[05:52] mapserver! === feisar is now known as Guest89840 [08:31] morning [08:33] Windows 7 shows higher infection rates than XP in last quarter of 2013 [09:07] morning boys and girls. [09:08] yo [09:11] morning popey [09:35] morning [09:40] * Laney zzzzzzzz [11:13] hello all [11:15] who's from Birmingham? [11:16] Not me [11:20] me either ;) [11:36] who's not from birmingham [11:36] ME [11:36] me [11:36] me [11:37] * penguin42 has been there once [11:37] "oh god new street ARGH RUN AWAY" was my experience [11:37] haha yes [12:00] tbf outside of new street it's better [12:29] I haven't been back for a while, sadly - not to the city centre, at least. But most of it wasn't /that/ bad. [12:30] except for New St, aka Mordor Central. [15:28] broke my ubuntu again :/ [15:33] i bought system shock 2 on humble bundle. this game is a massive disappointment [15:34] deus ex is way better [15:43] cool, i found a bug in steam [15:44] if you idle a bunch of games in windowed mode to get the trading cards, when you actually get a trading card the notification window that pops up will crash all your games, steam, and dbus, all at once [15:44] and also /bin/sleep [16:01] hi what is the best way to remove packages? [16:01] i've used apt-get purge [16:03] what's purge not doing that you expect it to? [16:03] just want to make sure there is nothing left behind [16:03] i'm having trouble configuring postfix [16:04] i've just purged it and going to start again [16:05] purge will remove any config files that the package created. it's difficult for apt to clean up things that it(/dpkg) didn't create [16:06] fair enough just wanted to check purge was the recomended way [16:10] hmm worked first time after reinatalling [16:24] when i run sudo apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d I get errors [16:24] cannot creat /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-pop3.conf [16:24] no such file [17:43] I don't think this is up todate --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dovecot [17:44] should the last bit still be added to dovecot.conf for thunderbird? [18:50] yea some of community isnt i noticed too Saur0 [20:47] o hai [21:12] pretty quiet here [21:14] evening maps|wrk [21:15] evening brobostigon , upto much? [21:16] avoiding a certain political european pop music contest. [21:17] listening to the QI podcast insted, :) [21:18] hahahaha fair enough [21:18] ive not got it on either..cant stand it, awful rubbish [21:18] its like a joke really imo [21:19] pretty much, yes, its all about politics than being any good, you could be the next queen, and still loose. [21:20] yep, most the songs are awful, i always tohught it was a joke, dont get why it gets such an auidence [21:21] has anyone ever gone on euvision and had a successful career after [21:21] good question, [21:28] I think Abba scraped a few quid out of the years after they did it ;) [21:30] I'm pretty convinced it's a drinking game, not a competition [21:31] that would make it somewhat more enjoyable, not i support heavy drinking. [21:32] one of my better, hazier memories of living with a bunch of erasmus students was eurovision. and I use the term 'memory' losely [21:32] i see, lol. [21:33] I miss being young & stupid. 'just stupid' is nowhere near as catchy [21:33] haha [21:33] its overrated. [21:41] agree [22:19] looks like austria got it sealed up [22:19] gsm [22:20] atleast the uk are getting somwehere for once. [22:24] we did?:) [22:24] 40pts [22:24] lol [22:25] yep