
volkersince 14.04 activated google-chrome windows in other workspaces are shown in the current workspaces windows buttons panel00:35
volkerI never had this problem in all the versions before and I don't find where to disable it. I checked various places and googled a lot around00:35
* whomomlikes spits on ATI Radeon card.01:26
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xanguaIs there a workaround for the black screen after suspend in 14.04 ?02:38
veebull_there's some discussion on it on the ubuntu forums... if you do a seach you'll probably hit paydirt.02:44
KekaiIts probably light locker02:48
KekaiThe best solution at the moment is downloading Xscreensaver, and disabling Light Locker02:49
xanguathat's not solving a problem, that's avoiding it02:56
xanguajust like I avoid xfce mediaplayer no playing half the dvd's I try and use vlc :P02:57
Unit193lp 130373602:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen after login from suspend in Xubuntu 14.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373602:57
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someguy12345Are there any updates on the OpenVPN bug?03:40
hmagoovolker, I haven't had chrome on 14.04 yet but I'm not having that problem right now with chromium05:47
phasipHey, I'm having trouble with two screensavers starting, one looks like a debian one and one is the old ugly xorg one, Is this a common problem?06:09
assistentehi to all! someone can help me debug cups printing on a konica-minolta c350 to enable job accounting?07:09
evildeadhello all08:34
evildeadi have some problem to display some apps in the menu. in menulibre two apps have same parameters but one is not displaying08:35
evildeadis there any tips to do that ?08:35
TheDexter1111hi there, i was wondering if someone could help me write a (hopefully) simple script to change my login backdrop when I change my wallpaper? Im not really experienced with writing scripts, but Id like to give it a try. any help is much appreciated.08:52
starratsgood morning everyone09:21
james0r2hello there09:30
assistentehi to all! i have a problem: after screen lock on xubuntu 14.04 64bit the keyboard don't work on firefox, then of i switch to a terminal window and type something, then switch to firefox the keyboard writes. succestions?09:48
nikolamwhat to use to fast search documents in xubuntu?10:38
xubuntu877I have problem with my settings dialog on my desktop: When I start the settings, it will come up, but its empty12:27
xubuntu877hmm just found it, when running xfce4-settings-manager as root does work12:35
xubuntu877anyone an idea why its not working as normal user?12:36
TheSheepxubuntu877: what did you do just before it stopped working?12:41
xubuntu877not sure, didn't work for some time already12:42
volkerhmagoo: I have it also with firefox. how I can reproduce it: start firefox, start a terminal. type in "sleep 5;firefox www.google.com"; switch workspace in less than 5 seconds12:50
volkerhmagoo: firefox will be shown in the current workspace blinking, even if it is in another workspace12:51
xubuntu877actually my window comes up, but its just empty frame, showing everything ok, but now items of screen or whatever is shown12:54
xubuntu877is there anything about this xfce2-settings-manger saved in .config directory13:14
starratsI got bluesabre's emil concerning 'libremenu', how important is this to perform all these things for trusty?13:43
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john_____have anybody managed to setup encrypted swap?14:54
john_____it doesn't show it in /dev/mapper when I put UUID in crypttab14:55
baizonencrypted swap?14:55
TheSheepyes, it just works14:56
john_____oh, its me than :(14:56
baizonwell i don't use swap at all :)14:56
john_____its scarry to go swapless, I think , so I put /dev/sda3 in crypttab, this time it shows in mapper14:57
john_____but fstab doesn't mount it14:57
john_____says swapon read swap header failed, any ideas?14:57
john_____I set it up with them ecryptfs-setup-swap14:58
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john_swaphi, I've managed to set up my encrypted swap15:25
john_swapcreated partition, turned swap on, set up encryted swap with ecryptfs-setup-swap15:26
john_swapturned swap off, changed crypttrad uuid to /dev/sda3,  mkswap /dev/mapper/sda3, and rebbot.15:27
john_swap*/dev/mapper/cryptswap1, so is it still encrypted, how can I be sure? I think it might not be, since I used mkswap on /dev/mapper/cryptoswap115:28
john_swapdoes formatting cryptswap1 with mkswap removes its encryption?15:29
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oaulakhanyone know how to reduce brightness in ubunutu studio15:34
bazhang #ubuntustudio  oaulakh should help with that15:35
oaulakhthey ask me ask u15:36
oaulakhthey are not good at de stuff15:36
oaulakhDE stuff15:36
ElderDryasBy that logic #xubuntu should answer fedora questions when someone has fedora xfce installed15:37
oaulakhyeah i have fedora xfce installed15:38
ElderDryasand the answer is Brightness Plugin on the panel...which is why I doubt they sent you here for that.15:38
ElderDryasit's too easy an answer15:38
oaulakhthere is no plugin regarding brightness15:39
ElderDryasthis is why I don't stay here long...can't stand stupidity15:40
