
MooDoohello all06:13
jussioh cripes, its MooDoo. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:14
mappshey Monotoko06:14
mappshey jussi06:14
jussi(morning MooDoo)06:14
jussiheya mapps06:14
jussimapps: I thought you had stopped talking to me because I dont like 2406:14
MooDoojussi: mapps morning06:14
mappsvery funny06:14
mappsbeen offeed 1k/week if i shot pills06:26
mappssaid to himi cant06:27
mappsive got a job)06:27
Myrttiboo, my Ubuntu sticker is coming off my laptop07:10
nigelbI've seen that happen.07:12
nigelbMyrtti: keyboard?07:12
nigelbover the windows key?07:12
Myrttino, the one Dell has stuck on the rubberyish surface of my laptop07:12
selinuxiumMorning all o/07:18
MyrttiI'm just wondering how long do I have to wait until the laptop tells me I can update to Trusty07:19
nigelbI'm thinking of getting a Dell laptop next month.07:20
MooDooI've got one :d07:20
Myrttidepends on what kind you're planning to get07:20
MyrttiI'd like to read about the differences between Chromebooks07:20
nigelbLattitude in all probability07:20
Myrttiyeah, Latitudes are great, I've got E643007:21
nigelbI'm looking at 6440. Comes with Ubuntu, which is great.07:21
Myrttionly thing that I'm not sure if it works is wifi n07:21
Myrttifingerprint scanner obviously doesn't work07:21
nigelbHeh, my HP has a figerprint scanner which I forget about, because I never used it.07:22
nigelbI wish there were less plasticy laptops around.07:22
MooDoonigelb: I've got a lattitude e6510 i think that's the number but don't quote me on it.07:23
nigelbCan either of you upgrade RAM on your laptops?07:23
nigelbLike, is it user serviceable?07:23
nigelb(bigger concern is harddisk, since I want to switch it out with my SSD.07:24
MooDoonigelb: hdd yes, as mine is just a slip in on th side of the laptop07:24
nigelbOh good.07:24
MooDoothat's not saying yours will be lol07:25
MooDoonigelb: I'm not sure if mine is the E6510 or not, i'll check when I get home, but looking at crucial.com I can upgrade it to 8gb ram!07:26
nigelbThe model I'm looking at comes with 8GB of RAM07:27
nigelbwhich is terrific since I'm on 2GB at the moment :)07:27
nigelbthe speed on this laptop is soley because of SSD.07:27
jussinigelb: I can say with almost certainty the e6510 ram should be user upgradeable. (I have an e6500)07:30
nigelbjussi: thank you07:30
nigelbI like how ultrabooks look, but not being able to upgrade ram is a huge pain.07:30
jussinigelb: most (all?) of the lattitude range have upgradeable ram iirc07:31
jussinigelb: but then again, mine is a generation or so old, so there is a _small_ chance I am incorrect07:31
* jussi sips on his tea07:32
nigelbI wish it were cold enough for tea :(07:32
nigelbOr rather less hot.07:32
nigelb33 to 35 C today. *wipes sweat*07:33
mappsI OD'd at kings but07:40
mappsi still love it07:40
jussinigelb: tea is perfect for that heat. it warms your core, making your body do more cooling, making you feel cooler07:40
mappsmaybe not od but had to go to hospital07:40
MooDoojussi: I'm pretty sure I upgraded my lattitude, and that's not the newest machine, but I'll confirm tonight, would be nice if I can go from the 4gb i've got now to 8gb :)07:42
mappsso glad these peple work07:42
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Leprechaun Day! :-D08:01
jussipotato leprechauns? :08:09
MartijnVdSisn't that a sensitive issue? potato?08:12
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MooDoohave you all been watching keith lemon again?08:14
jussiI have cold feet...08:16
MooDoojussi: put smoe socks on08:24
jussiI have!!08:25
davmor2Morning all08:29
jussimorn davmor208:29
mappsits just 24 hrs ae08:34
diddledan_mapps, I'm supposed to be working and you've got me watching 24 hours in ae09:05
mapps24 hours in ae is the 2nd best09:09
mappsthe nurses/staff do an amazing job09:09
diddledan_indeed. I am in awe of a&e staff09:10
mappsbut the real 24S BETTER:)09:10
mappsi donated £2500 about 7months back09:11
mappsto kings09:11
mappsid habe rather they all went out and had a night out etc09:11
mappsbut no choice09:11
mappsa&e staff do a good job09:12
diddledan_the ambulance crews are awesome, too09:13
jussi2500 for a night out? o.O09:13
mappsthats why i said i wanted it to go to their xmas party09:13
