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dholbachgood morning07:03
dpmmorning everyone!07:23
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dpmmorning Mirv. What's the status of the SRU for https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/1303746 ? I know I keep asking (sorry about that), but I don't know exactly where to look at to track the progress.07:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1303746 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu Trusty) "Performance hit when editing sorted lists" [Undecided,In progress]07:48
dpmwe're good on the phone, but having the backport would help us being able to properly develop the app on a trusty desktop07:49
Mirvdpm: still would need to be approved from unapproved queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=07:57
Mirvso that it would get into -proposed and the bugs would get autoupdated on needing verification07:58
dpmMirv, what's the workflow for getting from approved to unapproved? Is there someone who I can poke to have a look at it? I know the SRU team are swamped, so I'm not sure I want to bother them too much, but at the same time, it'd be good for Reminders development and for testing the app on the desktop that it gets approved and the app can be run again on trusty08:00
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Leprechaun Day! :-D08:02
Mirvdpm: I don't think there's any other team that can be pinged, not too many people have the power to approve from that queue08:02
dpmso ogra_, you'll be pleased to hear scopes are internationalized again ;)08:41
dpmI've seen the first translations landing already, but I'm not sure they've been all completed in German. In any case, if you see anything untranslated or not working properly, let me know08:43
dpmI'm happy to be running the phone in Catalan again too ;)08:43
popeykalikiana_: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/datepicker-autopilot_helper/+merge/218909 seemed to fail jenkins. can you take a look please?09:24
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RienzillaHello there (moved here from #ubuntu-touch)09:51
popeyRienzilla: libaccount-plugin-google is probably something worth looking at..09:51
popeyas that does calendar sync via syncmonitor.09:52
Rienzillayeah it is probably very similar to the google plugin09:52
Rienzillaas google uses the exact same protocols09:52
popeyi think the code is here somewhere.. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/account-plugins/utopic09:52
Rienzillaand as a general question, are there docs on how to set up a development/emulator environment?09:52
popeydeveloper.ubuntu.com is our central documentation place.09:53
popeyif you find any omissions, do let us know, it's under development so that's possible, and we want to fix those omissions09:53
popeyyou should be able to test your code on the desktop though, if you're on ubuntu 14.0409:54
popeyi.e. without an emulator, I believe the code for account plugins is the same on desktop and device09:54
Rienzillaah ok09:54
popeythe armhf emulator is available, which is slow09:54
RienzillaI'm on 12.04lts I think :)09:54
popeyand more recently we have an x86 emulator which is much quicker.09:54
Rienzillabu I can upgrade09:54
popeyooh, upgrade! :D09:54
popey14.04 is much nicer09:54
popey<- biassed09:55
popeyRienzilla: do ping me if you get stuck, I'm around most of the time.09:55
Rienzillawill do, thanks09:56
nik90popey: can I remove blockers if it has been fixed from the doc?10:33
nik90popey: or do you want to confirm before doing that?10:33
nik90related to clock app only10:33
popeynik90:  you know best for your app, move to the "done" tab pls10:34
nik90popey: ok10:35
nik90popey: can you confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1308193 again pls10:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308193 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [High,Confirmed]10:58
nik90popey: I just tested it now on r24, and it seems fixed :)10:58
popeynik90: nope, on mine I set an alarm, save it, clock dies, i go back in and it's gone ☹11:00
nik90popey: you mean clock crashes?11:00
popeyhah, now some seconds later, i see the alarms11:01
popeyhowever it thinks my 4pm alarm is next, not my 1pm alarm11:01
* popey screenshots11:01
ogra_popey, oh, seeing that ... FYI phablet-screenshot was fixed yesterday11:01
popey(I never use that) ☻11:02
ogra_i know11:02
ogra_but if people ask :)11:02
nik90popey: whats the next alarm shown by the indicator d-t?11:02
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dpmafternoon seb128! We've got a pending SRU for Qt to make the Reminders app usable to run (and to be tested and developed) on the desktop. I know the SRU team has enough on their plate, but do you happen to know who we could ask to prioritize the approval of that Qt package if possible? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=11:03
