
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1317115] language kcm doesn't write env setup script @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1317115 (by Tim Edwards)02:40
jussiagateau: so about the shirts - what sizes did you want? 06:23
lordievaderGood morning.07:10
agateaujussi: I would have loved to have a male-L size, but it seems it is not possible07:48
agateaujussi: going to ask the organizer07:49
jussiagateau: yeah, unfortunately male L sells the best - I always order more of those, but still, obviously not enough07:49
agateauDo we have other goodies, maybe? Mugs or things like that?07:50
jussiagateau: to attract more women, you might want to ask him if he wants to have a first 3 ladies get a free shirt or something also ?07:50
jussinothing at the moment07:50
agateaujussi: can you give me the link to the shop again? sorry, can't find it anymore07:54
jussiagateau: in topic... :)07:54
agateaujussi: also, kubuntu.org should have this link as well07:54
jussiI thought we put it there...07:55
jussioh its there in an article... Riddell, can we add the shop link properly to kubuntu.org ?07:55
Riddelljussi: I can try08:21
Riddellscary e-mail du jour! http://paste.kde.org/pp13lm83e08:22
valorieyou really get 'em, Riddell08:23
agateauRiddell: ah! finally your evil master plan is revealed!08:26
Peace-agateau: are you developing  menubar ?08:53
Peace-i mean the plasmoid ?08:53
agateauPeace-: not for the last two or three years08:53
Peace-agateau: in krita there are problems sometimes it doesn't show all the menu , and in firefox it's a pain08:54
agateauPeace-: I do not maintain it anymore, sorry. The new maintainer is Cédric Bellegarde ( https://launchpad.net/~gnumdk )08:55
Peace-agateau: well thankyou anyway :)08:55
soeePeace-: and in Thunderbird :)08:55
Peace-soee: i don't use thunderbird :P 08:56
Peace- anyway i will try to contact him 08:58
yofeltbird will have the same issues as firefox09:10
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/kdeconnect/utopic/kdeconnect_0.5.2.1-0ubuntu1.dsc09:35
shadeslayerRiddell: can you upload plz09:35
Riddellgosh a new release already?09:40
Riddellno kio or cli?09:41
Riddellshadeslayer: if you see the kdeconnect dude could you ask him to put in remote control features for dragon/vlc/PMC?  I have this lovely new home cinema setup that is spoilt by the laptop being out of read and having to stand up to pause what I'm watching :)09:43
shadeslayerdoesn't it already have those things?09:43
shadeslayerI could control spotify09:44
Riddellright, which is music, through mpris09:44
Riddellbut I don't think there's an equivalent standard interface for video09:44
Riddellmaybe there is an I just haven't tried it09:45
shadeslayervlc does mpris I think09:48
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^09:49
Riddellcan you remember why we didn't include kdeconnect on the ISO?09:49
shadeslayerno space? :P09:51
Riddellgenius, it does work with dragon and vlc, I just didn't try it09:52
RiddellI can now watch game of thrones in comfort09:52
Riddellerr I mean, I can now watch Pedro Almodovar films to practice my spanish in comfort09:53
shadeslayerriiight that10:06
Riddellon installing ksysguard from plasma next..10:39
Riddell trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/processcore.mo', which is also in package kde-l10n-engb 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu110:39
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/kdeconnect/trusty/kdeconnect_0.5.2.1-0ubuntu0.1.dsc10:39
RiddellI guess I need to update those langpacks10:39
Riddellshadeslayer: did you argue with archive admins about how it would get in?10:39
shadeslayerRiddell: for trusty10:39
shadeslayerRiddell: yes, AFAICT it's only bug fixes10:39
shadeslayerthere's some new code, but that's disabled in CMake10:40
shadeslayerthe kde-cli app appears in the diff, but discounting that, everything looks like a bug fix to me10:40
Riddellshadeslayer: uploaded!10:40
shadeslayerScottK: ^^ please review10:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: apply for motu10:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: will do today10:48
shadeslayerin the evening10:48
shadeslayerI hate paperwork10:48
shadeslayerso boring10:48
shadeslayeractually, I have kio hacking scheduled then10:48
shadeslayerpaperwork vs kio10:48
shadeslayer^^ such a difficult choice10:48
Riddellwhat needs hacking in kio?10:55
shadeslayerdeprecated calls to stuff10:57
shadeslayeryesterday was a good day, not a single crash reported10:57
Riddell** please take seele's notifications survey http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1655301/Desktop-Notification-Survey-Open-Source11:16
