
bdukGood morning everyone05:41
Kilosmorning all05:53
Kiloshi mazal jabberwocky93 Spekko 06:23
Spekkomore kilos06:25
mazalMôre oom06:29
jabberwocky93more Kilos06:31
jabberwocky93 /o all06:32
jabberwocky93\o 06:32
Private_Usergood morning everybody06:35
Private_Usermorning Kilos, bduk, Spekko, mazal, jabberwocky9306:35
Kiloshi Private_User 06:35
Kilosand bduk 06:35
Spekkomore Private_user06:36
Kilosjulle moet daai ding in sit °06:37
Kilosright alt+ox206:38
bdukWatse ding is daai ding?06:38
Kiloso nee die ander ding06:38
bduken waar in moet ons daai ding insit06:39
Kilosnee man 06:39
Kilosek was verkeerd06:39
Kilosdaai ding06:40
Kilosanders lees ek more in engels06:40
mazalWatse ding nou ?06:40
bdukKilos: is jy ok vanmore jy praat baie deur mekaar kan ek dalk help06:41
mazalMorning Private_User 06:41
Kilosdie ding bo die o in môre06:42
mazalbduk , ek weetie , iets van 'n ding wat iewers moet in06:42
Kilos^^^ daai ding saam met die o06:42
mazalDaai ding ?06:42
bdukdis waaroor ek worry, jy kan nie sommer enige ding enige plek wil insit nie06:42
Kilosai! ek sukkel darem06:43
Kilos<Kilos> nee man 06:43
Kilos<Kilos> ek was verkeerd06:43
bdukdit lyk so Kilos  maar waarmee om die ding te kry of hom in te kry06:44
Kiloslees die hele storie dan sal julle verstaan06:44
jabberwocky93janee right-alt doen niks hier nie06:44
jabberwocky93seker 'n kde ding06:44
bdukhierdie kant ook nie06:44
Kilosdis n groot werk jy moet n compose sleautel hê06:44
Kilosim on unity06:45
jabberwocky93ek sal mar lievers vir mazal wag om my eers te groet, dan copy paste ek06:45
bdukneewat nie lus vir groot werk nie. verbeel julle maar daar is 'n ding op die o van more06:45
bdukgoeie idee jabberwocky93 06:46
Kilosjulle is op 14.04 nou06:46
jabberwocky93ek is op 14.0406:46
jabberwocky93ek weet hoe om sulke goed te doen06:46
Kilosdit was makliker in die oues om n compose key te maak06:46
Kilosdie compose key het nou die regter alt geword06:47
Kilosonsse pro moes my leer06:49
Kiloshy is baie slim06:49
Kiloskan enigiets google06:49
KilosMaaz, google how to set a compose key in 14.0406:50
MaazKilos: "keyboard - how to configure compose key in 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/452705/how-to-configure-compose-key-in-14-04 :: "Compose key is not working in Xubuntu 14.04 - Launchpad.net" https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1313032 :: "Bug #1270572 “Ubuntu 14.04 should have gnome-tweak-tool ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1270572 :: "Bug06:50
Maaz#1245064 “Keyboard Layout Options window is missed in ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/b…06:50
mazalMôre jabberwocky93 06:51
jabberwocky93ek het dit probeer http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/ComposeKey/en#Current_KDE_Configuration06:52
mazalGaan net na keyboard options in jou settings. Die opsie van compose key is reeds daar , jy enable hom net. Hy is disbale by default06:52
mazal^ In unity06:52
inetproWith the keyboard set to South African AltGr+Shift+0 = °06:53
inetproGood morning everyone06:53
jabberwocky93dis ook disable in kde, en die setting is daar net soos die howto wys. dalk weet ek net nie hoe om die key te gebruik nie06:53
mazalAll settings - keyboard - shortcuts - typing06:53
mazal^ vir die Unity users06:54
mazalSodra enable is druk jy right-alt , karakter , letter06:54
mazalSo kom ons sê jy wil kappie op 'n e hê , dan druk jy right-alt dan ^ dan e06:55
mazalright-alt ^ e = ê06:55
mazalright-alt ' e - é06:56
mazalright-alt ^ o = ô06:56
mazalo o = °06:56
jabberwocky93dankie mazal06:56
mazal1 2 = ½06:57
jabberwocky93ek het al die tyd die compose key in gehou (soos die kde doc sê)06:57
mazalSo kan jy lekker speel met dit , baie kombinasies06:57
jabberwocky93maar ek moes eintlik net die key een keer druk en los06:57
Kilosmorning inetpro 06:57
Kilosoh ja hy het my gehelp voor hy gister ouer geword het en julle klomp het hom nie eers geluk gewens nie06:57
