pillow ideas seems a better one ;-)10:43
ogra_less damage you think ?10:43
seb128well, depends who is on the other side :p10:43
ogra_haha, yeah10:43
ogra_dbarth, did you see my last comment on bug 1307533 ?10:49
ubot5bug 1307533 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "[Deprecation notice] cordova-ubuntu-2.8" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130753310:50
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Saviqpopey, can you give an update on your workitem in  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1410-suru-icon-switch ?10:53
ogra_dbarth, my understanding is that as long as we support the 13.10 framework cordova-2.8 must stay (or we need to drop the framework support from the image alongside) ... at least thats how i understood people like lool and cjwatson when this was discussed10:57
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dbarthogra_: technically that's corect, ie (codova 2.8 was part of 13.10)11:14
ogra_right, so technically we guarantee that apps built on 13.10 still work11:14
ogra_(i personally think we should drop the ancient framework)11:14
ogra_(especially since Qt 5.2 will make using it in native apps impossible too)11:15
dbarthogra_: in practice there are 3 apps that linked (without knowing) with cordova11:15
ogra_right, but i think we need to stick to our promises or adjust for reality11:15
ogra_either is fine11:16
ogra_lool, ^^^11:16
ogra_(though i personally own a few webapps that only work with webkit ... i wouldnt want to drop them if we drop 13.10 ... but they wont work with oxide )11:17
dbarththey wont?11:18
ogra_oSoMoN, did you notice that the text in the URL bar of the browser is not centered anymoe ?11:18
ogra_dbarth, nope11:18
dbarthogra_: do you bugs for that?11:18
ogra_they are games and the website they are on behaves weird when it detects aa proper browser ... not an issue on our side ... it tries to bomb you with ads that break the game11:19
Stskeepserr.. ignore me11:20
* ogra_ tries hard ... 11:20
loicmmardy: hey, that looks perfect to me, have you tried on the phone with the plugin installed to see if the shell and apps work the same?11:22
loicmmardy: have you also tried with an app using 2 windows (QQuickViews)? IIRC telephony-app does that11:24
oSoMoNogra_, you mean vertically centered, right?11:25
mardyloicm: I didn't try the latest changes on the phone, I'll do it now11:25
ogra_oSoMoN, yeah11:26
oSoMoNogra_, you’re right, good catch, I hadn’t noticed11:26
oSoMoNogra_, mind filing a bug?11:26
ogra_it is a few pixels up11:26
ogra_will do11:26
loicmmardy: I'll try too during the afternoon11:26
ogra_minor issue :)11:26
* ogra_ notes that typing "bugs" into firefox' URL bar immediately gets me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+filebug11:27
ogra_i guess i file to many bugs against that package :P11:27
mardyloicm: do you know how I can trigger the opening of the second window of telephony-app?11:28
mardyloicm: ah, it's open already :-)11:29
mardyloicm: yep, everything seems fine11:29
ogra_oSoMoN, bug 131786611:30
ubot5bug 1317866 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "text in browser URL bar is vertically off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131786611:30
ogra_mzanetti, oh, wow, i wouldnt have though that there was no bug for a low battery popup yet !11:32
Mirvjhodapp|afk: how's GStreamer 1.0 for Qt 5.3, would you like to offer some patches that you're going offer upstream, or is the plan still to keep the qtmultimedia-touch around?11:32
loicmmardy: I'm not sure, boiko and renato might know (but they're not connected)11:32
mzanettiogra_: yeah... me neither... but seems so11:33
Mirvjhodapp|afk: it looks like sadly at the moment I need to compile also Qt 5.3's Multimedia part with GSt 0.1011:33
mardyloicm: nevermind, I just noticed that the second window opens as soon as you open the contacts11:33
loicmmardy: alright :) then I'll try and approve during the afternoon11:34
loicmmardy: thanks for the changes11:34
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jhodappMirv, we aren't using qtmultimedia-touch packages anymore12:31
jhodappMirv, upstream has my changes and there's been a little bit of work with them, but not much...it's totally in upstream's hands to bring that to an official release12:31
