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mhall119daker: where did you find out about the com.canonical.Oxide namespace? Is that in the device images and SDk now?01:53
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dholbachgood morning06:45
dakermhall119: it's already used by browser-app and webapps06:48
_lxndr_Hi, I am trying to build Ubuntu touch image for Samsung GT-I9000 phone and get the following error "ERROR: boot size (11108352) is 141.25% of limit (7864320)07:38
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday and happy Nurses Day! :-D08:09
mptdholbach, popey: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Contribute> is over a year out of date in some places. Perhaps <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers> could be merged into it.08:11
popeyaha! so that's where the link to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+filebug is!08:12
popeywill update, thanks mpt08:12
mptyes :)08:12
dholbachthanks popey08:15
lespionrussehey guys, i was wondering if any of you knows about ubuntu touche on a S3 930508:24
lespionrussei ve been waiting for it for a while but there's still no release yet. Is it possible to install a rom for 9300 on a 9305 instead?08:25
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davmor2Morning all10:09
davmor2Saviq, thostr_: do you guys know which application add the missplaced red dot to text fields for a bug report?10:22
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davmor2Saviq, thostr_: this is the red dot http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-12-111506.png10:25
Saviqdavmor2, it looks like tha map overlays that10:26
Saviqdavmor2, it looks like a pin on a map?10:26
davmor2Saviq: yeah it's on all text fields now though10:27
Saviqdavmor2, yikes, talk to SDK folks10:27
ogra_davmor2, i filed a bug against the browser for this last week10:33
davmor2ogra_: ah nice10:33
ogra_bug 131786610:33
ubot5bug 1317866 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "text in browser URL bar is vertically off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131786610:33
ogra_oh, the red dot ...10:34
ogra_i only filed it for the misaligned text10:34
ogra_(sorry, blindly clicked the screenshot and only read the comments afterwards)10:34
davmor2ogra_: yeah the red dot starts to the left of the magnifier so it is out of alignment as you type10:35
ogra_the text is off too though :)10:35
davmor2ogra_: indeed10:35
davmor2ogra_: updated your bug with an image :)  and confirmed10:38
ogra_thanks !10:38
davmor2ogra_: oddly though I don't seem to be able to add tags10:38
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Laneyhey mpt, I'm just looking at issues with the updates interface in u-s-s; is it a bug that it tries to install a system update when it finishes downloading (automatically)?11:01
mptLaney, yes it is.11:01
Laney...and that you don't get a confirmation when you pick 'install' for a completely downloaded one11:01
Laneympt: do you know if that's filed?11:02
mptLaney, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#Phone>: “Therefore the default is for system updates to download in the background, prompting you only for the actual installation.”11:02
Laneympt: Right, I didn't get from that that the installation should only happen after an explicit trigger11:02
mptLaney, really? Do you understand “prompting” to mean something else, or what?11:03
LaneyThe download starts automatically and then when that is finishes you are prompted to install and restart or not11:04
LaneyYou don't have to say "install this now"11:04
Laneyand I think that the current behaviour does sound like it implements the specification11:04
LaneyBut I just realised that it's probably not what was intended11:05
mptI’m not sure what you mean by “you are prompted to install and restart or not”11:06
mptAre you saying that one of the options you are given is to install without restarting?11:06
LaneyAs soon as the automatically-started download finishes you're shown the prompt11:06
Laneyif you're still within the updates panel, that is11:06
mpt(Sorry I haven’t seen this for a while, because the updates panel claims it can’t find my Ubuntu One credentials)11:07
LaneyI'm wondering if it should be (1) the download proceeds automatically, (2) the user clicks 'install', (3) the prompt is shown11:08
mptLaney, ok, that much is correct11:08
Laneyat the minute we don't have (2)11:08
mptLaney, right, so when the download finishes, if you happen to be on the Updates screen, you get the dialog. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#installing-mobile-system> If you’re not on the Updates screen, you get the emblems. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#Prompting>11:10
Laneyokay, then we're alright, modulo emblems not being implemented11:10
mptBut in neither case should a system update ever install automatically.11:11
LaneyIndeed not11:11
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Laneyah, (c) in "Because system updates…" says this11:13
mptLaney, there doesn’t seem to be a bug report about that in particular. <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings?field.searchtext=update>11:14
Laneympt: Now, another question, if you say "Not now" then the "Install <n> Updates" button still causes the system update installation attempt even though you just dismissed it - is that the intention?11:14
mpt(The spec says the same thing in two places, which is probably a sign that it needs restructuring)11:15
LaneyI think the behaviour I was just asking about is implemented right—my misunderstanding11:15
Laney(the first question)11:15
mptLaney, how did you get a dialog containing “Not Now” before tapping “Install <n> Updates”?11:17
LaneyA system update automatically downloaded and then it asked me whether I wanted to install it11:18
ogra_it pops up automatically if there was a system-image downloaded11:18
mptLaney, were you on the Updates screen when the download finished?11:20
LaneySo that much is correct, it's what I just asked about11:20
mptOkay, I think that’s fine then11:20
popeympt: have you tried signing out of u1 on the phone then signing back in?11:27
mptpopey, I have never signed in to Ubuntu One on the phone. The text field for entering the two-factor verification code does not bring up the OSK.11:28
mpt(To be fair, I only tried that just 30 seconds ago.)11:28
popeyrotate the phone then rotate back11:28
popeyi had that today too11:28
popeyand frantically tap the 2fa field11:29
mptThe display won’t rotate11:30
popeyNexus 4?11:30
ogra_the app should definitely rotate11:31
popeyyou're in the settings screen and it doesn't rotate?11:31
ogra_(it does here)11:31
popeyhah, accounts doesn't11:32
popeympt: so, i mean rotate when on the login screen waiting for 2fa11:32
