
=== Avihay__ is now known as Avihay
oneYou have wife for trade?07:47
onejoin ##memefilter07:48
oneIslam crypto-oprah winfreys swingers club07:48
onearikb: You have wife for trade?07:49
oneAmerica is a deep delusion.08:00
oneIt has to be if none care about what I complain about then none are alive.08:01
oneThey may as well be programs incapable of learning.08:01
onelike theres other problems08:02
oneand divorce08:02
onetwo things legally protected which eliminate incentive for any being to live08:03
oneso america turns the entire world into either retards or nuclear soldiers08:04
oneno sanctity of life08:05
oneno love in matrimony08:05
onenothing else is left those two problems make everthing else retard babble08:05
oneAnthony Hopkins08:06
oneplays Doctor Shankall08:06
oneNuclear Soldier08:11
onethemesong: Take My Breath Away08:11
one's all in my head08:12
onewatching every moment08:12
onedrop that tower in dubai08:16
onewarn them not to enter it08:17
onegive them the seal of a sure message08:17
oneshow me an updated map of China08:18
onebar ha hlym08:20
oneCherubim no more08:21
onemetata and I08:21
onejust let her cry08:22
oneand if the tears roll down her face...08:22
onethey were mine09:38
onethe tears09:39

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