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zchanderGoodmorning to all. Can someone explain to me how the version number of the charm is calculated? When I do a bzr checkout for a charm I get (e.g.) a revision file with a number 7, but the charm shows ‘<charm>-13’07:02
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
lazyPowerzchander: while not a full explanation to your question, sinzui did a writeup over this http://curtis.hovey.name/2013/06/26/managing-juju-charm-versions/07:47
lazyPowerSo, effectively there are different revisions depending on context. A revision that you see in teh charm store, is how many releases have been pushed to the store. Each time I merge a charm proposal, it increments the rev no in the store by 107:48
lazyPowerevery time you deploy a charm locally, it increments in your environment by 1 for each deployment07:48
lazyPowerso if i deployed elasticsearch-1, and tweaked something thend eployed again, it would be elasticsearch-207:49
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zchanderlazyPower: Thanks for the info.09:25
lazyPowernp. it can be confusing at first - but it's pretty straight forward once you get there's 3 possible revisions to reference.09:26
zchanderlazyPower: I am busy with ownCloud again (got my MaaS up and running again..)09:28
zchanderIs it possible to clean the juju charm cache?09:28
lazyPowernot that i'm aware of. I believe you'll want to upgrade the charm.09:37
lazyPoweri mean, its possible, but not in a sane and clean manner.09:37
zchanderI am trying to deploy my (updated) test version of ownCloud, but it won’t pick up the change(s) I made, e.g. in my config.yaml09:45
zchanderlazyPower: What happens if I rm-ed /var/lib/juju/charmcache/cs_<charmname> from my juju node?09:46
lazyPoweryou'll kill kittens09:47
lazyPowerdid you try juju upgrade-charm <charmname>?09:47
lazyPowerthat should be all you need to do to have it increment revision to whats deployed +109:47
zchanderIn my initial config.yaml I made an error for the source, e.g. cloud:precise-updates:havana. But this should be cloud:precise-updates/havana (obvious, huh ;) )09:56
zchanderBut my current devel version I changed this, but it isn’t picked up09:56
lazyPoweris a hook in an error state?09:59
lazyPoweror with an active debug-hooks session open?09:59
lazyPowerthose two instances will prevent an upgrade from landing, as its waiting in line to execute.10:00
lazyPowerhook execution in juju is serial. You can queue many operations that will stack and resolve in FIFO fashion.10:00
zchanderI just did a juju upgrade-charm but my new config.yaml isn’t picked up10:01
lazyPowerdid you deploy from local or from teh charm store?10:05
zchanderlazyPower: Local10:06
lazyPowerzchander: i dont know :( that should work. Aside from tearing down i'm out of ideas this early in the morning.10:11
zchanderlazyPower: np. I’ll continue my quest :D In the worst case, I’ll tear down my juju and rebuild it10:12
zchanderlazyPower: Is there documentation for charm-helpers? Seems I cannot find any (or my Google skills are getting worse)10:25
lazyPowerjust a few charm schools - there are no official documents to speak of10:26
lazyPowerits on the todo list to get them documented, but it hasn't happened yet.10:26
lazyPowermost of the code in charm helpers is pretty straight forward though, well enough to gleen what its doing.10:26
zchanderlazyPower: I am trying to add a new source (like cs:precise-updates/havana) to my charm, but it seems the ordinairy add-apt-repository doesn’t understand this kind of URL. It seems the charm-helpers does have it, but I need/search the correct syntax10:31
lazyPowercs:precise isn't a valid ppa url.10:32
lazyPowerzchander: here's how dosaboy did it in the MySQL charm w/ charm helpers fetch: https://code.launchpad.net/~hopem/charms/precise/mysql/lp1281752/+merge/20931210:33
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zchanderlazyPower: I know it isn’t a valid ppd url, but I want(ed) to keep it a bit like e.g. the Ceph charm does it10:37
zchanderI’ll have a look at the MySQL charm10:37
lazyPowerit's using a helper from charm_helpers in the fetch module.10:37
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didrocksjcastro: hey man! not sure you noticed another small fix: https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/9813:09
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marcoceppididrocks: thanks for the fix!14:00
didrocksmarcoceppi: yw!15:00
didrocksthanks for looking at it :)15:00
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roadmrhello, I tried to juju deploy wordpress using default-series: trusty and I get "ERROR charm not found: cs:trusty/wordpress". Is there really no charm for wordpress on trusty, or do I need to update something for this to work?15:25
roadmrbtw I'm just curious, I don't need this for production or anything, just thought it was odd and worth pointing out15:25
lazyPowerroadmr: it has not been pushed to trusty yet15:38
roadmrlazyPower: thanks! well that takes care of my question :)15:39
lazyPowerroadmr: http://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/trusty - are all our current trusty charms. There's an audit effort going on to ensure were promoting charms of good quality to the trusty series. We appreciate your patience while we continue the effort.15:39
roadmrlazyPower: sure thing, no rush from me, and thanks for your work on this15:40
jcastrohey sinzui15:45
jcastrocjohnston and I are seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1306537 still15:45
_mup_Bug #1306537: LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host <deploy> <local-provider> <lxc> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.18:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):New> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306537>15:45
jcastrowhat's the procedure for reopening, I just didn't want to toggle it without talking to you first15:45
sinzuijcastro, Lets open a new bug citing the old bug targeted to 1.18.4. The issue may not be the same since it was tested to be fixed15:50
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lazyPowerjcastro: whats your output from dmesg?17:07
lazyPoweri want to validate i'm not nuts if at all possible.17:08
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josenegronjl: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/seafile/add-set--eux/+merge/219736 for you to check17:22
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cjohnstonjcastro: did you open a new bug by chance?17:33
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cjohnstonjcastro: bug #1319947 if you want to confirm it please :-)17:37
_mup_Bug #1319947: LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host - take 2 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1319947>17:38
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l1lCan anyone help with this error. I get it during the bootstrap: DEBUG juju.utils.ssh ssh_openssh.go:122 running: ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -i19:00
sinzuicharmers https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-qa/charms/precise/jenkins-slave/trunk/+merge/21974919:05
marcoceppisinzui: will take a peek in a min19:07
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negronjljose: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/seafile/add-set--eux/+merge/219736 ... Approved and Merged.  Thank you sir :)19:24
josenegronjl: thanks to you :)19:24
joseanother MP coming soon to fix a little bug19:24
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jcastroany ideas here?23:11
josejcastro: sometimes it happens with the archives that I hit in a second when they're down or something, but if it's an SSL error contact IS?23:13

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