Riddelleasy enough to do, just wait for a notification and answer some questions about it11:16
yofel"I have notifications because they steal my keyboard focus every time", end of my opinion11:26
yofelthat was supposed to be 'I hate...'11:26
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:27
RiddellI've never had it steal focus from me11:31
jussianother notifications survey?  Ive done like 5 of them in the last 2 years...11:33
Riddellyeah but this one is cooler11:33
yofelyeah, seems to only be me, but I'm clueless why it's doing that11:35
Riddelljussi: link added http://www.kubuntu.org/12:02
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apacheloggermy heart be broken12:52
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sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7467873/13:43
Riddellsgclark: hmm, I'm not sure what's breaking about that14:14
Riddellsgclark: sorry I'm about to leave, nudge someone else14:15
sgclarkshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7467873/ ? I guess the real question is how to create that version shortcut?14:21
sgclarkthe build fails as it does not understand the debian shortcut in the paste14:21
shadeslayerI was trying to wrap head around why the notes plasmoid ships a dev so symlink14:22
* shadeslayer wonders who to blame14:22
sgclarkyeah dunno, Riddle told me to bug someone else on my problem :)14:22
shadeslayeruh huh14:22
shadeslayerbzr blame says it was sgclark :(14:26
shadeslayersgclark: fwiw usr/lib/libnoteshared.so in knotes.install is wrong :)14:26
sgclarkoh I see. sorry, think that ws one of my first biggies14:29
shadeslayernp :)14:29
shadeslayerso, onto your problem14:29
shadeslayerit should be coming from meta-kde IIRC14:29
shadeslayeror maybe pkg-kde-tools14:29
shadeslayerone of those14:29
* shadeslayer is leaning towards the latter, vaguely recall doing something with that var at the start of the week14:30
sgclarkthis is the meta-kde package, merging with debian14:30
shadeslayerthen it's pkg-kde-tools14:31
shadeslayercan you pastebin the entire error14:31
shadeslayersgclark: does that come from debian? or us?14:32
sgclarkshadeslayer: that is debian14:32
shadeslayersgclark:             -V'devLatestWorkspace:Version=$(DEV_LATEST_WORKSPACE_VERSION)' \14:33
shadeslayerI see that in debian/rules for meta-kde14:33
shadeslayerso something you dropped maybe?14:33
sgclarkshadeslayer ahhh right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468070/14:35
sgclarkshadeslayer: can you review meta-kde https://launchpad.net/~scarlett-7/+archive/kubuntu-ppa/+packages please14:56
yofelsgclark: what's the difference between your ubuntu1 and the ubuntu2 in the archive?14:59
sgclarkmine is a merge, I don't know, looking14:59
yofelnvm, I always forget that launchpad has a button for that -.-15:00
sgclarkyofel: I did this because when doing another merge this was a dependnency that could not be met, why would that be?15:00
yofelsgclark: FWIW, it seems you missed that rohan already merged this 9 days ago: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/175656823/meta-kde_5%3A84ubuntu2_5%3A84ubuntu1.diff.gz15:01
yofelthe diff shows that you started from the trusty package15:01
yofelsgclark: what was the issue you had while building again?15:03
sgclarkwhat do I have to do then for my packages to not fail because this dependency is missing,?15:03
sgclarkoh hmm, new setup, seems I am missing experimental in sources, my bad sorry15:05
yofelno wait, kde-sc-dev-latest only makes sense for KDE SC packages, and those don't need experimental15:05
yofelso that's definitely not the problem15:05
sgclarkoh ok15:06
yofelshadeslayer: out of curiosity, with what are you merging in debian? git?15:11
yofelsgclark: ^15:11
yofelas I think she's confused by packages being a v4.12 in unstable15:11
shadeslayerwell, only some packages have been upgraded to 4.13 in git as well15:12
shadeslayerfor eg kdelibs is at 4.1315:13
yofelwe need a better workflow :S15:13
shadeslayeryeah, kdelibs is still at 4.12 too15:13
shadeslayerso, I think everything is at 4.1215:13
apacheloggerur all drunk15:14
sgclarkyeah, I am certainly confused lol. I am not to merge with unstabe?15:14
* shadeslayer is merging with master since that's the latest stuff debian has, with any bug fixes and what not15:14
yofelshadeslayer: btw. are we caring about copyright files yet? As debian has them clean, we could clean ours up by taking theirs and extracting copyright updates from kde git15:15
shadeslayeryofel: I tend to copy over the ones that debian has, lower delta / headache that way15:15
shadeslayerfor kde sc15:15
shadeslayerhaven't looked at other stuff yet15:16
yofelthat's sensible, still not correct though15:16
