
rick_h_this is interesting reading. I think this somewhat fits a model I like of one smart bit of code doing the work and logic using a bunch of dump components http://r.bmark.us/u/c65d3981a861f013:04
redirrick_h_: interesting, does jujugiu map to that model?13:06
rick_h_redir: in parts13:07
rick_h_redir: so the State system helping to managing dispatch fits that a bit. Components request a change of state and the state system is a dispatcher from there13:07
redirthe store in the flux model == statesys13:08
rick_h_redir: and there's the code that handles the deltas from juju-core. It's something we probably don't do well enough, reusing that dispatcher that we use to talk over the websocket in the direct user interactions13:08
redirand components == view?13:08
rick_h_redir: yea, somewhat13:08
rick_h_the dispatcher is the sys which stores the current state 13:08
rick_h_and then the views are triggered and told "Hey, this is the state, update your stuff man"13:09
redirI can't quite put my finger on it but is seems to echo the ORM vs. anti-ORM model proponents converstations as well13:09
redir"Hey view, you better get your state together!"13:10
redirI like it13:10
rick_h_heh, well I always wrap my orm around a layer of code 13:11
rick_h_that's more app-specficic and provides a cleaner/simpler api13:11
redirI should look at bookie and see how you did it there.13:13
rick_h_redir: did your branches land?13:15
rick_h_redir: or are they in limbo landing at all?13:15
redirI think they both landed13:15
rick_h_ok cool, will move them over to daily call13:15
redir"bam!" to quote emeril13:16
redirthanks for the nudges13:16
redirWRT store stuff13:16
rick_h_all good, it's my job :)13:16
redirhttp://bit.ly/1qFzThG I can't reproduce that. 13:18
redirthe code appears to have changed significantly since then 13:18
redirJune 201213:19
rick_h_redir: cool, then mark the bug as invalid and note you can't reproduce it and ask them to reopen if they find a method of reproducing13:19
redirshould I go back and see if I can see it in the past and note where it may have been fixed? Ask someone? comment that I can't reproduce?13:19
jcsacketthuh, wasn't actually on IRC...13:20
jcsackettmorninng all. :)13:20
jcsacketti love "party" as a morning greeting. :p13:28
redirespecially at the end of the night13:28
jcsackett...fair. :p13:29
redirthe charm browser == CW?13:29
rick_h_heh not really13:30
rick_h_the charm browser is the UI components in the GUI that allow for browsing charms13:30
rick_h_it loads it's api data from charmworld13:30
rick_h_which loads it's metadata from the juju store and other parts of the world13:30
redirlooking through the other store bugs and they seem to need some clarity13:30
rick_h_and it all gets called 'the store' at times confusing the $#@$#@ out of people13:30
rick_h_redir: ok, feel free to add some notes/etc 13:31
rick_h_redir: a little triage/etc. Mark bugs as incomplete if they really do need more info to move forward and the like13:31
rick_h_redir: maybe even put a card up for "store bug triage" and move it to done when you've gone through13:31
rick_h_hit me up if you've got any questions13:31
redircan prolly run through them in 10 minutes though13:32
redirgah. 13:49
BradCrittendenjcsackett: could you review https://codereview.appspot.com/98280043 at your convenience?13:53
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
jcsackettbac: sure.13:53
jcsackettbac: i'll be reviewing it soon. soritng out a bit of branch goofiness at the moment.13:53
bacjcsackett: ty13:54
jcastrohey rick_h_13:55
rick_h_jcastro: purdy13:56
redirvery metro or aol depending on how old you are14:01
bachi abentley.  we're having login issues with charmworld on canonistack and the new staging version on prodstack.  both are using new URLs.  is it required to register those URLs with SSO for things to work?14:11
bacjcastro: i'll bet that is real pretty on your windows phone14:11
abentleybac: No, registering the URLs is only needed for SSO to "trust" the site.  Without it, you'll get a page asking you what you want to share.14:12
abentleybac: But if you share everything, it should have the same effect.14:12
abentleybac: Note that everything defaults to /not/ shared.14:12
