
ToyKeeperYeah, no network indicator.  Woot.  It still works if you access it by sliding from a different indicator though.00:21
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imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 30 DONE (finished: 20140515 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/30.changes ===03:24
Mirvsil2100: hey. you probably don't know if the qtcreator go plugin was preNEWed or not? it seems it was published anyhow and after didier poked rsync it's now in NEW queue07:10
Mirvso if it was not, now it'd need normal new review07:10
sil2100Mirv: so, I didn't ask Didier to preNEW it yet, but I checked the packaging quickly and it was fine07:35
sil2100Mirv: not sure if robru found someone for a preNEW07:35
Mirvsil2100: ok. yeah, there is no comment from robru about preNEWing, so I guess we'd need to ask didier (or some other arch admin) to do proper NEW review on the one that is in queue07:35
sil2100I explicitly left a comment on the landing that it needs a preNEW, hope robru didn't skip that!07:36
didrockshum, I would prefer regular archive admins review it07:36
didrocksas the normal process "let it in the queue and it will be picked" is supposed to work07:37
didrocksyou can't rely on me forever :)07:37
didrockswith the train, there is no really need for prenewing anyway07:37
didrocksit was more for daily-release, as another build would come07:38
sil2100True true!07:40
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ogra_sil2100, so that slightly messy indicator-network landing broke it it seems ...08:08
cjwatsonplars: it's possible I got some of the fine details of the script wrong, I suppose - check what it produced08:11
* sil2100 sighs08:14
sil2100ogra_: well, it was the lander's responsibility to test if it doesn't break anything08:15
sil2100ogra_: I guess that even running unity8 AP tests should have failed for that landing08:15
ogra_well, it doesnt show up but seems functional08:16
ogra_and in fact there is no upstart job to start it in the package anymore08:16
ogra_hmm no, there should be08:18
ogra_-stop; exit 008:24
ogra_+if [ "x$UPSTART_EVENTS" != "x" ] ; then08:24
ogra_+stop; exit 008:24
ogra_i'm pretty sure this is the issue ...08:24
ogra_will need to test after the meeting08:24
ogra_though this should only kick in on non touch sessions ... hmm08:26
ogra_well ... we'll find out ... i really thought Wellark had tested this though :/08:27
davmor2Morning all08:28
ogra_psivaa, both results for 29 and 30 seem to be stuck in "Syncing" on the dashboard08:28
davmor2popey, sil2100: just updated I don't see nm indicator on the device08:29
davmor2I do however seem to have the ability to send sms and connect to the internet so I think it is only nm-indicator08:29
davmor2but you won't be promoting this image08:29
ogra_davmor2, see backlog :)08:29
sil2100davmor2: yeah, ToyKeeper already pointed that out on the mailing list, we're discussing this already ;)08:29
sil2100I don't want to revert the indicator landing, would prefer to just fix it08:29
ogra_i'll debug this after the meeting08:29
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: only just logged on08:29
psivaaogra_: yes, i've asked ev to take a look at the instance where dashboard is running. i could not find any other reasons08:29
popeydavmor2: bug 131958708:30
ubot5bug 1319587 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Indicator-network icon missing on device" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131958708:30
davmor2popey: thanks08:30
Mirvdbarth: hey! one webbrowser-app landed again. I assigned the next one in order to osomon's "Minor fix for the default UA string on devices". there's another "image download support in browser" pending which is blocked now by that.08:34
nik90sil2100: hey, we might have a fix for the last alarm clock failure at https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-dow-fix/+merge/219637. Testing in progress.08:38
Wellarksil2100, Mirv, didrocks: ok, what's the issue with silo9?08:47
Wellarkpeople have reported that indicator-network "disapeared" on images 29 and 3008:48
ogra_Wellark, so after yourt indicator-network change the indicator is gone from the panel ---08:48
Wellarkdid the unitu8 package land?08:48
Wellarkwell, there you go.08:49
ogra_and i guess we wont land anything til thats fixed08:49
Wellarkwell, silo9 contains a unity8 branch for a reason.08:49
ogra_you mean landing unity8 will fix it ? why were they not in the same silo then ?08:49
Wellarkthey are08:49
Wellarkfor a reason08:50
Wellarkwhich is exactly that they have to land together08:50
Wellarkand given the reports seems the unity8 branch did not land08:50
ogra_unity8 needs manual massaging by a release-team person to get out of proposed08:50
Wellarkas if it's missing indicator-network "seems" to have dissaepared08:50
ogra_right ... looks like a race in the landing process :P08:51
Wellarkwe are talking proposed images here, right+08:51
ogra_Wellark, sorry for blaming you :)08:51
Wellarkplease tell me we did not make a promoted image..08:51
ogra_indeed we do08:51
ogra_last promoted was 2808:51
ogra_indicator landed in 2908:51
seb128ogra_, the packaging should have been adapted with appropriate depends/conflicts/...08:51
ogra_no worries08:51
seb128if things were interdependant08:51
LaneyI bumped that version now08:51
ogra_seb128, tryick for packages that are unity7 and 808:52
seb128ogra_, well, it's easy to make i-n breaks on unity8 << new-version08:52
ogra_seb128, Laney, btw, good to have you here, seems tzdata broke a timezone test in system-settings08:52
seb128did it?08:52
sil2100Uh oh08:52
Wellarkseb128: i-n and unity8 do not depend on each other08:52
ogra_well, at leasst i assume it was that08:53
seb128Wellark, yet, updating one breaks the other08:53
Laneylink please08:53
Wellarkseb128: well, that's just unfortunate08:53
ogra_Laney, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/30:20140515:20140513.2/8026/ubuntu_system_settings/08:53
ogra_Laney, thats image 30 ... for 29 we see the same08:54
Mirvogra_: I just pinged on #ubuntu-desktop too08:54
Mirvand filed a bug08:54
LaneyAt first sight I would not jump to the conclusion that this is caused by tzdata08:54
Wellarkthe real question here is why the unity8 from silo9 did not hit proposed08:54
ogra_Mirv, awesome,. thanks08:54
Mirvunity8 is in proposed, but it's stuck there08:54
ogra_Laney, well, it started to show up after this changeset: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/29.changes08:54
