
mrgoodcatshakes808: you just need to keep a client on00:23
mrgoodcatI use irccloud. It stays logged in00:23
mrgoodcatAlternatively there are some premade bots that do it00:24
shakes808similar to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com00:24
bookiebothttp://is.gd/3kOn6O - Index of /00:24
mrgoodcatshakes808: I can help you later tonight. Gotta go00:26
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho01:28
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's last track - The Eucharist by Flesh Field on Strain [8 May 2014, 21:12]01:28
cmaloneyThat's old actually.01:29
rick_h_let the evening part 2 start wheeee01:38
cmaloneyThat good eh?01:41
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho01:41
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Physical Cities by The Bad Plus on 2008-07-26: 10,000 Lakes Festival, Detroit Lakes, MN, USA01:41
cmaloneyUm, that's not right.01:41
* cmaloney went to the library tonight and raided their CD collection01:42
bookiebothttp://is.gd/hMoXzd - Report: Apple to acquire Beats Electronics for $3.2 billion | Ars Technica02:38
cmaloneyThis does not surprise me in the slightest02:39
cmaloneyBeats are all about how good the music looks.02:39
jrwrenDr. Dre just became PLAYA!!!02:39
rick_h_yea, you do see a lot of beats out there02:40
jrwrenDre gonna be like "Jay-Z, Masta-P, P-diddy... pfff.. come work for me... bitches"02:40
rick_h_did you just write a line of perl?02:40
jrwrennah, that is pyhton bytecode02:41
cmaloneydef jayz(self):02:41
cmaloneyclass DrDre(playa):02:42
rick_h_damn I hate debugging interdependent tests02:42
jrwrenclass playa(jrwren): pass #  sssshhhh02:42
greg-gZurich is crazy05:27
greg-gI paid 4 Francs (about $4 plus change) for an espresso yesterday.05:28
greg-gbut effing jetlag05:30
rick_h_yea, I hate it when the flights don't time well enough with the destinations to help with that stuff05:30
cmaloneyGood morning12:48
cmaloneyGlad I'm working from home today as the AC unit in the building is apparently not working12:48
cmaloneyYeah, at least with home I know I don't have AC but I have the ability to open up windows.12:49
bookiebothttp://is.gd/xDsmt4 - Too Many Requests12:50
mrgoodcattop comment: he probably just likes programming and wants them for his own use12:54
mrgoodcatwebupd8 is awesome http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/install-atom-text-editor-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html13:00
bookiebothttp://is.gd/m5aLDS - Install Atom Text Editor In Ubuntu Via PPA ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog13:00
mrgoodcatno more having to build that on my laptop13:00
greg-gya'll are late13:10
jrwrenfriday friday13:10
greg-gI've been up for 9 hours13:10
jrwrenits only 1pm UTC. where are you? moscow?13:12
greg-gjrwren: Zurich, UTC+213:12
greg-gthat, and jetlag13:12
cmaloneygreg-g: Says the guy that starts his day normally at 10am EDT. ;)13:27
greg-gcmaloney: :)13:27
cmaloneyI think I figured out how Keurig is going to do their DRM on their KCups.13:29
cmaloneyoptical circuit. They've been putting a TM band around their cups.13:29
rick_h_make them only operate after a blood sample via a poker inthe top of each cup?13:30
cmaloneyI've been noticing their new design13:30
cmaloneyThey're really pushing having their name on the cups13:30
cmaloneyWill be interesting to see if my hunch is correct13:30
cmaloneybecause adding rfid to the cup would be expensive.13:31
cmaloneybut using TM law for "look and feel" would be more direct.13:31
mrgoodcatcan't wait until all my friends stop asking me to hax0r wifi for them and instead ask me to hack their coffee13:31
cmaloneymrgoodcat: No doubt.13:31
rick_h_moka pot!13:31
rick_h_you get a moka pot and you get a moka pot!13:32
brouschrick_h_: Are you having a stroke?13:32
mrgoodcatjust get a french press and call it a day13:32
rick_h_brousch: not yet, but it's planning for Sat13:32
mrgoodcatmy mom uses a chemex13:34
brouschWhat happens Saturday?13:34
mrgoodcati had an aeropress at school13:35
rick_h_brousch: I run out of battery juice and have my stroke13:36
mrgoodcat2 stroke or 4?13:36
rick_h_brousch: trying to, it's in the shop and they 'forgot' to fix it yesterday13:37
rick_h_but mainly working13:37
rick_h_working working working working what day is it working13:37
jrwrenomfg... beware.13:38
rick_h_of the pie13:38