mptpopey, oh, I got it by tapping back in the password field and then back in the verification code field11:32
mpt“The provided 2-factor key is not recognised.”11:33
popeyyou took too long probably11:33
mptWell, it’s a matter of plugging my YubiKey into my Mac, hitting the button, and retyping it…11:33
* mpt -> lunch11:33
popeytype faster ☻11:34
LaneyIt's not time based11:34
Laneyat least not as far as I know11:35
popeyyeah, it is11:35
popeythey expire after some seconds. 30-6011:35
LaneyI think it's just a hash function with a shared key and a counter11:35
* Laney checks11:35
Laneyokay it's asking me for a code11:36
* Laney waits11:36
popeyI'd generate then wait11:36
popeywhich is the life I'm talking about11:36
cwaynethere's an app on ubuntu for it btw...11:37
lespionrussehey guys, any of you nows about a release of ubuntu for the galaxy S3 i9305. Or can i install the i9300 on a 9305 instead?11:37
Laneyyeah it still worked11:39
popeydid you generate then wait?11:40
Laneysure did, then I found that link which confirmed it11:41
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popeyOdd, mine have failed after a period.11:42
popeymaybe I just suck at typing11:42
LaneyThey get out of sync, so you have to generate then use them in the same order11:42
ogra_!devices | lespionrusse11:45
ubot5lespionrusse: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:45
lespionrusseyeah i know but there's still nothing for my phone11:45
popeylespionrusse: so someone needs to port to that device11:46
bactlespionrusse: sell it, buy a google nexus11:46
ogra_lespionrusse, either port it yourself (non-trivial) or see if the xdg forums probably have an image ... but dont expect to much, the ports are usually a lot behind11:46
ogra_(like a year or so ... which leaves them with only very little functionality)11:47
lespionrussebut so you don't think i can use the i9300 rom on a i9305? it's the same phone with 4G11:48
ogra_no idea ...11:49
lespionrusseok, thx11:49
ogra_might or might not work, really depends on the android drivers11:50
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ogra_grr ... i hate that you cant close apps with the hud anymore12:56
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rsalvetiogra_: did you really use this feature?13:03
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ogra_rsalveti, all the time ... did you ever try to close an app from the app scope while walking ?13:03
rsalvetihaha, just don't close it :-)13:04
ogra_getting the X to show up is realy painful if you move13:04
rsalvetithat's the idea13:04
ogra_i often have apps that i dont want to dangle in the switcher all the time13:04
ogra_just to look somethign up quickly ... these i close right after using them13:04
bzoltan1dobey: ping13:06
bzoltan1dobey:  I am just checking the long pending bug reports for the SDK and met this -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/126568913:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1265689 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "Hard Depends on ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples" [Undecided,Invalid]13:07
bzoltan1dobey: could you elaborate a bit why would one need to remove the UITK examples package? What benefit it has?13:07
ogra_rsalveti, i mean, do yu want an IMDB app running forever just because you look up some info when watching TV once every two weeks ?13:08
ogra_i surely dont13:08
rsalvetiogra_: nops, but you don't have to close it right after13:08
rsalvetiand it shouldn't hurt, otherwise our app lifecycle is not doing the right thing13:08
ogra_well, i dont want it to clutter the app switcher either13:08
ogra_nah, no prob with the lifecycle ... just that i dont like clutter :)13:09
cwaynethat should be a scope anyway :P13:09
ogra_cwayne, the app switcher should be a scope ?13:09
dobeybzoltan1: because i don't need them installed to develop an application, and i don't want them to show up in my dash13:10
cwayneogra_, no, imdb should be13:10
ogra_then i wouldnt use it :P13:10
bzoltan1dobey:  but it does not hurt anything, right?13:10
* ogra_ finds webapps so much easier to use than going to a scope 13:10
ogra_way less taps swipes etc ...13:11
ogra_in reality i never use scopes but the open apps13:11
ogra_scopes feel like a massive duplication when dogfooding13:11
dobeybzoltan1: well it's wasting disk space, makes the dash uglier (examples apps don't have icons and the names are not good in the .desktop files), and makes it harder to find the real applications in the dash13:11
ogra_cwayne, i think we would need scpe usage more attractive ... i rarely bother fiddling through them if i can just start a webapp from the app lens quicker13:13
ogra_*would need to make13:13
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cwayneogra_, or literally one more swipe gets you to the scopes scope to launch scopes instead of apps :)13:14
bzoltan1dobey: the size of that package is insignificant (<1MB), the dash shows them as the dash shows any other file13:15
dobeybzoltan1: no "calculator" with no icon is not "as the dash shows any other file"13:15
dobeyand it means there is "Calculator" and "calculator" in the dash as a result13:16
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ogra_cwayne, well, for me only having the app lens (without any "recent" stuff), the app switcher (with a close button in the bottom left corner in each of the app screenshots) and the panel would totally be enough ... in 6 months that i use my phone daily i didnt have the need for anything else on there13:17
bzoltan1dobey: It is a calculator example.. your real calculator does not show up slower because of that13:17
dobeybzoltan1: no, it makes it unclear which one is the "real" calculator13:17
bzoltan1dobey: true, it does not have icon.. but it works13:17
dobeyi don't care if it works or not. if i uninstall gnome-calculator it isn't going to remove all of Unity as a result. so why can't i uninstall the useless example calculator for which i have absolutely NO need at all?13:18
dobeyis it really so bad to ask for proper dependency declarations in packages these days? :(13:18
bzoltan1dobey:  because it is a part of the SDK13:19
dobeyit is an example of how to use the sdk, not a part of the sdk itself13:20
ogra_dobey, note that we plan a big cleanup of all unused packages before the final images go out for the phones in summer/autumn ... all unused packages will have to go to get the image size down againn13:21
ogra_such stuff adds up ... and we are above the allowed 500M already13:22
dobeyogra_: this has nothing to do with the phone image. pretty sure qtcreator isn't on the phone image :)13:22
ogra_oh, right, that one isnt on the image :P13:22
bzoltan1dobey: your will be done13:36