popeynik90: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-05-13-120300.png11:03
nik90popey: good lord, how many alarms have you saved in the clock app11:04
popeyI test it11:04
ogra_nik90, btw, is sound support for the time planned at some point ... ?11:04
* ogra_ noticed on the weekend that it still only turns green but makes no noise11:05
nik90ogra_: you mean different alarm sounds?11:05
seb128dpm, hey, I don't know, you can try nagging on #ubuntu-release11:05
seb128I did that yesterday to get some stuff reviewed11:05
ogra_nik90, no, i mean an audible alarm for the timer11:05
dpmseb128, ah, cool thanks. Are folks already there on European time, or shall I better wait until later in the afternoon?11:05
nik90ogra_: that would time I am afraid...on talking to bfiller he told me that the alarms API should do that..the clock app cannot do that since it could be suspended in the background when switching to another app.11:06
nik90ogra_: but the alarms API was not designed for that requirement..so some modifications needs to be made first for it11:06
seb128dpm, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members#active is the list of the SRU team, some are up, but most of the active members are in the U.S nowadays I think11:06
dpmok, thank you seb128!11:06
seb128dpm, though most of them have IRC proxy/are online, so they might read backlog when they get up11:07
seb128dpm, yw!11:07
nik90ogra_: if you have 2 devices, how do you specify which one to phablet-screenshot?11:07
dpmok, cool11:07
nik90ogra_: I currently have the emulator and a physical device attached...so phablet-screenshot returns multiple device error11:07
ogra_nik90, ANDROID_SERIAL iirc11:07
popeynik90: -S <serial> ?11:07
popeyoh, or that11:07
ogra_-S serial should work too11:08
nik90ah awesome11:08
nik90popey: do you mind deleting all alarms in the clock app and starting fresh...for me it works perfectly -> http://imgur.com/LBU4soy11:13
nik90popey: http://imgur.com/YecyJFB11:14
* nik90 brb11:16
popeynik90: deleted all alarms, created a new one, looked in alarms tab, no alarms...11:17
popeynik90: then ~1 mins later i see it, and it's inindicator11:17
dpmpopey, do you happen to know if there is a way to record a video from within the device? I'm looking for the video equivalent of phablet-screenshot, essentially :)11:22
popeycan do video.11:23
ogra_it would essentially have to take one screenshot for each frame ... you will run out of space before you could do anything with them11:23
popeyi mean, mirscreencast11:23
dpmso who should I listen to? :-)11:23
ogra_theoretically it can11:24
popeyi have before11:24
ogra_how so ?11:24
nik90popey: what about the bug itself https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1308193 ?11:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308193 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Upcoming recurring alarms on wrong day" [High,Confirmed]11:24
ogra_you cant encode the frames on the device11:24
popeyi didnt say you could11:24
ogra_which leaves you wiht a ton of raw data in /tmp11:24
popeyyes, which you pull off and convert11:24
ogra_right, that might work for 1-2sec videos11:25
dpmabout 5 secs would be enough for me, if that's doable11:25
ogra_what we need is either a way to encode on the fly or have a socket that forwards a raw stream to the desktop11:25
ogra_technically popey is right, parcticvally there are some limits11:26
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popeynik90: looks good, left a comment11:30
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justcarakasdpm any update on the tablet ?11:33
dpmjustcarakas, not yet, let me check out the status of shipping and send you an e-mail update in a few minutes11:34
nerochiaropopey: ogra_: does any of you know where i can get the bzr branch that was used to generate the package in this PPA ? https://launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/+archive/ppa/+packages (I haven't done much debian packaging and uploading in a while and i'm a bit rusty)11:38
ogra_Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page or the information in this page is not shared with you.11:38
ogra_which packages are in there11:38
popeyi do11:39
popeyits something bfiller pushed, no way of knowing what branch11:39
justcarakasok thx dpm11:39
nerochiaropopey: since bill's stuff is just adding some debug, can i just use my branch which is three or four versions behind , bump the version number above what's in the ppa, and push there ?11:42
popeyuh. pass. Mirv ?11:43