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:13
mappsdiddledan_ theres a lot of stafff remembe09:14
mappsjussi-it was a donation in kind09:14
mappswhen i have my heart attack they'll be saving me09:15
mappstheyre worth 1000000000x what we could pay09:15
mappsi just thougt id have liked to have paid for their xmas party09:16
mappsrather than another charity dination09:16
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MooDooeveryone having fun today?11:14
brobostigonpaperwork, so not really.11:15
awilkinsMonotonous fixing of defects introduced because I didn't have the time /inclination to insist on a proper validation check11:15
awilkinsMostly the time11:16
Myrttimy Beddit says I've slept poorly and by Gods I feel like it11:16
awilkinsIs that the thing where you tuck your smartphone into a pillowcase and let the accelerometer spy onyou?11:17
Myrttino, it's a tiny strip I put under the mattress, plug it in the wall and the phone connects to it over bluetooth11:18
popeyI had an early night last night, reading comics in bed.11:18
popeyhad loads of odd dreams11:18
Myrttino overheating phone underneath the pillow anymore for me, thanks11:18
MooDooI sleft for 14 hours Sunday night, so I'm ok for the moment.11:23
MooDooslept even11:23
brobostigonyou can get similer apps for pebble, thats if you wear a watch in bed.11:25
davmor2I very rarely remember any dreams11:28
popeysame here davmor211:35
popeybut a good early night fixed that, had 3 very odd ones11:35
foobarrythe key is to remember them as soon as you wake11:35
foobarry*recall them11:36
jussiproblem with beddit for me is I never know which position on the bed Im going to sleep - my daughter and my wife usually get there first, and I end up with whatevers left11:41
popeyhow old is your daughter now?11:41
diploI can't say I've remembered a dream in years, and haven't slept properly in 2 years11:47
jussipopey: 2 years 4 months11:48
popeyI sometimes let Sophie (10) sleep in my bed if she's upset or unwell, but that's rare.11:49
jussijust trying to get her into her own bed now as the next one will be here soon...11:49
jussipopey: you didnt know?11:49
popeyShe should already be in her own bed, surely?11:49
popeyno, sorry, didn't11:49
jussihehe, no problems11:49
popeywhen's it due?11:49
jussi23 September11:50
jussiElodi sometimes is in own bed, but not yet full time11:50
foobarryyou sleep with your 2yr old in your bed?11:50
diploMy kids were in their own rooms after 8weeks~11:50
diploWas great!11:50
diploGet the occasional sick or early wake up call but most of the time they stay in their rooms11:51
popeyneed to be careful, the combination of elodi getting kicked out of your bed to hers, and a new baby on the way is a recipe for jealous offspring ☻11:52
jussiyeah, might be a hippy type thing... but there are some benefits for co-sleeping longer.11:52
jussipopey: she is making the move herself thankfully, although she still gets joy out of stealing "my" spot.... (the place where my pillow is)11:53
popeybet you wont do it with #2 ☻11:54
diplo+1 popey - my youngest missed out on a lot :)11:54
popeyparents are generally waaaay more relaxed with #2, #3 etc than #111:54
popeyeven so far as washing baby bottles and stuff11:55
popey"pfft, that's clean enough"11:55
diploThe reason I moved the kids out is my ex used to wake up to every single movement and basically wasn't sleeping even though the kids were11:55
popey"meh, he can stay up later, he'll live"11:55
diploSo true11:55
popeyyeah, it doesn't lend well to a well rested parent11:55
MyrttiI still slept with my parents when I was in school - keeping in mind I started school at seven like kids do in Finland11:55
MyrttiI was about 9 when I finally got the boot11:56
jussialthough now that Sari has done Doula training, certain things are much stronger than with elodi11:56
diploI'd have gone insane :D11:56
Myrttimind you, I sleep like a rock11:56
diploDoula? Potty ?11:56
MyrttiI wake up in the exact same position I fell asleep in11:56
diploI wake at any movement in the house11:56
diploMyrtti, may I say I dislike you :(11:56
Myrttidiplo: I wake up to light11:57
jussidiplo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doula11:57
