
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
elfymorning knome :)06:10
elfyknome: so what we didn't discuss is what happens if we get to 19:00UTC and no-one has 8 votes :p06:11
knomethen the one with most wins, obviously06:12
knomeif it's a *tie*, then i don't know what happens06:12
knomebut i guess i could say it already06:12
knomeit's not going to be a tie06:12
knomei received two private votes06:12
knomesimon wins.06:12
elfysee 06:13
elfyI told you 06:13
elfyprivate votes :)06:13
knomeyeah, well06:13
knomeanother giggled me06:13
knomewon't disclose why though :P06:13
elfyand put capitals at the beginning of e-mails :D06:13
knomeor just stop sending email! :P06:14
elfythat would be my preferred plan :)06:14
* elfy clears his work item from the meeting log06:30
* knome breathes out slowly06:32
knomemore work06:32
knomefortunately not too much06:32
Unit193elfy: Reason to maybe stick with their schedule: They'll be dropping big things scheduled around those releases, and the betas/alphas are likely to have more core testing and less core breakage.06:51
elfythen say so on the mailing list06:52
Unit193In actual statement I agree with what you said.06:58
elfyI said only going for beta's wfm07:09
elfywhich is completely the opposite to what you've just said07:10
Unit193Feature freeze and User interface freeze being where big things are dropped, which are before beta 1 and 2.  Anywho, I should go do other stuff so I make more sense.07:12
knomeelfy, hrhr, another mail on -devel which tells me we should moderate it.07:38
slickymasterWorkmorning all08:46
ubottubluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19308:47
slickymasterWorkguys just want to apologize everyone for not being able, yesterday, to attend the meeting, but my son suffered an injury during his tennis practice and had to go to the hospital08:48
slickymasterWorkfortunately it was just a sprained ankle  (his right one) and didn't torn any ligaments so he didn't need surgery08:51
slickymasterWorkanyway, I already casted my vote in the -devel ML08:51
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knomeslickymasterWork, it's okay :)10:43
slickymasterWorkmorning knome10:47
knomegood day10:48
slickymasterWorkI must confess that it scared me 10:48
knomei'm sure10:48
knomegood to hear everything is okay10:48
slickymasterWorkyeah, he'll have to rest his ankle for a week or two10:50
slickymasterWorkuntil the swelling goes down10:50
slickymasterWorkanyway, I already voted in the ML10:50
knomeobviously :)10:50
knomesimon has already won10:51
knomebut i'll let it roll10:51
slickymasterWorkyeah, figure as much10:51
knomepractically lionel could vote10:51
slickymasterWorkI'll wait until it's official to congratulate him10:51
slickymasterWorkbut we won't loose knome, I hope10:52
slickymasterWork+ you10:52
slickymasterWorkthat's a relief 10:52
brainwashmmh, ochosi was working on LO icons lately + new lead = libreoffice installed by default confirmed!12:22
* knome pacepalms12:22
elfythe sooner we either have a new list or make the -devel one read only for the majority the better12:51
elfythe only real issue I foresee is I'll be forced to call for testing on the -users list12:51
knomewell, that's a small burden to take12:53
knomebesides, people would still be able to subscribe12:53
knomeso they can follow the devel list12:53
knomethough i don't know why they would if they only want to test12:53
knomein that case, they could just join -testers12:53
knome...or(/and) we can just send mails to -users too12:54
elfybecause people ask questions about it :)12:54
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slickymasterWorkelfy, Catfish test is somewhat screwed . The second line of the third block not only is redundant with the third line of the first block but it's also misleading14:41
qwebirc105815presently it's <dt>Type touch test Test and enter</dt> <dd>Terminal prompt changes to ~/Desktop$</dd>14:43
qwebirc105815which is of course wrong14:43
qwebirc105815do you want me to fix or do you prefer to do it yourself?14:43
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slickymasterWorkelfy: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/09/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t14:4116:58
elfyyea - just this minute read that16:58
slickymasterWorkwill you address it or do you want me to?17:04
elfyyou can - then I can approve etc 17:05
slickymasterWorkok, I'll pick it up tonight, tomorrow the latest17:06
elfyno rush slickymasterWork - it's optional anyway17:22
slickymasterWorkyeah, but it's a quick fix. Easily doable in the weekend17:23
ali1234ochosi: mclasen applied the patch on gtk2 :)17:25
* knome bows20:03
pleia2all hail ochosi!20:05
Unit193Can we kick knome now?20:07
elfycongrats ochosi 20:24
ochosi!team | thanks everyone, i will send a more official note to the ML on sunday or monday!20:33
ubottuthanks everyone, i will send a more official note to the ML on sunday or monday!: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19320:33
ochosiali1234: yay, sounds good20:34
ochosiali1234: btw, i also talked to seb128 again today and he said he'll sponsor your debdiff :) so thanks again for that!20:34
knomeochosi, when you are *really* around, let's move all the LP assets to your control20:34
ochosiyeah, i only have a few minutes now...20:35
knomejust ping me20:35
ochosirighty, will do20:35
elfyhave a good one ochosi 20:37
ochosity :)20:37
elfyochosi - just remember that now you are XPL - I at least expect replies from you :p20:39
elfythanks for the replies in the past knome :D20:39
knomehehe, you're welcome20:39
knomeyou can expect replies in the future as well20:40
ochosielfy: hehe, wait, i *did20:40
ochosi* just reply, no? ;)20:40
