
rick_h_hatch: does jcsackett's branch work with yours then? e.g. can I qa them together and get a drag/drop with a ghost unit? 00:01
hatchI think so, his branch doesn't auto update, you have to close then re-open the machine view for his to render the units00:01
hatchthere is a card on the board to databind that list00:01
rick_h_hatch: is the other one in review in kanban up on github? 00:17
rick_h_going to get ice cream, will look at more soon00:17
antdillonrick_h_, my deployer summary branch is ready for another review00:19
antdillonrick_h_, Kyle QA'ed but not merged yet00:20
hatchrick_h_ this branch does both of them00:29
hatchunless you've found otherwise00:29
kadams54antdillon: I'm currently working on tests for the branch; I'll merge once those tests are finished.00:29
antdillonkadams54, Ah thanks, wasnt should if I needed to put in another pull request or not00:31
kadams54antdillon: Nope, I'll take it from here. Thanks!00:31
antdillonkadams54, Thanks man00:32
rick_h_antdillon: cool, will look00:47
rick_h_oh kadams54 is the case00:47
rick_h_hatch: oh cool, yea didn't notice it tbh, but now that you mention it00:47
hatchI may end up doing the token drag and the dropping00:51
hatchthe tasks may end going hand in hand00:51
rick_h_hatch: yea, I wasn't sure how much parallel we could get out of it00:51
rick_h_and I figure once one is done, the other is almost a dupe to the same calls, just with a parent id00:52
rick_h_for the containre to know what machine it's in00:52
hatchwill play it by ear00:52
hatchbrb gota go bring the plants in00:52
hatchsupposed to get to -4 tonight00:52
rick_h_10 here00:52
hatchyeah it's a little odd it's getting so cold01:04
hatchmy guess is that it doesn't get that cold01:04
rick_h_well we had a frost warning this week01:07
rick_h_but think it'll be the last01:07
rick_h_ok, emailed Mark S with a link to the latest on comingsoon. /me ducks01:26
rick_h_how goes huwshimi? 01:30
huwshimirick_h_: Good thanks. Nice to have some family time :)01:30
huwshimi(laptop next to me as we play with Lego)01:31
huwshimirick_h_: Sounds like your family time is interrupted by 4g :)01:31
rick_h_huwshimi: well, I think I'm going to bed on time tonight01:31
rick_h_but yea, told the wife I'd take her camping for mothers day so got the camper out here01:32
rick_h_didn't say I'd stay off the laptop :P01:32
rick_h_but about beat, crazy day today01:32
huwshimirick_h_: Make sure you assign anything you want to me for Monday. I'll see if I can pick up something over the weekend too.01:32
rick_h_huwshimi: sure thing, thanks. I honestly think we're in good shape. If matt and frankban get the change set stuff working and the rest of us get drag/drop working it's demo-able01:33
rick_h_huwshimi: so it'll probably be asking you to follow behind us and clean up any little things to help polish it up. 01:33
rick_h_there's definitely some spacing things atm, I'll try to look at it with clear eyes tomorrow01:34
huwshimirick_h_: Yep, no problems. I'll try and do a bit of general QA once those bits are in.01:35
rick_h_morning, phew crashed last night13:12
rick_h_love a good sleep outdoors13:12
kadams54rick_h_: Morning13:29
kadams54rick_h_: Saw your comments on the tests… FYI, I have the problem narrowed down to one line of code, but I don't understand why that one line is problematic or how to fix it.13:30
kadams54rick_h_: Looking for my next card… as I understand, the drag/drop stuff is closely tied to Jeff's work. Maybe the card for databinding the unplaced units column?14:16
rick_h_kadams54: +114:29
rick_h_kadams54: I'm not sure if that needs to hook into databinding or just YUI events watching the db now14:29
rick_h_he made the card to say databinding, but I think it's just db watching like other places in the machine panel view14:29
rick_h_kadams54: a couple of QA things on the summary, I noted them in the card under polish in the description14:38
