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tabbytabtab | how do you set a wallpaper on the Home | 04:03 |
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tabbytabtab | can i have some assistance? | 04:37 |
RAOF | tabbytabtab: There's a think in system settings isn't there? | 04:39 |
tabbytabtab | yeah but it wont actually show the wallpaper | 04:40 |
tabbytabtab | when i set it | 04:40 |
RAOF | It's possible that's not working yet, then :) | 04:40 |
tabbytabtab | oh. that makes sense, thanks :D | 04:41 |
tabbytabtab | apperently, it use to work lol | 04:46 |
RAOF | Hm. Either (a) there's a bug, (b) it hasn't been transferred to the new Scopes stuff, or (c) we're looking in the wrong place. | 04:46 |
tabbytabtab | o: it is supposed to have the ubuntu purply-red colors as the wallpaper, like the lock screen, but it just shows a 4 tone white wallpaper | 04:49 |
tabbytabtab | so i don;t really know what's wrong xD | 04:49 |
tabbytabtab | don't** | 04:49 |
RAOF | Yeah, that's the new scopey stuff. | 04:51 |
tabbytabtab | what is scope :o i'm new to ubuntu touch owo; | 04:53 |
tabbytabtab | well rather, what does t do | 04:54 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:37 |
bact | morning | 06:38 |
mandel | ogra_, morning, do you see the system settings page go white when you do an update? | 07:38 |
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ogra_ | mandel, yes, all the time | 08:01 |
popey | ogra_: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-05-14-090059.png how do I fix that? | 08:04 |
ogra_ | popey, wow, that looks bad | 08:05 |
ogra_ | popey, from what to what do you update ? | 08:07 |
popey | thats my stable phone | 08:07 |
popey | it's currently 17 | 08:08 |
popey | alan@deep-thought:~/phablet/scripts$ adb shell system-image-cli -n | 08:08 |
popey | Upgrade path is 19:20:22 | 08:08 |
mzanetti | robru: thanks | 08:10 |
ogra_ | you can surely work around by telling it that it is on version 0 ... | 08:12 |
ogra_ | (system-image-cli -b 0 -v) | 08:12 |
ogra_ | but i thought stephane had fixed that ... i wonder if you downloaded broken stuff before it was fixed | 08:12 |
ogra_ | so that it falls over with local pieces | 08:12 |
popey | well, my point is more that others may be in this position | 08:15 |
popey | maybe not | 08:15 |
* popey uses that method | 08:16 | |
mandel | ogra_, we should talk with gatox about it.. is really annoying | 08:20 |
ogra_ | yes | 08:20 |
mandel | ogra_, one other question, do we have an image with the gc 4.8 changes? | 08:20 |
mandel | ogra_, I'll make sure he knows about it :) | 08:20 |
mvo | mardy: hi, good morning. seb128 mentioned that you might help me: the u1 account settings bit on my n4 on utopic is grayed out, so I can't add my u1 account to test a click update. do you have any pointer for me? I see in the log ""CRITICAL - findToken(): disabled account "ubuntuone" 1 | 08:20 |
ogra_ | mandel, #26 should have all gcc chganges | 08:20 |
mandel | ogra_, awesome! | 08:21 |
mardy | mvo: hi! so, you have an U1 account created, but it's greyed out? Or you don't have one, and cannot create one because the button is greyed out? | 08:21 |
mvo | mardy: the later | 08:22 |
mardy | mvo: weird, the button is greyed out when we detect that you already have a U1 account... | 08:22 |
mardy | mvo: try running "account-console list" | 08:22 |
mvo | mardy: I may have tried adding one before but canceled or deleted it though | 08:22 |
* mvo does not remember for sure | 08:23 | |
mardy | mvo: can you run that command? ^ | 08:27 |
mvo | mardy: account-console list says "no accounts" - sorry that it took so long termnal does not open on the n4 so I had to adb shell to it and fixup the environment | 08:28 |
mvo | (I'm user phablet in the adb shell with the regular session bus) | 08:28 |
mardy | mvo: weird... try killing online-accounts-ui, and then removing ~/.config/libaccounts-glib | 08:29 |
mvo | mardy: \o/ that fixed it | 08:30 |
mvo | thanks a bunch | 08:30 |
mardy | mvo: np :-) | 08:31 |
mvo | mardy: ok, next question - I added the account it did not complain about my PW but the app scope says "login error". could my password be wrong (its pretty long and a pain on the onscreen keyboard). or would the account screen have told me if it was wrong? | 08:35 |
mardy | mvo: I'm not sure, I didn't write the U1 account plugin | 08:37 |
mardy | mvo: but IIRC, I was getting an error message when creating an account with a wrong password | 08:37 |
mvo | mardy: ok, thanks. I check the source and see what I can find out | 08:38 |
mvo | mardy: just fyi, turns out that after I restarted the smartscope it knew about the newly added account | 08:47 |
mardy | mvo: ok... sounds like there's a bug there then | 08:47 |