bzoltan1dobey: you got an MR to review, if you do not mind13:41
dobeybzoltan1: +1 on the MP from me13:42
bzoltan1dobey: OK , I RTFM'd the suggested/recommended sections... I remembered wrong, the recommended it good here, the suggested would have been evil :) thanks for the idea. Easy fix.13:43
dobeybzoltan: any chance to include it in an sru to 14.04 at some point too?14:06
bzoltandobey:  the general policy is that the SDK stuff gets updates from the SDK PPA14:07
mhall119daker: is that com.canonical.Browser officially supported for 3rd party developers?14:10
dobeymhall119: com.canonical.Oxide?14:10
mhall119yeah, that14:10
dobeymhall119: i am using it in one app, yes14:11
dakermhall119: well their is nothing blocking you from using it14:11
dakersure their a the UbuntuWebview but if you can also use com.canonical.Oxide directly14:12
mhall119daker: I'm asking before I try and publish it to our API docs pages14:12
Tassadarby the way, are builds from devel-proposed supposed to have boot animation?14:14
dakermhall119: to be clear, their is nothing that prevent anyone from using Oxide directly14:15
mhall119daker: understood14:15
mhall119but in terms of API stability and support, I won't want to publish docs for an API designed for internal consumption which may not get the same level of backwards compatibility support as the rest14:16
jhodappMirv, ping14:20
dakermhall119: maybe ask Chris14:23
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mhall119daker: which chris?14:31
dakerChris Coulson14:31
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mhall119jdstrand: ping15:18
mhall119daker: maybe you can help me15:19
dakermhall119: ?15:19
mhall119daker: I'm trying to use oxide in my uReadIt app, but it fails to load on my phone15:20
mhall119http://paste.ubuntu.com/7452826/ is the app's log15:20
mhall119both those binaries exist on the device15:21
mhall119am I missing an apparmor policy group to allow me to run oxide?15:21
dakermhall119: maybe try to add the "webview" to the apparmor policy15:21
a_muva__is there a way to open two terminals at the same time?15:22
mhall119a_muva__: on the device? no15:22
dakermhall119: it works ?15:26
mhall119daker: yeah, which is strange since it's not a listed policy group on the phone15:27
mhall119oh wait, it *is* for 1.115:28
mhall119zbenjamin: ping15:28
zbenjaminmhall119: pong15:28
mhall119zbenjamin: does your policy group lookup script hard-code the 1.0 policy version?15:31
zbenjaminmhall119: uh yeah i think it does15:31
zbenjaminmhall119: let me check15:31
mhall119because we're on 1.1 now and the 'webview' policy needed to use the Oxide component15:31
zbenjaminmhall119: yes it does thx15:31
mhall119is only in 1.115:31
mhall119beuno: is there a way to skip all of the pages when uploading a new version of my app?15:32
mhall119bzoltan: zbenjamin: qmlplugindump keeps using up 99% or more of my CPU on a fairly regular basis15:34
bzoltanmhall119:  we know ... there are several bug reports about it15:34
mhall119currently it and updatedb.mlocate are in a contest to see how can abuse my hardware the most15:35
mvohi, hope this is the right channel to ask some questions about u8/mir on utopic/desktop. it seems that sigond is not running and when I manually try to run it it crashes. is that a known issue? it seems like I can install clicks because of that15:36
mhall119mvo: #ubuntu-unity might be a better place for strictly Unity related questions15:37
mvothanks mhall11915:37
seb128mhall119, signond issues seemed fine for here, I directed mvo to touch :p15:38
seb128mvo, sorry, I guess -unity works as well, mardy used to not be on -unity iirc though15:38
mvoseb128: aha, thanks15:38
mvoyeah, I don't really mind in what channel I get my answers :)15:38
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mhall119seb128: ah, ok, since he was running it on the desktop I assumed it might be better suited there15:39
seb128could be15:39
beunomhall119, what do you mean skip all the pages?15:40
seb128-unity tends to be more about shell issues usually15:40
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mhall119seb128: we can always shuffle him around through a dozen other channels before finally leaving him hin -offtopic :)15:40
seb128we should have one channel ;-)15:40
mhall119seb128: https://xkcd.com/927/ s/standards/channels/15:41
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popeybeuno: if you upload a new version of an app, the only thing you can do after upload is move to the next screen through all of the screens. It doesn't let you just upload and submit, leaving everything else untouched15:46
popeybeuno: i guess that's what mhall119 is talking about15:46
popey(it's annoying)15:46
beunopopey, ah, you mean, it makes you validate all the information even if you're not going to change anything?15:46
beunowe can do that, for sure15:46
beunopopey, mhall119, I'll swap you a bug # for getting that done15:47
dakermhall119 Oxide 1.1 ?15:47
mhall119daker: no, the apparmor policy version15:49
mhall119for aa-easyprof15:50
mhall119daker: you might want to add that you need "webview" in your apparmor manifest when using Oxide to your blog ost15:51
mhall119that's all I needed15:51
popeybeuno: a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent ?16:00
beunopopey, yes16:01
popeykk will do16:02
popeybeuno: mhall119 bug 131873016:04
ubot5bug 1318730 in Software Center Agent "Don't force developer through all screens on app update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131873016:04
beunothanks popey16:05
dakermhall119: ok16:08
ogra_cjwatson, heh, seeing your haskell uploads ... daker recently posted about haskell QML bindings, probably something to package ;)16:09
dakerogra_ heh16:10
cjwatsonogra_: I'm in no rush :P16:16
zbenjaminmhall119: there is already a bug for the qmlplugindump problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/130095716:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300957 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "qmlplugindump running at 100% cpu" [Undecided,New]16:21
zbenjaminmhall119: not sure atm by what it is caused16:21
dobeymvo: you can't install clicks on PC because pkcon tries to install them with apt/dpkg16:22
dobeymvo: signon is a dbus service, so it should spawn when needed16:23
mvodobey: thanks! thats useful information. do you happen to know if that is "just" a bug in PK, AIUI colin wrote a pk backend for clicks already. if you don't know, no worries, I will find out myself16:29
dobeymvo: i think its a configuration issue16:30
dobeymvo: the pkcon backend for click definitely works on the phone, but on pc you just get a password dialog and then it tries to install the click as a deb16:31