rick_h_ok, status email sent, couple cards added for polish/etc. Going to take a break an walk the dog15:35
hatchhello fellow weekenders17:30
antdillonhatch, Hey17:46
hatchhows it going antdillon ? pulling some weekend hours too?17:46
antdillonhatch, Na it official like, just checking all's good17:46
hatchso far :) 17:47
hatchrick commented that there were some qa issues with your branch17:47
hatchnot sure what they were yet17:47
hatchI probably won't get a chance to look at it this wkend17:48
antdillonhatch, I'll take a quick look17:53
antdillonhatch, I fixed up Kyle QA last night. He's landed it all now17:54
hatchoh cool17:55
hatchjcsackett are you around?17:55
antdillonhatch, I'll be around a bit tomorrow to help out if your guys have any styling stuff18:00
hatchok cool18:00
Makyohatch, ping18:11
hatchhey 18:11
MakyoRunning into a weird JS problem.18:11
hatchok, shoot18:12
Makyothis.changeSet has one property, addMachines-866, but this.changeSet['addMachines-866'] is undefined.  In the JS console, it shows as (...)18:13
MakyoHave you run into this before?18:13
MakyoI remember I have, but I can't remember the workaround18:13
hatchtry console.dir(this.changeSet['addMachines-866'])18:14
Makyoconsole looks like https://gist.github.com/makyo/25153ef6db7b152dc8e518:14
hatchyeah, try using console.dir18:14
MakyoJust says undefined.18:14
MakyoTrying to figure out where it's getting set to that.18:14
hatchohh, are these defined properties18:15
antdillonMakyo, I used the changeSet ok in the deployer-bar.js is that helps18:15
hatchhas antdillon's branch landed in yours? The one with the Object.observe pollyfill?18:15
hatchI wonder if that's converting it to a defined property18:16
MakyoHmm, maybe.18:16
hatchthe getter and setter is throwing me off18:16
hatchwhy would those be there if there wasn't a defined property18:16
MakyoAh, yep.18:16
MakyoThat's probably what's happening.18:16
MakyoAlright, thanks.18:17
hatchnp, not sure what the solution is though :)18:17
MakyoMe either, but it gets me on the right path as to why it's still in the object.18:18
MakyoOr not, hah.  Well, I'll keep poking around for another few minutes.18:19
rick_h_hey guys18:25
rick_h_bah, missed ant18:26
rick_h_if ant comes back we could use some info on what design he was doing the deployment summary to18:26
rick_h_the qa issues were after it landed, so they're current issues18:26
rick_h_hatch: let me take jc's card then you and you run with drag/drop stuff18:26
hatchMakyo darn...well I'm about to land jc's branch18:26
rick_h_hatch: ok, well never mind18:27
hatchyeah the tokens are super broken though18:27
hatchbut they show up18:27
rick_h_ok, well we can update them18:27
rick_h_yea, that's good enough, to have divs to start to drag/drop18:27
rick_h_I can look at them then and see if I can update them to less broken state18:27
hatchyep got that :)18:27
hatchjust running local lint and tests18:27
rick_h_hatch: prioritize dropping on a container in an existing machine over new machine18:40
rick_h_hatch: sounds like that's the demo, have an existing bnudle running, add nagios server, place it on an existing machine, hit deploy18:41
hatchok the demo wireframe has it dropping on a machine as well18:42
hatchIf you download the pdf you can zoom into it more18:42
Makyohatch, it's Object.observe's fault.  I have a workaround.18:42
rick_h_hatch: yea, forget that wireframe18:42
rick_h_hatch: new plan18:42
hatchMakyo ahh, well that was a pretty good guess then :)18:42
hatchrick_h_ lol oh boy18:42
rick_h_jujugui just copied everyone on an email where I'm working with othres to get into the official demo plan on things18:43
rick_h_hatch: well it's simpler tbh18:43
hatchyeah - I'm happy with simpler :)18:43
rick_h_hatch: no relations, no config, just place one service on an existing machine18:43
rick_h_hit deploy, get the summary, confirm, done18:43
hatchdrag from unplaced to a container.....got it18:43
