
govatentping mhall119 19:42
jmarreromhall119: I wonder If you know, is there any plan to make unity 7 work with a retina display (I know is planned on Unity8)20:07
jmarreroI read this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/ubuntu-14-04-high-resolution-retina-screen20:09
jmarrerobut when I tried it seemed to look just as small as it did on 13.1020:10
mhall119jmarrero: Unity 7 itself should, yes, but the apps that are used don't support that yet22:49
mhall119Unity 8, and anything that uses the new Ubuntu UI Toolkit, should get resolution independence automatically22:49
* jmarrero gets a urge to test unity 823:52

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