diploMy ex used to put her head on the pillow and 2 mins later would be snoring away, I'd still be awake an hour later11:57
popeyi nudged wifey the other night because she was snoring in my ear. I said "hey, turn over babes".. she was asleep and said "I can't turn over, you're watching youtube on the chromecast"11:57
popeyshe thought I meant "turn the telly over"11:57
popeyso now I have to say "roll over"11:57
diploSame here, its why I have black out blinds and curtains in all the rooms, can't sleep during the day for the same reason11:57
popeywe have full blown arguments while she's asleep11:58
popeyits quite fun11:58
nigelboh man11:58
diploah I've heard of those now jussi11:58
nigelbI have this too11:58
jussiI find it can help productivity to take a 15 min nap at about 1. eliminates the after lunch hangover11:58
jussidiplo: :)11:58
nigelband she doesn't remember any of it in the morning :)11:58
diploI'd love to be able to do that jussi11:58
diploI used to work out and about, and one of the guys I worked with would eat his sandwiches in the van and then put his head to one side and sleep soundly until 45 mins later11:59
diploFully asleep11:59
jussidiplo: Im surprised that businesses dont allow employees to do it, there are strong scientific studies about it11:59
shaunoI can do that at work, but not at home.  no way I can sleep that easily at home12:00
nigelbI can't wake up easily.12:00
jussiThe National Institute of Mental Health funded a team of doctors, led by Alan Hobson, MD, Robert Stickgold, PhD, and colleagues at Harvard University for a study which showed that a midday snooze reverses information overload.12:00
nigelbIt's either 3 hours or None.12:00
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diddledan_nigelb, I'm the same - I can't do "fourty winks"12:19
diddledan_I either don't get any sleep or sleep for several hours12:20
nigelbdiddledan_: ^512:22
diddledan_I'm a hungarian. I think it must be luncheon time12:29
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foobarryhow many pringles = 1 packet of crisps?13:03
diddledan_maybe that's too many, thinking about it13:03
diddledan_a packet doesn't usually contain very many13:03
foobarryhow many in a can?13:04
foobarry6 portions13:04
foobarry15 pringles13:04
diddledan_don't be silly. 1portion == 1can13:04
diddledan_or vicky verky13:05
foobarryi've run out of chocolate and jelly sweets13:09
BananaManheya ;)13:33
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: NullSweetieException13:37
* diddledan_ refrains from calling someone "sweetie"13:38
diddledan_although, I think I need to recompile to fix that nullsweetieexception too13:43
diddledan_I need a sweetieInjection13:43
MooDooooooooo http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2014/05/the-orange-box-cloud-for-free-man.html13:48
Myrttiih ♥ Chromecast13:49
MyrttiChromecast + iihf2014video.com + 19.90€ = Miia watches ice hockey13:49
Seeker`diddledan_: don't be silly. 1 portion is far greater than 1 can14:13
Seeker`diddledan_: 10 maybe14:13
diddledan_the just-over-a-foot-long cans?14:13
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Seeker`diddledan_: yeah :P14:24
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popeyJust installed Lubuntu for the first time - in a VM - it's rather nippy15:32
awilkinsI was pleasantly surprised by the pace of standard Trusty on an SSD from a fresh install15:34
awilkinsConsidering whether to reinstall my upgrades to see if they get a boost15:34
diddledan_my trusty vm on here (MacBook Pro Retina + SSD) is lightning quick16:15
popeyI need to move my VMs from encrypted home to unencrypted /16:17
popeyto speedy them up a bit16:17
awilkinsWe have encrypted root w. Windows16:19
awilkinsOur org is paranoid about data security because of all the lost government laptops16:19
diddledan_my org is tasked with maintaining a governmentish site via some poorly encrypted windows laptops+vpn16:26
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daftykinsxbox one dropped to £316 delivered 0o16:39
diddledan_daftykins, I read a thingy that explained about the light-bar on the ps4 controller as being for VR purposes16:43
diddledan_i.e. when you've got your head shoved up into a helmet16:44
daftykinsi don't really see the connection?16:52