yofeltheirs are much better than ours anyway15:16
shadeslayerI thinks thats the most sensible and least painful way tbh15:16
shadeslayerespecially for large stuff like kdelibs15:16
apacheloggertheirs are better because we don't give le crap15:16
yofelwell, we don't give le crap because we can get away with it, not because it's ok :/15:17
shadeslayertbh I couldn't care less :P15:17
apacheloggeractually it's perfectly ok15:17
sgclarkok, so where do I find this master I should be merging with? sorry I was taught to merge with sid15:17
yofelapachelogger: how so?15:18
shadeslayersgclark: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/15:18
shadeslayervalorie: CC catch up today?15:20
apacheloggeryofel: it's a workaround15:20
apacheloggera big bloody workaround for 2 things actually15:20
apacheloggera) everyone being an artist and putting unicorns around their copyright notices such that a computer has a hard time actually finding them15:20
apacheloggerb) the fact that to distribute a thing you need to have it ship a license saying it is allowed for you to shippery it is necessary, that applies to binary as much as to the source, but since everyone is busy being an artist a lot of applications do not actually provide any such information on their own in the binary making the distribution of the binaries illegal in the eyes of interntaional law15:22
apacheloggerso because everyone is an artist and making stuff unparsable you get to stick needles in your eyes and because everyone is busy being an artist you get to make your own statement saying that this here binary is gpl or whatever and may be redstributed and very dearly fondled15:23
apacheloggerso does debian/copyright do anything to make the world a better place? no.15:24
yofeloh well15:24
yofelguess I'm in a too rightful mood today15:24
apacheloggerI know the feeling15:24
apacheloggeryou should package ksquirrel or what its called15:24
apacheloggeryou'll stop giving a shit about debian/copyright15:24
sgclarkunfortunately, I still not know why my packages cannot find the merged kde-sc-dev latest :(15:25
yofelsgclark: what's the exact error please?15:25
yofelalso, you are building for utopic, right?15:25
apacheloggercan someone make the kopete dude file bug reports?15:26
yofelah right, spam it is15:27
apacheloggertalking about spam15:28
sgclarkI am on trusty, do I need to upgrade to utopic?15:28
yofelsgclark: you'll have to build on utopic. You should use a chroot directly or with pbuilder/sbuild though instead of upgrading15:32
yofelthe version you need isn't available for trusty15:33
yofel(nor would building on trusty really do much as we need to know whether things work in utopic)15:33
sgclarkyofel: thank you! building chroot before I go any further15:34
shadeslayeryofel: so what's the plan with the uploadery, Riddell wanted to upload right away15:43
shadeslayerI've added breaks/replaces for things to be uploaded right away too15:43
yofelwell, just go ahead then. I think we were more arguing about not going .1 than about uploading15:45
shadeslayerdid I ever mention I hate merging?15:47
yofelnot today15:48
* sgclark agrees15:48
shadeslayerI hate merging15:48
* yofel hands shadeslayer a cup of coffee15:48
shadeslayercoffee isn't going to do me any good at this point15:48
valorieshadeslayer o/16:55
* valorie shares the coffee16:55
valorieshadeslayer: it's time17:03
valoriealthough membership board is first17:04
valorieshadeslayer? I don't see you in #ubuntu-meeting17:14
shadeslayeris it?17:17
shadeslayervalorie: already over?17:17
valorieno, they are still debating with the membership board17:18
shadeslayervalorie: want to sync notes?17:20
valoriemine are at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/CCmeeting17:21
shadeslayervalorie: just one thing to add, the donation report situation17:23
shadeslayerapart from that it looks good17:23
shadeslayervalorie: http://imgur.com/Mcpajig17:24
shadeslayeris what I gety17:24
valorieI'm not editing, but if you can't, I will add that17:25
shadeslayerplz do17:26
shadeslayerare they still discussing stuff from the previous meeting17:34
valorieMembership board and us are both on their agenda today17:36
valoriemembership board first17:36
valorieblah blah blah17:36
* yofel tries to read backlog17:37
valorieomg, do not17:38
* shadeslayer is whiling away time on the internets17:39
Riddellshadeslayer: how did it go?21:33
Riddellvalorie, ScottK: how did it go?21:35
DarkwingHey guys21:44
Riddellit's... Darkwing!21:44
valorieRiddell: it went well22:18
valorieI'll write a blog post about it in a min22:18
Darkwing*sigh* sometime having a newer laptop is rough22:36

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