Mirvjhodapp: if it's not in https://codereview.qt-project.org/ it should be proposed properly12:32
Mirvjhodapp: regarding -touch, oh right, I forgot about that media-hub replaced it for our purposes. is it truly so that all the core media playing stuff we have is now media-hub only, no qtmultimedia used?12:34
Mirvthat lessens the priority of it, although we still support qtmultimedia for apps and probably would need to get rid of GStreamer 0.1012:35
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pmcgowanMirv, my understanding is we access media hub via qtmultimedia jhodapp?12:39
jhodappMirv, it is in codereview on qt12:40
jhodapppmcgowan, we do, but just the QML interface classes12:40
pmcgowanjhodapp, got it12:41
jhodappMirv, we no longer use any of their backends having to do with gstreamer, merely high level control interfaces which call into qtubuntu-media (this is what calls into media-hub)12:42
Mirvjhodapp: right, good to know. so there's wip/gstreamer-1.0 based on the stuff you did earlier, but it did not see much work for some time12:42
Mirvbut latest work is from 3 weeks ago https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,83406 so it's possible the branch could be eventually merged for Qt 5.412:43
jhodappright exactly, I have no idea why it's not a high priority other than there's only one person paid by Digia to work on QtMultimedia12:43
Mirvthat probably goes a long way, plus that GStreamer is only used on Linux and their biggest paying customers are probably app devs on other platforms12:44
jhodappMirv, yes that's definitely part of it, the QtMultimedia developer has mostly been focusing on Windows Mobile lately12:44
Mirv(well I don't really know but the combined effect is probably that it's not a nr. 1 priority)12:44
jhodappMirv, indeed12:45
Mirvwell, we need to mostly revisit it in case foundations teams want to get rid of GStreamer 0.10 for 14.10, which at this rate won't happen12:45
jhodappMirv, it wouldn't be that much more work to finish that WIP branch off...I wish someone could get some time to do it12:45
jhodappMirv, we really shouldn't be using GStreamer 0.10 anymore...it's very antiquated12:46
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jhodappanyway, brb12:47
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Mirvfirst bugs tagged 'qt5.3' filed, thanks to some quick/dirty RC builds I now have for the first modules. a good way to end a week.12:49
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pmcgowanMirv, hey, you have 5.3 starting?12:51
pmcgowanMirv, was just thinking about getting a test image going12:52
Mirvpmcgowan: yeah, I started now that upstream got RC sources out. there's even a beginning of a Landing Plan to execute :) https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjuCdq68GSyVdFI4QzNQdWpfME5aMEV2VXo0cUpOMkE#gid=2012:52
ogra_pmcgowan, thats for after RTM, right ?12:53
pmcgowanogra_, thats a good question12:53
pmcgowanI was just reviewing the 5.3 release notes12:53
* ogra_ guesses we should first get finished what we have before starting massively big transitions12:53
pmcgowanI could see skipping 5.312:53
Mirvin the end, when all is ready, it comes down to whether dogfooders claim 5.2 or 5.3 a better experience12:53
pmcgowanMirv, yes, we want to do this process for sure, glad to see the plan12:54
pmcgowanMirv, which sprint week are you attending?12:54
Mirvpmcgowan: I was now moved to the first one12:54
ogra_well, we wont have the time to fix the RTM images anymore if it comes to late and ships any bugs12:54
pmcgowanMirv, oh good,12:54
pmcgowanogra_, agreed12:54
pmcgowanMirv, I have an item on the agenda12:55
ogra_sergiusens, how about seeding nuntium ?12:57
ogra_(or did you want furter tests first)12:58
sergiusensogra_: the source has been newed, not the binaries ;-)12:58
ogra_ah, k12:58
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mterrydednick, what's the landing plan for the laggy indicator-sound fix?13:39
* mterry just realized it hadn't landed yet13:39
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charlesnik90, ogra_: about the alarm's audio tone, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/130906313:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1309063 in Indicator Date and Time "It's confusing to use the Incoming Call sound for Alarms" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:40