diddledan_something about wanting to know where a user's hands are16:53
Laneyhappy 140000000016:53
daftykinsLaney you so crazy16:54
popeydammit, missed it16:54
Laneyi don't make the rules16:54
Laneyit's alright, there's only a little bit over three years until the next one16:56
daftykinsthe next what?16:56
Laneythe next 0000000016:56
daftykinsworst. explanation. ever.16:57
Laneyhahaha sorry it was fun to be a wind up16:58
Laneydate +%s16:58
daftykinsi was sort of thinking epoch related16:59
diddledan_\o/ for 1.4 billion seconds since an arbitrary point. the problem I have however, is that while it's 1.4billion from that point; from a different point it's 1.365873645817:07
diddledan_(nobody go counting the number of significant figures! I might have a partial second in there for good measure)17:08
diddledan_winston churchill was a pretty significant figure, however17:10
diddledan_you can count him17:10
diddledan_shauno, not you17:18
diddledan_this looks interesting: http://jarednova.github.io/timber/17:18
diddledan_oop for wordpress theming17:19
shaunoI dunno.  sometimes I feel obligated to remind you that you don't actually make any sense17:19
diddledan_sure I do. it's called non-sense17:19
diddledan_why doesn't chrome on windows do the fancy font-smoothing thing?17:21
daftykinsdiddledan_: can you do a screenie comparison 0o17:25
diddledan_daftykins, once I can find the wretched print-screen key17:25
daftykinsthat armageddon chap is trying my patience17:25
daftykins<day1> ubuntu's got bad battery life compared to Windows ;_;17:26
daftykins<day10> still the same ;_;17:26
popeyah those crazy danes https://news.vice.com/article/denmark-just-pulled-the-most-disturbing-election-ad-youll-ever-see17:27
DJonesHeh, Russia set to reject a USA request to keep keep the ISS in use for an extra 4 years......Erm....The only way the Americans can get up there anyway is using Russian rockets, so there's no problem17:37
diddledan_DJones, well there's a problem if they stop sending the rockets while there's still people up there17:42
DJonesdiddledan_: That be a good test of a halo jump17:43
DJonesOh and new trousers17:43
popeynot really, they can get down17:43
diddledan_they can?17:43
popeythere's always an escape pod17:43
popeyyou not watched Gravity ? ☻17:44
daftykinssuch a bad film17:44
popeymeh, I liked it17:44
popeyyeah, that spacex thing is interesting, watched the senate hearing on it17:44
daftykinsSandra Bullock breaks everything (TM)17:44
diddledan_to be fair to sandra, they shouldn't have sent her up there in the first place17:45
diddledan_(caveat: sandra is one of my crushes)17:45
daftykinsi've got a new CD that won't rip =|17:47
* diddledan_ gets the scissors17:48
diddledan_cutting is so much cleaner than ripping17:48
daftykinsnot helping sir17:48
diddledan_since when have I _ever_ helped _anyone_?!17:48
daftykinsi saw you! once!17:49
diddledan_momentary lapse in judgement methinks17:49
daftykinsdiddledan_: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Western-Digital-WD40EZRX-Internal-SATA-Caviar-Green-4TB-Hard-Drive-Brand-New/33120235496617:50
daftykinsseems legit17:50
diddledan_I don't trust anything from china17:52
diddledan_at least anything on ebay from china17:52
daftykinsoh wow, i didn't even look at the surface before popping it in given it's brand new18:03
daftykinsit's knackered, getting an amazon replacement \o/18:03
shaunoheh, you're missing out.  china is great fun on ebay18:04
diddledan_the surface?18:05
daftykinsmusic CD i was ripping18:06
shaunoheh, I assumed he meant a hdd too18:10
diddledan_shauno, non mac - how do I get windows to respect a mac keyboard layout?18:44
diddledan_maybe that should be in a different channel18:44
diddledan_I managed with two operating system references to completely miss the one this channel is purportedly about18:45
daftykinsi think my friend used to run some kind of program to remap18:45
diddledan_that's impressifail18:45
diddledan_I'm using a mac keyboard at least18:45
daftykinsalthough that was XP era18:45
diddledan_just plugged into a windows pc18:45
shaunoI'm using a combination of my own keymap file & autohotkey.  it ... mostly works18:46