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk partykeer06:57
Kilosnow i can rest, ive revved you all enough today06:57
* jabberwocky93 takes the rest of the day off06:58
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:00
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:00
mazalBTW , I see on some installs you have to go to keyboard layout en enable it there under options07:00
Kilosyeah i had to07:01
mazalKilos wie het verjaar ?07:01
Kiloswas a major jhob. had to change keyboard set it them change back07:01
Kilosdie pro man07:01
inetproKilos: ai! I have no clue when most of the guys here have their bday so let's not get to personal here07:01
bdukDankie vir daai info maar is daar 'n manier om my te onthou om dit te gebruik?07:01
mazalAh ok , happy birthday inetpro for yesterday :)07:01
inetprotoo as well07:02
inetprothanks mazal07:02
Kilosinetpro, nor do i so shup and go with the flow07:02
inetproja baas07:02
mazalWeet almal nou watse ding moet waar in ?07:03
bdukHappy bday inetpro 07:03
Kilosat least some learning was achieved today07:03
KilosMaaz, coffee for all07:03
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already07:03
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:04
KilosMaaz, ty07:04
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:04
mazalMaaz who you calling a geek !07:04
Maazmazal: What?07:04
Kilosmorning superfly seems like you the one to let us know when its someones birthday07:05
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:19
jabberwocky93Maaz: hoe lank nog07:37
Maazjabberwocky93: Excuse me?07:37
jabberwocky93oh snap07:37
=== Ablynx is now known as Golynx
mazalApart from clam av , is there any other good AV apps for ubuntu ? I want something that can scan and clean Windows USB flash sticks08:15
charl_good morning08:17
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:18
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:18
mazalMorning charl08:18
charl_hey mazal :)08:18
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!08:22
charl_Maaz: thanks08:24
Maazcharl_: No problem08:24
Kiloshi charl_ Golynx 08:24
charl_hi Kilos 08:24
charl_hi Golynx 08:24
Kilosmazal, i looked at that and found that there is bitdefender for linux08:25
Kiloshavent downloaded it so if you do check size please08:25
mazalWill check it out ta08:26
Kilosi couldnt find how to get clamtk to look on sticks and externals08:26
Kilosclamtk is clamav gui08:26
Golynxhi Kilos, charl_, mazal 08:28
Kilosi have ians 2tb external here that like killing windows pcs but works fine here so must be s serious bug08:28
charl_i can hardly wait for the elections in two weeks08:30
mazalOom that's easy , with clamtk open , go way up onto the unity top menu , click scan , then " scan recursive " then it will open a browser where you can select the drive08:30
charl_i already know who i'll be voting for :)08:30
Kilosoh thats cool ty mazal 08:31
mazalWe also wondered , and then found it up there in the unity top menu/panel08:31
Kilosi thought recursive was like over and over and all it showed was home08:31
mazalNo recursive means " sub folders also "08:31
Kilosoh ty08:32
mazalOh and I can't find linux version on bitdefender's site08:32
Kilosi found it when googling for how to scan external usb devices i think08:33
Kilosone guy gave a story08:33
Kilosi think it was in one of these links08:34
Kilosgoogle how to scan external drives for virus with ubuntu08:34
Kilosmaybe that one08:35
mazalFound that , wonder if it will work in 14.04 as well08:35
mazalTheir repo don't contain a distro name , so theoretically should work08:35
mazalBesig om te install 41mb oom08:40
mazalMaar dan is dit nog die nuutste virus defs ook08:41
Kilosdis lekker klein dan dankie man08:44
Kilosi wonder is clam will find and sort the virii same as bitdefender will08:44
Kilosthen id prefer to use clamtk08:45
Kilosnot keen on foreign stuff here08:45
mazalgotta reboot08:45
mazalDie def updates is 200mb , so dis so 241mb in totaal08:49