Mirvsil2100: was there still some special thing to do with unity8?08:55
ogra_Laney, if you see something else that could be at fault ... go for it :) seemsed tzdata was an obvious candidate08:55
Wellarkwhat does this message mean?08:55
LaneyThe test is checking that you see the right text when nothing is entered in the search field08:55
WellarkIn silo landing-009. Migration: One package at least is not available at the destination. unity8 (7.86+14.10.20140514.1-0ubuntu1) is in the proposed pocket.08:55
LaneySo that seems very unlikely to me08:55
WellarkMirv: devel-proposed images are built from proposed? right?08:56
ogra_well, it started reliably after the abvopve image changes ... not saying it must be tzdatza :)08:56
Wellarkso at this point I don't care if unity8 is stuck there08:56
ogra_just smelled very related that a tz test fails after tzdata changed08:57
WellarkI need to know why didn't the unity8 package from silo9 hit proposed08:57
sil2100Mirv: no, we should be fine :)08:57
sil2100Laney: thanks for the version bump!08:58
ogra_sil2100, so lets have one image right after unity8 landed ... then i'll do the AP seed change and lezs have another one08:58
Wellarksil2100, Mirv, didrocks: could someone please answer my question --^08:59
MirvWellark: no, the devel-proposed means it's proposed for evaluation and promotion to another channel, not that its packages would come from -proposed09:00
sil2100Wellark: ah!09:00
sil2100Wellark: sorry, missed your ping, unity8 was blocked in -proposed because there's an additional step that has to be performed with each unity8 release09:00
Mirvsil2100: didn't you just answer to me that "no, we should be fine" regarding special things/extra steps? ;)09:01
sil2100Mirv: that step has been done ;) Laney bumped the version didn't he? ;)09:01
ogra_Wellark, it *did* hit proposed ... it just didnt hit anything after this ;)09:02
Mirvsil2100: ok! so then it's stuck for some reason on build-depending on libunity-mir1 on the powerpc/ppc64el/arm6409:02
WellarkMirv, sil2100: ok. thank you. then why was indicator-network moved out of proposed before unity8 that was explicitly on the same silo?09:02
MirvWellark: they aren't protected on that level unless a versioned dependency is added in packaging09:02
ogra_Wellark, unity8 needs special love from an archive admin to go from -proposed to the archive09:02
Mirvsil2100: oh, ok! now valid candidate.09:02
Mirvso it'll go in now.09:02
ogra_Wellark, you are missing a dependency to prevent it from moving alone09:03
sil2100Mirv: yep :)09:03
Mirvand we can launch an image build09:03
WellarkMirv: ok. fair enough. would have guessed the -proposed -> proper would be a manual or semi manual process as well.09:03
ogra_only for cewrtain packages09:03
Wellarkthese are both ci-train packages09:04
ogra_most of them move automatically ... unity8 is speacial ...09:04
ogra_so you need to add a dependency like seb128 mentioned above09:04
ogra_then indicator-network will be held back together with unity8 next time09:04
Wellarkok. that is not going to happen. as there is no dependency chain between individual indicators and unity8 which provides the indicator rendering09:05
ogra_just add that dependency with your next change ...09:05
Wellarkand this kind of a "breakage" only happens if the "protocol" is modified09:05
ogra_err, there obviously is09:05
ogra_you just hit an issue because of it :)09:06
dbarthMirv: hi, what would you like me to do with the webbrowser-app landings?09:07
cjwatsonWellark: that's what Breaks is for09:08
ogra_if a certain version of unity8 provides a needed protocol you need to have a dependency saying "only install me if at lest unitzy8 version xyz is availeble"09:08
seb128well, when a "protocol" change, you need to rename a binary, or use conflicts or something to ensure the clients of the protocols get updated in sync09:08
seb128what cjwatson said09:08
Mirvdbarth: tell/decide if that osomon's landing is good to go next while bfiller's can wait09:08
dbarthok, checking09:09
cjwatson(I'm assuming that there's something else that depends on both indicator-network and unity8, so that the Breaks will be effective for proposed-migration)09:09
ogra_Wellark, you just say "breaks with anything before xyz" ... next time your protocol changes you bump that "before xyz"09:09
Mirvdbarth: in addition to that, would you like to work on landing "Corrective silo for OA" today? robert earlier removed the silo. we're still low on silos, but your request is still quite early so it'd be fine if it can be worked on today.09:09
ogra_that will guarantee that your protocol is in sync09:09
cjwatsonOr you use Provides to declare a protocol version, and declare Breaks on the old versions (if it's suitably numbered)09:09
cjwatson(might be too much effort if the protocol isn't already versioned)09:10
dbarthMirv: you did well to put it aside09:10
dbarthi'm just tying to land online account stuff and alex's manifest stuff as well09:11
* Mirv merge & cleaning silo 009 now09:12
sil2100Mirv: do you know what that ghost landing is ;p ? By ghost landing I mean, there is a ghost as the lander09:14
dbarthMirv: so, let bill's request pass09:14
sil2100Mirv: line 3709:14
dbarthMirv: the whitespace fix is not a critical bug AFAICT09:14
dbarthMirv: and the branch from Alex on silo 17 can also wait, we'll rebuild after bill's branch lands, no wories09:14
dbarthMirv: all set?09:14
Mirvsil2100: haha! ;) oops.09:15
sil2100Mirv: now it's less spooky, thanks ;)09:15
Mirvdbarth: ok, so I'll assign silo to bill's branch instead of osomon's, thanks.09:16
ogra_Wellark, bug 131972809:20
ubot5bug 1319728 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "indicator-network needs to declare a minimal version of unity8 in the package dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131972809:20
cjwatsonsil2100: There's no EMEA webops vanguard coverage this week09:20
cjwatsonerr, echan, sorry09:21
didrockssil2100: do you want me to deploy it? At least, that would be done, the only difference is that the new field will be mandatory until the plugin lands09:25
sil2100didrocks: if there is no risk involved, then let's deploy :)09:25
didrockssil2100: yeah, keep me posted at your first publication :)09:25
didrockssil2100: the charm will be needed to be updated to include the plugin though09:27
didrockssil2100: deployed09:28
sil2100\o/ :)09:30
sil2100ogra_: so, rmadison says unity8 is in the archive now - did you kick a new image?09:33
ogra_not yet ... doing so now09:33
sil2100Thanks :)09:34