elfyknome: see replies to my threads from someone - leads to hopefully an extra name on the testing list ;)20:40
ochosiwe should discuss closing the dev ML again soonish20:41
ochosithe last few threads have kinda shown this again20:41
knomeochosi, i have an action item to send a proposal20:41
ochosior moderate it, but it's a lot of work and as long as there are no volunteers...20:41
knomeochosi, if i don't get it before you're back, and want to work on it on a pad, wfm20:41
ochosiknome: ah cool, haven't gotten round to read the full meeting backlog20:41
knomeand we have more moderators now20:42
ochosiah that's good20:42
knome(yeah, the meeting minutes aren't up either)20:42
knomeelfy is20:42
ochosii have no clue tbh who's moderating atm :)20:42
knomeubottu, is20:42
knomeerr, Unit193 20:42
knomebluesabre, 20:42
knomepleia2, 20:42
knomefor -devel20:42
Unit193Heh, and I'm looking up now how to do this.20:42
knomewell not *yet*20:42
ochosisounds good20:42
knomei haven't passed the passwords yet20:42
lderanUnit193, :P20:42
knomebut i'll get to that..20:43
Unit193ochosi: Bottom of the info screen normally.20:43
elfyUnit193: basically - when you do it - you'll see an e-mail - click the link - go to the page - moderate - discard spam ones :)20:43
* knome sighs20:44
knomei'll do the meeting minute stuff20:44
knomeand the moderator stuff20:45
knomeUnit193, bluesabre: you're now moderator of both lists. do you need a quick overview?20:51
knomeelfy, you're now also on -users20:52
elfyknome: ack20:52
ochosinight everyone!21:04
knomenight xpl21:04
elfygood night ochosi 21:04
* elfy lets him have the weekend before starting ... 21:04
ochosiknome: i won't add that to my highlight list so you can more easily talk behind my back ;)21:04
lderangood night oh new glorious leader21:05
ochosielfy: thanks for the generosity!21:05
elfyso we just need an alias XPL=ochosi instead :p21:05
ochosilderan: huhu, don't say that too often, i might get used to it21:05
* ochosi bows and disappears behind the curtain...21:06
* knome imagines ochosi tiptoeing backwards with the back hunched like black adder21:06
elfyand that is the stage set till 16.04 ... 21:07
elfynight all :)21:11
knomenighty elfy 21:11
Unit193knome: Perhaps.21:15
knomelet's see when we have something pending the next time21:16
slickymasterhey sanchopanza 22:23
slickymasterit's great to be able to count with your help22:23
slickymasterso, what are you available to help us with22:24
sanchopanzai'm already set up with bzr and launchpad. i just need to know what i can do.22:24
sanchopanzai was hoping to get a list of docs that need to be reviewed now.22:25
slickymasterwell, you could start by going through to docs to check for any grammar errors or typos22:26
knomewe currently have a pretty good situation though22:26
knomenot too much new stuff that would need going through22:26
slickymasterand while doing that you'll be able to understand how they are structured22:26
knomeespecially if you look into the docbook markup ;)22:27
slickymasterhey knome 22:27
sanchopanzashould i still pull from lp:xubuntu-docs?22:28
slickymasteryeah, knome it's pretty much right22:28
knomeyep, lp:xubuntu-docs is the utopic branch22:28
slickymastersanchopanza, you you fell that some specific section could be reworded or in any way enhanced please do a MP and I or knome, or even someone else in the team will take a look at it22:31
knomemerge proposal22:32
sanchopanzaah. yes, i've proposed two so far22:32
sanchopanzaone was merged, the other is still in development22:32
knomeme and jjfrv8 can push to the branch22:32
knomeslickymaster, you should get that push right too22:33
Unit193sanchopanza: If you are who I think you are, that change looked good.  If not, then I have no idea who owns that branch.22:33
slickymasterknome: good point knome, you'll have to walk me through how to do it22:33
knomeslickymaster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Organization#Requirements_for_Ubuntu_Documentation_Committers22:34
knomeslickymaster, and: You can apply to join either of these teams by posting to the mailing list and asking to be added. Please provide evidence that you satisfy the requirements in this section. It's particularly helpful if you can include links to concrete examples of your work, such as wiki pages or patches. 22:35
slickymasterknome, basically it's what jjfrv8 did last cycle22:35
Unit193http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted-m-cox/xubuntu-docs/branchname/revision/192 nope that's you all right.22:35
knomeslickymaster, i think you practically meet all the requirements already22:35
knomeslickymaster, so you should just send an email and get the process going22:36
sanchopanzathanks for the info; i wasn't sure if i should keep working like i was before 14.04 was released22:36
slickymasterI was going to say that I wasn't sure if I had enough work done22:36
knomeslickymaster, didn't you do many MP's already? :)22:36
Unit193jjfrv8: Haha, nice one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8/xubuntu-docs/test-utopic-branch2/revision/196 :P22:36
Unit193knome: I've done a few, breaking everything as I go along.22:37
knomeUnit193, hah22:37
slickymasterUnit193: it's his cowboy soul22:37
slickymasterknome: yes, a few. but do you think that I should mentioned all thos MP in the mail to the team's ML?22:38
knomeslickymaster, nah, just say you've done several MP's for the xubuntu docs22:39
slickymasterknome, I'll start to draft that mail and then will humbly ask for your opinion on it22:40
knomeworks for me22:40
slickymasterI'm going to poke now on #ubuntu-doc knome 22:42
knomei'll be there ;)22:42

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