zsombinik90: heydo11:45
Mirvthis is a bit "push what where?", but yes for PPA testing if you do stuff and want to push to a PPA, use the same version number as PPA but add for example "+test1" at the _end_ of the version string11:45
zsombinik90: I got the segfault, it was in statesaver....11:46
nik90zsombi: hey11:47
nik90zsombi: oh11:47
zsombinik90: ehh, I mean in the state backup[, not in teh statesaver11:47
zsombinik90: it is a nasty one...11:48
nik90zsombi: state backup? Where in the code is that?11:48
nik90zsombi: I can remove that since it is not absolutely necessary11:48
zsombinik90: it's in the Layouts, ItemStateBackup11:49
zsombinik90: you cannot really remove that :D11:49
nik90zsombi: ah :)11:49
zsombinik90: but the situation is really ugly there... so I need some time to get what you actually  did in order to reproduce it :D11:50
zsombinik90: teh code is really massive one :)11:50
zsombinik90: your one I mean11:50
nik90zsombi: yeah I also need to figure out what I did there :) ..I am going to split the convergence into multiple branches so that it makes it easier for me to tell you what I did11:51
zsombinik90: the layout change is the one which brings the crash anyway11:51
zsombinik90: it crashes on an image, which does not seem to have any parentItem... strange...11:53
nerochiaroMirv: the problem is that in my bzr branch i'm quite a few versions behind what's in the PPA, so i'm not sure what's the best way to get myself up to date, then add my changes on top of it11:54
zsombinik90: as I open the app, there's a bouncing arrow on the bottom/right corner, what does that do?11:56
nik90zsombi: that arrow basically points the user to the "Add Accounts" toolbar button...it is not in the layouts yet11:56
zsombinik90: ok, so there's no tool button for that yet... well, tools will land in the header anyway, so you should not even think too much on that :)11:57
nik90zsombi: i need to change the arrow direction when the header actions land :)11:58
zsombit1mp: dude, I'm getting lots of "TabBarStyle.qml:119 TypeError: Cannot read property of null" errors from the apps!11:58
zsombinik90: yeah, upwards, same side :D11:59
zsombinik90: heh?! I seem to have catch it :D12:00
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zsombinik90: I'll push an update and let's see whether you get everything in shape12:00
nik90zsombi: btw you can use my test account, username: cliffhanger_test password: cliffhanger12:00
zsombinik90: thx, it's a really nice looking app btw!12:01
t1mpzsombi: yeah, that's weird (if you look in the code what it is)12:01
nik90zsombi: thnx12:01
t1mpzsombi: are those warnings new? I thought they were old, and the TabBar is deprecated so I didn't spend much time on those warnings12:01
zsombit1mp: I just started to see 'em recently, no idea how ancient are those12:02
zsombit1mp: yeah12:02
t1mpzsombi: it obviously has a parent that it is anchoring to.. dunno why it is null12:05
zsombinik90: I pushed an update to this lp:~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/layouts-visibility12:05
nik90zsombi: will test it out now12:05
t1mpzsombi: we can make it quiet with anchors.top: parent ? parent.top : undefined, but then we might as well do that *everywhere* where we anchor to the parent :s12:05
zsombit1mp: sometimes when a Loader drops the component loader (source or sourceComponent changes) such errors can come up on the dropped component upon deletion12:06
zsombit1mp: don't bother12:06
zsombit1mp: just wanted to know whether you're aware of that and when that came in12:07
nerochiaroartmello: i have  pushed new stuff to the two branches you tested testerday, which should finally allow you to set resolution and framerate properly. it definitely works here for framerate at least12:08
artmellonerochiaro: ok, I will test it here. Did you update that ppa for qtmultimedia?12:09
kalikiana_popey: sorry for the late reply, I'm looking at that failure now and checking if it's a real failure or not12:09
nerochiaroartmello: i'm trying to figure out with Mirv how to do that properly without clobbering what bfiller did in there12:09
artmellonerochiaro: ok12:09
nerochiaroartmello: do you know what bzr branch did he use to create the package that went into that ppa12:10
artmellonerochiaro: nops12:10
Mirvnerochiaro: so if you can access the PPA (were you meaning to use the same PPA?), you can use dget on the .dsc link that's available in the package details, and add your changes on top of that12:10
nik90zsombi: it doesn't crash anymore but the ordering of the items in the default layout has changed12:11
zsombinik90: is it changed like randomly or systematically?12:12
nik90zsombi: systematically12:12