rick_h_hatch: rgr18:43
rick_h_Makyo: ^ I don't think it savesus anything on the ecs-machine end but fyi18:44
hatchcss shapes are pretty cool http://alistapart.com/article/css-shapes-10118:48
hatchhehe python interpreter written in JS is faster than Cpython :P https://rfk.id.au/blog/entry/pypy-js-faster-than-cpython19:03
hatchrick_h_ I've figured out what locks us in the machine view panel19:30
rick_h_hatch: orly cool19:31
hatchif you try and add units to a service which doesn't exist, then click machine view, you can't click back19:31
hatchthe addUnit code isn't resilient I guess19:31
rick_h_gotcha, ok. Well we can avoid that thankfully for now and will add a card19:32
rick_h_card added19:32
rick_h_hatch: ok, so with JC's branch and yours we don't see tokens from undeployed units because creating a service doesn't create the one ghost unit yet right?19:34
hatchyou actually cannot deploy a service with 0 units19:34
hatchit errors19:34
hatchbut that doesn't mean that that unit couldn't be unplaced I suppose19:35
hatchI haven't looked into why it errors yet19:35
rick_h_hatch: ok, I wonder if kadams's branch touches this at all19:35
hatchno it wouldn't 19:40
hatchbut I'd like to chat with him about that branch because he can use the same code that's used in the machine list and mass scale up service list19:40
hatchsave him a bunch of time writing it himself19:40
hatchrick_h_ was he putting in time this weekend?19:40
rick_h_hatch: yea, he was around this morning19:41
rick_h_hatch: k, use email then for now to send that out19:41
rick_h_and I'll try to catch him and point him at it 19:41
hatchok cool, will do19:41
hatchemail sent, and cc'd u19:46
rick_h_ok, so I'll start look at that getting a single unplaced service going. Then we can look at styling the token shown to be pretty19:46
rick_h_hatch: cool thanks19:46
hatchyeah that sounds good - have fun in environment land....there be dragons in there :)19:48
rick_h_ruh roh19:48
hatchben wrote it, blame him19:48
rick_h_lol, good to know19:48
hatchthis demo is nuts19:48
hatchat least he made the bundle look pretty19:49
hatchit would be cool if you clicked on a service if it would hide all services not related to that one19:51
hatchin a complex env like that19:51
rick_h_yea, that's the plan :P19:52
rick_h_in the filter settings ui for the left panel19:52
hatchrick_h_  Once the user starts to drag, the headers turn into their drop target UIs, The container/machine tokens stay the same UI. And if the user drops on a blank space the unplaced token being dragged snaps back to the original place and everything returns to normal 20:09
hatchthat all sounds like the proper UX?20:09
rick_h_hatch: sounds good to me20:12
MakyoWoo, only 233 failures.20:16
hatchparty on!20:23
hatchOo boy I forgot about IE testing....20:27
rick_h_follow up card, we don't be using IE20:29
hatchnow the question is....how do I do testing in IE with vagrant running...20:29
rick_h_fire up a sauce IE session and point it at your home network20:31
rick_h_or bring up an IE VM using anything else20:31
rick_h_can't you run vbox/fusion/etc locally? 20:31
rick_h_and point it at the vagrant ip20:31
hatchvagrant uses virtual box, and my win 8 vm is on parallels20:31
hatchopening up both vm engines causes a kernel panic20:31
hatchparallels runs windows extremely well 20:32
rick_h_oh, well that sucks20:32
rick_h_so create an IE VM in virtualbox?20:32
hatchthe good news is that dragging and dropping a unit on a container token (third column) now works 20:32
hatchrick_h_ when I drag and drop a charm then click deploy the deploy list shows a service to deploy then switches to 'no uncommitted changes' right away.....20:36
hatchconfirm still works....but did you know about this bug?20:36
rick_h_no, I've not seen it20:37
rick_h_oh now I do :/20:37
rick_h_hmm, it was just working20:37
rick_h_I added cards to fix broken icons and such on it20:37
rick_h_actually it works in my fresh checkout20:38