psivaasil2100: so, dialer and messaging_app tests came back green with 30 on the rerun. but filemanager still had a failure09:34
sil2100psivaa: thanks, filemanager seems to have become a bit more flaky after the new AP it seems09:34
ogra_well, lets see with the python3 stuff09:35
ogra_i suspect we run the wrong tests in some places with the py2 bits installed09:36
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 31 building (started: 20140515 09:40) ===09:39
sergiusenssil2100 Mirv can you reconf silo 003 for me?10:14
sil2100sergiusens: reconfigure10:14
sergiusenssil2100: yes, reconfigure10:22
sergiusensI have this conflict with packaging practices; the golang packaging status quo, defacto in debian is to prepend golang- to the source package name; this is sort of in conflict with citrain it seems10:23
sergiusensI guess you'll just force me to change the source package name, so I guess I'll just do that10:24
Mirv:) I'm not sure what sort of citrain policy you're thinking about though.10:27
dpmhi all, is it a known issue that on image #28 the volume buttons don't work?10:28
dpmon a N4, that is10:28
sergiusensMirv: the one where lp:branchname == source package name ;-)10:29
sergiusensMirv: I couldn't reconf because I have lp:udm (to go get launchpad.net/udm), but named the source package golang-udm10:29
didrocksyou should be able to, it's just a warning telling you are a bad confusing upstream :)10:32
* didrocks has saw so many people bzr branch lp:<source_package_name> that I think it's valuable to match10:32
sergiusensdidrocks: it doesn't let me reconf though ;-)10:38
sergiusensdidrocks: I'm following policy now fwiw10:39
didrockssergiusens: hum, it's a bug though, do you have the output?10:39
didrocksI can probably fix it10:39
sergiusensdidrocks: it's in the choo choo10:39
didrockswell, a direct link will be appreciated :)10:39
sergiusensdidrocks: (07:13:34) CI-SNCF: sergiusens (landing-003): Reconfigure failed: udm was not in the initial list of components for that silo. You can't reconfigure the silo yourself. Please ask the landing team to reconfigure it for you. (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-003-0-reconfigure/17/console)10:40
didrocksand udm was in the initial list?10:40
sergiusensdidrocks: lp:udm, yes; I didn't change the list; I only hit reconf because I don't like the ci bot message saying I rebuilt in the changelog, when the only reason I wanted to rebuild was to get a nicer changelog10:41
sergiusensyeah, I know, I'm a changelog freak10:41
didrockssergiusens: if you just provide "udm" in the rebuild list, you don't need a reconfigure10:41
didrocksand it won't say "rebuilt force"10:42
didrocksin your changelog :p10:42
sergiusensdidrocks: oh, interesting10:42
didrockssergiusens: partial rebuilds of a stack (so explicit) is always possible10:42
didrocksbut interesting, so there is obviously a bug in the reconfigure, it shouldn't then end up into that situation10:43
didrockssergiusens: mind opening a bug? I may look at it whenever I can10:43
didrocksor if sil2100 beats me to it :)10:43
didrockshe needs to get his hand dirty a little bit in the train I think :p10:43
* sil2100 in a meeting ;)10:43
sergiusensdidrocks: where against? cupstream2distro still?10:43
didrockssergiusens: yeah, cupstream2distro10:43
didrocksok, so, first assignement was https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/406/console I guess10:44
didrockswith: WARNING:root:Project name (udm) doesn't align with the source package name (golang-udm)10:44
didrockssergiusens: ok, found the bug, not really sure how to fix it in a elegant way for now10:46
sergiusensdidrocks: parse debian/control for Vcs-Bzr ?10:47
didrockssergiusens: not resilient enough10:47
didrocksoh, I've got all needed infos actually10:47
didrockssergiusens: mind if I reconfigure your silo?10:48
sergiusensbug 131977110:48
ubot5bug 1319771 in Canonical Upstream To Distro "Silo reconfigure for non trainguard fails when lp:branchname different than source package name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131977110:48
didrocksnot sure if you started to build yet10:48
sergiusensdidrocks: yeah, but let me fall back to the original state, one sec10:48
sergiusensdidrocks: good to go10:51
didrockslet's see…10:51
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didrockssergiusens: ah, this was before the new package name10:53
didrockssergiusens: so, yeah, in that case, it will ask for someone to reconfigure10:54
didrocksbut if you package name stays stable10:54
didrocksand package name != source branch name10:54
didrocksyou will be able to self-reconfigure10:54
didrocks(which is the main case)10:54
didrocksI pushed the fix for it10:54
didrocksso let's try, I'm reconfiguring as the admin for your new package name10:55
didrocksand then, self-reconfigure10:55
didrockssergiusens: here we go: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-003-0-reconfigure/20/console10:57
sergiusensoh, success, nice11:00
sergiusensI guess I should start a faq11:01
sergiusensdidrocks: is most of this codebase migrating to the airline?11:01
sil2100I guess they have their own codebase11:01
sergiusenssil2100: might be imported :-)11:01
* sil2100 is back from meetings11:02
didrockssergiusens: they are stealing pieces11:02
didrockssil2100: FYI ^11:02
didrocksand everytime I do a relevant changes, I'm pinging them11:02
sergiusensyeah, this first part makes sense, and francis is familiar with it11:02
sergiusensdidrocks: sil2100 I'm a bucket of problems today: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-003-1-build/49/console11:23
sergiusensand these are the contents of my MP http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/udm/empty/revision/311:24
sergiusensI honestly don't want to bring in issues :-) I swear!11:25
sil2100I wonder why the changelog looks so broken! As if there was some merge conflicts ;p But I don't see any message about that11:25
ogra_because it is CI :P11:26
ogra_all CI changelogs are a mess11:26
didrockswell, try the merge yourself…11:26
didrocksyou will see a conflict11:26
didrocksrather than ogra_ being wrong and ranting wrongly11:26
didrocksis the result of merging your branch into it11:26
ogra_didrocks, well, i only see the output on -changes ... with lots of duplication etc11:26
didrocksogra_: so it's rather people editing the changelog manually whic hare doing mess11:26
sil2100Forgot about the rsync mirror!11:26
didrocksogra_: patch welcomes11:26
ogra_peope should just use dch proper in their commits :P11:27