mvo | yes | 08:48 |
seb128 | mhr3, ^ known issue? | 08:50 |
mhr3 | seb128, nope | 08:53 |
seb128 | k, probably worth filing then | 08:53 |
seb128 | thanks | 08:53 |
mhr3 | mvo, pls open a bug with detailed steps | 08:53 |
mvo | mhr3: sure, against what package/project? | 08:54 |
mhr3 | mvo, unity-scope-click | 08:55 |
mvo | ta | 08:56 |
ubilli8 | hi gues please i am trying to install ubuntu touch on my techo p9 andriod 4.2 version it is not showing the list of usb devices | 09:07 |
SK_ | hello | 09:32 |
ubilli8 | hi gues please i am trying to install ubuntu touch on my techo p9 andriod 4.2 version it is not showing the list of usb devices | 09:33 |
SK_ | Can I user ubantu-touch for my Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 | 09:33 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Third Shift Workers' Day! :-D | 09:38 |
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mandel | ogra_, canI trust img 25 to get a data connection, testing supl servers with no data is kinda hard | 09:58 |
* mandel wasted some time.. | 09:58 | |
ogra_ | mandel, 25 should be fine | 10:00 |
ogra_ | 26 and 27 are known to be broken | 10:00 |
mandel | ogra_, great, but that one does not have gc 4.8 correct? | 10:00 |
mandel | ogra_, so I need to grab one with a connection and do some fiddling | 10:01 |
ogra_ | http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/26.changes ... has the 4.8 changes | 10:01 |
mandel | ogra_, yet does no have data connection over 3g, correct? | 10:02 |
mandel | ogra_, I need both, 4.8 and data | 10:02 |
mandel | or test the gps in my house, and is no that big! | 10:02 |
ogra_ | then you khave to wait 2h | 10:02 |
ogra_ | or make your image writable and install urfkill | 10:03 |
popey | there is probably a better way of doing this, but this is how I'm removing all the user-installed clicks from my phone .. | 10:28 |
popey | adb shell "sudo -u phablet -i click list| xargs -n 2 click unregister" | 10:29 |
popey | ah, bum, need another sudo there | 10:29 |
popey | oh no, click list --user=phablet \o/ | 10:30 |
popey | ignore me | 10:30 |
bact | k | 10:33 |
* ogra_ tries hard ... and fails | 10:41 | |
popey | \o/ | 10:43 |
Maikel_ | hi | 10:47 |
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wellsb | Is there some way to sign in to Ubuntu One account from the terminal? I keep getting network error when I try through System Settings | 11:38 |
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nik90 | rsalveti: ping | 12:14 |
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alecu | mvo: in the click test plan, I think "Install latest (trusty-proposed) image on phone" should read "devel-proposed" | 12:42 |
alecu | mvo: that's why the click scope didn't have the rating stars, right? | 12:42 |
mvo | alecu: yes, sorry for the noise | 12:43 |
alecu | mvo: no problem! | 12:43 |
mvo | alecu: I already invalided the bugreport, I need to be more careful next time | 12:43 |
mvo | alecu: on the latest image it works like a charm :) | 12:44 |
alecu | mvo: well.. we still have some bugs when trying to send a second review :-) | 12:44 |
* mvo hasn't tried that | 12:45 | |
wellsb | mterry, how can I login to ubuntu one account using accounts-console? | 12:52 |
seb128 | cyphermox, hey, do you know what are the plans for bluez in U? | 13:01 |
cyphermox | seb128: so far it's still bluez 4 | 13:03 |
cyphermox | I'd like to move to bluez 5 but that depends on a newer kernel to some degree, and as I understand it, changing that (or maybe even just patching the right bits in) may be a rather large undertaking | 13:03 |
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seb128 | cyphermox, ok, so no decided plan to switch, no "we need to switch this cycle, it's an hard requirement for $project" | 13:05 |
cyphermox | not just yet | 13:06 |
cyphermox | there's discussion whether it's a hard requirement for certifying devices for bluetooth | 13:06 |
seb128 | cyphermox, ok, let me know if you learn it needs to happen | 13:07 |
cyphermox | I've been saying it's not, that it just means that if we do, we need to possibly provide more SDK code to cover some low energy features | 13:07 |
cyphermox | but some people don't agree. | 13:07 |
seb128 | I'm trying to estimate what the desktop team is going to need to work on this cycle | 13:07 |
seb128 | if we need to do that transition I want to budget time | 13:07 |
cyphermox | I'll try to get you a timeline this week | 13:07 |
seb128 | because it's going to require some work | 13:07 |
seb128 | thanks | 13:07 |
cyphermox | I'll participate in any bluetooth desktop transition of course ;) | 13:08 |
cyphermox | one major blocker for bluez 5 is still pulseaudio not supporting HSP though | 13:08 |