rick_h_hatch: try before your last landing of pr/298?20:38
rick_h_hatch: hmm, only does it the first time the button is pressed20:39
rick_h_close and go back and it's there20:39
hatchthis was somehow caused by the changes from jc's branch you're saying?20:39
rick_h_woot got a token to show up20:40
MakyoDown to 2 failures, but now tests crash.,20:40
rick_h_hatch: well I'm asking. I hadn't seen this behavior until you just mentioned it and I qa'd it several times today20:41
rick_h_hatch: so pondering something changed20:41
rick_h_Makyo: heh, comment out the deployer bar tests and see if it still happens20:41
rick_h_Makyo: in the index.html, those were crashing for me though kadams thinks he got the one doing it20:41
hatchoh, I've got a few too many changes right now to bisect back but I can in a while20:42
rick_h_hatch: rgr, I'll add a card to look into it20:42
hatchMakyo tests always crash for me, I have to use test-server20:42
Makyohatch, this is test server20:42
hatchit's painfully slow, but.....such is life20:42
MakyoSomething's inflooping20:42
MakyoHuh, must just be a browser thing.  All tests pass in test-debug; the two failures were about the cookies being set.20:46
rick_h_heh woot20:46
rick_h_does it crash in both FF and chrome?20:46
MakyoHaven't tried FF yet. Will now.20:47
Makyorick_h_, Everything's fine in FF.  Just some weirdness in chrome, I guess.20:49
rick_h_Makyo: hmm, ok good to know20:50
MakyoOh, I had a another window of tabs open.  Wonder if something's stealing resources.20:50
hatchnom nom resources20:51
rick_h_bah, this is such a twisted bit of code20:52
rick_h_was never meant to do this20:53
MakyoChrome works, but still has the two cookie banner failures.20:57
MakyoOh well.20:57
MakyoLet me commit and push.  guihelp if anyone has a moment, I might ask for a test-run on chrome20:57
rick_h_Makyo: rgr20:57
rick_h_I might need a pre-imp or help with this branch20:58
rick_h_I somehow got it to work once but now can't again and no idea how it worked the first time20:58
Makyoguihelp: https://github.com/makyo/juju-gui/tree/more-ecs-calls20:59
rick_h_Makyo: pulling down21:00
rick_h_ty verizon for letting me know I've not hit 75% of my monthly bandwidth allotment21:01
rick_h_Makyo: ran here, one failure but can't find it yet21:05
rick_h_when I click on the 1 failure it opens "removes the drag handlers" test21:06
rick_h_no cookie issues here21:06
hatchrick_h_ how much data do you have on that hotspot?21:08
rick_h_hatch: 10GB/mo21:09
hatchoh haha that's tons21:09
rick_h_crossed 7.5 with about 8 days left in the cycle21:09
hatchlol netflix?21:09
rick_h_well, with the sprint and such21:09
rick_h_no, no movies21:09
hatchI've only ever once gone over and that's from downloading hd movies on itunes21:09
rick_h_did that once, downloaded a movie for the boy while camping, 3.3GB eats a ton of space21:09
rick_h_I did get a new hotspot now that should work internationally so can only have one wheee21:10
hatchoh rock on21:11
hatchwhat's that plan cost? must be pricey 21:11
rick_h_ok, well the 10G is shared between hotspot, my phone, wife's phone21:11
rick_h_for all three it's aroud $200/mo21:11
rick_h_my phone usually does 1-2GB and she does around 500MB and rest is for hotspot21:12
rick_h_where the $#@$#@ does the ghost service get its unique id from?21:12
hatchouch your cellular service is such a ripoff21:14
rick_h_wow and I do get a machine with the service21:15
rick_h_Makyo: thanks, I realized I could just use the ghostService there. So I can drag/drop and get an unplaced unit token to show up 21:17
rick_h_total hack but wheee21:17
rick_h_hmm, wonder if you can deploy a 0 unit service to lxc21:20
hatchok tokens can now be dragged and dropped 21:22
hatchjujugui should we destroy/re-create units when the user places an unplaced unit in a machine....or modify it the original21:23
hatch^ this will have to be ecs'able21:23