didrocksogra_: see, they don't, like this conflict ^11:27
ogra_and assemble a sane changelog11:27
* ogra_ will happily refuse to go through any debian/changelog enntries in five years when we need to find whom to attributs a certain change to because microsoft sued us or some such :P11:28
sergiusensdidrocks: but everything below Initial packaging is autogenerated11:29
davmor2ogra_: somewhere is there a list of the images that got promoted from 111:29
sergiusensdidrocks: I thought if we provided a changelog it would not try and generate one11:29
didrockssergiusens: it doesn't for this commit11:30
ogra_davmor2, yes, but that wont help if the chanelog attributes the changes to "CI Bot"11:30
didrockssergiusens: it will for the previous ones11:30
didrockssince the latest release11:30
ogra_davmor2, you need a proper changelog in the package to have proper histroy ...11:30
didrocksogra_: a bug that you are welcome to investigate11:30
didrocksogra_: but you still have bzr commit authors anyway11:30
ogra_didrocks, yeah, i know ... if i ever find that much spare time i probably will :)11:31
* didrocks is seeing so much negativness, it's tiring11:31
didrocksreally dude…11:31
didrockssame for me11:31
didrocksbut you have time to rant though11:31
davmor2ogra_: no I need a list to updat julien on what blockers were present in each promoted image.  I thought he only wanted it doing for the end of Trusty.  It turns out he wants it forever :)11:31
ogra_until then i'll just make sure to not be involved in that future lawsuit ;)11:31
didrocksanyway, back to work11:31
sergiusensdidrocks: heh, the reason I wanted to do this was because I had 2 'Initial packaging', one from the commit message and another from the debian/changelog11:31
ogra_davmor2, ugh11:31
sil2100sergiusens: let me take a look at the exact mechanism11:31
ogra_davmor2, i guess you can only go through didrocks and sil2100's landing mails then11:32
didrockssergiusens: yeah, hence the conflict, you can tag a release if you want to avoid that, but you will need a changelog entry with it11:32
davmor2ogra_: I know the blockers I just need to know the images that were promoted :)11:32
ogra_i doubt you will find any other summary of blockers despit that11:32
didrocksanyway, i'll let sil2100 guiding you, he has enough info11:32
davmor2I'll go through the mails :)11:33
ogra_davmor2, ah thats easy ...11:33
sergiusenssil2100: yeah, if I have a list of DOs and DONTs or point me to the code and I'll use that as my guideline :-)11:33
ogra_davmor2, http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/trusty/mako/index.json ... all promoted trusty images ... just grep for "description:"11:33
davmor2ogra_: cool thanks11:34
ogra_davmor2, http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/utopic/mako/index.json ... same for utopic11:34
davmor2ogra_: ah yeah trusty we have Utopic is the ones I'm after ta11:35
* ogra_ wonders why imgbot didnt notify about 31 yet ... seems to be done ... 11:38
ogra_imgbot, stunt11:39
* imgbot rolls on its back and purrs11:39
ogra_hmm, still alive11:39
ogra_oh, it was actually reconnecting exactly when the build finished ... bah11:40
ogra_=== Image #31 DONE ===11:40
ogra_=== changelog is at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/31.changes ===11:40
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Mirvdbarth: FYI your SRU bug is unverified https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1302780 so it hasn't gone in even though it's 14 days old11:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1302780 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu Trusty) "[webapp-container] Google Apps For Business support when using an external SSO provider" [High,Fix committed]11:51
Mirvdbarth: you can btw follow these things on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html - green ones (=verification-done) with days >= 7 will be handled by the SRU team and migrate to release pocket11:59
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
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sil2100sergiusens: give me some moments regarding that problem, ok :) ? Need to context switch for a small moment12:03
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davmor2ogra_, sil2100: the unity8 fix doesn't show wifi/3g on the phone signal bars12:06
davmor2oh and now wifi is turned off again by default I'm assuming 3g might be the same12:06
davmor2turned on wifi now I see it in the indicator12:07
ogra_sounds like the same issue we have with manta then12:07
sil2100Then even good that I didn't consider promoting anything today12:08
sil2100davmor2: after rebooting it's the same?12:08
davmor2sil2100: lunchtime i'll reboot it as I go down to eat and let you know when I get back12:09
ogra_sil2100, so i assume the fix lies somewhere between cyphermox and Wellark :)12:09
sil2100Damn, have to jump out for lunch as well, didn't eat breakfast yet12:10
* ogra_ has to go afk for a while too 12:10
sil2100davmor2: give us a sign after lunchtime, we then fill in a bug and poke those two bad persons12:10
dbarthMirv: can i just mark the package verified? or i have to resubmit fully12:13
dbarthcause i can attest the fix works and doesn't create regressions; so will mark it done as well12:14
sergiusenssil2100: no worries12:19
cjwatsonunity8 should no longer require manual attention from #ubuntu-release12:20
ogra_yay !!!12:21
cjwatson(tested as best I can considering, but do let me know if the next one explodes ...)12:22
asacmanual attention for unity8 by ubuntu-release? anything interesting was going on there?12:34
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sil2100cjwatson: thanks ;)12:38
davmor2sil2100: same thing after a reboot12:39
sil2100asac: yeah, so normally an additional step was required every time a new unity8 was released12:39
sil2100davmor2: uh, sucks... could you fill in a bug for easy tracking?12:39
davmor2sil2100: on it12:40
sil2100Thanks :)12:40
cjwatsonasac: a hack to cope with a weird special case that I've now buried a bit more competently12:40
asaci like buried :)12:40
asacmight eventually allow us to hire into roles like "technical archeologists", which could be a first :)12:41
cjwatsonI kind of feel that's what my job already is half the time. :-)12:42
cjwatson"so, um, what did we intend by this ten years ago"12:42
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dbarthsil2100: o/ silo 16 ready to land12:43
sil2100dbarth: awesome! Will publish after done with lunch12:44