cyphermox | (that is, headset with one output channel and one mic channel) | 13:08 |
cyphermox | that remains a blocker for touch too, until I say otherwise | 13:09 |
seb128 | right | 13:09 |
seb128 | cyphermox, thanks for the update ;-) | 13:09 |
sergiusens | doanac: hey, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/common_scripts/+merge/219520 ? | 13:13 |
cyphermox | seb128: np. | 13:18 |
Tassadar | that's funny, for some reason, the battery charge level in the top notifications seems to be the real value divided by 2 | 13:46 |
Tassadar | upower -d displays the correct value | 13:46 |
Tassadar | ooh, it thinks it has two batteries | 13:54 |
Tassadar | and one is always empty, because it isn't a batter | 13:54 |
Tassadar | y | 13:54 |
rsalveti | nik90: pong | 13:56 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: upower thinks n5 has two batteries because it has one extra device for something, can I somehow blacklist it or something? | 13:56 |
nik90 | rsalveti: hi. I wanted to ask how to update the emulator image to the latest one. Can it be done normally via the system settings? | 13:56 |
Tassadar | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7462846/ | 13:56 |
nik90 | rsalveti: or do I need to recreate the emulator? | 13:57 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: would be nice to know why the kernel is exporting the first device as battery | 13:57 |
rsalveti | clearly missing features in it | 13:57 |
rsalveti | the real battery is the second one | 13:57 |
Tassadar | it says "Unknown" in type file in /sys | 13:58 |
Tassadar | (battery says "Battery") | 13:58 |
rsalveti | nik90: not yet, we will be working on system-image updates over the next few days, atm you need to recreate or run apt-get update/upgrade | 13:58 |
sergiusens | nik90: create again with the same name for now | 13:58 |
nik90 | rsalveti, sergiusens: ah ok | 13:58 |
rsalveti | wonder if the first battery device is used by android somwhoe | 13:59 |
rsalveti | *somehow | 13:59 |
rsalveti | I think you could either disable it in your kernel, or blacklist it in upower | 14:00 |
Tassadar | I don't think upower has any reason to think it's a battery Oo | 14:01 |
Tassadar | it doesn't say it's batter | 14:01 |
Tassadar | y | 14:01 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: right, first we need to understand why upower wants to track this device | 14:04 |
Tassadar | also, it started a while ago (month maybe?), it wasn't always like this | 14:04 |
Tassadar | are there some upower logs? | 14:04 |
rsalveti | hm, maybe a newer upower? let me see when that was uploaded | 14:04 |
rsalveti | guess you can start it by hand with -v | 14:05 |
rsalveti | /usr/lib/upower/upowerd -v | 14:05 |
rsalveti | no, latest upower upload was last year | 14:06 |
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rsalveti | maybe you enabled a new kernel config or such? | 14:07 |
Tassadar | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fourdollars/upower/master/view/head:/src/linux/up-device-supply.c#L1020 it seems to default to battery | 14:10 |
Tassadar | maybe the power-indicator just ignored it or somethin | 14:11 |
Tassadar | g | 14:11 |
cwayne | hm, black screen on latest -proposed on flo | 14:12 |
Tassadar | I'm not sure defauling to battery when it doesn't even have "capacity" sysfs file is a good idea, but I guess I can just disable that device in kernel config, it has only "current_now" sysfs file | 14:15 |
rsalveti | right | 14:15 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: where should I submit that change? To gerrit for ubuntu/kernel/trusty repo? | 14:17 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: yeah | 14:19 |
dobey | Tassadar: ooh, awesome! :) | 14:28 |
Tassadar | don't celebrate just yet, gerrit refuses to give me the code, git pull ends with 503 :/ | 14:28 |
doanac | sergiusens: looks like you got that MP reviewed. you want me to run it through the CI loop or anything? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/common_scripts/+merge/219520 | 14:29 |
sergiusens | doanac: just want to make sure it doesn't break anything from you; we can do the ci loop once it's in a silo | 14:29 |
doanac | sergiusens: sure. sounds good. did you see my MP for phablet-click-test-setup? not sure if that fit strategically with where you wanted that module to go, but it got me going on x86 for now | 14:30 |
sergiusens | doanac: oh, I might have missed it; let me check; if you are checking for arch et.al, it's good for now | 14:31 |
sergiusens | doanac: I don't really want to own the direction of QA, let's leave that to balloons since he started a thread wrt :-) | 14:31 |
doanac | :) | 14:32 |
ogra_ | so does that mean we'll finally get pee-in-a-box ? | 14:32 |