nik90zsombi: in my tab I have 3 carousels followed by 3 list items...after the order change up, the 3 list items are displayed first and then the 3 carousels12:13
zsombinik90: all these in the phone layout, right?12:13
nik90zsombi: yes12:13
nik90zsombi: default layout12:13
dakerpopey: PM ?12:13
zsombinik90: ok, seems the neighbor restoration needs more love12:13
nik90zsombi: at least the crash is gone now12:14
zsombinik90: the place the crash happened actually does that job12:14
nik90zsombi: oh12:14
dpmlunch time, bbl12:14
zsombinik90: propertychanges.cpp, line 31612:15
nik90I see it12:16
nerochiaroMirv: oh, that souds like what I need, let's try12:17
Mirvnerochiaro: since it's a private PPA, you may need to instead of dget blabla.dsc download the .dsc, .debian.tar.gz and .orig.tar.gz files manually and then use dpkg-source -x *.dsc to unpack12:19
Mirvmake the changes, add the suffix to the version number, and debuild -S -sa -kYOURGPGKEY12:20
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nerochiaroMirv: I can't seem to find the .dsc though12:21
Mirvnerochiaro: if I'm staring at the same PPA (and I seem to have access rights) there's "qtmultimedia-opensource-src_5.2.1-0ubuntu9.dsc" when you open up the details of the package ie expand the line12:29
nerochiaroMirv: ok, i think i got everything i needed, and ran dpkg-source. however it unpacked the source and applied the patches in debian/patches. what i wanted to do was just update one of these patches, then push up to the ppa again12:52
mihirvthompson: ping !!12:53
mihirvthompson: I have pushed as per your review comments.12:53
vthompsonmihir, I'll take a look12:54
mihirvthompson: i still couldn't understand your 2nd comment on that.12:54
Mirvnerochiaro: ah, it does unpack. this not working with bzr is a bit manual/cumbersome, but after it does the applying you can use eg. quilt pop/push to unapply and then reapply after changing the patch, and then debuild -S12:54
Mirvs/unpack/unpack and apply patches/12:55
Mirvobviously it'd be nicer if bill's branch would be somewhere12:55
Mirvor you could even use patch -p1 -R < debian/patches/thepatchtobechanged.patch I guess ;)12:55
vthompsonmihir, I mean that both instances for the "hh:mm" (my comment had a typo) should be identical so the pot file only has one instance of the commentary12:55
mihirvthompson: okay12:56
vthompsonmihir, currently they don't match so the pot file has the following when generated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7457340/12:57
mihirvthompson: got it it should have for valid expressions at the end.12:58
mihirvthompson: i'll push them again in few hours12:59
nerochiaroMirv: oh god, my quilt is even rustier. I think i'll wait for bill to come online and let me know what the branch is. should be soon enough13:00
nerochiaroMirv: thanks for all the help though :)13:00
Mirvnerochiaro: I'm always in trouble with quilt, too, I try to avoid it when possible ;)13:00
Mirvwell, maybe nowadays I tend to be ok with what I need to run, but I've never really studied to learn it properly13:01
vthompsonmihir, also the first line doesn't match either13:02
mihirYeah i noticed that as well.13:03
popeyrenato: you about?13:03
renatopopey, hi13:03
popeyrenato: https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355 this merge is still crashing on qtorganizer-eds - do you have some time to look at it?13:04
renatopopey, sorry I did not have time to look at it yet, I am very busy with tasks for malta I will try look at this until the end of the week13:05
popeyok, it's blocking landing one of our longest standing merge requests.13:05
renatoyes I know sorry for that13:05
popeyrenato: is there anyone else who can look at it, or is it just yourself?13:06
renatopopey, only me, maybe charles could help, but he did not has experience with qorganizer code13:07
elopioping mardy. I'm waiting for signond process to die, and setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME. The account is still created on the temp dir of the first test, making the second one to fail.13:08
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popeymihir: what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/limitFunctionality/+merge/211536 ?13:18
mihirpopey: i tested my self on desktop and it works fine13:19
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mihiryou can see the video as well, could you please test that and give me feedback on that?13:19
popeyof course13:19
popeydpm: got a sec to help me get calendar working on device?13:23
popeyactuallyk, I'll not use qtcreator but click-buddy13:24
popeydpm: how do we work around the fact that some of the apps have no .desktop file so can't just be launched from qtc?13:35
