
cmaloneyGood morning12:28
mrgoodcatit is a morning at any rate12:40
rick_h_yea, morning12:50
cmaloneyrick_h_: Hope the demo goes well13:25
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, we didn't make it13:25
rick_h_long story, but shut it down at 9pm last night and we got bumped13:25
rick_h_so will be bittersweet demo in an hour13:25
mrgoodcatjust had to set up rvm on a digitalocean box... self.kill()13:38
cmaloneyrick_h_: Ugh13:38
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Welcome to my world. :)13:38
mrgoodcathad to rspec for every ruby since 1.813:38
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Sadly that's the best use-case for RVM that I can see13:39
mrgoodcatrvm 1.8.7,1.9.3,2.0.2 do bundle exec rake spec13:39
cmaloneyAnd it's not particularly great at it.13:39
mrgoodcati haven't had any problems13:39
mrgoodcatand actually aside from the massive amount of time it took, the install was painless13:40
cmaloneyI haven't figured out how to reliably use gemsets yet.13:40
mrgoodcati just use bundler anyways13:40
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Let me rephrase:13:40
mrgoodcatgemsets are inferior to bundler13:40
cmaloneyI haven't figured out the convoluted Ruby install processes yet.13:40
mrgoodcatdo you use bash or zsh?13:41
jrwrenyou can take my bash from my cold dead hands :p13:47
mrgoodcatzsh is where it's at13:47
mrgoodcatis google down?13:48
mrgoodcat.isup google.com13:48
bookiebothttp://google.com returned a response code of 200 in 0.185409 seconds13:48
mrgoodcatcan anybody else see google? we can't access it at work right now13:50
mrgoodcatits back up13:50
jrwrengoogle doesn't go down :p13:50
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I think it's a PEBKAC error.13:51
mrgoodcatthe whole building lost google for ~60 seconds13:51
jrwrenproblem exists between keyboard and CLEC?13:51
cmaloneyjrwren: or chair. :)13:52
jrwrensounds like your ISP is playing tricks on  you.13:52
mrgoodcatcmaloney: http://hastebin.com/epasuriduc13:53
bookiebothttp://is.gd/UwiqQ2 - hastebin13:53
mrgoodcatthen use ruby-install and you're done :)13:53
cmaloneymrgoodcat: What does this do?13:55
cmaloneyLooks like a Makefile to install stuff from the interwebs13:56
mrgoodcatinstalls chruby and ruby-install on a machine13:56
mrgoodcatall you need is git13:56
mrgoodcatalthough yes don't do it without reading it first yada yada13:56
mrgoodcatit was more to show you how easy it is13:57
cmaloneyecho "source /usr/local/share/chruby/chruby.sh" >> $(HOME)/.bashrc13:57
mrgoodcati don't automate installs from the internet13:57
cmaloneyecho "source /usr/local/share/chruby/auto.sh" >> $(HOME)/.bashrc13:57
mrgoodcatthat's how chruby works. it needs to be loaded by your shell13:57
cmaloneyI would love to know what school of development Ruby folks are from13:57
cmaloney(And yes, I understand that virtualenv does a similar thing)13:58
mrgoodcatchruby only affects your PATH. it doesn't overload cd or anything stupid like rvm does13:58
mrgoodcator ls or whatever it does13:58
mrgoodcatcmaloney: chruby is currently the accepted way to install ruby. chruby is installed to system but all rubies and gems are installed to homedir14:00
mrgoodcatNO WAY14:02
rick_h_cmaloney: heh, better make sure jsivak sees http://r.bmark.us/u/596ba471b4225414:02
mrgoodcatdone with caps now14:02
mrgoodcatsuper happy though14:02
rick_h_cmaloney: not quite super sized scale, but talk about looking at the long tail side of things14:02
jrwrenTIL: python2 has backticks for eval14:31
mrgoodcathrm cool14:34
mrgoodcatalmost never find myself wanting to eval though14:34
jrwrenIMO it is a huge smell.14:35
jrwrenif you need to eval, you are doing it wrong.14:35
mrgoodcatpmuch how i feel14:37
mrgoodcati used eval for the early version of my plugin system14:37
mrgoodcatbut i've since switched to the imp module14:37
cmaloneyrick_h_: Interesting.14:53
cmaloneyProbably just what most sellers need, frankly.14:53
cmaloneyI'm pretty sure the number of folks who make purchasing decisions based on the bathroom of a store are quite low.14:54
mrgoodcatbathroom is one of the best places to figure out how clean the kitchen is kept14:56
mrgoodcatyou can usually assume they have similar cleaning habits14:56
rick_h_cmaloney: it's interesting14:56
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, that's true for restaurants.15:00
cmaloneyNot so much for retail15:01
cmaloneyrick_h_: I'd bet you could do more with a simple "I'm happy" / "I'm unhappy".15:02
bookiebothttp://is.gd/RdA7Gx - HEX | HEX15:02
cmaloneyWish this were CC licensed, but still pretty cool15:02
cmaloneyReminds me a bit of White Zombie / Rob Zombie15:04
mrgoodcatno but i've seen square in restaurants too15:06
Havenstancegood morning15:09
cmaloneybtw: http://mug.org is tonight15:12
bookiebothttp://is.gd/4LKP5D - Michigan!/usr/group | mug.org – A Michigan-based Linux and UNIX Free and Open Source Community15:12
brouschcmaloney: I will not be attending15:12
cmaloneybrousch: You forgot to say "sorry"15:12
brouschSorry I forgot to say sorry15:13
mrgoodcatkeep forgetting they're indian15:57
mrgoodcat"certain values of" I think of as a pretty common thing to say15:57
