
xnox\o/ released00:22
Saviqthomi, now07:43
Saviqthomi, I saw your ap 1.5 change07:43
thomiSaviq: cool - any chance you can get it reviewed, merged, and landed? :)09:13
Saviqthomi, some, yes ;)09:14
thomiSaviq: for the price of a beer in Malta?09:14
Saviqthomi, ;)09:14
nik90elopio, balloons: Do you happen to know if the new SDK Headers are support by the emulator helper functions? Just curious since I am getting a branch ready in the clock app to make the transition but wondering the AP side of things.11:42
balloonsnik90, elopio is the best person to answer that13:33
balloonshowever, I believe work was being done in conjunction. I'd have to dig to find the mp13:34
nik90balloons: ok. I sort of remember t1mp fixing the AP while implementing the new transitions but wanted to confirm with you guys.13:47
elopionik90: yes, you should have helpers for the new features of the header.14:20
nik90elopio: awesome14:25
xnoxautopilot gurus, please help =)16:26
xnoxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7468524/ says in the end 4 failures, yet, i can only find one FAIL16:26
xnoxFAIL: gallery_app.tests.test_album_view.TestAlbumView.test_add_photo16:27
xnoxwhat are the other failures?16:27
elopionuclearbob, cgoldberg: do you know what could cause this?16:32
elopioAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_classname_from_path'16:32
cgoldbergelopio, this looks suspicious in the log:16:36
cgoldbergfile:///usr/share/reminders/qml/ui/NotesPage.qml:83: TypeError: Cannot read property 'reminder' of null16:36
cgoldbergfile:///usr/share/reminders/qml/ui/NotesPage.qml:79: TypeError: Cannot read property 'reminder' of null16:36
cgoldbergfile:///usr/share/reminders/qml/reminders.qml:287:30: Unable to assign null to QQuickAnchorLine16:36
elopiocgoldberg: I think that's safe to ignore, as the videos show the application being properly displayed.16:37
balloonselopio, this is from https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/fix-1317683-update-template/+merge/219669? basically showing that trusty works, while utopic doesn't right/16:40
cgoldbergelopio, can I see reminders/__init__.py ?16:40
elopiocgoldberg: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/reminders/__init__.py16:41
cgoldbergelopio, dbus.get_classname_from_path ?16:42
cgoldbergit overrides validate_dbus_object and calls that ^^ but what is that?16:44
elopiothat's how nuclearbob told me to use a python class that's different from the qml class.16:50
elopiohey, the method was removed!16:55
cgoldbergweird.. i tried from command line and I can see that attribute fine16:55
cgoldbergelopio, but it's not in API docs16:55
cgoldbergelopio, in changelog for 1.5: Autopilot introspection package now has a cleaner API16:57
elopioballoons: on trusty we have autopilot 1.5 and on utopic 1.4? or something like that?16:59
cgoldbergelopio, locally... i have 1.4 on trusty.. but 1.5 landed in utopic afaik17:01
nuclearbobelopio: sorry about that, I was in a meeting, I'm reading the scrollback now, did you get something resolved?17:02
cgoldbergelopio, so did 1.5 break tests?17:04
elopiocgoldberg: yes17:05
cgoldbergdoh!  is it isolated to that one?17:05
elopionuclearbob: well, now I know the reason. The new introspection api breaks our reminder tests.17:05
elopioshould I put a depends autopilot (= 1.4) ?17:05
nuclearbobI'll echo cgoldberg's doh17:06
nuclearbobelopio: which tests was it breaking?  I'd like to look back through the testing we did and see how we could have caught that17:06
elopionuclearbob: can you put a deprecation warning instead of removing that function?17:08
nuclearbobelopio: I'll propose that in the meeting today17:12
balloonselopio, nuclearbob ohh.. I'll bet you didn't test reminders did you? since it's not in the image17:27
balloonsI should go look17:28
nuclearbobballoons: let me know what you find out, I'd like to make sure it's tested in the future18:09
balloonsnuclearbob, I couldn't find the doc thomi shared with me highlighting everything18:14
balloonsbut yea, just make sure it's on the list :-)18:14
Letozaf_balloons, elopio hi19:06
balloonsLetozaf_, hello19:06
Letozaf_balloons, I saw elopio's branch for evernote sdk19:08
balloonsLetozaf_, yes, essentially he wants to use the python3 version of the sdk which hasn't been packaged yet19:08
Letozaf_balloons, ok so this means that we will have to wait I suppose19:09
elopioLetozaf_: but we can work on your test on the mean time.19:10
Letozaf_elopio, ok :)19:10
elopioyou can just set the PYTHONPATH to point to the right thrift module.19:10
elopioLetozaf_: do you have some time now?19:11
Letozaf_elopio, yes sure19:11
elopioLetozaf_: ok, first thing, merge your branch with mine.19:11
elopiobzr merge lp:~elopio/reminders-app/evernote-sdk19:11
Letozaf_elopio, ok just a second19:12
Letozaf_elopio, done, got 4 conflicts...19:14
* Letozaf_ is looking at the conflicts19:15
Letozaf_elopio, should be ok now, no more conflicts19:29
elopioLetozaf_: great. so, next, github clone https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-python3.git19:30
elopioanywhere on your workspace.19:30
Letozaf_elopio, haven't got the github command, in what package is it ? still looking for it...19:33