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ogra_ | or however that thing was called ? | 14:32 |
sergiusens | if they want it | 14:33 |
sergiusens | yeah | 14:33 |
ogra_ | wohoo | 14:33 |
sergiusens | ogra_: but I also think autopilot should be tied to the framework | 14:33 |
ogra_ | and finally rip the whole autopilot stuff out of the image | 14:34 |
sergiusens | to the click framework that is | 14:34 |
sergiusens | welll either or | 14:34 |
sergiusens | this is the perfect scenario for golang and it's static linking; write the tests; build a standalone binary and run | 14:34 |
sergiusens | no dep issues aside from dbus stability :-) | 14:34 |
balloons | ogra_, I agree with ripping AP out.. it should either we tied to framework and made part of everything (which I don't think make sense), or removed and not treated as special | 14:34 |
ogra_ | right | 14:35 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, ok, i can confirm no more WLAN on manta | 14:35 |
ogra_ | (on #28) | 14:35 |
cyphermox | that's very weird | 14:35 |
ogra_ | wlan0 802-11-wireless unavailable | 14:35 |
cyphermox | ogra_: could you edit /etc/init/network-manager.conf to add --log-level=debug to the exec line, and reboot? | 14:35 |
cyphermox | then send me syslog | 14:35 |
cyphermox | it's hard to say what this is when there is little baseline to compare | 14:36 |
balloons | ogra_, sergiusens can one of you do the simple review and get this merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/default-to-1404-fixed/+merge/218191 It would be handy to default to the new framework | 14:36 |
ogra_ | yep | 14:36 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7463044/ | 14:40 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, oh, additional observation ... WLAN is unchecked in the UI | 14:47 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, and just checking it manually makes all being fine | 14:47 |
cyphermox | ugh | 14:51 |
cyphermox | of course | 14:51 |
cyphermox | but why does it ever go disabled there | 14:52 |
cyphermox | could you also add --debug for the urfkill exec line and reboot and send me syslog again? | 14:52 |
cyphermox | from what I got from psivaa it shouldn't have been toggled off at all: urfkill was seeing the devices up | 14:52 |
ogra_ | cyphermox, after the meeting | 14:54 |
* ogra_ left the mako downstairs | 14:54 | |
aquarius | hrm. dpm, ping about dualboot installation being hun | 14:55 |
dpm | hey aquarius, let me see if I can grab someone to help in case I can't. What's up? | 14:55 |
aquarius | dpm, I removed Ubuntu from the Android app, downloaded dualboot.sh, and ran dualboot.sh -- it's done a bunch of stuff, but now it seems to be hung at "cannot read 'sideload'" | 14:56 |
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dpm | ondra|, can you help aquarius with his question about installing dualboot? ^ | 14:57 |
dpm | I think I saw a bug about that | 14:57 |
aquarius | dpm, ondra|, current log from my machine is at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7463139/ | 14:57 |
dpm | aquarius, ondra|, looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/humpolec/+bug/1317371 | 14:58 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1317371 in The Humpolec project "It shows "cannot read 'sideload' " message during installing" [Medium,Confirmed] | 14:58 |
aquarius | indeed it does | 14:58 |
aquarius | Bug says "You will need to press "go back" and then it will retry to complete the sideload" | 14:59 |
aquarius | where's there a "go back" button? :) | 14:59 |
aquarius | and I have my device in this state right now, so I'm happy to try some things out to help with debugging if that'd be useful | 14:59 |
aquarius | dpm, ondra|, maybe I should just kill dualboot.sh and reboot the phone and start again? | 15:06 |
aquarius | or will I break the world if I do that? | 15:06 |
dpm | aquarius, otp atm (sorry!) | 15:07 |
aquarius | dpm, that's cool, no worries :) | 15:08 |
=== ondra| is now known as ondra | ||
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ondra | aquarius: sorry was in the meeting, looking now | 15:17 |
aquarius | ondra, no problem :) | 15:18 |
ondra | aquarius: hmm what do you see on your phone's screen? | 15:19 |
ondra | aquarius: are you able to reproduce this? | 15:20 |
aquarius | ondra, the text at the bottom of the pastebin, and "ADB Sideload" at the top with a "Cancel sideload" and "***Go Back***" (aha!) menu at the top | 15:20 |
aquarius | and what looks like an orange circular arrow with a top hat on it. :) | 15:20 |
aquarius | so I suspect I should highlight Go Back and try it and then the script will retry the sideload? | 15:21 |
aquarius | (I didn't notice the menu!) | 15:21 |
