
ubottuandol called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()12:14
k1l@mark User564 crazy insulting nonsense14:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:11
k1l@mark #ubuntu User564 crazy insulting nonsense14:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:11
DJonesThey change nicks & ip's & post that or something similar maybe once a day14:12
Piciisn't there a way to get that added to unopaste?14:12
DJonesBans 62122 and 62060 seem relevant & similar14:12
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntustudio ()14:18
bazhanglucido suddenly claims it's ubuntu, after saying debian, but is crossposting in #debian15:38
geniiSounds confused15:44
bazhang<TerranceWarrior> bazhang: i'm not looking for zorin support Moaky.15:53
Picinot sure why he would bring it up if he wasn't asking for support.15:54
bazhanghis entire entry post is zorin os zorin os etc etc15:54
DJonesAnybody any idea what carswell is trying to do in #ubuntu18:16
bazhangactivate the ubuntu spaceship18:17
geniiconnectar 123456!18:26
bazhangubottu, random spaceship zune18:28
ubottubazhang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
geniiMan. I really need more coffee.19:25
irreverantIs this an Official Ubuntu Channel?20:35
k1l_this is the ops channnel.20:35
irreverantWell I mean the ##Ubuntu channel?20:35
irreverantWhat I mean to say is #Ubuntu officially associated with Ubuntu Support or it's affliates?20:36
k1l_ths ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu20:36
k1l_yes, #ubuntu is the official ubuntu support channel20:37
irreverantGreat thank you.20:40
irreverantWill that channel be able to answer questions regarding licensing and monies?20:41
irreverantI mean making money from supporting Ubuntu as a MSP or other (Consultant/Contractor/Reseller)20:41
k1l_that sounds more like you want to talk with canonical20:41
irreverantLet's say selling Ubuntu as a solution for people that can't afford to buy a new computer due to XP support outdated?20:42
irreverantOk that's what I was figuring. Should I just contact them through their traditional communication channel or is there a preferred method you can recommend.20:42
k1l_dont know if this falls into this but at least they can verify that: http://www.ubuntu.com/legal and http://www.canonical.com/intellectual-property-rights-policy (they have a contact us from)20:44
irreverantNo that's perfect... great first step I can take. Thank you for that, I really appreciate your help.20:45
k1l_no problem20:45
geniiProbably should have pointed them at http://www.canonical.com/intellectual-property-rights-policy21:40
geniiOh, nvm21:40
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