elopioLetozaf_: sudo apt-get install github19:33
elopiooh, no, sorry.19:33
elopioit's not github, just git19:33
elopiosudo apt-get install git.19:33
Letozaf_elopio,ok thanks19:33
Letozaf_elopio, ok done19:35
elopioLetozaf_: now, when you run the tests, you will have to do PYTHONPATH=path/to/your/workspace/evernote-sdk-python3/lib autopilot3 run reminders19:36
Letozaf_elopio, ok let me try19:37
Letozaf_elopio, got some errors :( trying to figure out what they are19:41
elopioLetozaf_: paste them here, I might be able to help.19:41
Letozaf_elopio, ok19:41
Letozaf_elopio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469435/19:42
elopioLetozaf_: do you have the applications ppa on your machine?19:43
Letozaf_elopio, I have the ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drives one19:44
Letozaf_elopio, I am running utopic on my desktop19:44
elopioLetozaf_: yes, then just install evernote-sdk-python319:45
elopiothat will solve your missing dependencies.19:45
Letozaf_elopio, ok19:45
Letozaf_elopio, now I got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469469/19:48
elopioagh, you updated autopilot19:49
elopioit has a regression, they changed the api breaking our tests.19:49
Letozaf_elopio, :(19:49
balloonsLetozaf_, you are on utopic yes?19:49
Letozaf_balloons, yes sir19:49
balloonsLetozaf_, I'll give you the old package to install19:49
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks19:50
balloonsstart with those.. might need more packages19:52
* Letozaf_ is installing19:53
Letozaf_balloons, done19:55
balloonsLetozaf_, if that doesn't fix it we'll need to backdate libs too19:56
balloonsgive it a try19:56
balloonsand yea, don't update ;-)19:56
* Letozaf_ is running the tests19:58
balloonshey thomi.. morning to you20:03
Letozaf_balloons, elopio got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469563/20:03
thomibarry: did you get time to look at the packaging stuff? </daily nag>20:04
barrythomi: somehow, i knew that was coming. :)  no, but i am finishing up my Big Project today and you're tops on my list20:05
thomiOK :)20:05
thomiI'll keep nagging, although my next working day will be the first day in Malta20:05
barrythomi: safe travels!  i'll follow up to the email20:06
thomiawesome, thanks - and sorry for the nagging20:06
balloonsthomi, can you share the paste you had showing the the tests you run before ap 1.5?20:06
barryno, it's cool.  i *want* you to nag me 'til its done20:06
elopioLetozaf_: try this before running the tests from the root of the branch20:07
elopiocmake .20:07
Letozaf_elopio, ah yes! I had forgot about this :P20:07
Letozaf_elopio, well it's better now but still got some failures: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469632/20:18
elopioLetozaf_: yes, your online accounts is crazy20:19
elopioMay 15 22:15:44 letozaf-PC signond[19627]: ../../../../src/signond/signondaemon.cpp 388 init Failed to SUID root. Secure storage will not be available.}}}20:19
elopioprocess-return-code: {{{-15}}}20:19
elopioMay 15 22:16:06 letozaf-PC kernel: [ 9309.074638] reminders[19638]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f63f0d63950 sp 00007fff8f1f2110 error 4 in libsignon-qt5.so.1.0.0[7f63f0d57000+34000]}}}20:19
elopioprocess-return-code: {{{-11}}}20:19
elopioLetozaf_: can you remove all your evernote accounts? That might help.20:20
Letozaf_elopio, :) I was looking but I have no Evernote accounts in online accounts :O20:20
Letozaf_elopio, must be somewhere else20:20
elopioLetozaf_: I don't know what to do with that. mardy is the only one that knows about online accounts.20:22
Letozaf_elopio, could it be I have to remove the ~/.local/share/com.ubuntu.reminders20:22
Letozaf_elopio, directory ?20:22
elopiounlikely as we are using a tmp home.20:22
elopiobut remove it if you are not going to miss it.20:23
Letozaf_elopio, ok20:23
Letozaf_elopio, this did not solve the problem, not that I thought it would but I tried all the same20:26
elopioLetozaf_: try pkill -f signon*20:26
Letozaf_elopio, done, let me run the tests again20:27
Letozaf_elopio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469680/20:30
Letozaf_elopio, looks the same20:31
elopioLetozaf_: I don't know what else to look for. balloons: any idea?20:34
* balloons is busy editing docs20:34
balloonslet me have a look20:34
balloonsmy eyes need a break heh20:34
balloonsok, so Letozaf_ it might be worth doing a fresh build if you haven't done one recently20:35
balloonsI like to clean up all the cmake stuff first20:35
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:36
balloonsfind -iname '*cmake*' -not -name CMakeLists.txt -exec rm -rf {} \+20:36
balloonsmake clean20:36
balloonsmeanwhile, I'll try.20:36
Letozaf_balloons, done20:36
Letozaf_balloons, form reminders-app main dir20:37
balloonsLetozaf_, yep.. top level of reminders-app20:37
Letozaf_balloons, ok so done20:37
balloonswhat's the branch20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, then rebuild it using cmake .20:38
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:38