bacabentley: ah, ok.  there is some other problem then as when we return to charmworld we're not logged in14:12
bacabentley: still i'll ask webops to register us14:13
abentleybac: At login time, charmworld tells SSO where to send users once they've authenticated.14:13
rick_h_hatch: http://r.bmark.us/u/c65d3981a861f0 from one of the tech mailing lists this morning. 14:17
rick_h_hatch: seems to match some of the 'make one part smart, all the rest stupid components' stuff we've been talking about lately14:18
hatchI got a sun burn yesterday14:24
jcsackettbac: looking at your MP now.14:36
hatchrick_h_ While I agree with the outcome of that article, they are doing MVC wrong, no wonder it wasn't scalable lol14:37
rick_h_hatch: they're also on a different scale than most14:38
hatch"A Flux TodoMVC Tutorial ..."14:39
hatchhaha so ironic 14:39
hatchyeah, very scale, much codebase14:40
rick_h_jujugui call in 1014:50
jcsackettjujugui: can someone look at https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/322, please?14:51
hatchon it14:52
rick_h_jujugui call in 114:59
rick_h_jcsackett: ^15:01
rick_h_kadams54: ^15:01
jcsackettrick_h_: yeah, fighting with G+ again.15:02
bacredir: http://qa.manage.jujucharms.com15:03
bacon canonistack15:03
hatchgood afternoon antdillon 15:19
antdillonhatch, hi there15:22
redirbac tx15:40
hatchMakyo you asked if the simulate false should have been committed......after working with this machine view stuff - I'm thinking it should be off by default because we have no visual indication that it's on, thoughts?15:43
rick_h_hatch: make it obvious by dumping to the console some info? 15:44
hatchwell the simulator is very broken for the machine view - so it needs to be disabled every load if you're going to be using the mv anyways15:45
hatchvery is probably an exaggeration 15:45
rick_h_well I think that's what I like about this. It points out issues easy to sweep under the rug for now. 15:46
rick_h_I don't think turning it off by default because it's annoying right now is the answer tbh15:46
rick_h_you can flip it for your dev cycle and get the work done15:46
jcsackettrick_h_: re: your comment about tests for the generateDescription stuff--i'm game for that, but will get to it in a follow up as that functionality already exists untested in the code.15:47
jcsacketti've planned the whole rest of my day to be "add tests" cards, so it should be handled soon.15:47
rick_h_jcsackett: right, but now you made a bunch of changes to it. While you're there, it makes sense that your changes turn into "here's what it should be now"15:47
rick_h_I'm just saying one test that's got an array of "change object => html string" mapping to loop and verify15:48
hatchohhhhhh kay15:48
jcsackettrick_h_: fair enough.15:48
hatchjujugui are there no placeUnit() tests?16:02
hatchrick_h_ I created a card for ^16:03
rick_h_hatch: hmm, I thought there were some that frankban and Makyo did 16:03
rick_h_hatch: but yea, ok, card is good16:03
hatchI thought so too but a grep in the test folder turned up 0 results16:04
rick_h_it might be indirect I guess. So yea, direct tests of it welcome16:04
hatchugh test suite16:50
jcsackett^ + 100016:59
Makyojujugui quick review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/32317:01
jcsacketthatch: i've pushed up changes to my PR, not sure if you want to take a look again or not.17:06
hatchshould I trust you? :P17:06
jcsacketthatch: i'm generally trustworthy.17:10
jcsacketthatch: however, "trust, but verify" is a saying for a reason. :p17:10
hatchI just looked, all looks good :)17:10
jcsacketthatch: cool, thanks.17:11
hatchjujugui looking for a review/qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/321 17:42
MakyoOn it17:42
hatchthx sir17:43
hatchahh it's raining out.....awesome17:47
hatchrick_h_ I think the kanban on deck for project 1 is out of date18:00
rick_h_hatch: looking18:00
rick_h_hatch: I gardened a bunch of it today but not done yet18:00
rick_h_hatch: let's chat paticulars after my calls18:01
hatchcool np - I'm looking for my next card - I was thinking I might try and tackle the 'ghost machine' in the ecs addMachine call bit....18:01
hatchthat might be something to pair up with Makyo  on18:01
rick_h_hatch: for now let's grab one of the cards in the ready to code and do some cleanup?18:02