xubuntu203I'm a new xubuntu user.  I have been successful in installing Linex on my Windows XP computer and everything seems to work except I cannot play mp3 music.  I have installed all the proper plugins and when I double click on the song in Parole the progress bar moves like it's playing but I get no sound.  I have a Creative sound card and it works fine in XP.  Any help with this issue will be greatly appreciated.15:54
bazhangxubuntu203, install xubuntu-restricted-extras15:55
bazhangxubuntu203, following that, open a terminal and type alsamixer , and make sure nothing is muted15:56
junkai have formated a fat32 partition on a usb but i cant write on it from other pcs15:57
junkai tried right click to change permissions but they change to none automatically15:58
elfyxubuntu203: also in alsamixer - check that the Analog/Digital Jack shows as MM if there is one15:58
bah_hi all, is it only me that find it difficult to find the right answer then google questions related to ubuntu/linux ?16:35
elfybah_: I doubt it's only you - you'll see the same question asked hundreds of times :)16:36
elfybah_: but I try to use googlubuntu for search - it only searches *buntu resources - including wiki etc16:37
bah_elfy, oh, I didn't know about  googlubuntu !  will try that !16:39
bah_: )16:39
bah_elfy, yes the problem is that as you say "you'll see the same question asked hundreds of times" , trying to find an answer using  googlubuntu but don't get the right hits.16:42
bah_anyway.... I want to change the keymap in the xubuntu terminal, done it before but forgot how ?16:42
bah_do you know how to do that ?16:42
bah_the "right" serarch term ?16:43
elfyafraid not16:43
elfyI'd start with keymap - I'd not include xubuntu in the search though16:44
bah_yea, I remember there is some settings I think in  "all settings" that let you map diffrent applications by hover over the shortcut and then change it on the fly, anybody know this ?16:46
bah_elfy, yes I don't know if this is a xfce future or a general linux desktop future16:48
bah_ok did find the answer http://docs.xfce.org/faq16:49
SunilJoshiHello, thunar is getting crashed most of the time, i am on Xubuntu14.0416:55
SunilJoshiThis happens when I close the thunar window16:56
bah_SunilJoshi, don't you get any error message ?16:58
SunilJoshiyes i do16:58
SunilJoshibah_: ^^16:58
SunilJoshiubuntu 14.04 has experienced an internal error16:59
SunilJoshiwhere i can see the core?17:00
SunilJoshihmm, there is a core in /var/crash  _usr_bin_thunar.1000.crash17:01
bah_SunilJoshi, don't you get some kind of message under the ""settings" tab in the "ubuntu 14.04 has experienced an internal error" window ?17:02
bah_sorry !  *""settings" tab  = "show Details" tab17:03
SunilJoshiyes, it shows executable path is /usr/bin/thunar17:04
SunilJoshiand lot more information, but i am not able to copy it from there :(17:04
SunilJoshibah_: ^^17:06
bah_SunilJoshi,  I find these windows annoying, It should be better to provide a error report that you can goggle easy17:06
SunilJoshibah_: error report, you mean to say exact error?17:07
bah_SunilJoshi,  yes,  some message you can google  : )17:08
SunilJoshibah_: ok :) !17:08
SunilJoshiit seems i found one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/123392817:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1203296 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1233928 thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [High,In progress]17:10
bah_SunilJoshi,  sorry I can't help, have you tried to restart ? That often solve issues related to mounted volumes17:12
Morroghow would i set up two user accounts (on xubuntu 13.10) and have them share the same firefox profile?17:21
amigamagicwhy you should share a firefox profile between two accounts?17:22
geniiamigamagic: Could be useful on a kiosk type system, one is user one admin.17:23
Morrogone account is for daily internet stuff (using normal pulseaudio). my second one is related to audio production (using jack and alsa)17:24
Morrogbut i want to have the same firefox profile17:25
bah_I now been able to set my key-shortcuts for the Xubuntu terminal but I should also like to be able to jump to the beginning of a line and the beginning of a word using key-shortcuts, anybody know how to set that ?17:25
bah_Morrog, sorry can't help17:26
amigamagicI don't think firefox has been designed to permit such a thing17:26
amigamagicfirefox creates a profile for each user17:26
Morrogtoo bad17:27
amigamagicmaybe you could try to copy the profile from an user account to another one. But you should create hard links17:27
amigamagicin this way, if you mod something in a dir, the mod will be reflected in the other account17:28
bah_Morrog, can you not find the answer here ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113847717:28
bah_amigamagic, I can't see why this should be a problem ? he just have to find the right path/permissions17:29
Morrogyeah, i think i don't have the right type of permissions17:29
Morrogi made a new group, put both users in there17:30
Morrogand made that firefox folder readable/writeable for both17:30
Morrogso i don't know what else i can do17:30
geniiConceivably, you could make a specific user which never logs in, put two other users and them in same group, link the non-login user's /home/name/.mozilla/firefox/abcdefgh.default  into the directories of the two users which will be using the same profile17:30
geniiI think you'd probably also need to change default startup of firefox to add --no-remote as well17:31
Morrogi'll try that17:31
Morrogthank you for the help so far :)17:31