Havenstancewell i have finally gotten my desk cleaned off of the backlogged projects.15:58
mrgoodcatgood for you15:58
Havenstancenow its time to start on repairs...15:58
mrgoodcatdon't think i'll ever be able to do that15:58
HavenstanceYeah, I love being the everything guy somedays. especially when now on top of my list is putting a 40 foot aluminum later up the side of a power pole to remove a camera from the pole for service....15:59
brouschHavenstance: Don't forget your kite and key on a string16:00
Havenstancebrousch, pretty much the general idea today. its windy up here too16:00
Havenstancewindy hot and humid16:00
Havenstancebut a nice change from the 40 below a month or so ago16:00
jrwrenyou should really use a fiberglass ladder for that, because, you never know!16:04
mrgoodcatHavenstance: just knock the camera down with a rock16:06
mrgoodcatget a new one16:06
Havenstancejrwren, we don't have a fiberglass ladder, Instead a rickety old aluminum ladder is what we got. its a great deal... I'm thinking I can get to it from the roof of the building though so that's probably the way I'll go16:07
Havenstancemrgoodcat, I'm taking it down to go downtown and get a new one anyway this one has bad connections and I'm not going to keep messing around with it going out every other week I'm just gonna replace it. Boss only pays like 100 a piece for the cameras anyway16:07
mrgoodcatspend 10k$16:17
mrgoodcatis good for you16:17
Havenstancethis is true, I'd personally like to hire out the setting up and maintenance of those cameras. I'm about tired of dealing with it. Anyway gotta go check on the employee I have doing training. Then better get up there and pull that its not going to take its self down lol16:22
brouschcmaloney: PyOhio is looking for "diverse" talk reviewers. You should get your wife to do it17:19
cmaloneyI signed myself up for it.17:19
brouschBut you are not a sciency female who knows little Python17:20
cmaloneyJust so I could vote against any kivy talk.17:20
cmaloneyIs that on her business cards? I haven't seen that. ;)17:20
bookiebothttp://is.gd/gip4NP - Twitter / mhoye: Just saw a colleague unbox ...18:17
rick_h_pretty much18:18
rick_h_though I have to say, if you pull the trigger on a new laptop you probably should have looked at the keyboard pics online18:19
cmaloneyYeah, Lenovo has really screwed the pooch on that keyboard.18:28
greg-ghttps://twitter.com/Cmdr_Hadfield/status/466168309441122304  aka download now while you still can18:29
bookiebothttp://is.gd/9XAje3 - Twitter / Cmdr_Hadfield: Bowie's last day - we had ...18:29
cmaloneyI cannot cofirm or deny if I'm using youtube-dl right now. :)18:30
mrgoodcatchris hadfield is a better singer than i'd have guessed19:02
rick_h_jcastro: MUG?19:03
mrgoodcatwhen is mug?19:03
jcastroI can't today19:03
rick_h_tonight 6:3019:03
mrgoodcatyea i can never go19:03
rick_h_jcastro: booo ok19:03
cmaloneyjcastro: I have a slide specifically telling folks to talk to you. :)19:04
cmaloneyHow will it be nearly as effective if you are not present?19:04
mrgoodcattalks on g+?19:05
cmaloneyNope. I'm forbidding anyone recording my talk19:05
cmaloneyActually I don't care one way or the other.19:06
* mrgoodcat wants to smoke weed with chris hadfield in space19:07
cmaloneymy talk will be me killing time19:07
Havenstancemrgoodcat, sounds like a good time19:07
cmaloneymrgoodcat: orly?19:07
brouschcmaloney: Add his phone number to the slide19:07
bookiebothttp://is.gd/uc5anC - image/jpeg19:07
cmaloneyWell, he is canadian.19:07
mrgoodcati'm colorado...ian?... in spirit19:08
cmaloneyhe only had to hide it when they were over the UNited States.19:08
greg-gwhat the19:08
greg-gthat can't be real19:08
mrgoodcatwonder what the laws are regarding space... is that like being in international water?19:08
mrgoodcator if you're over a country are you covered by their laws?19:09
greg-gnot the later, definitely19:09
bookiebothttp://is.gd/3VbOq6 - SANCTUS DAEMONEON - The unaVOIDable | Negative Existence19:09
mrgoodcatwhat if SpaceX's biggest clients become the mafia19:09
Havenstancemrgoodcat, i'd live in colorado if I could afford it myself :)19:09
mrgoodcatsending people up to get killed outside of jurisdiction19:09
cmaloneymrgoodcat: If you can sharp-shoot someone while in a near-earth orbit you're a better person than I.19:11
jrwrenright by where greg-g once lived. https://twitter.com/amywrites_/status/46629494529734656021:08
bookiebothttp://is.gd/dVeyeN - Twitter / amywrites_: RT @MEIDispatch #WashtenawCounty ...21:08
greg-geek, I was 1815 Dexter21:17
mrgoodcataww yea21:55
mrgoodcatfor anyone that browses github a lot https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/octotree/bkhaagjahfmjljalopjnoealnfndnagc21:55
bookiebothttp://is.gd/3zT6BZ - Chrome Web Store - Octotree21:55
tony-smlrMUG (Michigan Users Group) May meeting video is live!  http://youtu.be/nx_WEnu1jKY23:09
bookiebothttp://is.gd/pYhdjy - MUG - 2014-05-13 Running an Open Source Project / State of Linux Gaming -2 - YouTube23:09
brouschI am so tempted to make a U-M color scheme for the pyohio page and PR it23:34

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