hatchcan do!18:02
rick_h_hatch: or I could really give you the hell task of trying to get that search/state card going again which will probably have the rebase from hell now18:02
rick_h_kadams54: 1-1?18:02
kadams54Ah yes18:02
rick_h_hatch: I'm trying to be nice and find time to get back to that one myself :P18:03
* hatch picks something from ready to code really fast18:03
hatchsorry busy, got another card18:03
redir_anyone have any pointers to fixing dns slownes swith dns-masq18:04
redir_under 14.0418:05
bacredir, no, its built into my wap18:08
redir_bac wap?18:10
bacwireless access point18:10
rick_h_hatch: did you have time to chat now?18:10
hatchotp 5 mins?18:11
rick_h_hatch: :P fine be that way18:11
redir_bac me too. I'll just deal with it18:12
redir_for another day18:12
hatchrick_h_ ok rdy18:13
rick_h_hatch: stand up hangout18:13
bacredir: sorry, i may have been too cryptic.  my router runs dns_masq, so i don't have to on my machine.  works well.18:13
hatchim there18:14
bacredir: but consequently i don't know anything about setting it up18:14
redir_found it here18:22
redir_I think'18:22
rick_h_bac: there was an email about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1318711 that mentioned  In the                                                                                    18:29
rick_h_mean time, you can do "juju scp -- -r $source $target"18:29
_mup_Bug #1318711: juju scp reports -r as an invalid option <ssh> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318711>18:29
rick_h_bac: not sure if you saw the email on that but seemed good to know18:30
bacrick_h_: that is good to know18:30
baci shall add that to the bug report18:31
rick_h_bac: yea, just looking noticed that his reply didn't get into there thanks18:31
rick_h_jcsackett: call?18:33
hatchMakyo hey how goes the review?18:33
Makyocode's okay, just QAing18:33
jcsackettrick_h_: oh shoot, didn't realize it was 2:30.18:34
lazyPowerQuestion, aside from doing charm create and making a bunch of dummy charms, is there a mode in the gui that i can use to mock a deployment with charms that dont exist yet? I'm trying to explain and diagram something out, and i'm looking for a better technique than clipping screenshots to build this in inkscape.18:40
rick_h_lazyPower: so, funny you should ask that18:41
rick_h_lazyPower: with the work that bac is just landing, you could run a charmworld instance, feed it local 'fake charms' and then point a gui at it18:41
lazyPoweroh thats awesome!18:41
rick_h_lazyPower: but no, there's nothing that just let's you pretent eh GUI is a wireframe tool at the moment18:42
rick_h_so you still have to create the fake charms, but you can feed them into a fake charmworld/GUI in sandbox demo mode to get the UI you're looking for to show off18:42
baclazyPower: grab lp:charmworld and look at docs/index.rst for --local-repo18:42
lazyPoweri think i can do that with local charms at jujugui.com for the time being can't i?18:43
rick_h_lazyPower: ah, good point. yes18:43
rick_h_we can do local charms in sandbox mode 18:43
lazyPowerhmm.. 18:43
lazyPoweri really want a juju gui wireframing tool. I'll pin this and come back to it. TA gentlemen18:44
* rick_h_ escapes from today. Have a good day all. 19:10
hatchso hows everyones afternoon going?19:34
bachatch: mine is going well.  a bit warm but i'm fighting the urge to turn on a/c.19:35
hatchbac yeah? What does the temp need to be to turn that on?19:49
hatchI'm usually turning it on at around 18c19:49
redirlater rick_h_ 19:49
bachatch: well it is 28c now... so, 30c i'd say19:50
redir30c == ac to me if humid19:51
hatch30c is me curling up in the basement 19:52
redirhatch: also depends if the windows are open, breeze etc...19:53
hatchgranted it does hit 30+ during the summer but those days are rare19:53
hatchredir let the smog roll right through?19:53
redirthis ain't LA19:53
hatchlol, with all those ppl there isn't smog?19:54
hatchI figured just that many people exhaling would create smog lol19:54
redirthere's definitly some grime, but that is mostly just cars.19:57
redirbut no smoggier than DC19:57
redirmaybe less19:57
* Makyo takes dogs for a walk while fighting CI20:00
