[00:57] Unit193, I didn't know anyone was watching :) I had just done a clean install on my desktop and wanted to make sure I still had all my powers. [01:00] Unit193 is always watching [01:00] ochosi, congrats! [01:00] knome, congrats on getting away! === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube === [1]amigamagic is now known as amigamagic [14:05] so elfy, basicaly it resides in the fact that the second line of the third block not only is redundant with the third line of the first block [14:06] and also the third line of the first block but is misleading [14:06] presently it's
Type touch test Test and enter
Terminal prompt changes to ~/Desktop$
[14:06] which is of course wrong [14:06] oh yea [14:07] going to have a smoke and will have a MP for you to review in a couple of minutes [14:07] mmm [14:08] me wonders why is elfy mumbling [14:08] * slickymaster wonders why is elfy mumbling [14:08] why would it not cvhange to ~/Desktop? [14:08] when you've cd Desktop ? [14:08] because you're running the command to create two text files [14:08] oh - second test [14:09] that needs the missing cd Desktop then - as later we're searching on the desktop [14:09] i think we could get slickymaster to the testcase admins team as well ;) [14:09] or some team that has push rights to the main branch [14:09] hey knome [14:09] but i'm off [14:10] see you later [14:10] --> [14:10] lol,that's what I call hit and run [14:10] it's ok slickymaster - he's just this guy now :p [14:10] lol [14:11] This test will check that Catfish will use case sensitivity when searching and will search for hidden files [14:11] ^^ test is missing the cd Desktop - then the prompt is correct [14:11] agree, the fact is that as it's now it's misleading [14:12] yep - and not right more to the point :p [14:12] so will you address it, or do you want me to [14:12] ? [14:13] I've got an MP waiting for review - I can just add it to that if you want and then you check both? [14:13] ok, works for me elfy [14:13] I'll do it now then [14:13] I'll wait you nominate me as reviewer [14:14] * slickymaster will have his smoke in the meanwhile [14:22] slickymaster: https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1314222/+merge/219096 [14:25] yeah, seeing it now [14:35] elf, done -> https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1314222/+merge/219096 [14:35] cool - ty - I'll finish it up now [14:46] slickymaster: all done now - thanks :) [14:48] np elfy, don't forget that I still am a -qa guy ;) [14:48] slickymaster: I won't :) I'll not forget you've another hat either though ;) [14:50] Hoping to manage to get both balls in the air, like the jugglers [14:51] that's ok - usually :p [14:51] I juggle 4 and maybe a bit of a 5th - more than enough lol [14:53] lol [14:53] you juggle quite a lot [14:54] lol [20:12] * elfy notes that the Parole help docs makes no mention of how to do custom keyboard shortcuts