
Unit193distro-info -c --supported --days=eol  is easier. :P00:00
bluesabredidn't know that command00:01
bluesabreyou should file a bug report00:01
Unit193Mhmm, I'll get right on that.00:02
Unit19312.10,Quantal Quetzal,quantal,2012-04-26,2012-10-18,2014-04-18  well that's weird.00:03
bluesabreunity runs okay in virtualbox00:15
bluesabrewhen it switches to unity-locker00:15
bluesabrethen it comes to a horrible crawl00:16
bluesabreI thought my vm was dead00:16
Unit193bluesabre: How is it atop mir?00:18
bluesabrehaven't tried it with mir yet00:18
bluesabreprobably not good, since I don't think vbox gfx drivers support mir yet00:19
Unit193I'd try it, tried wayland, but no intention to try unity. :P00:19
Unit193Right, they don't.00:19
bluesabrepersonally I think mir might end up being a better solution00:20
bluesabreprimarily because wayland is being developed alongside gnome00:21
bluesabrebut, nobody can really say at this point00:21
bluesabremy favorite commit this month. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/menulibre/master/revision/20701:44
ochosibluesabre: that works!06:12
ochosihey elfy 06:12
elfyhi ochosi 06:12
ochosihave time for a quick test?06:12
ochosilid-close bug06:12
elfynot atm - sorry - too early lol06:13
ochosihehe, ok06:14
elfylaptop's in little one's room - she's not awake yet 06:14
ochosii'm writing down the testcase now anyway06:15
elfyand I'm waking up still :)06:15
ochosime too :)06:15
ochosibut as i gotta work the rest of the day, i wanted to get something done here too06:15
elfyok cool - link it here - then as soon as I can I'll do it06:15
elfyyep understood06:15
ochosielfy: http://dpaste.com/2X51WV1/06:17
ochosias i'm the only one who tested this successfully so far, i wanted to wait at least until you tested it before we post that in the bugreport06:17
ochosihowever, if it works for you, you could just copy-paste it there06:17
elfyyep - bookmarked06:18
ochosi(with a nice "hello everyone, we finally have a patch" intro)06:18
ochosihf everyone, bbl06:54
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
elfybluesabre: nice to be kept in the loop over what needs testing and when12:11
elfycommunication here is awesome12:11
ochosielfy: just a quick question, have you been able to test the lid-fix?12:24
ochosii asked a friend and it worked fine, so i at least have 3 positive test-results for it now (including the two ppl who worked on the patch)12:30
elfyochosi: I've got in properly from work now - will check15:02
slickymasterWorkelfy, do you have a few minutes to discuss MenuLibre testcase?15:04
elfyin a bit15:04
slickymasterWorkI'll wait15:05
elfythough tbh I'm grrrrr about menulibre testing atm15:05
slickymasterWorkthere's something that IMO is wrong in that test15:06
elfywell - I ran through it yesterday - it all works 15:06
slickymasterWorkdid you manage to be sucessfully with steps 19-20?15:07
elfywhatever steps 19-20 are I must have as it all worked15:08
slickymasterWorkelfy,  19 - In Menu Editor - hover over launcher title and click and 20 - Enter new name for launcher and press enter15:09
elfyworked 15:09
slickymasterWorkwell, that's strange because I'm unable to achieve it in two distinct boxes15:10
slickymasterWorkone with today's daily and another fully updated that been being upgraded since 12.0415:11
elfyI've just done it twice here15:11
slickymasterWorkwhat is the menulibre installed version you have?15:12
qwebirc591238elfy I have 2.0.3-1 installed15:14
=== qwebirc591238 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyochosi: confirm that ppa works here - also it stops it rebooting with a really dim screen.15:17
elfyso that's \o/ from me15:17
elfyochosi: posted in bug with the details - added ppa-purge command too15:29
slickymasterWorksorry elfy 15:30
slickymasterWorklost connectivity (once again)15:30
slickymasterWorkcan you tell me once once again what's installed version?15:30
slickymasterWorkstrange, that's mine's also15:31
slickymasterWorkon both boxes15:31
elfyat least that what it reports15:31
slickymasterWorkmine are both 2.0.3-115:31
slickymasterWorkgoing to have to poke around to figure it out15:32
elfyyou can do it 2 ways - hover over title, click - write - enter or click the button to the right of the title box15:32
slickymasterWorktried both ways, no dice15:32
elfyuh oh15:32
elfynow what's up 15:32
* elfy waits for upgrade to finish15:33
elfyii  menulibre      2.0.3-115:34
slickymasterWorkthose are also mine's15:34
elfyI recorded me doing it - any idea where I could post that for you to get?15:39
slickymasterWorknah, nevermind15:45
slickymasterWorkI'll reinstall it15:45
elfy!team 16:24
ubottubluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19316:24
elfyassistive tech is currently part of a testcase for the settings manager for some reason - propose to remove that - question is do we need to test that anyway - we'd not be able to do anything anyway if there is a problem I guess16:25
slickymasterWorkelfy, thanks for that link, but I ended up reinstalling it and now it's working16:26
slickymasterWorkno clue what could have been the culprit16:26
GridCubei have no idea elfy, but i guess that if we can not do anything about something we better don't make ourselfs responsible of that16:27
elfyslickymasterWork: ok - cheers16:30
elfyanyone with access to utopic atm - alt+f2 - xfce4-term - does terminal show in the list 16:30
elfyGridCube: that's my thinking - we can always create a test and make it optional 16:31
elfybut I think (need to check) that ubuntu tests this stuff with autopilot 16:31
pleia2GridCube: +116:31
elfyo/ pleia2 16:32
pleia2g'day elfy 16:32
slickymasterWorkelfy: alt+f2 and xfce4-term does show up in the list16:33
slickymasterWorkhi pleia2 16:33
elfyslickymasterWork: mmm - not seeing that on this machine nor a vm16:35
pleia2hey slickymaster :)16:35
elfyochosi: got another +1 to that fix now via the bug report 16:57
elfyochosi: what you going to do about a meeting - we need to get one soon I guess - things like the m/l and PPA at least need to be sorted19:19
bluesabresorry about that elfy/forestpiskie, was looking for some ad hoc testing and wanted to get a request out before I ran out the door this morning22:31
brainwashbluesabre: can we make lightdm's dependency on the indicator libs optional?23:03
bluesabre... I thought it was optional23:04
bluesabresince it works in not-ubuntu23:04
bluesabreyou have to compile specifically with --enable-indicator-services23:04
brainwashmmmmh, I missed some things23:05
brainwashnot lightdm, but lightdm-gtk-greeter23:05
brainwashin ubuntu23:05
brainwashthe ubuntu package :)23:06
bluesabrethat's how its compiled, you don't have to include indicators in your config23:06
brainwashI know that23:06
bluesabreso, it is optional, xubuntu ships with indicators enabled23:07
bluesabreanyway, gotta run, family here23:07
brainwashI'll rebuild the package locally then, guess no one else is bothered by the indicator libs23:08
brainwash(if one does not use the unity indicators)23:11
ali1234what's the problem here?23:13
brainwashthere is none23:13
brainwashgreeter depends on libido3-0.1-0 and libindicator3-7, I would like to move the to recommends23:15
ali1234well, they have to be compiled in afaik23:16
ali1234so we can't make them recommends... the greeter will just fail to run if they're not installed23:17
brainwashcan we add a runtime detection?23:18
ali1234not easily23:18
brainwashit's not a problem, I'm just curious23:19

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