dobeymvo: the errors about the dbus session bus file not found that get spewed from the click scope can basically be ignored16:31
dobeymvo: if you get a password dialog poppig up, then everything in the click scope is working fine16:32
mvodobey: aha, thanks! that is good to know, I was about to debug this error16:33
dobeymvo: sure. if you have questions about the click scope, myself or alecu are the best people to ping.16:35
mvodobey: excellent, thanks again16:35
dobeyno problem :)16:35
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dakerdobey: oxide post :) http://daker.me/2014/05/how-to-use-oxide-in-your-ubuntu-qml-application.html16:39
alecu_mvo: afaiui, it's packagekitd and its click plugin (as used on the phone) conflicting somehow with aptd16:39
mvoalecu_: that makes sense indeed16:40
alecu_mvo: I'm sure colin knows the details16:40
mvoalecu_: yeah16:41
mvoalecu_: and thanks for the pointer, PK itself should not need to conflict with aptd, just the apt backend, so let me see how I can disentangle this :)16:42
dobey daker i saw :)16:42
dobeymvo: yeah i think the apt back-end, and the click back-end, are conflicting or something16:43
* mvo nods16:44
dobeyhey, someone rated the gallery app 5 stars!16:47
dobeyoh, the music app too16:47
cwaynedpm, ping16:48
dpmhey cwayne16:49
dobeyman, 2048native clearly has the most reviews of anything though16:50
ogra_and it is fun :)16:50
ogra_so much more beautiful than the original16:50
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Laneyi've noticed that it sometimes takes two swipes16:51
dobeyi don't know if that's the app or not though16:52
popeyyeah, i noticed that too16:52
dobeyswipe reliability hasn't been the best for me, in general16:52
dobeyso i just flashed a nexus 4, and i got a warning on reboot about "ROM may flash stock recovery on boot. Fix?"16:53
dobeyand i have no idea what to pick :)16:53
ogra_anything :)16:53
ogra_its a no-op either way16:53
ogra_bah ... when oh when will that upgrade bug be fixed ... i'm tired of getting a blank screen on image upgrades16:55
dobeybut yeah 2048native is a pretty good way to pass the time while i'm waiting for my food at buffalo wild wings16:55
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dobeyhuh, why don't alarms work at all on nexus 5 i wonder16:58
cwayneworked for me this am17:00
dobeyon nexus 5?17:01
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dobeyhuh, i haven't been able to get it working at all.17:02
dobeyit's always said "no active alarms" for me17:03
dobeyi just deleted them all and added a new one, which it now shows as active though, weird17:03
dobeybut no icon in the indicator17:04
mhall119yay build 22 is out, boo that I get an error trying to download it17:06
mhall119do I need to trick my phone into thinking it's on r20 already?17:07
mhall119it's currently on r1717:07
mhall119ogra_: ^^ ??17:08
ogra_mhall119, ??17:09
mhall119ogra_: I have r17 on my phone17:09
mhall119it says r22 is available17:09
mhall119downloading it fails17:09
ogra_and thats true17:09
ogra_just upgraded all devices here17:09
dobeymhall119: shouldn't matter. the error is because the file already exists i guess17:09
ogra_from either 17 or 2017:09
mhall119dobey: I delete the files from /tmp/ and I still get them17:10
dobeyor two things are trying to download to the same file17:10
ogra_i dont think it downloads to /tmp17:10
ogra_it should download to /cache/recovery17:10
ogra_but if you manually inrevened you migght have confused it17:10
mhall119ogra_: I didn't so anything fancy, this was a normal upgrade up to r1717:11
ogra_well, it worked fine for me just now17:12
mhall119from r17 on devel channel?17:12
ogra_flo upgraded from 17 to 22 and mako from 20 to 2217:12
mhall119I'm on mako r1717:12
mhall119let me reboot and try again17:12
ogra_sure. shouldnt make any difference17:12
Tassadardelta from 17->19 and from 19->20 seems to have the same ubuntu file Oo17:13
Tassadars-i-cli can't handle that17:14
mhall11917 and 20 are the same image17:14
ogra_well, with different stamps on them17:14
mhall119ogra_: after reboot I get the same error17:14
Tassadarthe index.json says the files are exactly the same17:14
ogra_the client should recognnize them as different images ... at least if i can belive steev17:14
Tassadarmhall119: which file does it fail to download?17:15
mhall119Tassadar: I can't tell, the filename is too long and goes off the screen17:16
mhall119is there a log file I can pastebin?17:16
Tassadaryou can call system-image-cli via adb shell17:16
taiebotHi all i am going to report a bug on my nexus 4. My cellular settings have completely disappeared since two-three days. i am on r22 with nexus 4 . One screenshot to show the problem http://uppix.com/f-mir536d38d700165cbc.png17:16
Tassadarwith -v it would be even better17:16
taiebotIS it already reported?17:17
mhall119taiebot: could you be out of space?17:17
mhall119taiebot: that happened to me when I ran out17:17
mhall119Tassadar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7453342/ is with -n, running it again for real this time17:18
mhall119Tassadar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7453344/17:18
taiebotmhall: my home is only 49%17:18
mhall119taiebot: running `df -h`?17:19
mhall119ok, not the same issue I had then17:19
Tassadaryeah, it tries to download the same file twice because it is in both delta 17->19 and 19->20, I've encountered that with my custom server because it had always one file the same. It was not fixed because it shouldn't happen on official server, but it did)17:20
TassadarI guess you can force it to download full image with -b 0 or what was the switch17:20
ogra_Tassadar, please talk to stgraber then ... i explicitly asked about that before i called the coyp-image script on friday17:20
mhall119Tassadar: this is the 'devel' channel, we need to give people a better option than that17:20
Tassadarremove the delta then17:21
Tassadarit will use the full image17:21
taiebotmhall119: i think its related to changes on r16 with ofono17:21
ogra_i didnt have any issue on any device here17:21
Tassadarogra_: bug 128654217:21
mhall119taiebot: hmmm, I have r17 and haven't had an issue, what carrier do you have?17:21
ubot5bug 1286542 in Ubuntu system image "keyring DuplicateDestinationError when updating from custom s-i server" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128654217:21
ogra_Tassadar, ah, triaged already17:22
Tassadarbut in that specific case it affected only the custom servers17:22
taiebotmhall19: A cheap provider certainly not on any database http://www.vectonemobile.co.uk/#17:22
ogra_anyway, i'm out ... /me is already late to an appointment ...17:23
Tassadarogra_: I think replying to that bug and typing what exactly did you do on the server side might not be a bad idea, at least they'll know it can happen on s-i.u.com17:24