vthompsonpopey, mihir, one thing to check with that limitFunctionality MP is whether you also see events that are created as recurring as occurring indefinitely. This behaves differently on the device then on the desktop for some reason13:35
popeyit's incredibly frustrating to no longer be able to just grab someone's code and run it, but have to faff about first.13:35
popeyvthompson: with that MR I saved a recurring event, but it's not showing up, and I have big gaps in my calendar, along with 100% CPU on qmlscene and evolution-calendar-factory13:36
popeydo you see that too?13:36
vthompsonWhen I'd create multiple events sometimes the app would crash, probably with 100% CPU. I assumed it was due to processing many many recurring events13:37
popeynow all my events have disappeared13:39
popey100% evolution-calendar-factory ...13:39
popeyand they're back13:39
vthompsonyea, even with a few events it takes a while to show. Again I assume it's because it is recurring indefinitely13:40
dpmpopey, I know. The workaround is to commit a .desktop file to the top of the source tree13:43
vthompsonpopey, I guess the take away is that renato or someone should look at what might be going on with EDS13:43
dpmit won't be used when running the app on a real device, but then QtC will pick it up and enable running the app again13:43
dpmThe other option is to fully migrate all core apps to cmake13:44
dpmso that they're no longer a pure .qmlproject13:44
dpmpopey, just came back from lunch, so reading the scrollback. Can I still help on getting calendar running on the device or did you figure it out?13:45
popeyi used click-buddy which worked13:46
vthompsonI click-buddy all the things because I hate fighting with qtcreator13:46
zsombinik90: ok, I think I have to do some major changes there... so after that is done, you will have to import Ubuntu.Layouts 1.1!13:50
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boikot1mp: hey, is it possible to completelly hide the back action from the header?13:53
boikot1mp: in the live call view of dialer we don't want to make it possible for the user to go back from the live call screen13:54
zsombinik90: here's the update https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/layouts-visibility/+merge/21891613:55
zsombinik90: make sure you import Ubuntu.Layouts 1.1!!!13:56
zsombinik90: the layouting is even faster in this way ;)13:56
t1mpboiko: no it is automatic at the moment13:57
boikot1mp: hmm, can I overwrite it with an action that does nothing and has no icon? :)13:57
t1mpboiko: you can set a custom back action13:57
t1mpboiko: I was just going to propose that13:57
t1mpboiko: although it is not the prettiest solution13:57
t1mpboiko: I think even if the custom back action has no icon, it will take the space on the left of the heaer13:58
boikot1mp: I think we can live with that until we have the real API for it13:58
t1mpboiko: can you report a bug with the use case to get the real API?13:58
popeydpm: i have created a .desktop file in the directory, but i still get the same error in qtc that it cant be foundd13:59
boikot1mp: yes, I still need to review the usecases and put in your document13:59
t1mpboiko: ok. Still it is good to have the bug report also14:00
boikot1mp: yep, will do that14:00
dpmpopey, can you paste the desktop file somewhere to rule out it's not about its contents?14:01
popeydpm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7457591/14:01
dpmpopey, what's the name of the file? is it com.ubuntu.calendar.desktop?14:02
dpmsorry, yes, that's what I meant14:03
dpmtesting it on a device myself now14:03
popeyno, not on device14:03
popeyon desktop14:03
popeyi want to debug the app in qtcreator, so want to run on desktop14:03
dpmpopey, try to remove the _calendar suffix from the file name14:04
dpmok, cool14:06
popeybah, works fine on desktop as it does for mihir14:06
popeyonly breaks on device14:06
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nik90zsombi: so the issue is fixed?14:35
nik90zsombi: trying it now with Layouts 1.1.14:35
zsombinik90: somewhat.. just realized that in the Large layout, the SideMenuBar is empty... then I saw there are some items the layouting doesn't find... it was pretty hard to spot them out in between the logs :D14:36
nik90zsombi: ok..I am in the process of switching all the files to 1.114:38
zsombinik90: that should be done anyway14:38
nik90zsombi: I keep seeing the warning message "file:///home/krnekhelesh/Documents/Ubuntu-Projects/convergence-1/components/SidebarMenuItem.qml:102:21: QML ItemLayout: WARNING: item "_menuLabelItem" not specified or has been specified for layout by  more than one active ItemLayout"14:40
nik90zsombi: how can there be more than one active ItemLayouts?14:40
zsombinik90: yep, that's a problem14:40