shaunoalthough win7 really doesn't want to let me remap cmd+L, which worked fine in xp18:46
diddledan_windows 8/8.1 probably wouldn't like that either18:47
shaunoit worked in xp, where cmd+l does the same thing as it does in later versions18:47
shaunobut now if I try to make it act as ctrl+L, it executes one behaviour, and then the other18:48
shaunoI have all my deadkeys working though!  which I still haven't managed in ubuntu (xkbd is .. not fit for human consumption)18:50
diddledan_why has nobody written a piece of software that, like synergy+ shares a single keyboard and mnouse between multiple systems but also, and here's the bit that nobody has done, allows windows to be drawn on any display from any of the connected systems - e.g. drag safari from my mac desktop to my windows desktop without caring that they're different systems18:53
daftykinsmaybe it'd just look like a mess of sketchy redrawing?18:55
shaunothat'd be horrible :)18:58
shaunoyou can sort of make windows-windows appear on mac-desktop with rdp, but I'm not sure how you could move it from one to the other without the windows desktop already sharing the windows with itself over rdp19:00
shaunoand that's the shallow end of the insanity required19:01
daftykinsdoesn't vmware fusion on a mac allow Windows to almost look like it's operating natively?19:01
shaunoyeah, I believe it piggy-backs rdp for that too19:01
daftykinsanywho heading out, bbl o/19:01
shaunobut you can't have half & half for that.  you can't have a windows desktop in vmware and a window running lose - it's one or the other19:02
diddledan_in that case then I want to be able to run gfx-accelerated games on a networked display19:07
diddledan_see, I use my mac for everything except games, but I want the mac to have all the screens19:07
ali1234diddledan_: it's called X windows...19:15
diddledan_ali1234: obsolete19:16
ali1234yeah, obsoleted by a thing that isn't technically capable of replacing it19:16
diddledan_I don't agree with it's obsolescence, but it's still obsolete19:16
ali1234you should take up this oversight with the Wayland developers - and also the Mir developers since it doesn't support this either19:17
MonotokoI've been working on something like this actually19:17
diddledan_ali1234, the problem with doing that is I get the impression that they'll just dismiss it and me with something similar to "we've discussed this, read the archives"19:19
diddledan_which isn't an answer at all19:19
ali1234that's no reason to just give up though19:20
Monotokospeaking of bad decisions, is Ubuntu heading for systemd?19:20
ali1234it's a contest of wills19:20
ali1234who will give up first?19:21
diddledan_Monotoko yes19:21
ali1234just look at the youtube/g+ thing19:21
Monotokodiddledan_ damn19:21
ali1234it only took 6 months of people spamming bob and his army for google to reverse their terrible design decision19:22
MartijnVdSoh that19:24
MartijnVdSthey reversed it?19:24
MartijnVdS(they didn't, as far as I can see)19:24
diddledan_afaik youtube comments are still tied into g+19:24
ali1234and vic quit19:24
ali1234diddledan_: some channels have the old comments back already19:25
ali1234like most things youtube, it doesn't update for everyone at once19:25
shaunowait, the bob spam worked?19:26
diddledan_google doesn't know about it19:26
diddledan_woah, that's so meta19:26
ali1234shauno: apparently19:27
diddledan_as I say, google knows nothing about it19:28
shaunohttp://knowyourmeme.com/videos/77340-this-is-bob  is the very first result for "bob's army"19:31
shaunoseems like a througholy academic source :)19:32
diddledan_all I see is a video19:32
shaunothe battleground is youtube .. what do you expect :D19:33
mappsmy iphone 5s fully charged goes to 80% in like an hour19:38
mappsthat cant be right19:38
diddledan_have you let it discharge all the way recently?19:39
diddledan_if not then that's a plan19:39
mappsit dies loads so i guess19:41
mappsbut i can try again19:41
Monotokomapps, sounds like an app is draining the battery19:42
Monotokoit's usually facebook or skype19:42
mappsthere's a rarety19:42
shaunonah, that's normal for lipo.  it'll take the same amount of time to charge 0-80% as it takes for 80-100%19:42
mappsgot so drunk i passed out19:42
BananaManLinux1hi ukers :p19:42