mhall119stgraber: you around?17:24
Tassadarand barry works on s-i-cli, but he's not here17:25
stgrabermhall119: let's say no :) (on vacation)17:25
davmor2stgraber: so how did you answer dun dun dunnnnnn17:26
taiebotmhall119: i am also experiencing this http://uppix.com/f-mir2536d38f000165cbd.png i think its worth a bug..17:26
mhall119ok, guys, who is around that can fix this? stgraber is on vacation, ogra_ just left for an appointment, barry isn't here....17:26
popeyfix what exactly?17:27
dobeytaiebot: just file a bug then17:27
mhall119popey: upgrading from r17 to r22 on mako is failing17:27
dobeytaiebot: if it's a duplicate, it will get marked as such17:27
* popey tries17:27
mhall119because it wants to go 17->19->20->22, but some of those hops are for identical images17:28
stgraberyeah, that's a barry bug17:28
taiebotdobey: difficulty is finding the duplicate or assigning it properly? What would you report it against?17:28
Tassadarcan I mention somebody in a launchpad bug comment?17:29
dobeytaiebot: well, indicator-network is probably a good start (since it's showing multiple "Cellular settings..." entries)17:31
mhall119Tassadar: you mean in a way that links to the person?17:32
dobeyTassadar: not in a particularly meaningful way (there's no @-linking or anything)17:32
Tassadaryeah, like on github or whatever17:32
Tassadarwell, doesn't matter, everybody knows ogra)17:32
dobeydaker: can you pass a user script file to webapp-container for webapps?17:35
Tassadarthat is weird though17:36
TassadarI think that is server error17:36
Tassadartwo deltas directly after each another shouldn't have the same file17:36
mhall119Tassadar: I commented on the bug you linked to earlier17:36
TassadarI'm currently writing a comment)17:36
stgrabermhall119: ok, so this clearly looks like a bug in the client, I think I've seen it in the past but we really need to get barry to look into this ASAP and fix this17:37
dobeyTassadar: the delta for 19->20 should be the same as 19->17 though i think17:37
Tassadarnot the other way around17:37
mhall119stgraber: the index.json on the server lists identical upgrade deltas for 17->19 and for 19->2017:37
dobeyTassadar: that's what it is17:37
* barry waves17:37
dakerdobey: good question, i don't think so17:38
dobeyTassadar: but since "20" in devel is a copy of 17, then 19->20 should be same as 19->1717:38
dakerdobey: i think it's a good feature to have IMHO17:38
dpmdobey, cwayne is testing the zh_CN translations on image #20 for the click scope, and it appears the .mo files are not being shipped. Is the .deb package actually building them, or is it because the branch containing the translations still hasn't landed on an image?17:38
Tassadardobey: there is no 19->1717:38
davmor2wow you summon barry and he appears17:38
mhall119barry: tl;dr, upgraging my mako fails with duplicate destination error because of duplicate delta files for 17->19 and 19->2017:38
stgrabermhall119: I'm not seeing this here17:38
dobeyTassadar: i know.17:38
stgraber17 to 19 is b5c6dc81a34ddd663595630c323093bb673181c9dab2d98cb2b8becf31ae6ba717:39
barrymhall119: that was supposed to be impossible, guaranteed on the server side17:39
stgraber19 to 20 is c415f5280b94bbd515c761243e0085dc4a9f3e1a851bade018fb091394500c4417:39
mhall119barry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7453344/ is the output from system-image-cli17:39
dobeyTassadar: i'm not sure how the delta is defined exactly, but 17->19 and 19->17 might end up being the same perhaps?17:39
dobeyTassadar: thus 17->19 and 19->20 would then be the same if that is true17:39
dobeyTassadar: anyway, that's just academia :)17:40
mhall119stgraber: for mako? I see ubuntu-0a596f5994326d2cb745e1f37600882227b6b35455fce8695bf03ee1f485f95a.delta-ubuntu-c20c730f6577a414fcec136eaea0a24a1e4dcb0a6df6f93713f390e4f106574c.tar.xz17:40
mhall119in http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/devel/mako/index.json17:40
TassadarI'm looking at index.json for flo, but it should(must) be the same17:40
dobeydpm: what version of unity-scope-click is in image 20?17:40
dobeydpm: actually, wait17:40
dobeydpm: image 20 on devel, or image 20 on devel-proposed?17:40
mhall119I'm only on 'devel'17:40
mhall119not -proposed17:41
davmor2barry: 20 is 17.  ogra_ had to do a mad and now it might appear bad thing in order that people could still add accounts/17:41
stgrabermhall119: oh, I see, I was looking at the wrong channel...17:41
mhall119ogra_: this is what happens when you give in to peer pressure :)17:41
stgraberok, so that's a revert going bad then17:41
stgraberI'll drop 17 to 19 from the index, that should do the trick, it may force a redownload but whatever17:42
dobeycwayne: you're trying zh_CN on 20 from devel, or devel-proposed? (because they're different)17:42
Tassadaryeah, that should work, did that too17:42
mhall119thanks stgraber, sorry to have to trouble you on your vacation17:42
cwaynedobey, -proposed17:42
dobeycwayne: hrmm, it should work there. what's not working exactly? did you reboot after setting the language?17:43
barrymhall119: yeah, what ogra_ did isn't a good idea as you can see ;).  i am planning some s-i work before the sprint, so i'll bump the priority up on this bug17:43
davmor2stgraber: it wasn't a revert.  19 was bad and nobody was about to commit the revert so 17 which was the last promoted was renamed 20 as I understand it17:43
cwaynedobey, the scope title/categories are in english, and yes i've rebooted17:43
cwaynemusic/videos/scope scopes are all translated17:43
cwaynelet me do a fresh reflash17:43
stgraberdavmor2: well, still we have two full images that are bit for bit identical but with different versions, that seems to be the problem17:44
stgraberdavmor2: anyway, can you try a system-image-cli -n again now?17:44
Tassadarlooks like copy-image just copyied the delta too17:44
stgraberI've yanked out the 17 -> 19 delta from the index so hopefully you'll get an upgrade path which should be slightly nicer17:44
davmor2stgraber: I don't have the issue17:44
TassadarI guess it isn't supposed to be used on the same channel17:44
stgraberok, well can whoever has the issue test this now?17:44
Tassadarmhall119: ^17:44
mhall119stgraber: system-image-cli -n now wants to just do a full r22 image, so I'll try it through system-settings17:45
mhall119stgraber: it's downloading now, thanks!17:45
stgraberok, that's a bit wasteful but at least it works17:45
* stgraber goes away17:45
mhall119better to be inefficient than ineffective :)17:46
* davmor2 kicks stgraber off irc ;)17:46
davmor2stgraber: have a nice break dude17:46
TassadarI really wonder how did all this worked out on my server Oo17:46
Tassadaryep, mine has the same problem17:47
