
hyphaehello world02:05
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DanChapmanGood Morning07:55
xhoch3I have a simple Ubuntu Touch project that makes QtCreator crash when deploying on the device10:12
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gerlowskijaI'm having some trouble getting the Music app to detect my music on my trusty desktop.  I think I have mediascanner running fine (see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7443279/).  Anyone have any suggestions?20:49
ahayzen_gerlowskija, Hi, try running mediascanner-service ~/Music/20:52
ahayzen_gerlowskija, that should scan you music folder then once finished run the app20:53
ahayzen_gerlowskija, hmm but as you said it appears it is running? what happens when you run the command i gave you?20:56
gerlowskijasorry ahayzen, I was away for a few minutes.  Thanks for the help; let me give it a shot.21:07
gerlowskijaIt tries to detect a file I have in ~/Music, and reports that it's missing a GStreamer plugin.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7443563/21:09
ahayzen_gerlowskija, have you installed the gstreamer plugins for formats such as mp3?21:10
gerlowskijaNo, I guess not.  Thought I'd apt-get'd them already, but I haven't.  Thanks ahayzen_21:14
ahayzen_gerlowskija, installing gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 and/or gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly may resolve the issues21:14
* ahayzen_ tries to remember if the music-app on desktop uses gst1.0 or gst0.121:15
gerlowskija(After Installing 1.0, my mp3 is detected, so my guess is 1.0)21:17
ahayzen_gerlowskija, cool thanks :)21:17
ahayzen_gerlowskija, hopefully ur issues will be resolved now21:17
gerlowskijaYep, it's detecting now, so I'm taken care of.  Thanks again!21:18
ahayzen_gerlowskija, cool...until we move to mediascanner2 ;) lol21:18
ahayzen_gerlowskija, hopefully tht will be a smooth transition :)21:19
gerlowskijaI'm sure I'll find a way to botch it anyways, and ask a similar question in a few months time : )21:21
ahayzen_gerlowskija, haha no problem21:22

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