bah_yes, I should also try genii's suggestion17:32
geniiAnother alternative would to just rsync one user's abcdefgh.default directory contents over to the other and chown it, on some cron job17:36
geniiAh, they left.17:37
bah_hi all, do anybody know how to change key-shortcuts for moving the cursor to the beginning/end of the line/word in terminal ?19:54
TheSheepyou would need to look for how to customize bash19:55
bah_the current keys are listed here "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal" under "Change the text", but I want to remap them19:56
bah_TheSheep, you think so ? How can i do that ?19:57
bah_TheSheep, are there no GUI for setting this in the terminal emulator that come with xubuntu ? In OSX/ITerm2 you have a GUI for this.20:06
hmagoovolker, do you mean another window with google.com or the original window?20:07
TheSheepbah_: no, bash is not a gui program20:08
TheSheepbah_: it would make no sense to have gui for it20:09
bah_TheSheep, so you say  that the shortcuts  in the link I provided are set using bash ?  do you know where the config file for this is located, I can't find any info google20:12
bah_TheSheep, (the grep command in the link you provided don't return anything on my system)20:13
David-Abah_: bash use inputline to for interactive command line editing. it can be configured with the bind commands in bash itself, or in the ~/.inputrc config file. you can define or re-define keys for beginning-of-line and end-of-line20:14
David-Abah_: see "man bash"20:14
David-Abah_: (the grep command on the page at humbug.in is not supposed to be executed by the reader. it is an example of a long command and how to define a key that helps typing it.)20:20
bah_David-A, thanks a lot, I think i solved it20:20
bah_are looking at "/etc/inputrc" for the moment and it seems the shortcuts are defined there : )20:21
David-Abah_: yea, but only a handful of them. they are system wide defaults that was not provided by default in readline itself, i suppose.20:24
David-Abah_: if you want to add more, or override defaults, you should do it in ~/.inputrc, not in /etc/inputrc. (or add bind commands in ~/.bashrc)20:25
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bah_David-A, ls20:55
bah_David-A,  sorry, that should been in the terminal : ), anyway I still struggling with mapping the keys and your suggestions, will be back later  : )20:57
David-Abah_: when you have updated ~/.bashrc you may need to re-read it. i recall somewhere it says it rereads automatically but you may need to do ctrl-c ctrl-r, or start a new bash.20:59
David-Abah_: if you make "bind" commands in ~/.bashrc you only have to issue the same commands in a terminal to test it there.20:59
bah_David-A, that was a good tip,  thanks21:01
volkerhmagoo: no, the google window name that is shown in the window buttons panel21:18
hmagoovolker, if I launch a chromium link from here it joins the existing window on the other workspace and switches focus to that workspace. but if I launch chromium it opens a new window on this workspace.21:23
volkerhmagoo: no, you need to have the chromium window already open. Then you switch the workspace and open a new window (e.g. via command line) and you jump there or get the blinking etc. You can disable to jump there automatically, you should be able to disable the blinking from other workspaces, but it does not seem to work for me in 14.0421:27
starratsI use 4 workspaces, set up that way, one for each window.  Firefox, Thunderbird, hexchat/weechat(depending on my mood) and the last workspace remains open for terminal or any other app I might use.21:31
meek_geekhow r u22:27
cubed_rooti installed xubuntu 13 on a new partition (i have windows 7 and xubuntu 14 on their own partitions as well)23:31
cubed_rootdo i need to install grub on the new partition?23:31
David-Acubed_root: it depends how you have configured booting. normally installation of (x)ubuntu in a *partition* also installs grub in the boot record (mbr) of the *disk*, with a menu of all systems it found.23:38
cubed_rootthanks David-A, that's what i was expecting, but when i boot i dont see my new installation23:41
cubed_rootso i'm working on adding a script to grub using a tutorial i found23:42
cubed_rootwhat i'm stuck on right now is where i should point that new menu option.  the tutorial has "linux /boot/vmlinuz" & "initrd /boot/initrd.img"23:43
cubed_rootoh, that's probably it is on my new partition, i think i'll try that23:44
cubed_root(that's probably *what* it is)23:44
David-Acubed_root: if you didn't disable or change grub install during the installation, there should be a command to re-scan the disk for systems and a command to re-install or update grub in the mbr. (maybe the same command with different options)23:44
cubed_rootyes, tutorial mentions "update-grub"23:45
cubed_rooti should run this before i start mucking with grub scripts?23:46
David-Acubed_root: probably. (if your script and grub have different ideas about the boot process, you may have a maintainability headache after some future update)23:48
David-Acubed_root: (but if you know what you are doing, you can take control over grub and the (x)ubuntu default behaviour)23:49
cubed_rootthanks David-A23:51
cubed_rootupdate-grub did exactly what i wanted -- dug around and found my new partition and installation!23:53
cubed_rootnow to test if the grub menu is updated in reboot...23:53

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