ondra | aquarius: can you please file another terminal and run "$ adb devices" there? | 15:21 |
aquarius | I haven't reproduced this; this is the first time I've tried. | 15:21 |
aquarius | 01df8dd49ccb99f7sideload | 15:21 |
aquarius | ondra, that's the output of adb devices. | 15:21 |
dobey | Tassadar: ah, well, i was curiously poking at /sys about the asme problem a couple nights ago, so that you've found the actual issue and know how to fix it, it's worth celebration :) | 15:22 |
ondra | aquarius: OK so looks like time issue, when script is waiting for sideload, it got error "* cannot read 'sideload' *" | 15:22 |
ondra | aquarius: let me check script and see what we can do there | 15:22 |
Tassadar | the git server seems to be out :/ | 15:22 |
ondra | aquarius: for you, just cancel sideload from menu and try whole thing again | 15:23 |
aquarius | ondra, yeah. I can try the "Go back" thing (and the already-filed bug suggests that that's the correct approach), but I wanted to give you the chance to ask me to try things out if that would be useful :) | 15:23 |
dobey | Tassadar: :-/ | 15:23 |
ondra | aquarius: yeah, I think I got idea now | 15:23 |
ondra | aquarius: cancele dualboot.sh before going back | 15:23 |
ondra | aquarius: it will not install things properly otherwise | 15:23 |
aquarius | ondra, so, I should ctrl-c dualboot.sh, then choose the "Go Back" menu item on the phone, then run dualboot.sh on my machine again? | 15:24 |
ondra | aquarius: yeah, preferably reset phone back to android from recovery menu | 15:24 |
aquarius | ondra, what should I choose from the recovery menu to do that? I don't really want to factory reset because then I'll lose my android setup. I can just reboot from the recovery menu and wait until Android comes back up and then restart dualboot.sh? | 15:26 |
ondra | aquarius: you can reboot from recovery menu or just run $ adb reboot | 15:26 |
ondra | aquarius: I think top menu in recovery is reboot | 15:26 |
aquarius | ondra, hrm. I said "reboot system" in the recovery menu, and it says "Root access possibly lost. Fix? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE", with lots of "No" options and one "Yes - Fix root (/system/xbin/su)" option | 15:27 |
aquarius | I'll tell it to fix it. :) | 15:32 |
ondra | aquarius: that is fine. either response it fine | 15:33 |
aquarius | ok, trying dualboot.sh again :) | 15:33 |
ondra | aquarius: also no would do, since we did not temper with anything anyway | 15:33 |
ondra | aquarius: cool | 15:33 |
aquarius | ondra: OK, I got the same problem | 15:36 |
aquarius | ondra, I tried saying "Go Back" (more quickly this time) but it didn't work -- I'm now at the recovery menu on the phone. dualboot.sh thinks that it's finished | 15:37 |
ondra | aquarius: damn it | 15:37 |
aquarius | but... I don't know whether it actually finished *correctly* or not! | 15:37 |
aquarius | or whether it skipped the "sideload" step, whatever that is. | 15:37 |
ondra | aquarius: no it failed | 15:37 |
ondra | aquarius: let me check something | 15:37 |
ondra | aquarius: but your system has different timing than my machines so good testing | 15:38 |
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ondra | aquarius: OK can you run one test for me pls? | 15:42 |
ogra_ | bug 1319213 | 15:44 |
ubot5 | bug 1319213 in The Humpolec project "keeping user data keeps files in /var/crash which makes little sense" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1319213 | 15:44 |
aquarius | ondra, happily | 15:44 |
ondra | aquarius: can you edit dualboot.mk and replace every occurrence of "$(adb devices | grep $DEVICE_ID)" with "$(adb devices 2>&1 | grep $DEVICE_ID)" | 15:44 |
ondra | aquarius: and then rerun it please | 15:44 |
aquarius | ondra, dualboot.sh, right? | 15:45 |
ondra | aquarius: yeah | 15:45 |
aquarius | ondra, trying now. | 15:46 |
scottsdesk | Hello I need help to put ubuntu on my android samsung galaxy sii gt-i9100 | 15:47 |
ondra | aquarius: hmm, actually I think i won't help. will have to add trap | 15:47 |
aquarius | ondra, well, I'm trying, just to test; I'll let you know in a few minutes whether it helped ;) | 15:47 |
ondra | aquarius: sure, thanks :) | 15:48 |
aquarius | ondra, nope, you are right, it did not help; same sideload problem. | 15:48 |
ondra | aquarius: OK I will need to commute home, but I will prototype solution | 15:49 |
aquarius | ondra, OK | 15:49 |
ondra | aquarius: sorry for the problem | 15:49 |
aquarius | ondra, what do you think the problem actually is? | 15:49 |
ondra | aquarius: when we call "adb devices" it returns error | 15:50 |
ondra | aquarius: adb deamon on your machine hits device in state when it is just getting from recovery state to the sideload state | 15:50 |