Letozaf_balloons, witch branch mine ?20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, whichever branch I need to reproduce what you and elopio are doing20:39
balloonsI'm lost20:39
Letozaf_balloons, let me push this to a new one, just in case20:39
elopioLetozaf_: resubmit the merge proposal with my branch as a prerequisite, please20:40
Letozaf_elopio, you mean push lp:~elopio/reminders-app/xxx ?20:41
elopioLetozaf_: no, I mean, go to the website https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/reminders-app/download-list-of-notebooks-and-notes/+merge/21832520:42
elopioyou'll see a button on the top-right that says resubmit proposal20:42
elopioon the for that will be opened, there's a field for the prerequisite branch.20:42
Letozaf_elopio, yes got it20:43
elopioput lp:~elopio/reminders-app/autopilot-add_notebook there20:43
elopiono, that's not the one.20:43
Letozaf_elopio, ok done, so now I should push what I've got here ?20:44
elopioLetozaf_: yes.20:45
Letozaf_balloons, ok so lp:~carla-sella/reminders-app/download-list-of-notebooks-and-notes20:46
Letozaf_balloons, is the branch20:46
Letozaf_elopio, looks like I made a mess I have conflicts20:47
Letozaf_elopio, let me see if I can fix20:48
elopioLetozaf_: I see it fine here: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/reminders-app/download-list-of-notebooks-and-notes/+merge/21832520:48
Letozaf_elopio, oh! wonder what I was lookig at :P20:49
* Letozaf_ is rebuilding with cmake20:50
elopioI'm sorry, I need to go and have lunch now.20:52
elopioI'll be back later.20:52
Letozaf_elopio, I will be back tomorrow, it's late here20:53
elopiook, have a good night.20:54
Letozaf_elopio, thank you and enjoy your lunch20:54
Letozaf_balloons, this is what I got after rebuilding with cmake http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469814/20:58
thomiballoons: http://etherpad.ubuntu.com/B2Wt9rUiHX20:58
thomisorry for the delay20:58
Letozaf_balloons, I think I will go to bed now it's quite late, I will be back tomorrow ok ?20:59
balloonsthomi, ok so I wanted the pad link to confirm one thing. And indeed,it seems you did not test reminders21:19
balloonsWhich is fine, just if you could add that to the list. I've been trying to get it into the image, but they are waiting for it to use the production evernote servers. It should happen soon.21:20
balloonsanyways, those tests were broken by ap 1.521:20
thomiballoons: we're just talking about it now21:26
thomiballoons: care to join our hangout?21:26
nuclearbobelopio: are you still there?21:26
thomiballoons: or elopio: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Y2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbV91bnZxZzdzamhoMW11YzJxZ2FxZjA5a2p2NEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t.fk2gi9fumct9rei9q2fatpq7u0?authuser=121:26
thomielopio: balloons: too slow!21:32
balloonssorry, didn't see ;-(21:32
thomiballoons: so the conclusion is that we messed up, and didn't include that function in the API. I'll propose an MP that fixes that toda21:33
thomiballoons: However, we're reluctant to start running test suites that aren't in the dashboard list21:34
balloonsthomi, I do get that.. but reminders is a bit special. Still, it's fine if you don't want to add it now. It will be in the list soon enough21:34
thomiyeah - when it's in the list we'll start running those tests magically21:35
thomisorry about missing that function from our public API. We're trying to get better this cycle at separating our public from our private API21:35
balloonsI'm ok with the mistake.. glad we caught it. It's just annoying to have this stuff come up when I've been pushing for reminders to be on the dash..21:36
balloonsstuff like this is the reason why.. if the tests aren't on the dash, they aren't being exercised. And they could break.. and in general they serve no purpose unless they are being run21:37
thomiveebers: any chance you could glance at https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/temp-dev-add-get_classname_from_path-to-public-api/+merge/219765 please?22:00
veebersthomi: sure thing22:01
thomiveebers: also, I realise I forgot to scope that task22:01
veebersthomi: have you run it over reminders app to make sure it fixes the issue?22:01
veebersthomi: heh, d'oh :-P22:01
thomibut this is the only place I'm willing/able to expose that function, so if it's not right, they'll need to import it from here22:02
veebersthomi: ok22:09
cgoldbergthomi, hey..  reminders was calling get_classname_from_path on autopilot.introspection.dbus22:11
thomicgoldberg: yeah, but that's not going to be public for much longer22:21
thomiballoons: who's working on that app?22:21
cgoldbergthomi, Leo notified us today.. so he will need to change his import to use your fix22:22
balloonsthomi, elopio and carla atm.. I've not done much but comment and help :-)22:22
thomiballoons: OK, well, I guess their approach is to import it from the private module today22:22
thomiand when we do the new release y'all will have to import it from the autopilot.introspection package instead22:23
thomibut that can be done at your leisure22:23
veebers_thomi: oh, approved btw22:24

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