jrwrenamateur tip: the order of -lliba -llibb MATTERS GREATLY, maybe.13:38
jrwrenthat means in setup.py with ext_modules Extension(libraries=[...]) too13:39
cmaloneyrick_h_: Oh that's no good.13:47
cmaloneyrick_h_: If you want you can tent out in our backyard.13:47
cmaloneyI'll run an extension cord.13:47
rick_h_heh, oh I'll be at the campground at some point today13:48
cmaloneyIt's sort of like a KOA. :)13:48
rick_h_and I better have good 4g out there13:48
rick_h_close to the hwy so should be good13:48
brouschWe are going to Silver Lake Jellystone on June 713:50
rick_h_cool, jellystone is supposed to be a nice chain13:50
brouschThat one is right by Silver Lake, which is a weird little lake behind a huge Lake MI dune13:53
widoxI was there last summer - pretty nice campground13:55
widoxyou can even take a ride with Yogi Bear!13:55
brouschThat reminds me, I need to show some Yogi Bear cartoons to my kid before then so he knows who the heck that is13:56
rick_h_"we must bring a pick-i-nick basket"13:57
brouschThis trip is a 2 night trial of our new tent and camping stuff before the bigger camping events13:57
rick_h_very cool13:58
brouschwidox: You went to Jellystone without kids?13:59
cmaloneybrousch: Why is that a bad thing?14:02
cmaloneyFrom Shostakovich to:14:03
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho14:03
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Watching Over You (Battery Cage remix) by Solitary Experiments on Cause & Effect14:03
widoxbrousch: went with buddy and his daughter14:03
brouschJust seems weird, like going to Chuck E Cheese without a kid14:07
jrwren.np evarlast14:16
bookiebotevarlast's last track - The Lost Elysion by Xandria on Neverworld's End [9 May 2014, 13:29]14:16
jrwrensounds about right. I didn't know we had a last.fm bot here :)14:17
cmaloneyI have those messages on /ignore.15:13
mrgoodcatit wasn't a netsplit15:15
mrgoodcatirccloud burped15:15
mrgoodcatactually maybe it was15:15
mrgoodcati should say i don't know15:15
mrgoodcatbut my other server hiccuped at the exact same instant15:16
brouschI was fine15:18
mrgoodcat _stink_, dzho, JonathanD and UnFixed all had ping timeouts15:23
cmaloneyI think notifications work. :)15:23
mrgoodcatdidn't mean to ping everybody15:24
mrgoodcatoh well15:24
JonathanDIt was a linode issue.15:25
mrgoodcati'm not on linode15:27
bookiebothttp://is.gd/oxq4SF - Homepage - All of Bach15:30
mrgoodcatwish i could think of a good way to index the "usefulness" of the title text and not display stupid titles15:30
cmaloneyThat's pretty cool, but wish it could be downloaded / shared outside of their site.15:31
cmaloneyI <3 FedEx15:37
cmaloneyOnly they could take a package from Ohio and give an estimate that it'll take a week to deliver.15:38
cmaloneyI could drive to Cleveland sooner.15:38
mrgoodcati h8 fedex15:39
cmaloneyAnd knowing FedEx they'll likely meet that estimate.15:39
jrwren.np evarlast18:13
bookiebotevarlast's current track - Drown in Me by Xandria on Eversleeping18:13
mrgoodcatNice choice18:38
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho18:38
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Down The Slopes Of Death by Amon Amarth on Versus The World18:38
mrgoodcat>only supports mac19:08
mrgoodcat>works fine on linux19:08
mrgoodcat>start it up on a mac for the first time19:08
=== Guest48792 is now known as akelling
bookiebothttp://is.gd/D7ThbV - Oracle’s Java API code protected by copyright, appeals court rules | Ars Technica19:54
ColonelPanic001did I just wake up some years ago?19:55
ColonelPanic001wasn't this big news then?19:55
ColonelPanic001leave stuff alone omg19:55
cmaloneyThat's the apellate version19:55
cmaloneyAlso, I'll say it again: All the folks who screamed bloody murder over Mono but not over Java need to apologize to Microsoft.19:57
mrgoodcatcmaloney: what were folks saying?19:58
* mrgoodcat doesn't remember anything like that19:59
brouschcmaloney: Well remember that Microsoft was more evil at that time, and Java was from friendly Sun20:00
cmaloneyYep. i bought into the hype.20:00
brousch"Linux is not in the public domain. Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. That's the way that the license works."20:02
brouschOh, hey guys, feel free to use this code from us20:02
bookiebothttp://is.gd/yym3fR - CoreOS Beta Release20:20

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!