aquarius | ondra, and we're not handling the error correctly? I'll try poking the script in a few ways | 15:50 |
aquarius | while you're commuting :) | 15:50 |
ondra | aquarius: and instead returning no device it throes error | 15:50 |
ondra | aquarius: we need to catch the error, so script just retry in 1 second | 15:51 |
aquarius | ondra, yeah; I'll have a go at fixing it myself :) | 15:51 |
aquarius | ondra, when I fail pathetically, you can fix it after you get home ;) | 15:52 |
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aquarius | ondra, OK, the problem is not that we're trying to adb while rebooting. I think it's that UPDATE-UbuntuInstaller.zip has not actually been downloaded! | 16:03 |
aquarius | I'm trying to work out why. | 16:03 |
aquarius | ondra, right, yeah, that's the problem. If I explicitly specify "update" as a parameter, then (line 361) we call download_app_update, then install_ubuntu_installer. However, if I don't specify a parameter, we call auto_mode, which works out that I need to update, and then calls install_ubuntu_installer without actually calling download_app_update. I'll write this onto the bug. | 16:06 |
KlashDev | It's strange.. I'm geting white wallpaper on my Nexus 4 after installing Ubuntu-Touch 14.10 on my device.. =[ | 16:09 |
KlashDev | Anyone knows how to fix that? | 16:09 |
KlashDev | It seems that the image is too small for my phone screen (?) | 16:10 |
ogra_ | you mean the default wallpaper ? | 16:11 |
KlashDev | Yes | 16:11 |
KlashDev | not the "Orange " one | 16:12 |
ogra_ | the default is white now | 16:12 |
KlashDev | it has the same texture, but has no collors | 16:12 |
ogra_ | (and you cant change it currently) | 16:12 |
KlashDev | hmm | 16:12 |
KlashDev | oh, I see | 16:12 |
KlashDev | haha | 16:12 |
KlashDev | the "change wallpaper" setting is suggesting that old default image, so I should ignore that? | 16:13 |
ogra_ | yeah | 16:13 |
KlashDev | ok =) | 16:13 |
KlashDev | thanks! | 16:13 |
ogra_ | seb128, do we have any info what to do with that yet ? ^^^^ | 16:13 |
seb128 | ogra_, no :/ | 16:14 |
seb128 | ogra_, Mark didn't reply to Laney's email afaik, and we didn't get real replies from design either | 16:14 |
ogra_ | did you ask mpt ? | 16:15 |
KlashDev | =/ that's okay, I was just wondering if thas was just my Phone ^^ | 16:15 |
ogra_ | he could probably forward the request to colleagues if he cant make a decision himself | 16:15 |
ogra_ | KlashDev, well it is an issue ... thanks for bringing it up :) | 16:15 |
ogra_ | helps to get reminded of it from time to time | 16:16 |
Laney | I remember about it every time I use the phone :P | 16:16 |
Laney | I think if there's no answers by the end of the month then we should give up and implement the new design | 16:16 |
KlashDev | ^^ Me thank you guys for taking the project foward =] | 16:16 |
KlashDev | goin' now, good bye and thank you again | 16:17 |
seb128 | ogra_, yes, he went to ask John, who said it was discussed between Mark and some other designer and neither were around to check out what's going on | 16:17 |
seb128 | achiang said he would try to get answers as well | 16:17 |
seb128 | not sure how that went | 16:17 |
ogra_ | ah ... well, i guess we'll have to wait til the cloiuds are out of marks head again | 16:17 |
aquarius | blimey, there are about a million different channels to install. Which should I choose? utopic? | 16:18 |
ogra_ | probably not the week to expect any phone stuff from him | 16:18 |
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ogra_ | aquarius, ubuntu-touch-devel | 16:18 |
ogra_ | aquarius, never use a named channel, they are dead ends | 16:18 |
ogra_ | err | 16:18 |
ogra_ | ubuntu-touch/devel | 16:18 |
aquarius | ogra_, is "devel" all the super-latest bleeding edge stuff? | 16:19 |
ogra_ | nope | 16:19 |
aquarius | good. :) | 16:19 |
ogra_ | thats devel-proposed | 16:19 |
aquarius | sweet | 16:19 |
ogra_ | devel is the QAed version of -proposed | 16:19 |
* aquarius installs devel. | 16:19 | |
aquarius | that's what I'm looking for. cheers ogra_ | 16:19 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:19 |
* aquarius updates https://bugs.launchpad.net/humpolec/+bug/1317371 to describe what the problem is :) | 16:20 | |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1317371 in The Humpolec project "It shows "cannot read 'sideload' " message during installing" [Medium,Confirmed] | 16:20 |
achiang | seb128: i got unsatisfying answers about that thread... i think it needs to be raised at upcoming sprint | 16:21 |
seb128 | achiang, ok, that was our conclusion as well | 16:22 |
seb128 | achiang, thanks | 16:22 |
achiang | sorry i wasn't more effective | 16:23 |
seb128 | no worry ;-) | 16:24 |