Tassadarkinda looks like there's something wrong with the delta generating parts, since I didn' use copy-image, it just downloaded the new image from s-i.u.com and created delta with the last one17:48
dobeycwayne: it's working for me on 22. which chinese did you pick in the languages list? the shorter text or the longer text? (i can't actually read it, so i have no idea what it says exactly)17:48
* Tassadar wonders how to fix it other than manually editing index.json17:49
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mhall119beuno: will ratings and reviews be exposed in myapps?18:08
mhall119for developers to see18:08
Tassadaroh, I know why the delta is same - the base ubuntu file is the same and delta for that file already exists, so s-i-server just uses that one18:12
Tassadarwhich is wrong18:12
rsalvetix86 emulator is out: https://plus.google.com/+RicardoSalveti/posts/bogbYxBbuk618:15
beunomhall119, yes!  Bug please?18:16
dobeyanyone else have a problem with the nexus 4 switching between multiple access points constantly?18:17
Tassadarrsalveti: lol, the first comment)18:17
dobeywell that, or it's constantly increasing/decreasing antenna power18:17
Stskeepsrsalveti: congrats, good work!18:18
mhall119beuno: what project again?18:18
rsalvetihaha, I did include the link to the email with instructions and such18:18
rsalvetimhall119: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08059.html18:18
beunomhall119, software-center-agent18:18
rsalvetiStskeeps: thanks!18:18
mhall119rsalveti: how can I do it through QtCreator?18:19
popeyrsalveti: you'll incur ogra_'s wrath by mentioning --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed and not --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed18:19
rsalvetimhall119: that's a question for bzoltan I guess18:20
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ sudo ubuntu-emulator create --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed --arch=i386 test_x8618:20
popeyunknown flag `arch'18:20
rsalvetimhall119: he was going to integrate that soon18:20
mhall119popey: do you have the latest from their PPA?18:20
rsalvetipopey: read my email :-)18:20
rsalvetiwhich version of goget-ubuntu-touch do you have installed?18:21
popeywhere in the mail does it say I will get unknown flag?18:21
popeyN: Unable to locate package goget-ubuntu-touch18:21
rsalvetijust says you need the latest if your host is not utopic yet18:21
popeyyes, i have the ppa and have dist-upgraded18:21
rsalvetisorry, that's the src package18:21
popey(i already had the ppa enabled)18:22
rsalvetiubuntu-emulator and ubuntu-emulator-runtime18:22
popeyyes, i have them18:22
rsalvetiweird, trusty?18:22
rsalvetiright, which version?18:22
popey  Installed: 0.2+14.04.20140416.2-0ubuntu118:22
popey  Installed: 20140328-2310-0ubuntu218:22
rsalvetinot the latest18:22
* popey removes and re-adds the ppa18:22
mhall119popey: do you have the PPA enabled?18:22
mhall119mine was likely disabled when I upgraded to Trusty18:23
popeyah, add-apt-repository bug18:23
popeyif the ppa is already there but commented out, it doesn't uncomment it18:23
popeywhich is *mental*18:23
popeysorry for doubting you rsalveti ☻18:23
rsalvetipopey: np :-)18:24
popey\o/ fresh packages arriving18:24
popeywheeee, downloading18:24
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rsalvetipopey: did it work for you?18:30
popeySuccesfully created emulator instance test_x86 in /home/alan/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/test_x8618:34
popeyrsalveti: 2 mins from start to getting the welcome thing18:36
popeythis is way quick18:36
rsalvetiyeah, I'll pre-cache the apparmor rules18:37
rsalvetishould be even faster then18:37
popeyshame you can't type into it18:37
Chipacais there an easier way of getting the value out of an (a(oa{sv})) than http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7453730/ ?18:42
mhall119rsalveti: how hard would it be to run this emulator on another distro?18:45
rsalvetimhall119: shouldn't be that hard18:47
rsalvetiyou could probably use the same binaries, but in the ideal case all you need is the android toolchain, and rebuild the android package18:47
bzoltanmhall119: rsalveti: really soon... question of days18:47
dobeyChipaca: in C with glib?18:49
dobeyChipaca: or in Python? :)18:49
Chipacadobey: yeah18:49
Chipacadobey: C and glib18:50
dobeyno, there's not an easier way in C18:50
popeyrsalveti: should media play?18:52
rsalvetipopey: video shouldn't, audio I'm not so sure, never tested it actually18:53
dobeyChipaca: you could build an abstraction to make it easier for a specific type like "(a(oa{sv}))" but not sure it's worth the trouble18:53
Chipacadobey: agreed :)18:54
rsalvetiunity::ResourceException: SmartScopesClient.get_remote_scopes(): Remote scopes cache is empty:18:54
rsalveti    unity::ResourceException: Error downloading https://dash.ubuntu.com/smartscopes/v2/remote-scopes? - server replied: Internal Server Error18:54
rsalvetidavmor2: ^18:54
rsalvetisorry, using a different channel :-)18:54
davmor2rsalveti: grrrrr18:54
Chipacadobey: I was hoping you could say g_variant_get(aVariant, "magic") and have it work18:55
davmor2rsalveti: where do you see that?18:55
rsalvetidavmor2: ./.cache/upstart/smart-scopes-proxy.log18:55
davidcallersalveti, server down atm, apparently18:55
rsalvetiyeah, giving oops-id18:56
davidcallersalveti, this endpoint at least. It was being debugged for a couple of day... Looks like it didn't worked :p18:56
davmor2    unity::ResourceException: Error downloading https://dash.ubuntu.com/smartscopes/v2/remote-scopes? - server replied: Internal Server Error yeah heap of these18:57
rsalvetidavmor2: worked fine with an upgrade because it used the local cached data18:57
cwaynedobey, so i did a fresh reflash with --wipe, and now it shows up as translated, good stuff, thanks :)18:57
dobeyChipaca: only for versions of aVariat that are a{} something18:57
rsalvetidavidcalle: do you know who is checking that?18:57
davmor2beuno: ^  is smart scopes down?18:58
dobeyor rather, a{sv} or similar18:58
beunodavmor2, that would be lucio18:58
davidcallersalveti, davmor2, it would be lucio18:58
Chipacadobey: ta :)18:59
davmor2beuno: okay thanks18:59
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rsalvetidavmor2: yeah, clean 22 also gave the same issue, so it's indeed server realted19:10
rickspencer3rsalveti, hey, I followed your directions on Trusty, but ubuntu-emulator list doesn't see test_x86 (and neither does run, of course)19:16
rickspencer3rsalveti, oh, I didn't exactly follow them19:16
rickspencer3I cheated19:16
rickspencer3sudo ubuntu-emulator create --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed --arch=i386 test_x8619:16
* rickspencer3 tries with utopic19:17
rickspencer3still doesn't see it :(19:17