charlesnik90, ogra_: If you have a replacement I'd love to use it :-)13:41
nik90charles: I will have to try out a couple of sound files to figure what the best and recommend that to mpt13:42
charlesnik90, that would be great :-)13:43
ogra_charles, http://soundbible.com/free-sound-effects-1.html13:43
charlesogra_, TIL13:44
nik90ogra_: Do you believe in scaring people to make them wake up? :P13:44
charlesI wonder how much boiling liquid hate would come down on us if we used http://soundbible.com/2061-Loud-Alarm-Clock-Buzzer.html13:44
ogra_nik90, there are 1000s if ogg sound files :)13:44
ogra_charles, lol13:45
nik90charles: btw does indicator-datetime take into account the alarm sound if specified by the clock app?13:45
nik90charles: or is the default sound (current) hardcoded to be used for all alarms?13:45
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charlesnik90, right now it's hardcoded, is there actually a way to set the sound in the clock app?13:46
charlesnik90, I'd be happy to support that, it's a reasonable request13:46
nik90charles: not yet, but I am working on that now13:47
charlesnik90, cool13:47
charlesnik90, add indicator-datetime to the ticket and assign me to that component13:47
nik90charles: I have been given design approval by mpt to add alarm sound choice in the clock app.13:47
nik90charles: okay13:47
dednickmterry: hm. need to ping the lander for that team (once i find out who it is)13:49
charleslooking through soundbible, I'm finding it a lot easier to find joke suggestions than serious ones...13:50
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dednickthostr_: hi. there's a fix for indicator-sound we need to get landed. https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/indicator-sound/account-services-update-heuristics13:52
thostr_dednick: taking care of it...13:55
dednickthostr_: thanks13:55
ogra_charles, i also think we can only use "attribute 3.0" sounds ...13:55
ogra_(and yeah, the majority are rather jokes, but still better than the current one :P )13:56
charlesogra_: you have a suggestion then? ;)13:57
ogra_not really one, i would poke around there until i find one ... but that indeed takes time13:57
ogra_dont we have an audio person in the design team that could quickly throw together a DING sound ?13:58
charlesogra_, good question13:59
charlesmpt: ^13:59
* ogra_ guesses everything is better than what we have now ... 14:00
charlesif we have someone on the design team who can put one together, that's much better than trawling for something that doesn't suck14:00
ogra_that might do for alarms for a start14:01
ogra_not great but better than a ringtone14:01
ogra_/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga isnt bad either ... though should have a few repetitions perhaps14:02
charlesogra_: I agree, that's better than the ringtone14:03
ogra_and we already ship it :)14:03
ogra_heh, paste error14:04
ogra_/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga was what i meant in the second comment14:04
jhodappMirv, I'm looking for a way of testing media-hub against our old version of Qt5 prior to Qt5.2 to isolate a bug. I tried going back to an old build on trusty that still had it, but I can't upgrade libhybris without breaking things...how hard would it be to downgrade Qt or do you have any other ideas?14:14
nik90charles: I like the alarm-clock-elapsed.oga for now14:29
jhodappMirv, ping14:29
mterrymzanetti, when will reminders app be able to use a real evernote account?14:36
mzanettimterry: we've sent it to Evernote for review now14:37
mzanettidpm: any more info on that?14:37
mterrymzanetti, cool14:37
sergiusensmzanetti: hey, without much helpful info, just wanted to say Tagger crashes for me on the latest images when it captures an image14:38
dpmmzanetti, mterry, not yet, they want to test the app themselves first, and I sent them to them yesterday14:39
mzanettisergiusens: that should be fixed since last night14:39
mzanettisergiusens: still happening if you upgrade now?14:39
sergiusensmzanetti: ah, you always are faster than my complaining :-)14:39
dpmmzanetti, mterry, sorry, I meant I sent them _the instructions_ yesterday14:39
mzanettisergiusens: mhall119 already complained yesterday. otherwise I would have missed it14:39
mhall119yup, all fixed now14:40