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scottsdesk | Hello I need help to put ubuntu on my android samsung galaxy sii gt-i910 | 16:30 |
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scottsdesk | help please | 16:45 |
ogra_ | scottsdesk, talk to the person who did the port for your device | 16:46 |
ogra_ | !devices | 16:46 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 16:46 |
ogra_ | there should be a link on that wikipage | 16:46 |
scottsdesk | I have a stock rom for my samsung galaxy gt-i9100, and just need to know how to flash it using ubuntu 12.04 my os | 16:47 |
ogra_ | oh, no idea about that ... there is a special tool for samsung phones ... heimdall ? odin ? some nordic thing | 16:48 |
ogra_ | i guess google is your best friend | 16:48 |
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ondra | aquarius: that makes sense | 17:37 |
ondra | aquarius: since I have it here already downloaded | 17:37 |
ondra | aquarius: yeah you are right, just checked script and it's missing for auto mode, not downloading anything | 17:41 |
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Tassadar | git pull from https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/p/ubuntu/kernel/trusty.git returns 503 or 502 errors, is there somebody I can bug about that? | 17:51 |
scottsdesk | will someone please point me to the best direction to flash my original rom for my samsung galaxy sii gt-i9100 using ubuntu 12.04? Please, Please, Please, with suse on top | 17:59 |
doanac | mterry: i'm on my way out for the day, but wanted to share my idea for unlock-device: https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/unity8/unlock-device-emulator/+merge/219573 | 17:59 |
mterry | doanac, commented | 18:04 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: I'm getting that as well, trying to investigate what is going on | 18:04 |
Tassadar | cool, thanks | 18:05 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: gerrit should be working fine again | 18:41 |
Tassadar | yeah, works, thanks | 18:41 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: looks like the device is actualy part of a code which changes charging current according to battery's temprature (hight temprature -> lower current), and the "current_now" file it exposes through sysfs is just the minimal charging current it will switch to if temprature is too high | 18:55 |
Tassadar | I don't want to remove that, I think | 18:56 |
rsalveti | right, then it's actually used for something | 18:56 |
Tassadar | well not the sysfs entry itself I don't think, but I really think upower shouldn't consider it a battery by default | 18:57 |
rsalveti | right, then it might be better to blacklist, or just not add it when matches the same condition | 18:58 |
rsalveti | unknown with no useful property | 18:58 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
Tassadar | I mean, it sets "POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_BMS, /* Battery Monitor System */" type for itself, dunno why kernel says "Unknown when I cat the type file | 18:59 |
Tassadar | ooh | 19:06 |
Tassadar | generic the sysfs which converts the type id to text is missing text for that type | 19:06 |
Tassadar | how did that results in "Unknown" I don't know | 19:06 |
Tassadar | no, I know, the next array after this one starts with "Unknown" | 19:06 |
rsalveti | hm, right | 19:07 |
Tassadar | but it doesn't matter | 19:07 |
Tassadar | even if it will say "BMS", upower will still make it battery | 19:07 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: where can I blacklist it? | 19:10 |
Tassadar | I mean, I can try to fix upower, but I don't know very much about things like UPS and I suppose it would take quite a while for that to get into ubuntu touch | 19:11 |
rsalveti | yeah, would need to dig upower to know | 19:12 |
rsalveti | if you get a patch fixing upower I can review and sponsor the upload | 19:12 |
Tassadar | I'm kinda worried I'd break something, there is a comment with that defalt-to-battery code "/* this is a good guess as UPS and CSR are not in the kernel */" | 19:13 |
Tassadar | do UPS things have capacity? I dunno | 19:13 |
Tassadar | or I can add support for that class of device ("BMS"), but It kinda looks like it's just for hammerhead | 19:14 |
rsalveti | that would at least not break anything | 19:15 |
Tassadar | upower doesn't know a lot of named power_supply things actually | 19:17 |
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Tassadar | okay, I'll try to add them and make a merge request | 19:17 |
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Tassadar | hm, that "default to battery" thing probably makes all those unhandled types work :D | 19:26 |