Kilossjoe dankie08:49
Kilossal miskien midderag dit doen een dag08:49
Kilosek moet die 2TB reg maak hy het baie goed daarop wat hy nodig het maar dit dooi vensters pcs08:50
Kilosen hy het nie tyd om met sy kde te soek wat om te doen nie08:51
mazalEk het nasty windows virus gehad wat ek met die AVG boot cd afgekry het08:51
mazalOom kan daai ook probeer08:51
Kilosek like avg niks08:51
mazalDie iso is so 127mb en die update so 81mb08:51
Kilosdit het altyd win so stadig gemaak08:52
mazalDis boot cd08:52
mazalInstall nie op Win nie08:52
Kilosah dit kan miskien n plan wees danke08:52
mazalGebruik net om goed skoon te kry wat jy nie uit Win uit afkry nie08:52
mazalHet dit gebruik om my Win 7 kas by die werk skoon te kry08:52
mazalAl pyn is om die update file ook te dl08:53
Kilosek onthou iemand het iets in sy pc gehad wat niks behalwe ad-aware kon reg maak nie08:53
Kilosdie wereld van virusse is baie ingewikkeled08:53
mazalEn baie irriterend08:54
Kiloseks so bly ek het ubuntu ontdek08:54
mazalMens spandeer baie geld , data en tyd om mens se goed skoon te hou08:54
Kilosja en dit dooi sommer jou pc laat jy nie die ding kan gebruik om reg te maak nie08:55
Kilosek voel jammer vir mense wat nie baie kennis het nie08:55
Kilosmazal, werk dit?09:22
Kilosmazal, daar is ook http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=91145.009:32
Kilosinetpro, het jy al borrie geproe?10:10
inetproKilos: yep, Cayenne and Turmeric very good for you10:13
Kilosturmeric, half a teaspoon a day disintegrates gall stones they say10:13
Kilosim trying now but it tastes juck10:14
Kiloswb Private_User 10:14
inetproKilos: add cayenne pepper to the mix10:14
inetproand lemon10:14
Kiloswhen i had scans when tongue got cut for cancer they said i can make a necklace with all the stones10:15
Kilosok ill add cayenne and lemon ty10:15
Kiloscayenne only hot not so yucky10:16
Kilosseeing as i dont waer necklaces i might as well dissolve them10:16
Kilosif memory servers correctly too much cayenne is bad for prostate10:21
bduk1This dam everrebooting system. Its getting worse tan windowzzz10:25
Kilosits only with kernel upgrades and nm stuff i think not everything10:26
bduk1Thought it would fix my google earth but it didn't10:27
Kiloswhats wrong?10:28
Kilosstart with a reinstall of it10:29
Kilosmaybe not configured properly10:29
mazaloom Kilos , nee bitdefender crash net die heel tyd , werk nie saam 14.04 nie10:43
Kiloskyk daai avast10:44
mazalLaaste wat ek geleest het is avast vir linux gestop10:44
mazalEk sal maar moet hoop clam doen die job goed10:46
Kilosmazal, Both .deb and .rpm file are still available if You want them.10:51
KilosI don't understand why would You think that? There was no "We are dropping Linux" announcement.10:51
mazalI read somewhere that the project was stopped. Can't remember where10:51
mazalThey say in various posts there that it hasn't been updated for about 3 years and that is an old version :(10:54
Kilospity avast was good10:57
jabberwocky93this is my type of crossword puzzles http://regexcrossword.com/challenges/tutorial/puzzles/111:14
jabberwocky93this is going to be a fun weekend: http://regexcrossword.com/challenges/hamlet/puzzles/111:15
nuvolarioh hi11:16
bduk1jabberwocky93: Unfortunately  got some other hobbies 11:25
jabberwocky93it would take me the whole day to solve that hamlet challenge, yet I fear that if I start solving it I won't be able to let it go 11:35
* jabberwocky93 bookmarks it11:36
Kiloshi nuvolari 11:37
jabberwocky93hi inetpro11:37
jabberwocky93hi nuvolari11:37
jabberwocky93I've got 242 games on steam, but I spend the bulk of my gaming time on http://www.kongregate.com/11:37
jabberwocky93nuvolari: you play dota2 right?11:38
mazal242 steam games , wow , I only have 13 I think11:38
mazalBut only went back to pc gaming 2 months ago , so that's a big average per month :P11:38
jabberwocky93at one stage in the holiday you could make money buying games by selling the collection cards received with cheap games :)11:39