mhall119thanks mzanetti, I've been missing this functionality :)14:40
mzanettimhall119: heh. really? what do you use it for? just out of curiosity14:41
mhall119mzanetti: uh...scanning QR codes14:41
mzanettilike really scanning codes and searching for stuff on google?14:41
mhall119mzanetti: just scanning random codes I find to see where they point14:41
mzanettiah ok :)14:41
mhall119stores have them on stickers to point to their websites, etc14:41
mzanettiah ok14:42
mhall119also, summit.ubuntu.com has them to load the schedule on your phone14:42
mzanettiright... its bus stops around here14:42
mzanettibut ever since I do home office I don't use the bus that often any more14:42
mzanettiI remember hunting some geocaches which required qr code scanning14:42
thostr_dednick: sound indicator builds in silo 1314:42
mhall119oh, we need a geocaching app14:43
mhall119using rickspencer3's Mapping tutorials14:44
mzanettiyeah.. we really do need a geocaching app... but the mapping is the easiest part there14:49
davmor2mzanetti: you have OSMTouch surely you just need co-ordinates then :)14:51
mzanettidavmor2: nah... for a proper app lots of other stuff is required. a coordinate calculation helper, some integrated note taking, support for multi-caches and lots more14:52
mzanettishowing hints from the various sites etc etc14:52
mzanettithat's a really good one: http://n9-apps.com/agtl14:54
mzanettiiirc its python + qml.14:54
mzanettican we run that by now?14:54
popeymzanetti: that would be neat to port14:58
mzanettipopey: yeah, I wanted to do that already a while ago, but we couldn't run python on the phone back then14:58
mzanettinot sure we can now14:58
popeypython is installed..14:58
ogra_i dont think apparmor lets you execute it14:58
popeyi dont think we ever said you cant run python, just that we discourage its use for things like daemons14:59
ogra_also we dont expose compass data anywhere in QML yet i think14:59
mzanettibut actually it should be quite straight forward to reimplement that stuff with Qt/C++14:59
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mzanettiogra_: we do have the api. not sure we get any data out of it yet14:59
ogra_you would have to ship your own python in the click14:59
ogra_(interpreter and bindings that is)14:59
mzanettibein very inexperienced with python I guess I'd be faster to copy it with Qt15:00
ogra_if you are experienced in Qt yeah ... :)15:00
mzanettiI am somewhat I'd say, yes15:00
mzanettiso yeah... that should be on my todo15:01
ogra_again no meeting notification15:01
ogra_i switched on the phone screen, it showed 16:58 ...15:01
cjwatsonplars: Just slurping down the necessary files now so that I can try a local build (might as well start now, it probably won't be finished downloading by the time I finish for the day)15:01
ogra_and immediately jumped to 17:0115:01
plarscjwatson: thanks a lot!15:01
mzanettiogra_: I tried the alarm clock yesterday... I slept in15:02
ogra_so it missed the mark to do the notification at 17:0015:02
ogra_yeah something is wonky with the clock15:02
ogra_or with Qt15:02
dobeydpm, popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1297357/comments/815:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297357 in Ubuntu Clock App "Click App Preview of the core-apps are of low quality" [Low,Confirmed]15:06
mhall119ogra_: that's not the Clock app then, it's the datetime indicator, the clock isn't running when the screen is off15:07
mhall119the indicator is what triggers alarms, not hte app15:07
ogra_mhall119, well, the clock :) not the clock-app ...15:07
ogra_could even be the system clock that gets halted15:08
dpmdobey, I'd recommend opening another one. Right now we're putting the translations in the .mo files for the core apps, and on that bug what's left to be done only is to update the screenshots and descriptions of the apps in the store, which I now have the permissions for15:08
ogra_mhall119, i think tvoss' hw-alarms api will at least make sure we get proper time for the alarms15:09
mhall119ogra_: ah, ok, misunderstood15:09
dobeyogra_: there definitely seems to be something seriously wrong with the system clock being halted, at least on my phone15:09
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ogra_dobey, well, it is fine to halt the visible clock to save battery while it is invisible ... but the alarms need to still get the correct time on the low level15:09