Mirvdbarth: the SRU is process is there that once the fix goes into -proposed, someone installs it specifically from there, tests it, and marks it as verification-done. so it's not related to our landing (it has already landed), but whether the final SRU step of copying from -proposed to -updates happens or not12:45
dbarthMirv: i know but was (again) trying to get external feedback12:46
dbarthbut happy to mark verification-done myself12:46
dbarththanks for the dashboard link btw, that really helps12:47
Mirvdbarth: yeah, it's sometimes hard to get as the people experiencing the bug might not necessarily find the LP bug or the SRU guidelines on how to proceed12:47
Mirvdbarth: you're welcome12:47
sil2100Mirv: will you publish silo 16;) ?12:48
sil2100Mirv: if you have a free moment12:48
Mirvsil2100: yes I was just going once more through the MP:s of it, actually12:49
Mirv/tmp/hudson1545565889933478490.sh: line 4: BUILD_USER_ID: unbound variable12:50
Mirvsil2100: are you aware of any recent changes to the code?12:50
didrocksargh, that wouldn't work then as long as we don't have the plugin12:51
didrocksI can fix that12:51
didrockshowever Mirv, you should really read that channel :p12:51
davmor2sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/131981212:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319812 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Indicator-network is doing odd things" [Critical,New]12:51
didrocksor, it's better for it to fail, it shouldn't fail if you set the value12:52
didrocksMirv: did you set the launchpad user name id?12:52
didrockssee the new field12:52
didrocksyeah, confirmed it won't fail if you use the parameter12:56
didrockssil2100: any news on the plugin deployement?13:00
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didrocksMirv: still with us? I'll leave for some exercise in 10 minutes, all good for the publication now?13:01
didrocksI take that as a yes :) away now.13:10
sil2100didrocks: so, still lunch, but working on that with webops and Evan13:11
ogra_asac, note that this had its good and bad sides ;) we found a good bunch of missing or broken dependencies over the last weeks due to unity8 being held :)13:11
Mirvdidrocks: :) ok13:11
ogra_the last one just today13:12
asaccjwatson: cool, shall i change your title :)?13:12
asaci think its like ying and yang13:12
asacwhere there are architects, there need to be archeologists :)13:12
Mirvoh, now I connect the discussion to the actual result13:12
asacblack matter13:12
ogra_it surely makes a good business card entry :)13:13
didrocksMirv: so, just use your launchpad name until the plugin is installed in that field13:13
didrocksMirv: then, you won't need it apart if you sponsor for someone else13:13
didrockslike there is a packaging change and you ack it13:13
asacChief Technical Archeologists - call me when you lost sight of whats going on and i will dig through your dirt :)13:13
ogra_CTA :)13:13
Mirvdidrocks: thanks!13:14
didrocksyw! hoping everything is fine :p13:14
didrocksah, no, there is a typo (weird, it passed pyflake…)13:14
cjwatsonasac: I will probably cope with it as it is :)13:15
Mirv(now I got AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_person')13:15
UrsinhaUbuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: Ursinha | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -13:15
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: Ursinha | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
didrocksMirv: I don't know why, it's obviously there…13:15
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didrocksMirv: bah, I prefer to not comment, let me redeploy13:17
didrocksMirv: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-016-2-publish/18/console13:19
didrocksyou have packaging changes :)13:19
Mirvnew package!13:19
* didrocks really away13:20
Mirvnot really "No change rebuild" as it didn't exist earlier :S13:20
davmor2ogra_: that json was perfect thanks :)13:21
ogra_welcome :)13:21
Mirvmardy: do you have a summary of the story behind signon-apparmor-extension? looks like it has code history from last Autumn but it's not actually in the archives?13:21
davmor2all up-to-date again now 1 task less13:21
didrocksMirv: you are picky, it's clearly a "no change rebuild"! :)13:22
* didrocks goes ;)13:23
Mirvdbarth: or you ^ it says "No change rebuild" while I don't find a trace of existing signon-apparmor-extension anywhere13:23
* Mirv doesn't believe the really really goes anymore13:23
dbarthMirv: the no change rebuild was to ensure that the multi-arch changes problem we had the other day on one package, was not hiding another porblem due to other m-a changes13:25
dbarthMirv: so mardy recommended to rebuild all packages that depend on the location of .so and plugin files, and veify that they keep working as well13:25
Mirvdbarth: the thing is that a package called signon-apparmor-extension does not exist in Ubuntu before...13:26
dbarthwe went from /usr/lib/signon something to /usrlib/<arch>/signon13:26
dbarthmardy: is that one a new package? ^^13:27
MirvI need to quit though, so I'll let sil2100 and robru (when around) continue with that, but if it's truly a new package a "initial version" would be better description than "no change rebuild" :) the packaging should also be reviewed.13:28
mardyMirv, dbarth: mmm... it may be that it never went to the archive, yes13:28
dbarthah, so needs paperwork to be added i guess13:29
ogra_sil2100, so seems 31 is mostly done with testing ... shouldi upload the seed change to drop teh py2  AP bits now and trigger a new build ?13:31
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mardysil2100: please let me know if there's something I should do about signon-apparmor-extension13:35
xnoxogra_: mediascanner1 is still on the images, is that expected?13:40
xnoxogra_: at the moment it FTBFS and thus keeps holding boost1.54 on touch images.13:41
ogra_xnox, yeah, there was something still needing it ...13:41
ogra_but i'm not up to date on that ... might have changed ... last time i talked about it with someone was about 6 weeks or more ago13:41
davmor2popey: by the way thanks for adding the videos for the messaging app bug13:41
ogra_(i forgot whom i talked about to)13:42
Mirvmardy: sil2100: now I do the same as Didier and not keeping my promises of going away, but with some quick testing there are no lintian errors or warnings, nothing seems wrong with packaging, copyrights look good. but since this was a bit quick glance, I don't hit publish yet.13:42