mazalDoes anybody actually buy those stuff ?11:39
jabberwocky93yeah I made over 40 usd11:39
mazalWow ok , why would anyone buy those11:40
jabberwocky93pretty much vanity11:40
jabberwocky93levels, new steam backgrounds, tokens to get discount on other games, nothing major though11:41
charl_gamers are a special breed :)11:44
charl_it's all about the size of their ... uh... ego11:44
jabberwocky93competitive gamers I suppose11:45
mazalCan one actually do anything with those cards , like set it as background or something ? I always seen in there but don't know what it's for11:45
jabberwocky93mazal: if you've got a whole set you use it to craft a badge11:46
jabberwocky93you can craft ~6 badges for each game11:46
mazalOh ic11:46
mazalThink I'm gonna sell all mine then :)11:47
mazalDon't even know how to do it :P11:47
jabberwocky93http://steamcommunity.com/market/ just login and sell11:48
jabberwocky93the market values usually drop in december11:48
mazalgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , these bloody security codes I always have to wait for via email drives me nuts !11:49
jabberwocky93I bought x5 "gift" copies of CS:GO for $2 usd each in the december sale, made some nice trades thoughout the year :)11:50
mazalOk I logged in but don't see my stuff there to sell , just other ones that's for sale11:50
mazalOh now I see , it's because I logged in from a new device and now it's not allowed here for 7 days11:51
jabberwocky93yeah, ends via email and on my email I've got 2 way auth that sends to my cellphone... authception11:51
jabberwocky93there should be a "Sell an item" button in the top right11:52
jabberwocky93(green button)11:52
jabberwocky93nice @ 7 days >.<11:52
mazalWill try tonight at home11:53
jabberwocky93people must have been hax0ring that market stukkend11:53
mazalI be a gamer and I don't have an ego :)11:53
charl_right :P11:56
charl_that's what they all say :P11:56
mazaljabberwocky93, and that funds you make there , can you use it to buy other games or can you only buy things in that marketplace with it ?11:59
jabberwocky93Maaz: tell mazal you funds you get from selling the items goes to your steam wallet, you can buy games or market items with the wallet's money12:52
Maazjabberwocky93: Sure, I'll tell mazal on freenode12:52
Kilosdont break someones heart, they only have one13:19
Kilosbreak their bones , they have 20613:19
Kilosfunny mails i get13:20
jabberwocky93lekker naweek14:33
Kilosnow i need some expert help please14:58
Kilosclamav has found lotsa bad stuff but i cant copy the paths to show ian14:59
Kilosright click gives options quarantine delete etc but no copy and ctrl+c dont copy15:00
Kilosdont all answer at once15:02
Kiloshi Xethron 15:02
Kilosthink man15:02
Kilosasked in #clamav but no reply as yet15:10
Kiloscomeon bushtech tell me how15:11
Xethronhi Kilos15:49
Kiloslooks like screenshot is the only way15:57
bushtechKilos: Sorry can't help. Sitting in da Free State. No Ubuntu machine for miles.18:24
Kilosi got sorted ty18:25
bushtechgood. Never had a prob with my clamav18:26
Kilosnot a prob it just dont let me copy18:26
Kilosso did screenshot18:26
bushtechyou been scratching around naughty sighr18:26
Kilosnot me its my sons external18:27
Kilosbut lotsa .exe and hacking stuff on it18:27
bushtechAh klein donder18:27
Kiloslol he is 36 or 818:28
Kilosi forget18:29
bushtechAh ok should have got some sense by now18:29
Kilosya its all work stuff mainly but also many movies18:30
Kilosover 300 movies18:30
Kilosbut i think some of those download sites are dicey18:31
Kilosi remeber getting virii just downloading music with windows18:32
bushtechwish I had that sort of bandwidth18:34
Kilosya lekker having a job with uncapped18:34
* theblazehen has uncapped :D18:40
theblazehenCompiling shit on a netbook: 2 second ping within the same LAN18:58
Kilosnight peeps . sleep tight20:12

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