dobeydpm: are the descriptions for those apps updated in the .desktop files?15:10
dobeyogra_: yeah, but when i install a new image, my phone shouldn't say it's february 1970 when i reboot15:10
tvossdobey, what is the concrete issue you are seeing?15:10
dpmdobey, I think right now we only have good app names in the .desktop files. I think some of them don't even have descriptions15:10
dobeydpm: i think Comment= in the .desktop needs to match the description on the store15:11
dobeydpm: also the description in the manifest.json should be the same15:11
dobeytvoss: when i unlock my phone, the time is sometimes way off, and it takes several seconds at least, for the time to update15:12
dpmdobey, yeah, I wasn't too sure of which should correspond to which. I created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/AppMetadataTranslations as an attempt to have an overview and find out15:12
tvossdobey, is that on a recent image? the delayed update was mostly due to the blocked rendering loop in qt apps15:12
ogra_tvoss, thats on 18 for me15:12
ogra_yesterdays image15:12
tvossogra_, dobey okay, that's interesting. let me try to reproduce15:13
dobeytvoss: this is on a nexus 5 btw. i don't know if it's actually different on nexus 415:14
ogra_tvoss, keep the phone off for a while ... if you wake it up you see the clock a bit behind and have it jump forward a few mins15:14
dobeytvoss: and yes, on current image15:14
dobeydpm: ok, i'll have a look at that. i actually also have a request in to get rid of "Tagline" completely from the store15:15
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dobeydpm: should i just make edits to that page, or discuss with you first?15:16
dpmdobey, feel free to edit, any help is welcome!15:16
dobeyok, great15:16
dpmdobey, in offline mode, there is still the point that manifests are not translatable, but do they need to be if we can read the translations from the .desktop file? I'm not sure it contains all the metadata you're displaying on the scope, though15:17
dobeydpm: if Comment in the .desktop is the same as the Description in the manifest, then the .desktop file is enough. if we want those to be separate things for some reason (i can't think of any good reason for them to be), then we'll need separate translations for them15:18
dpmok, gotcha15:18
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dobeydpm: ok, i'll tweak that table after lunch. thanks15:24
dpmsounds good, thank you!15:24
thostr_didrocks: packages available for testing at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-013/15:33
thostr_didrocks: sorry, mean dednick15:33
didrocksno worry ;)15:34
thostr_stupid tabcompletion15:34
dednickthostr_: thanks15:34
dednickthostr_: i'll take a look15:34
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thostr_dednick: gave it a shot on the phone... better then before for sure, but still somewhat laggy15:42
ogra_kalikiana_, so i rebased that haptic fix but now the CI bot is playing tricks on me ... will you merge it anyway or should it do a completely new MP to get the bot back to sane ?16:08
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kalikiana_ogra_: there is no "anyway" CI has to pass. sometimes empty commits are what's needed16:16
ogra_well, it is identical to the former, just that i rebased on the other branch ... but CI bot fails continiously now16:17
ogra_and retrying just does nothing16:17
kalikiana_ogra_: I will approve it and there's a chance autolanding will pass then.16:20
ogra_ok i pinged fginther too in #ubuntu-ci-eng ... if nothing works i'll just create a new MP and we'll drop this one i guess16:21
dednickmterry: just tried the new sound indicator on phone again, and thostr is correct, there's still some lag coming in from some place. feels like there's there is a call blocking somewhere...16:21
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kalikiana_from my pov it's nothing special to be honest… we have "bogus" errors like this all the time16:21
kalikiana_sometimes I just don't have time to hunt every single one16:22
dednickmterry: the spazzed out jerkyness is gone, but there's still sometimes lag when dragging around wildly16:22
mterrydednick, hrm16:22
dednickmterry: doesnt seem to happen on dekstop16:22