nik90zsombi: btw I noticed that message even before your visiblity branch.14:41
nik90zsombi: oh one last thing...so is the latest version of Ubuntu Components, Layouts etc 1.1 or 1.0?14:42
zsombinik90: the problem is that the layouting cannot determine whether that item has been used already or does not exist, therefore the message sais "not specified or has been specified for more than one active ItemLayout"14:42
zsombinik90: aha! that's interesting...14:42
nik90zsombi: what's interesting? the warning message or the versioning?14:43
nik90zsombi: or did my question trigger an idea for a solution :) ?14:43
zsombinik90: Ubuntu.Components should also be 1.1, but as you are not using yet any 1.1 specific component, 0.1/1,0 woudl be good as well. But better switch to 1.114:43
zsombinik90: the warning message that was before, that's interesting14:43
zsombinik90: you haven't said before that there were some warnings like that...14:44
nik90zsombi: I plan to switch everything to 1.1 in that case since it means no more worry for the near future14:44
zsombinik90: ok14:44
nik90zsombi: aha...sry14:44
zsombinik90: however beware that not everything is yet switched to 1.1, as the other modules do not have yet anything that would need 1.1 versioning14:44
nik90zsombi: okay..I will get an error message when I switch something to 1.1 which doesnt have it? So that should help me figure out which I shouldn't update to 1.1.14:45
zsombinik90: yep, the app won't even load14:46
popeyzsombi: switching to 1.1 means it wont work on 14.04 right? So will need a framework bump?14:52
zsombipopey: yes, it won't work on 14.04 unless the UITK will be backported. There's a separate PPA for the 14.04 which supposed to contain convergence apps14:54
nik90zsombi: will 1.0 work with 14.04?14:55
zsombipopey: the toolkit should land there as well14:55
nik90popey: Can we expect people to add the SDK PPA for 14.04? All core apps developers have the PPA installed for sure.14:56
zsombinik90: 1.0 will... however as this change affects the default property, we may need to branch the code in order to get 1.0 (0.1) to work... I need to check that14:56
nik90zsombi: ok14:57
zsombinik90: it's not the SDK PPA, it's the convergence PPA, it's a separate one14:57
nik90zsombi: didn't know there was a convergence PPA.. The only PPAs I have are the SDK, Phablet-tools and the Core Apps PPA14:58
popeynik90: we'll have a separate ppa, its not populated yet14:58
popeythe convergence ppa is not "for" you14:58
zsombinik90: as popey sais :)14:58
popeyas a consumer I mean14:58
nik90ah ok14:59
popeyIt's intended for people with touch laptops to be able to demo some converged touch apps14:59
nik90okay since zsombi says that UITK will be backported to the convergence ppa, we are green to switch to 1.1 then?14:59
zsombinik90: I might play with this a bit - see the MP is still WorkInProgress - and perhaps I will be able to hack it so that teh API doesn't need to be changed, then it will be safe to go to 1.0/0.115:00
popeyi think this is something we need to discuss in person next week in malta15:01
zsombipopey: +115:01
nik90zsombi, popey: ok15:01
* nik90 adds it to his malta list15:01
nik90t1mp: btw I think I might have a vague idea of why I see the message "file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/TabBarStyle.qml:120: TypeError: Cannot read property of null" ... In my app, I modify the style of a textfield with my own.. Could that be the reason?15:14
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zsombinik90: ok, seems the 1.0/0.1 import will be enough, so we can skip the 1.1 import for now, just to be sure15:15
nik90zsombi: ok. Does this also apply to the Layouts versioning as well? Or just for our conversation above?15:16
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zsombinik90: to the versioning. so for now, import Ubuntu.Layouts 0.1 or 1.0, whichever will do the job. I managed to override 'data' property, so... ;)15:16
nik90zsombi: ok15:17
zsombinik90: which means no changes for your app :D15:18
zsombinow, eod15:18
nik90zsombi: see you15:19
zsombinik90: cheers15:20
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bfillernerochiaro_lunch: I'm pushing your qtmultimedia branch to ppa now as it doesn't look like it's there yet15:39
nerochiaro_lunchbfiller: i'm doing it in this moment actually15:40
bfillernerochiaro_lunch: ah ok15:40
nerochiaro_lunchbfiller: just uploaded, please double check if it's all ok. I'm a bit rusty with ppa stuff, I haven't done that in a while, it's been all bzr for a long time recently15:41
bfillernerochiaro_lunch: ok, should just be 2 commands: debuild -i -I -S -sa and then dput ppa:amanzi-team/ppa ../qtmultimedia-opensource_xxx.changes15:42