hatchgood morning huwshimi 21:24
huwshimihatch: Morning21:26
huwshimihatch: How's it all going?21:26
hatchwell I think21:27
huwshimiGood :21:28
hatchI landed jc's branch so it can be styled now21:28
hatchare you working today?21:28
hatchit's like 730am there right?21:28
rick_h_hatch: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/299 is what I've got working21:29
rick_h_hatch: so I think the only thing we'd have to modify is the machine 21:29
rick_h_though I'm still working through how this is going to work. 21:29
hatchright, but the act of dragging an unplaced unit to a container still needs to be added to the ecs right?21:29
hatchso we need a 'modify unit' in the ecs as well21:30
hatchcool hack.....not sure that feels right though as an official implementation :)21:30
hatchor maybe it does.....21:31
rick_h_hatch: yea, no kidding. But if addUnits is ecs-ified...21:31
hatcha service without a unit.....is kind of pointless.....21:31
hatchso they need at least one21:31
rick_h_hatch: though, what about our local charm story of adding a charm to the env without deploying it?21:31
hatchwell that's a charm, not a service21:31
rick_h_and in this case you still end up with a unit, just not as part of env.deploy call21:32
hatchI'm wondering if a deploy call should, no matter what, create a unit, but be unplaced21:32
hatchso revert your changes, but change what it does in the back end to mirror your changes21:32
rick_h_I was looking in there but not all the data is there21:33
rick_h_I'll look there, just working on how the parts fit atm21:33
rick_h_I've tracked what's been going on but not actually been diving in here a ton :/21:34
rick_h_hatch: anyway, I'd expect the drag/drop to just modify the machine info on the unplaced unit data in the db21:34
hatchok, but via the ecs21:35
rick_h_hatch: 100%21:35
hatchso ecs.modifyUnit('unitId', 'field', 'newVal')21:35
huwshimihatch: I'll try and get some stuff done a bit later. It's mother's day here so we're going out for breakfast and then I'll see what I can get done.21:35
huwshimihatch: (yeah, it's 7:30am)21:36
rick_h_or maybe ecs.placeUnit() which would sync up the pending machine/container and the pending unit or what not21:36
hatchhuwshimi cool np, yeah mothers day here tomorrow too21:36
rick_h_huwshimi: tell mom we say hello! 21:36
hatchahh placeUnit much better21:36
huwshimirick_h_: hehe, will do :)21:36
hatchnew card!21:36
rick_h_hatch: lol21:36
hatchok back to writing tests *grumble grumble grumble*21:39
rick_h_hmm, ok so we're getting crazy version numbers from somewhere and that's what caused it to not work in lxc21:47
hatchcrazy version numbers?21:51
rick_h_it's part of the deploy stuff modifying the serviceName21:51
hatchohh, yeah I added a random number generated to the end of the serviceName21:52
hatchwithout the inspector there is no way to modify it, so I didn't want it to blow up if people used two of the same charms21:52
rick_h_right, but that looks like a service-version so it tries to deploy rev XXX of mysql charm21:52
rick_h_yea, we'll have to figure that out21:53
hatchohhh heh, that can be fixed by removing the - then21:53
hatchfor example21:53
hatchoops, thats my bad21:53
hatchI didn't realize that it would have just split on the -21:53
rick_h_all good21:53
hatch$500,000 for 1300sq/ft house....this city is going bonkers21:53
rick_h_woo! my house will make me rich!21:54
rick_h_except here it's 1/4 of that 21:54
rick_h_so you should move down here21:54
rick_h_ok, taking the boy to the park for a bit, biab21:55
hatchhaha, cya21:55
huwshimihmm... how do I get an unplaced unit?23:13
huwshimioh, I see we now have numbers as part of the service name23:15
rick_h_huwshimi: check out the QA instrcutions for the branch23:22
rick_h_huwshimi: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/29623:22
rick_h_for instance23:22
huwshimirick_h_: Thanks23:28
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