dednickmterry: erm, maybe it's the touch events...16:23
dpmhey jdstrand, if you're happy with the proposal, could you update https://code.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/music-app/lp1315386/+merge/218079 and we'll get it approved?16:27
jdstranddpm: done16:43
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popeythanks jdstrand16:44
dpmawesome, thanks jdstrand!16:44
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dobeydpm: what does "visible on desktop" mean on that page exactly, btw?16:56
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dpmdobey, whether the message in that particular field is shown to users on the desktop16:58
dobeydpm: inside software-center you mean? or elsewhere?16:59
dpmdobey, anywhere. E.g. I know that both Name and Comment are shown in the Launcher on the desktop, whereas on the phone only Name is shown17:00
dpmI mean the Name and Comment fields from the desktop files17:00
dobeycomment is shown on the phone too (sort of, only for non-clickified apps currently, but that will change soon)17:01
dobeydpm: ok, updated that wiki page. hopefully a little clearer17:19
dpmlooks great, thanks dobey for the fixes17:20
dpmand the bug links17:21
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ogra_stgraber, seems we promoted a messed up image ... if i run copy-image without -k it will just auto-increment on top of the last promoted version, right ?17:44
* ogra_ wants to copy image #18 to become the promoted #20 to revert 17:44
rsalvetislangasek: so it seems we're just missing qtubuntu-gles now, but had one question about qtubuntu as well18:10
rsalvetidid a new upload yesterday to drop qtubuntu-android for i386 and amd64, and it's still in proposed18:10
rsalvetiit seems to be a valid candidate by looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html18:10
slangasekright, it should be able to migrate once qtubuntu-gles is accepted18:10
slangasekright now, the dropped qtubuntu-android packages are out of date / NBS18:11
rsalvetibut it says it's skipped at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt18:11
rsalvetithought that this would be the issue, but logs are not saying much18:11
slangasekso I just need to accept qtubuntu-gles and it will sort itself out18:11
slangasekW: libqt5multimediawidgets5-gles: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libQt5MultimediaWidgets518:14
slangasekW: libqt5multimediawidgets5-gles: symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package libqt5multimediawidgets5 #MINVER#18:14
slangasekrsalveti: ^^ btw18:14
slangasek(no wrong-named lintian overrides this time, just missing ones)18:14
rsalvetiyeah, let me change that18:14
rsalvetialso did the renaming for the qml module18:15
rsalvetidoing a new upload in a few18:15
mterrytedg, how hard would it be to fix bug 1317649?18:17
ubot5bug 1317649 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "When clearing messages from greeter, it should sync to session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131764918:17
tedgmterry, Not hard, but non-trivial.18:19
tedgmterry, I can't "just do it" it would probably have to be a scheduled thing, but it's not a ton of work.18:19
mterrytedg, I'll talk to kgunn, but I suspect we'll want to prioritize it18:19
tedgmterry, I wouldn't talk to kgunn today, he's probably still coming to terms with being a Browns fan. Give him a week or two.18:20
mterrytedg, :)18:21
dobeythat is a lot of core apps :-/18:34
dobeykenvandine, robru: also, separate bug for you specifically: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/friends-app/+bug/131800518:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318005 in friends-app (Ubuntu) "friends-app.desktop not translated" [Undecided,New]18:35
robrudobey, thanks18:46
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unixfanHi all :)18:56
unixfanI need assistance in installing Ubuntu in my Android tablet18:57
unixfanNow it's stuck in 'Android system recovery', asking for installing update package, so is it possible to use Ubuntu package?18:58
unixfanany help???18:59
popeyunixfan: what tablet?19:03
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unixfantrio stealth g219:07
stgraberogra_: right19:11
taiebotHi i am on 14.10 (r19) my gsm network does not start anymore...19:29