mappsi placed a bet o some tennis..cant even remember19:42
mappswokeup +550:)19:42
MonotokoI woke up -800 the other day19:43
Monotokoturns out I booked a flight19:43
mappsto where19:43
Monotokostill not sure why I did it19:43
mappsid had an awful day ...lost ~600 on soccer19:43
mappsso waking up to +55019:43
MonotokoI don't speak a word of mandarin :(19:43
mappswas nice19:43
mappsgonna close my ac soon19:44
diddledan_sleep buying a long-haul flight is impressive19:45
diddledan_even shauno hasn't gone that far AFAIK19:45
Monotokodrunk-buying... I thought I'd lost it at the casino to begin with19:45
ali1234i can't find any reliable sources on this19:45
Monotokoturns out I won £50 at the casino19:45
diddledan_Monotoko, win 50, sink 500 into flight19:46
diddledan_Monotoko, that's logical, right?19:46
Monotokodiddledan_, I think I really wanted to go on holiday :(19:46
mappscasino is mug19:46
* mapps goes to both casinos a lot19:46
Monotokoalthough why I didn't just go to spain like a normal person19:46
Monotokogod knows19:46
mappsand its full of mugs19:46
mappsbecause its rubbish19:47
mappsand chav19:47
mappssit around in the sun drinkng and smoking19:47
mappsno ta19:47
Monotokomapps, I usually stick to poker rooms19:47
mappsah ok19:47
mappsi stick to the bar :P19:47
mappsnever really gamble there19:47
Monotokobah, casino bars are expensive19:47
mappsbar or smoking area19:47
mappspaid 10 quid for some fags last night19:47
Monotokomy guess is you're from the north?19:48
mappsand then they wanted 50p extra for a lighter19:48
mappsnot at all..im from the south, why the north?19:48
shaunolol, he's nothing to do with us19:49
Monotokojust thought I recognised the lingo19:49
mappsshauno me?19:49
diddledan_if not you, mapps , then me - he's always trying to disown me19:49
mappsfrom SW11 ..moved to GU24 ....19:49
mappsnow live in ST1;P19:50
mappsso i am north ish now Monotoko :)19:50
mappsmidlands really19:50
diddledan_shauno, remember, a tramp is for life not just for doorstops19:50
MonotokoI've lived in DN, EX, SW and now in LE19:51
Monotokoover the past year :(19:51
diddledan_are we supposed to know postal code-to-locations these days?19:51
MonotokoDoncaster, Exeter, London, Leeds19:52
diddledan_SW I know is london19:52
diddledan_the others all bets are off19:52
mappsgu = guildford19:57
mappsst- stoke19:57
mapps<Monotoko> I've lived in DN, EX, SW and now in LE19:57
mapps<Monotoko> over the past year :(19:57
mappsin a year?19:57
MonotokoYeah, I've had a few jobs, packed 'em all in because I wanted to be somewhere else20:02
Monotokonow I've been suspended for some silly mistakes as a sysadmin which shouldn't have even been an issue, so I'm stuck in Leeds for now20:02
diddledan_that sucks20:03
diddledan_the suspension I mean20:03
MonotokoAye, they wanted rid of me... I've put up a fight20:05
Monotokoso I've been suspended for a month now20:06
Monotokoon full pay mind you20:06
Monotokoit gets boring after a few weeks20:08
mappsdont complain dont explain20:21
mappsbest way to be20:21
mappsand also..dont ever accept blame for anything in the workplace20:21
mappsdeny deny deny20:21
mappsbecause there's always someone above you earning a fortune for doing nothing20:21
* mapps never admits to anything20:22
ali1234what is the best joypad for gaming on linux?23:08
ali1234the xbox 360 controller seems like the defacto standard now23:08
ali1234should i get the official one, or a clone? or something entirely different?23:09
popeyali1234: i went for a genuine usb xbox360 one23:13
popeyworks a treat23:13
ali1234that's probably what i'll get23:13
ali1234the classic xbox controller served me well, but the slight differences (like no shoulder triggers) are becoming a problem23:13
ali1234all games love those shoulder triggers for some reason23:14
ali1234not having them is often a game breaker23:14
popeymy kids keep stealing my xbox360 controller23:14
ali1234also the weird way the driver sets up the controls means that many games think you are constantly pressing L/R23:14
ali1234which can also be a game breaker23:15
ali1234i've got a game that uses that to cycle menus, so when i go into the menu it just whizzes through each page forever23:15

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