Mirv(now that preNEW is not really needed anymore apparently, there wouldn't be a problem otherwise but just let it go through normal NEW review)13:42
* Mirv really really etc13:43
ogra_xnox, grilo-plugins-0.2-mediascanner keeps it in ... but that has no rdepds ...13:45
xnoxogra_: no rdeps... do clicks use it?13:45
xnoxogra_: well, it's not seeded in the sdk =)13:46
xnox# music-app is using mediascanner 1 and grilo. So seeding them for now13:46
xnox * mediascanner13:46
xnox * grilo-plugins-0.2-mediascanner13:46
ogra_ah, yeah13:46
xnoxogra_: has music-app been fixed to use mediascanner 2 and not use grilo?13:46
ogra_good question13:47
ogra_i think the music scope used to use it too13:47
asaci had mediascanner crashes again on my phone13:47
ogra_but that was probably before we switched to the new scopes13:47
asac(just a sidecomment, ignore for CI/LT)13:47
ogra_asac, stop listening to that weird music that ... that confuses it ;) )13:47
asacogra_: funny thing is that i dont have a single media on device :)13:48
asacogra_: all i did was taking two test photos (if thats realted)13:48
ogra_ah, thats the issue then :P13:48
ahayzen_xnox, we're currently migrating to mediascanner2 now13:49
asacfor (*i=0; *i<1; i++) :)13:49
* ogra_ wonders where sil2100 is gone13:49
asacogra_: need him?13:50
ahayzen_xnox, this is our WIP branch https://code.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/use-mediascanner2.0/+merge/21414013:50
ogra_asac, i want a "go" for the python2 drop ... but that can surely still wait until he returns13:50
sil2100You need me?13:50
ogra_<ogra_> sil2100, so seems 31 is mostly done with testing ... shouldi upload the seed change to drop teh py2  AP bits now and trigger a new build ?13:50
xnoxahayzen_: mediascanner fails to build from source in utopic at the moment (no-change rebuild), failures in the test-suite.13:51
ogra_from above :)13:51
sil2100It seems my notification on nick is down, service died13:51
ahayzen_xnox, once that is in grilo can be removed \o/13:51
xnoxahayzen_: is anyone looking into that or do you want me to open a bug about it?13:51
sil2100ogra_: ah ha!13:51
ahayzen_xnox, is that mediascanner 1 or 2?13:51
xnoxahayzen_: mediascanner113:51
sil2100ogra_: so...13:51
ahayzen_xnox, hmm well we'll likely be moving off it very soon, i'm not sure who is/was working on it?13:52
sil2100ogra_: I see the tests are rather ok, so yeah, please proceed with the seed update and let's kick a new image!13:52
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ogra_hmm, seems the "syncing" issue is still there with 3113:52
xnoxahayzen_: ok.13:52
ogra_sil2100, thanks !13:52
sil2100mardy: let me take a look13:53
ahayzen_xnox, is it affecting you guys with anything or can it stay on its current build?13:53
ogra_ahayzen_, there is a policy to remove binaries that cant be built from source ... but if it is planned to go away asap that can probably slip for a few days13:54
xnoxahayzen_: it's using boost1.54, and needs a rebuild against boost1.55. It's one of the last 5 packages holding up boost1.54 in the archive. (out of total 205, most of which use boost1.55 by now)13:55
ahayzen_ogra_, xnox, ok with our current plans we hope to merge it next weekish so shouldn't be too long hopefully13:57
asacahayzen_: FTBFS should be the highest priority level we have ... its the stereotype of "grave" basically :)13:57
ogra_asac, well, this is "FTBFS of something planned to be dropped soon"13:58
asacso next week we drop it?13:58
ogra_i wouldnt call it grave if "soon == berarble timeframe"13:58
asacthats fine then13:58
ogra_yeah, next week sounds cool ... if xnox can live with that13:59
ahayzen_ogra_, xnox, the last item we have is supporting genres, but mediascanner2 doesn't have any genre models (jamesh is working on adding these) but victor is also investigating if there is a workaround until then so can speed up the migration..then once AP tests pass we're good to go13:59
* ogra_ dedicates the recent ubuntu-touch-meta upload to xnox 14:02
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=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
ogra_triggering a build for image 3215:09
ogra_sil2100, ^^^15:09
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 32 building (started: 20140515 15:15) ===15:14
xnoxogra_: that's very bad, and will break AP tests =) thanks for not following the landing plan for dropping python2, ahead of everything being in place.15:15
xnoxogra_: as discussed in #ubuntu-meeting right now.15:15
ogra_xnox, yes, i see that, robru pinged me, subscribed me to a MP and referred to barry that these two packages need to be dropped asap15:15
bzoltansil2100:  any chance to win a silo for the line38?15:16
ogra_xnox, i can roll that back ... i only reacted to these requests15:16
cjwatsonI can just add ~ps-jenkins to a team to allow the CI Train to upload a package whose trunk is owned by that team, right?15:16
ogra_xnox, what else should i do but react to the lander and developer requesting that change from me ?15:17
xnoxogra_: check the related blueprint, ask for the testing plan, which is written down in the blueprint.15:17
popeydavmor2: lock your device then unlock your phone/tablet with two fingers.15:17
popeydavmor2: do you get this.. welcome stuck half out.. http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-05-15-161700.png15:17
ogra_xnox, i would expect both of these persons to know theior landing plan15:18
xnoxogra_: talk to people assigned to drop python2 from touch images in a coordinated manner?15:18
ogra_xnox, which i thought barry was15:18
bfillersil2100: silo 1 ready to be released15:18
sil2100bfiller: o/15:18
bzoltan1seb128: I do not want to be pushy :)15:18
xnoxogra_: between barry, myself and thomi we did agree on the landing plan, and it's me who is suppose to land ubuntu-touch-meta update, when ready.15:18
* sil2100 is getting pings back15:18
sil2100bzoltan: will try ;)15:18
xnoxogra_: please wait for me to respond when reverting changes from one person, upon request from somebody else.15:19
xnoxogra_: or we can release 3 clicks very quick and keep everything as is.15:19
ogra_xnox, ok ... i'll revert the change in image 33 then15:19
xnoxogra_: trunks of gallery-app, camera-app and sudoku-app need to be in-store and on image.15:19
xnoxogra_: if you can land all of those three clicks in store for image 33, no revert will be needed.15:19
ogra_xnox, oh, they are there already ? then we should probably do that15:19
ogra_sounds better15:20
xnoxogra_: what do you mean "there" =)15:20
ogra_we'll just have bad results in 32 ... i'll make sure everyone is aware15:20