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slangaseksergiusens: nuntium accepted; and fwiw, bug #1318027 filed about this dh_strip override of yours19:33
ubot5bug 1318027 in gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu) "binaries built with gccgo-4.9 cannot be stripped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131802719:33
taiebotAnyone got is ofono set up broken like me on 14.10 (r19) hud is showing five time cellular settings and i cannot connect to gsm network anymore? when i go to system settings cellular everything is off19:34
sergiusensthe panic during panic was hilariously sad to see btw :-p19:35
dobeytaiebot: is working fine here on my nexus 519:58
alecudobey: ping20:00
dobeyalecu: hi20:01
alecudobey: I'm not able to join the canonical irc20:01
dobeydid you forget how? :)20:01
alecudobey: no! It's just that my quassel core keeps saying "Connection failure: Connection timed out"20:01
dobeyalecu: i saw several people fell off with "ping timeout" including you20:02
dobeyanyway, i guess it'll work again soon20:02
taiebotwell after a forced reboot through adb shell it works but system settings is completely broken20:02
dobeywrong place for your otp :P20:02
dobeytaiebot: online accounts is you mean?20:03
alecudobey: right :-)20:03
taiebotdobey: system settings/ cellular20:03
rsalvetislangasek: so only two remaining things :-) one is that I just uploaded a new qtmultimedia-opensource-src-gles containing the package renaming, which generated a new package20:04
dobeytaiebot: works fine here too :)20:04
alecudobey: I've rebooted my vpn, and still can't connect. I think I'm going to take the opportunity and call this EOW20:04
rsalvetislangasek: and the second one is about qtubuntu20:04
dobeyalecu: can you review my branch?20:04
alecudobey: please excuse me with the people in #unity-api, and tell ted we will continue talking about this on monday.20:04
rsalvetislangasek: I believe it's not going to be migrated automatically because I'm not generating qtubuntu-desktop anymore for armhf20:04
rsalvetias it was wrong (forcing gl while qt was built with gles)20:04
alecudobey: yes, if it's ok I'll do it tonight.20:05
alecudobey: log-response-body and fix-1234211?20:06
dobeytedg: ^^ :)20:06
dobeyalecu: yeah20:06
taiebotdobey:  it has been broken since yesterday. Want to show you what i mean. How do i take screenshot now phablet-screenshot does not work?20:07
dobeytimchen1`: what device are you on?20:08
dobeyerr, sorry20:09
dobeytaiebot: what device?20:09
dobeyalecu: have a good weekend!20:10
taiebotnexus 420:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1316806 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-screenshot looking for the wrong filename" [High,New]20:15
dobeytaiebot: you can edit the phablet-screenshot script and add the "_60Hz" in the filename it's looking for20:15
slangasekrsalveti: ah.  why not generate qtubuntu-desktop on armhf?  Obviously not useful on the phone, but I think it's better to continue including it20:47
rsalvetislangasek: because the binary will be broken20:47
slangasekawesome to see lots of  libqt5gui5 (>= 5.2.0) | libqt5gui5-gles (>= 5.2.0) in package deps now, btw20:47
rsalvetiyou're forcing qtubuntu to build against opengl, but then it's including qt's static libplaform that was built against opengles20:48
rsalvetiso you get half of it doing gl and half of it doing gles :-)20:48
rsalvetithat was the same issue I had with qtubuntu-android, but the other way around20:49
rsalvetiit *might* still work, but can't tell you for sure20:49
rsalvetiif you think it'd still make sense to have it, I can easily change20:49
rsalvetiyeah, that's awesome :-)20:49
rsalvetiI wish that qt's libplatform was a shared library20:50
taiebotWell done to the oxide-team my browser is getting along quite nicely (better than iphone 4s)  http://uppix.com/f-speed536d40c800165cde.png20:57
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rsalvetislangasek: what do you prefer then? create qtubuntu-desktop again on armhf even though we're not sure it works or just approve the migration?21:11
slangasekrsalveti: well, /ultimately/ I would like to see the gl+gles package split carried consistently across all architectures, including armhf21:12
rsalvetiright, this will hopefully come with a newer qt as well21:12
