
PaulW2Ujose: Looks like no-one took up your offer to write summaries this week. Any I've done them all myself except the one that Diego started which still needs a little work. Otherwise, all done.17:52
josePaulW2U: you are awesome! thanks a lot!18:01
PaulW2Uit's not the first time  :o(18:01
joseI always try to get to them on Sunday afternoons, my Saturdays are crazy (I now have classes on Sat :( )18:02
PaulW2UI know you have lots of other things to do but what about all the others that never show up?18:03
joseI'm not sure, they signed up but I have no clue about when18:07
josethey may not be around anymore? but I'd suppose we would get an email from them in that case18:07
PaulW2ULast article done. Ready to go whenever you want to. I hope schlopo turns up to proof read. Otherwise I'll have to proof read my own summaries too ;)18:08
josehaha, I'll help with that now18:09
joseI think we want to wait until 23:59 UTC so we don't miss anything on Sundays18:09
josebut going through your summaries now!18:09
PaulW2UYeah, if I spot anything new on my RSS reader, I'll add that to the .doc. Bye for now.18:10
josehave a good day!18:10
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