hatchChrome is 50% slower running our test suite than safari https://twitter.com/FromAnEgg/status/46703992150165504020:33
bacredir: the ngram branch did not deploy cleanly to the qa machine.  i think it requires the ES index be blown away before the mapping will work.20:38
bacredir: that means before we can deploy it to production we'll need to write a migration to remove the index.  i'll make a card.20:41
rediri see20:42
redirI think we (you) had mumbled something about that in vegas20:42
hatchjujugui lf a quick review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/32420:43
redirbac how do migration scripts work?20:43
bacredir: i was probably mumbling more than usual in vegas20:43
bacredir: precariously20:43
bacredir: we should probably chat tomorrow for a more thorough explanation20:44
redirbac: works for me20:45
redirif that other script you had worked...20:46
bacredir: ngrams now seem happyish: http://qa.manage.jujucharms.com/search?search_text=erp&op=20:46
bacredir: but only on that machine20:46
redirbac and that search box doesnt' use ngrams I don't think20:48
bacredir: ah, yes, you're correct.20:49
redircuz we only fixed up api search to use it20:49
bacredir: so, an api test will be required before proclaiming victory20:49
redirbac ^20:51
bacredir: that looks like good news20:51
bacredir: too bad there isn't a couscous project that we could've matched20:52
bacor countchocula20:52
* redir gets hungry at mention of couscous20:52
redirgoing to danrea tonight20:52
redirda andrea20:53
baci hope that is better than it sounds20:53
bacredir: so, in summary, the qa machine is happy and the jenkins lander seems happy again.  though QA for your branch failed since it didn't install cleanly.20:54
redirwhich is because the index fails to update without wiping it?20:54
redirperhaps related to jcsackett's issue qa-ing, maybe.20:55
bacredir: yes.  the webops will get unhappy if we tried to deploy like that on production20:55
bacredir: you should offer to help that restaurant pick a new palette for their web site in exchange for a free dinner20:56
redirrightly so20:56
rediryeah hopefully they spend more time in the kitchen than building www sites20:56
redirgoogle maps now has a plane as a transportation option20:58
hatchoh cool21:00
hatchjujugui anyone available for a review? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/32421:21
Makyohatch,  on it21:21
hatchit' a quick one21:22
Makyohatch, can you look at #323?  I'm not sure what's going on with CI.21:23
* rick_h_ looks at CI21:23
rick_h_Makyo: saucelabs fail21:24
rick_h_Makyo: just keep pushing it tbh21:24
Makyoalright, will do21:24
rick_h_Makyo: well that error usually is a Sauce issue. Might have hit it at a bad time. If it fails like that again, after someone else got a success I'd think maybe there's an issue in there in the tests21:25
hatchMakyo looks like the first one was a real failure, the second was a sauce labs failure21:26
hatchI also added one comment to it if you like21:26
MakyoAlright, but I'll deal in a bit.  One thing at a time.21:26
Makyohatch, was there no test impact for your branch?21:35
hatchMakyo there were test already - they just continue to pass :)21:36
Makyohatch, just making sure.21:36
MakyoAnother case of not-really-unit-tests21:36
hatchI've talked with a few people who run other large scale js apps and how they do their tests21:43
hatchmaybe in 3 years when we get some downtime we can refactor our test suite21:43
rick_h_hatch: :P or in the next 6mo we'll work on it. 21:47
hatchthat's a lie and you know it!!21:47
rick_h_hatch: not fair considering you and I just talked about that work starting after the next 2wk cycle21:47
rick_h_ok, well yea lies all the way down 21:47
hatchrick_h_ did you see my G+/tweet about safari vs chrome?21:48
hatchcrā crā!21:49
rick_h_hatch: yea, I want to try that out. I'm curious if that's a chrome dev version thing, a chrome on osx thing, etc21:49
hatchI'm on the GA release 21:49
hatchMakyo are you around still?22:37
Makyohatch, yeah22:37
hatchso I'm looking into this issue with placeUnit not placing in containers22:37
hatch*existing containers22:37
hatchI came across a cool song "Will Chaplin - Eye of the Pyramid" he was on The Voice last year23:00

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