slangasekI don't have a strong preference for what we do with qtubuntu-desktop on armhf in the short term; if you tell me the package is broken, I'll just remove the binary21:12
slangasekbut if it's just "maybe broken" I would prefer to keep it in the archive21:12
rsalvetiwell, don't have a way to test :-)21:13
rsalvetiso guess it'd be 'maybe'21:13
rsalvetilet me add it again then21:13
int_uaAnyone online with Ubuntu Touch running natively right now? Can you check if /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm exists? http://askubuntu.com/questions/454381/does-ubuntu-phone-support-rtc-alarm21:28
dobeyint_ua: doesn't exist on my nexus 521:29
Tassadarn5's RTC is very bad though21:30
dobeyvery bad?21:30
Tassadarit can't be set, or else things start to break21:30
Tassadarthat's why n5 has wrong time every time you turn it on, before it grabs it from the network21:31
Tassadarflo has has that alarm, I think I was Cyanongemod do something with it21:31
dobeyTassadar: i've seen the wrong time complaint from others on nexus 4 today too21:31
dobeyand i'm pretty sure it was a problem on my nexus 7 as well21:31
Tassadarwith n5, it is problem even on android21:32
Tassadarfrom what I found out, the RTC can't be set, or else there are some problems with modem and somebody said guys from CM who tried to fixed it got data corruption(?)21:32
Tassadarso android has a daemon, which stores offset in a file in /data, which is added to the time in RTC on every boot21:33
Tassadarlots of devices with newer qualcomm SOCs do that21:33
Tassadarsome even have the daemon broken, so they simply don't have any persistent time, they need to grab it from network21:34
dobeywo we'll need a daemon? :(21:35
peteypeter /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER peteypeter hwoutjkawyuz21:35
int_uaTassadar: does this SOCs claim ACPI support?21:35
Tassadarthese are ARMs, there is no acpi here21:35
Tassadarnot yet anyway21:35
int_uaok, dobey, will you add the answer on AU?21:36
TassadarI'm not sure about it21:36
TassadarI can check it on flo21:36
Tassadargimme a minute21:36
dobeyi'm not authoritative21:36
peteypeter /msg NickServ identify test21:38
Tassadarhm, no, it doesn't seem to support it21:38
int_uaWhat is this "flo" you are talking about?21:38
TassadarNexus 7 201321:38
Tassadarbut CyanogenMod's kernel for that Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 has some fixes for it, so I guess it can be fixed if required21:39
int_uaok, will you, Tassadar, add the answer on AU?21:39
int_uaAre there any Ubuntu Phone devices ready to check them too?21:41
TassadarI added my answer there21:45
Tassadaraaand he's gone21:45
Pixel848Hi, I have a question about Ubuntu for Tablets. Can it boot to linux so I can run a webserver? Sorry if it's a daft question!21:57
verdePerr it is linux though ... do you mean boot to like non gui?22:14
verdePlike a headless server xD22:14
verdePpretty sure you can get terminal access....I'd imagine it wouldn't be impossible to get a webserver running on it, even the simple python one22:16
verdePbut I don't have it so ^^22:16
mhall119I'm on r17, system-settings tells me r20 is available, but I get an error trying to download it22:27
mhall119worse, system-image-cli -n says my upgrade path is 19:20, while I'm still on r1722:27
popeymhall119: oh dear, this is probably because ogra_ copied 17 to 2022:36
popeymhall119: so basically you get nothing by even trying to uprade because technically 20 _is_ 1722:37
popey(19 & 18 were broken, so we rolled back)22:37
popeymhall119: there will be no promoted image until monday, so give  up trying or flash clean 20 (which is 17 really, so not worth it)22:38
popey-> bed22:38
Tassadarit also means you can't promote 20 from proposed, if you don't want the version numbers to get messed up Oo22:39
* Tassadar imagines seeing someone yell ____ must be interesting22:43
mhall119Tassadar: the _ is silent ;)22:43
mhall119somewhere after the 4th 'a' your breath runs out anyway22:44
rsalvetislangasek: qtubuntu just migrated to release, only remaining think then is reviewing the new bin from latest qtmultimedia-opensource-src-gles23:03
rsalveti*remaining thing23:04
mhall119ogra_: why was 17 renamed to 20? Did we promote 18 and 19 out of -proposed before finding the problems?23:38
wolflarsontassadar i love you23:53

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