xnoxogra_: their trunks are all correct.15:20
ogra_thats what i mean with "there" ;)15:20
xnoxogra_: but the clicks on image, where not up to date. I don't know what needs to happen to land those.15:20
ogra_i.e. we can land them and its all fixed15:20
xnoxogra_: right. if we have a store uploader, approver and the AP tests pass.15:21
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^^ can we land gallery-app, camera-app and sudoku-app today ?15:21
bfillersil2100: also need a reconfigure on silo 8 to add address-book (new MR added) once silo 1 clears15:22
* barry waves15:23
sergiusensogra_: xnox ... popey is testing the clicks on the store15:23
xnoxsergiusens: \o/15:23
sergiusensthey are already in the store15:23
sergiusensbarry: ^^15:23
sil2100bfiller: ok, I'm reviewing the packaging changes right now in silo 00115:23
bfillersil2100: thanks15:23
sergiusensogra_: wrt to sudoku I had no request; Mirv can also upload fwiw15:23
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barryis there anything i can help with?15:24
ogra_looks like we are all sorted now15:24
barryrock on15:24
slangasekwhat's the status, then?15:25
sergiusensogra_: do you want me to upload a new sudoku? I don't have time to test, so it will be a blind upload15:25
sil2100ogra_: do you have a moment for a little packaging ACK? :) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-001-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_address-book-app_0.2+14.10.20140514-0ubuntu1.diff and https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-001-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_telephony-service_0.1+14.10.20140514-0ubuntu1.diff <- new binary package, dependency added to it - looking good and saf15:25
slangasekpushing to get the clicks landed, AIUI15:25
xnoxbarry: maybe i'm out of date, but two things didn't happen yet: there are 3 remaining clicks not declaring py3 compat as shipped on the image (all correct in their trunks)15:25
ogra_slangasek, we need to land the remaining three click packages which are in the store already15:25
xnoxbarry: and autopilot-legacy didn't gain python-evdev dependency, which i'm uploading now.15:25
sergiusensslangasek: camera and gallery need store approval15:25
slangaseksergiusens: so, who does that?15:25
sergiusensand sudoku I wasn't aware of, so uploading now15:25
ogra_slangasek, popey15:25
sergiusensslangasek: store approvers, popey is one of them15:26
slangasekpopey: ^^ can you help us get some click apps landed?15:26
sergiusensI used to be one, but I think I was booted :-P15:26
popeyslangasek: specifically?15:26
barryxnox: odd about ap-legacy.  i thought that was working, but thanks for uploading the new version15:26
xnoxsergiusens: *naughty*15:26
slangasekpopey: camera and gallery - not sure if these are currently awaiting approval or if an upload needs to happen first, I guess sergiusens will have the details15:27
popeycamera I have tested but there's a problem with the store, bueno needs to fix..15:27
sergiusensslangasek: he's already looking into those two ;-)15:27
popeygallery is autopilot testing right now15:27
barryxnox: of the three remaining, you say they're correct in trunk, so no new uploads are necessary?15:27
sergiusensoh, darn15:27
xnoxbarry: they are correct in trunk, but tests are executed based on the manifest from the click from the pre-installed image.15:28
popeysudoku will be next.15:28
* barry nods15:28
xnoxbarry: those are only updated, if and only if a click from trunk is generated, uploaded into the store and approved there.15:28
xnoxbarry: and the last bits didn't happen yet.15:28
barryxnox: and that's gallery, camera, and sudoku as being discussed above?15:28
xnoxbarry: yeap.15:29
davmor2popey: sorry just got your ping let me try on n7 my n4 is tied up at the moment15:29
popeyn7 is where I saw it15:29
* barry hears johnny cash singing folsom prison blues15:29
barry"I hear the train a comin' It's rolling round the bend"15:30
barryis there anything else that needs to happen to remove py2 from touch?15:30
xnoxbarry: all of above to land, and spin an image with everything in place. as far as we can tell.15:30
ogra_theroetically ... py2 should be gone from the image that is just building right now15:31
ogra_(which then will fail the tests fro the tree apps above)15:31
xnoxogra_: and all .deb python2 AP tests will fail as well due to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/175659410/autopilot-legacy_1.4.1%2B14.10.20140430-0ubuntu1_1.4.1%2B14.10.20140430-0ubuntu2.diff.gz not on that image.15:32
davmor2popey: on what image?15:33
popeyuh #2215:33
davmor2popey: ah hang on then15:34
popey3 test failures on gallery here.15:39
popeyon image #2215:39
xnoxpopey: and did they all pass with currently released/approved gallery-app?15:40
xnoxpopey: because gallery-app only changed manifest key, and it otherwise should be identical to the currently approved one.15:40
popeylast approved gallery-app was a month ago15:40
ogra_note that we have a constant failure oin gallery since a while in the automated tests15:41
popey16:00:26 < bfiller> popey: I believe gallery will have a known failure that we are still working on15:41
ogra_but thats only one15:41
xnoxpopey: image 22? i have image 31 locally15:41
popeyi have multiple devices. happy to re-test on something newer to see if it's better15:41
* popey does that15:42
bfillerogra_: yup, we're working on that one15:42
ogra_yeah :)15:42
xnoxbfiller: just one, or 3 as per http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468360/ ?15:43
=== pete-woods-lunch is now known as pete-woods
popeysil2100: i have another urgent meeting so will miss landing call in 15 mins15:43
ogra_xnox, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/31:20140515.1:20140513.2/8028/gallery_app/15:43
sil2100popey: ok, no worries15:43
ogra_thats the last automated test run for gallery15:43
sil2100No promotions today anyway15:43
ogra_only add_photo fails15:43
xnoxogra_: thanks.15:43
sergiusenspopey: xnox: i think this upload also has the QA refactors and they were fully passing, alas on python 215:44
sergiusensoh, and py315:45
xnoxsergiusens: failures are interesting, something to do with toolbar not getting opened or closed when properly needed.15:45
sergiusensxnox: popey yeah, I'm fairly certain it's probably due to the uitoolkit changes for the new toolbar header/bottom swipe15:45
ogra_xnox, fyi ... https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/ubuntu-seeds/drop-python2/+merge/219617 whats what i got pointed to ...15:46