Tassadar | well, I'll make them handle as a battery and remove that default behavior | 19:27 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: do you know anybody who works on upower? | 19:32 |
Tassadar | oh, wait, that's not canonical's project | 19:33 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: pitti, but he's only on #ubuntu-devel | 19:33 |
rsalveti | right, that's a normal upstream project | 19:33 |
rsalveti | maybe they got an irc channel or similar? | 19:34 |
Tassadar | uhg, that code is five years old | 19:37 |
t1mp | bzoltan: I'm still here but my connection to canonical irc broke :s | 19:47 |
t1mp | bzoltan: I'm having a deja vu, or we had these errors before? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7464458/ | 19:47 |
Tassadar | rsalveti: I've uploaded fix for that type sysfs to gerrit. I will send an email to upower's mailing list, but it will probably take ages to get fixed, so I'm tempted to just hack it in the kernel by making the device provide also "online" file, which will make upower think it's A/C adapter | 19:52 |
Tassadar | which will fix the incorrect percentage in battery indicator | 19:52 |
rsalveti | Tassadar: alright, sounds good | 19:53 |
Tassadar | okay, I'll submit that to gerrit too once I'll test it | 19:53 |
dobey | hmm, should things like unity-api, unity-scopes-api, and ubuntu-download-manager not be in the ubuntu-sdk-team ppa? | 19:55 |
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Tassadar | rsalveti: okay, I've send the e-mail and the hack is in gerrit now too. The online file even reports not-random value (it is 1 if the charger is plugged in, otherwise 0). | 20:33 |
rsalveti | cool, will check your patch later today, thanks | 20:33 |
Tassadar | oh, this is why it was working correctly some time ago: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-power/trunk.14.04/revision/237 | 20:35 |
rsalveti | right, makes sense now | 20:43 |
Tassadar | by the way, lots of kernel bugs getting revealed by not using "the right way") | 20:52 |
sergiusens | popey: still around? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/507/changerequest/ and https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/506/changerequest/ | 20:56 |
mibofra | hi guys, two little questions. 1)I've an arm device, a tablet, arm v 7 mounting an allwinner tech a13, can I install ubuntu touch on it? 2)even if I use adb to boot to the bootloader with adb reboot bootloader, that's only reboot the devices so I can't use fastboot, I can boot normally or in recovery mode (android 4.0.4). Do you have any suggestion for this? Thanks to everyone for every answer will be given. | 21:24 |
dobey | !devices | mibofra | 21:30 |
ubot5 | mibofra: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 21:30 |
dobey | uh oh | 21:54 |
* dobey wonders what package is missing in #29 | 21:54 | |
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popey | dobey: people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/29.changes | 22:11 |
ahayzen_ | popey, my indicator-network disappeared is this related to the package drop or the update in indicator-network itself? | 22:12 |
dobey | yeah, no network indicator | 22:14 |
dobey | oh well | 22:14 |
popey | cyphermox: ^ | 22:14 |
dobey | though i am clearly on the network | 22:15 |
ahayzen_ | popey, dobey, it is there in the tabs but the icon is missing | 22:15 |
dobey | sending sms and getting data | 22:15 |
popey | ahayzen_: can you file a bug pls? - ubuntu-bug indicator-network ? | 22:17 |
popey | (on the device) | 22:17 |
ahayzen_ | popey, how will i be able to open the web browser link....oh do it through terminal app? | 22:19 |
popey | no | 22:19 |
popey | adb shell ubuntu-bug indicator-network | 22:19 |
ahayzen_ | popey, yep done that... then S ? | 22:19 |
popey | you'll see the link spat out on the command line, click it on your desktop | 22:19 |
popey | ya | 22:19 |
popey | assuming its on the network? | 22:19 |
ahayzen_ | popey, yep QtCreator sorted that out | 22:19 |
ahayzen_ | processing... | 22:20 |
ahayzen_ | popey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1319587 ? | 22:23 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1319587 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Indicator-network icon missing on device" [Undecided,New] | 22:23 |
popey | thanks ahayzen_ | 22:23 |
ahayzen_ | popey, np | 22:23 |
thomi | Saviq: awake? | 22:51 |
thomi | I wonder if some friendly unity8 devs could review this for me please https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity8/trunk-fix-import-location/+merge/219616 | 22:52 |
Randy_O | ANyone have any experience packaging a QML app on launchpad? | 23:34 |
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