
PendulumJanC: I'm just curious on if keeping up with reviewing the spam is going well or if it's problematic. Jamfish doesn't seem to be around, though (since she did change the list over so that it would be moderated AFAIK).16:49
PendulumIt was just a thought yesterday to ask. I'll send an e-mail to the list asking.16:50
belkinsaI still think it should be moded by the elected leaders of the team...20:42
IdleOnethe team leaders can assign more moderators if needed.21:52
valoriebelkinsa: why?22:23
valorieputting another job to the leaders?22:23
valorielist admin team should work with the leadership team, IMO22:24
valoriejust like irc chanops, it's a specialized skill22:24
valorieor website building22:25

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