nerochiaro_lunchbfiller: i used bzr builddeb -S for the first one the same for the 2nd15:43
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nerochiarobfiller: i pushed the trusty backport here: lp:~amanzi-team/camera-app/camera-app-supported-resolutions-trusty , based on lp:camera-app/trusty15:52
bfillernerochiaro: great thanks15:53
popeyandrewbiolo: hi there!15:53
andrewbioloHi, I am Andrea and I am Italian. I am studying bioinformatics and I love Ubuntu. I would like to learn QML and to develop a new Application. I think is important to contribute at the core apps, but I don't know how to start. Someone can give me any advice? :)15:54
nerochiarobfiller: I'm about to EOD but please send me the results of the tests and anything that still needs to be fixed by email (or the new priorities if this problem is finally sorted)15:54
popeyandrewbiolo: Sure! Are you running Ubuntu 14.04?15:54
andrewbioloof course :)15:55
bfillernerochiaro: even if this works, I anticipate some changes will need to be made. We're going to want to record at a res closest to 640x480 not the lowest possible res. But this is agood test and hopefully that fix will be easy15:55
popeyandrewbiolo: ok, the SDK can be installed by following the guide at http://developer.ubuntu.com/15:55
bfillernerochiaro: same with the frame rate, probably select the closest to 20-25 fps depending on our tests15:55
popeyandrewbiolo: we have some bugs which we've tagged as "bite size" ☻ - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize15:56
popeyandrewbiolo: is there any particular app you're interested in?15:56
t1mpnik90: that TypeError: Cannot  read property of null"15:57
t1mpnik90: is not an issue with your code, we get it all the time15:57
t1mpnik90: that's with the old header right?15:57
nik90t1mp: yes old header...does it go away with the new header?15:58
nik90t1mp: it is a tiny bit annoying to have to fill the console output15:58
t1mpnik90: yes, the new one doesn't have TabBar or TabBarStyle15:58
t1mpnik90: I know. I would work on fixing it now if I didn't have other more important stuff to do first15:59
t1mptabbar is going away so it is not very high priority15:59
nik90t1mp: that's nice..then I will just wait for the new headers to land completely15:59
nik90t1mp: I can understand...tbh I would just let the new headers land instead15:59
andrewbiolook! I don't know.. It is the same..maybe is better a simple app! For instance the calculator or rss reader!16:00
t1mpnik90: they are landed, but still optional for the apps to decide whether they are used16:00
nik90t1mp: yes..I am just waiting on those action visibility fixes to land before transitioning clock or my own app to the new headers16:00
nerochiarobfiller: the code right now already tries to select the closest to 15fps, so that can be changed easily to 2016:01
nerochiarobfiller: i haven't put any smarts in the resolution but again getting as close to 640px width shouldn't be any harder16:01
t1mpnik90: feel free to test this :) https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/actionVisibility/+merge/21910916:02
nerochiarobfiller: anyway, i'm off. have a good evening16:02
t1mpnik90: it is ready, I'm just waiting for the review16:02
nik90t1mp: will test it and comment there16:03
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t1mpnik90: cool, thanks16:11
nik90t1mp: done..np16:11
andrewbiolopopey: maybe is better to start with a simple app! I think :-)..for instance rss reader?16:16
popeyandrewbiolo: absolutely.16:16
popeyandrewbiolo: let me know if you need any help!16:18
t1mpnik90: thanks for testing :)16:20
andrewbiolopopey: ok! I have a look at the source code in the next hours! I try to understand the code :). Thanks!!16:20
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cyrildz_ Hey all :)17:17
cyrildz_I'm trying to implement a c++  plugin ( a model) for qml17:17
cyrildz_ but I still get the " module xxxx is not installed" message17:17
cyrildz_I don't where I should look now for a detailed tuto on this topic17:17
cyrildz_I followed the Qt Doc but without success17:17
popeycyrildz_: hiya17:20
popeymaybe look at the file manager or terminal app as examples?17:20
cyrildz_Popey: thanks for the suggestion.  I'm downloading the source code now. I will be back if it doesn't help me . Thanks17:22
josehey guys! let's say I have a website and want that website to be an ubuntu touch app, an html5 hosted app. which tutorial should I follow?18:04
josemhall119: ^18:42
beunojose, you'll want a webapp for something that runs on a server, a cordova if it runs on the client18:42
beunoit's probably called HTML5 rather than cordova, confusingly18:43
josehmm, so just the steps in http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/webapp/packaging-web-apps/ would be enough?18:43