rsalvetirickspencer3: was it created successfully?19:18
rickspencer3rsalveti, there was no error message, so I assume "yes"19:18
rsalvetirickspencer3: can you paste me the output? you can destroy and create it again19:19
rickspencer3rsalveti, well, it's not .local/share/ubuntu-emulator/19:19
rickspencer3and there is no output19:19
rickspencer3Creating "test_x86" from ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed revision 2319:20
rickspencer339.71 MB / 39.71 MB [====================================] 100.00 % 621.42 KB/s19:20
rickspencer3345.17 MB / 345.17 MB [====================================] 100.00 % 1.30 MB/s19:20
rsalvetiyeah, do you have something in there?19:20
rsalvetiright, so the package seems fine19:20
rickspencer3rsalveti, I have old emulators that I made months ago from QtCreator19:20
rickspencer3maybe the perms on the directory are wrong or something19:20
rsalvetimaybe, if that's all you get19:21
rsalvetiyou should get a message saying that it's setting it up19:21
rickspencer3rsalveti, it never said that19:21
rickspencer3drwx------ 4 root root  4096 Mar  4 14:29 ubuntu-emulator19:21
davmor2rickspencer3: are you on Utopic already then?19:21
rsalvetithat's the issue then19:21
rickspencer3davmor2, this particular computer is trusty19:21
rsalvetiit should say something similar to http://paste.ubuntu.com/7453962/19:21
rickspencer3rsalveti, hmmm19:22
rickspencer3I don't see that completion message19:22
rsalvetitry changing the ownership of that folder19:22
rsalvetisergiusens: maybe we're not checking the errors properly in there?19:23
davmor2rsalveti: <facundobatista> davmor2, fixing it! for the scopes issue19:23
rickspencer3rsalveti, sure thing, change it to my user?19:23
rsalvetirickspencer3: yeah19:23
davmor2rickspencer3: oh ignore me I read the email as required Ubuntu Utopic, not Ubuntu < Utopic19:26
rickspencer3davmor2, ;)19:26
rickspencer3rsalveti, it's spending quite some time on "Setting up ..." , may I presume it is working?19:27
rsalvetidavmor2: thanks :-)19:27
rsalvetirickspencer3: did it work this time?19:44
rickspencer3rsalveti, yeah19:44
rsalvetinow we just need the scopes server to be up and running again19:45
rickspencer3rsalveti, I guess when I see no output that means, "it worked" to me ;)19:45
rsalvetiyeah, a bug in our tool for sure19:45
rickspencer3rsalveti, sooo, sorry to expose my ignorance, but wouldn't the lack of a scope server be affecting my phone as well?19:46
rsalvetirickspencer3: it is19:46
rickspencer3looks like it is working19:46
rsalvetibut your phone is using the cached data19:46
* rickspencer3 digs19:46
ogra_mhall119, this was no peer pressure but what stgraber had done before as well ... and i explicitly asked here on friday before doing it19:47
ogra_i assume i should have force copied 20 before promoting 2219:48
rickspencer3rsalveti, that's pretty impressive because everything seems to be working19:48
rickspencer3(on my phone)19:48
* rickspencer3 shrugs19:49
rsalvetirickspencer3: it seems that the major piece that crashed is the one that provides the list of scopes19:49
rsalvetithat's why if you flash a clean image, you get nothing19:49
rsalvetibut I'd guess that once the scopes knows where to get the data, it works fine19:49
davmor2rickspencer3: I had the same thing on ota from 22, however after I did a bootstrap install and got http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-12-195120.png19:49
rsalvetimaybe a different service, url, server, not sure19:49
davmor2night all19:52
nik90rsalveti: hey, I was trying the new x86 emulator after reading the ML. However I get a permission error http://paste.ubuntu.com/7454088/19:53
nik90rsalveti: I am runing trusty with the phablet tools PPA19:54
rsalvetiwonder if the same issue rickspencer3 had19:55
rsalvetiI'd guess the sdk might be cause19:55
rsalvetidid you create armhf emulator images via the sdk before?19:55
rickspencer3nik90, did you try to run the emulator with QtCreator some weeks/months back?19:55
nik90rickspencer3: yes I did create armhf images with the sdk19:56
nik90rsalveti: ^^19:56
nik90rsalveti: those armhf are still present in the system19:56
rickspencer3nik90, I did sudo chown -R rick ~/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/19:56
rsalvetijust chown <youruser:youruser> ~/.cache/ubuntuimages ~/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator19:56
rickspencer3and it fixed it19:56
rsalvetibzoltan: something to investigate ^19:57
rsalvetifor some reason the folders used by ubuntu-emulator are with root:root when created via sdk19:57
sergiusensrsalveti: nik90 rickspencer3 the permissions error is due to a cancelled emulator create from the sdk19:57
bzoltanrsalveti: how old QtC does that?19:57
ajalkanehey sires... I need to create a click package for Ubuntu desktop, but now with QtCreator it says "It is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target"19:58
ajalkaneI'm pretty sure it was possible earlier19:58
nik90rsalveti, rickspencer3: I tried both your commands but still get the same permission error. Should I delete the ubuntu-emulator folder and try again?19:58
dobeyajalkane: i suspect it wasn't. click packages are not currently used/supported on PC really19:58
ajalkanedobey: I have two *.click packages that I installed already :P. It's what was recommended for me to be able to develop Content Hub support19:59
bzoltannik90: do the chown with the -R19:59
rsalvetinik90: just do as rickspencer3 said, chown -R <youruser>:<youruser> ~/.cache/ubuntuimages ~/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator19:59
dobeyajalkane: yes, it's possible to manually install them the not-quite-proper way20:00
ajalkaneI mean I built them using SDK from sources20:00
nik90bzoltan: ah yes I missed the -R :)..now it seems to download the image20:00
bzoltannik90: cool20:00
dobeyajalkane: they are projects that target the UbuntuSDK though20:00
dobeyajalkane: what are you trying to build a click package of exactly?20:01
ajalkanedobey: for exawmple this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+junk/hub-exporter20:01
ajalkaneThat I build and made a click package out of20:01
ajalkaneWhat I'm now trying to build is FileManager which needs Content Hub support20:01
dobeyajalkane: as in a branch of lp:ubuntu-filemanager-app ?20:02
ajalkanedobey: Well... I've done content-hub related changes, suppose there's check in SDK that could wreck building a click package after that?20:03
ajalkaneBut I've otherwise up-to-date version from trunk20:03
dobeyajalkane: i'm not sure how qtcreator deals with cmake projects in that respect exactly20:04
ajalkaneI'll check with pure trunk20:04
dobeyajalkane: but you could do cmake -DCLICK_MODE=ON20:04
dobeyand build it yourself i suppose20:05