beunojose, yes for something that runs on a server18:45
josebeuno: awesome! I'll give it a try and poke around if I have any problems :)18:45
xhoch3hello o/18:50
josebeuno: in domain, if I own ircpuzzles.org it would be org.ircpuzzles?19:17
joseor how is that managed?19:17
beunojose, you can use org.ircpuzzles if you have a registered email address to it19:18
beunoif not, I recommend just using com.ubuntu.developer.*19:18
beunoas it's not user-visible information19:18
joseso it's any domain name you own and where you have an email address, just that reversed?19:18
josecool, thank you19:19
beunobut it's meaningless, really19:19
beunojust needs to be unique19:19
nik90ahayzen: Yo Many Many Happy Returns of The Day!!19:21
ahayzennik90, o/ thanks19:22
ahayzennik90, hows things?19:24
nik90ahayzen: things are going okay19:24
nik90ahayzen: how about you?19:24
ahayzennik90, clock is looking pretty slick now :) ... yeah good thanks we are just mid migration to mediascanner2 which is fun :)19:24
nik90ahayzen: still lot to do with alarms...but we are making progress..hopefully today or tomorrow we will get alarm support even while phone is deep sleep19:25
nik90ahayzen: oh yeah once you guys go full media-hub support, it is gonna be awesome19:26
ahayzennik90, awesome :) once mediascanner2 lands and we integrate with background-playlists in media-hub we'll be able to be confined fully and suspend/resume etc which will be awesome19:26
nik90ahayzen: next week gonna be fun19:28
ahayzennik90, yeah its is, just printed my boarding passes19:28
ahayzennik90, thts a point aren't we supposed to be getting the itinerary this week?19:29
nik90ahayzen: we should get it hopefully tomorrow or the day after..19:29
ahayzennik90, cool19:29
nik90ahayzen: I will be asking popey tomorrow19:29
nik90will let you know if I hear anything19:31
ahayzennik90, thanks19:31
popeyahayzen: you should be out celebrating another successful orbit of the Sun. Get off IRC! ☻19:39
popeynik90: yes, I'll speak to msm about it tomorrow.19:39
ahayzenpopey, hah i should :) but i just had an exam and now revising for the last one :/19:40
ahayzenpopey, Java exam on ur birthday \o/19:40
popeyWorst. Birthday. Ever.19:41
xhoch3if anyone is going to mention Java again I'll ragequit19:42
popeyWe wouldn't do that to you.19:42
josehey guys, when doing 'click install package' I get ERROR: Could not generate AppArmor profile for 'com.joseeantonior.ircpuzzles_example_0.1.json'. Skipping19:51
joseany ideas on why this may be?19:52
joseahayzen: happy birthday! :)19:52
ahayzenjose, thanks :)19:54
jdstrandjose: usually it is because the security manifest is malformed. can you paste the contents of /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/com.joseeantonior.ircpuzzles_example_0.1.json19:55
* jose checks19:55
josejdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7459247/19:56
jdstrandjose: policy_version should be "1.1" if you are using the webview policy group. you can use /usr/bin/click-run-checks from the click-reviewers-tools package to catch these sorts of things19:59
jdstrand(that is also integrated into the SDK in some way)19:59
josejdstrand: ERROR: Invalid policy version for 'com.joseeantonior.ircpuzzles_example_0.1.json'. Skipping20:00
josethat's what happens when I put 1.120:00
jdstrandjose: ok, you need to choose the right click framework too. see the 14.04 section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/WebAppsConfinement20:01
josegot it, thank you!20:01
jdstrand(and do use the click-reviewers-tools-- they should be able to help you)20:02
josejdstrand: is -qml-dev1 good even though it's a webapp?20:02
josecool then20:07
josehmm, so how do I get to run this website in ubuntu touch?21:11
joseI'm using an emulator and wgeting the package and click-installing does not help21:11
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popeybeuno: mzanetti dammit, i pressed the wrong button and approved https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/731/ when I meant to "ask for information"22:14
popeybeuno: i can't see how to un-do that22:14
beunopopey, we indeed don't have that22:15
beunowe should22:15
beunoI'll do it from the admin now22:15
beunoif you throw a bug at me for it22:15
beunopopey, threw it at Pending Review22:17
beunoso you can request the information and the dev get an email22:17
popeysorry about that22:17
beunopopey, humans shouldn't be reviewing anyway22:17
popeywell indeed ☻22:17
popeyalso, humans shouldn't be reviewing at 11pm22:18
beunoat least it's not a Friday22:20
beuno(and I can tell because I'm not stuck in an airplane for continous hours)22:20

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