ajalkanedobey: hmm well that was my previous approach but apparently it built arm packages. I'll recheck my commands and first try with pure trunk FileManager20:05
dobeyi don't see in the CmakeLists.txt would build arm packages, unless you were doing cross-compiling or building on an arm cpu20:06
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ajalkanethis build process has lived and changed so much in the last couple of months that I'm not sure what I'm talking about anymore :). I'll recheck.20:07
ajalkaneTrunk version gives same error in QtCreator20:08
ajalkaneI'll check my command-line building instructions20:08
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Tassadarogra_: lol, wrong index.json on the system-image server was caused by a code which was keeping support for wrongly generated files from some older s-i-server version - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/server/view/head:/lib/systemimage/generators.py#L91 , if you wanna look20:09
ajalkanewell, there's nothing there that specifies it'd build for arm. So I'll just retry using those instructions and see if x86 executable is a result nowadays20:09
ajalkanebleh, it build armhf.click package20:11
Tassadarbasically, instead of generating new delta, it took the old one from 17->19 even though it was the exact opposite of what needed to be done, because that code accepts even deltas with swapped target and source hash20:12
ajalkanedobey: can you check what's wrong with these kind of build commands: http://pastebin.com/XrgajQVN20:12
dobeyajalkane: i don't know20:13
dobeylooks ok20:14
rickspencer3rsalveti, congrats on the x86 emulator20:14
ajalkaneokay... but it builds armfh package which I gather is not correct. I can try running it of course  if it's just the name that's incorrect20:14
rickspencer3it's very cool and is going to enable so many coolthings20:14
* rickspencer3 looks forward to parallel AP tests running in <1.5 hours total20:15
ajalkaneWell yeah, click install refused to installe it20:15
dobeyajalkane: the manifest.json is probably wrong when building on other arches20:24
rsalvetirickspencer3: yeah :-)20:25
dobeyajalkane: so it looks like the manifest.json needs ot have the architecture field be filled in at build time, rather than hard-coded to "armhf"20:27
ajalkanedobey: right... it does say architecture: armhf20:27
dobeyajalkane: also, it probably needs to be fixed to build a fat package rather than an arch-specific package20:28
ajalkanedobey: fat? As in including all supported archs?20:28
dobeyajalkane: right20:28
ajalkaneThe SDK team will love the extra work :). But yeah, I'd like to see that fixed a lot20:29
dobeywell the only "supported" archs are armhf at the moment20:29
ajalkanedobey: by any chance do you know what I should put there to build for desktop?20:29
dobeysince the only supported devices are Nexus20:29
dobeyajalkane: amd64 if on 64-bit or i386 for 32-bit20:30
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
asacrsalveti: thx. emulator works like charm indeed :)21:48
rsalvetiasac: great!21:48
asacrsalveti: how can i run ap tests :)?21:48
asacrsalveti: ever tried?21:49
rsalvetiasac: same way as when running with a normal device21:49
rsalvetiyup, got some failures to investigate21:49
rsalvetigoal now is to be able to get a completely green image with the emulator :-)21:49
asacrsalveti: can you check with CI folks if htey can just hook this up to dashboard :)?21:53
rsalvetisure, I know doanac was waiting for me to release it :-)21:53
rsalvetiwill ping them21:53
asacrsalveti: how do i connect with adb?21:54
rsalvetiasac: adb shell should work21:54
asacok thats cool magic. awesome21:54
doanacrsalveti: indeed. i've started playing with it this afternoon21:55
rsalvetidoanac: cool, what is the plan now?21:55
asacrsalveti: i think figuring at some point how to use phablet-flash and upgrade testing etc. would be interesting21:55
rsalvetiasac: yeah, we can use it to test system-image updates21:55
doanacrsalveti: i had a branch for emulator stuff semi-tested. it just never worked well with ARM. i'm hoping it will actually be able to test things more consistently on x86 now21:56
rsalvetidoanac: great, let me know if you have any issues with it21:56
dobeybah, my alarm so did not go off22:01
asacdobey: on touch?22:01
dobeyasac: yes, on my nexus522:01
robrumterry, hey, just a heads up, I am rebuilding telephony-service in your silo 2 because boiko did a telephony-service release through just now. but I was careful not to rebuild the whole thing so it shouldn't be too much of a disturbance22:47
mterryrobru, thanks man22:56
robrumterry, you're welcome!22:57
vthompsonDoes anyone here know if using the Thumbnailer require a certain apparmor proifile? I'm testing the music app's mediascanner2.0 functionality on the device and I'm currently not seeing cover art, whereas on the desktop I am.23:43
vthompsonI see messages in the log like this: "D-Bus error:  "An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message23:47
vthompson to this recipient, 0 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.81" (uid=32023:47
vthompson11 pid=5334 comm="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene musi") interface23:47
vthompson="com.canonical.Thumbnailer" member="GetAlbumArt" error name="(unset)" requested23:47
vthompson_reply="0" destination="com.canonical.Thumbnailer" (uid=32011 pid=2492 comm="/us23:47
doflahertyis there a "correct" way to submit a merge proposal to a core/system app?23:53
vthompsondoflaherty, are you fixing a bug or implementing a new feature/behavior?23:53
doflahertyfixing a bug23:54
vthompsonhere's a loose development guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/DevelopmentGuide23:55
vthompsonIf there's already a bug report assign the bug to yourself, otherwise create a new bug report23:55
doflahertyI filed one, fixed it, updated the corresponding test and submitted it to the gallery-app, but got no feedback regarding it23:55
tyhicksvthompson: apparmor does look to be blocking your message but I don't see anything in the policy groups that allow access to that D-Bus interface23:56
tyhicksvthompson: I'm very familiar with apparmor d-bus mediation, but not so familiar with our apparmor policy groups on touch23:56
vthompsondoflaherty, Not sure about system apps like Gallery. They might be busy and take awhile to get to a MP23:56
tyhicksvthompson: if you can wait until tomorrow, jdstrand should be able to give you an answer23:56
vthompsontyhicks, that sounds perfect, thanks!23:57
doflahertyokay, I wasn't sure if I was missing something23:57
vthompsondoflaherty, I see your dialog MP. Since it's relatively minor, I'd imagine it might sit around for awhile23:59
vthompsonNo one's even triaged the bug yet23:59

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