sergiusenspopey: I ran the tests for these for you already https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/144/changerequest/ ;-)15:46
ogra_xnox, "... now that all autopilot tests have migrated to python3" kind of made me think it was ready :) ... (additionally to the IRC pings i got abnout it over night)15:47
popeysergiusens: yay, now just waiting on these gallery ones finishing and the store being fixed15:47
xnoxogra_: and why did you land that without a review?! =)15:47
xnoxogra_: please follow processes.15:47
sergiusenspopey: what's the store issue btw?15:47
popey"Changes can not be accepted and published at this time. Please try again later.15:48
ogra_xnox, what should i review there ? its a seed change ... and i have to trust the guys managing that15:48
ogra_xnox, admittedly i didnt know you were the autoritative instance here ... next time i'll check and ask15:48
xnoxogra_: remember when you had a "heart-attack" about me changing the seed and uploading meta adding those deps?15:49
ogra_xnox, yes, thats why i know that these are the bits we need to remove as the last step :)15:49
xnoxogra_: it was explicitely to avoid the current breakage: when autopilot & clicks land asynchronosly and not in the right combination yet.15:49
xnoxogra_: how did you know we are at the last step?15:50
xnoxogra_: are you at all involved in how many steps there are?15:50
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ogra_xnox, i didnt, i relied on barry and robru15:50
barryi thought everything was in place to tweak the ap dependencies, which i thought was the last step.  unfortunately, it's a very complex stack of packages and process15:51
ogra_barry, right ... and i was expecting your lander (rob) to know ...15:52
xnoxogra_: next time, i'll just revoke your upload rights =))))))))))) </kidding>15:52
boikosil2100: hey, bfiller mentioned a dialer-app failure yesterday, is it still happening on smoke tests? I couldn't reproduce it locally15:53
xnoxbarry: "$ adb shell click list --manifest -- and search for missing x-test keys" =) as per blueprint.15:53
ogra_xnox, well, i think this is a serious problem we need to find a solution for ... i kind of have to trust the landers, else i will have to verify their work twice and three times which just wastest manpower15:53
barryxnox: right.  we did that a few weeks ago15:53
* ogra_ thinks thats a discussion we all should have together over a drink in malta :)15:53
popey\o/ Beer15:54
ogra_with an idea for a better plan15:54
xnoxbarry: ... and at the time there were still missing things.15:54
sil2100boiko: hi! Yes, but it's a flaky test it seems - I'll fill in a bug soon, but it seems sometimes we get a failure in test_call_log_item_opens_messaging15:54
xnoxbarry: on image 31 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468461/ camera, gallery, sudoku  are not correct yet.15:54
sil2100boiko: it's happening quite frequently in smoketesting15:55
sil2100boiko: but re-runs usually help15:55
barryxnox: yes, i just verified that on #2915:55
xnoxbarry: i should have added a comment to execute that in the seed comment next to python-autopilot.15:55
boikosil2100: I tried to run the smoketest script locally multiple times, no single failure :/15:55
sil2100grrr :|15:55
sil2100boiko: you can see it here for instance: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/28:20140514.1:20140513.2/8015/dialer_app/15:55
sil2100boiko: maybe you'll be able to read out something from the failure...15:56
sergiusenssil2100: any luck with my silo? I was thinking of just asking ogra_ to dput directly for the initial package as well15:56
ogra_i'm fine with that ... it will be held in NEW anyway15:56
ogra_and get an extra review15:56
boikosil2100: so, from the failure it seems the history database is not being correctly replaced when starting the test, but I can't figure out a case where this could be happening15:56
davmor2sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1319906 this is wifi off by default on 31 the other bug is now for the missing icon for 3g/utms15:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319906 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "indicator-network show wifi disabled on a bootstrap install or ota update on 31" [Undecided,New]15:57
sergiusenspopey: heh,  had that issue before :-P15:57
sil2100sergiusens: I found the problem in citrain, but I'm thinking of a way to work-around it - the thing is that the case of 'a new package without any versions tagged' is a bit tricky ;)15:57
ogra_sergiusens, the http://drool.popey.com/ issue ?15:58
sil2100davmor2: thanks! :)15:58
sil2100sergiusens: give me like up to 30 mintues after the meeting and if I don't find an easy workaround, let's have ogra_ dput directly :)15:59
boikosil2100: so, if it happens again, would you mind pinging me?15:59
ogra_oh,,. meeting ...15:59
sil2100boiko: sure, let me check if it happened in the latest image15:59
bzoltan1seb128:  do you see any chance to promote the qtcreator-plugin-go package still today? It would be cool to demo it on Monday on Malta for folks who are interested about Go-QML.16:00
sergiusenssil2100: thanks, just drop me a comment before you eod16:00
popeysergiusens: bfiller 4 gallery failures on #31 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468524/16:09
sergiusenspopey: I'd still let it in, but that's just me16:10
sergiusenspopey: an autopilot failure indicates a regression not necessarily against the component it belongs to ;-)16:10
xnoxi see FAIL: gallery_app.tests.test_album_view.TestAlbumView.test_add_photo16:10
xnoxwhich is a known failure, what are the other 3?16:11
bfillerpopey: yuck16:11
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
bfillerpopey: are you talking about http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/31:20140515.1:20140513.2/8028/? I see only one failure16:15
bfillerpopey: or it's latest with python3 change?16:15
xnoxbfiller: popey is talking about http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468524/ i see only one "FAIL:" yet autopilot summary at the end reports 4.16:16
popeybfiller: it's gallery revno 967 with image #3116:16
xnoxbfiller: currently running tests locally as well to see what's going on.16:16
bfillerpopey: does that correspond with bzr rev 967? just trying to understand exactly what's in it. trunk is rev 972 so would have expected that16:17
popeybfiller: i just tested what was uploaded to the store, which was 967, if you want 972 tested, sergiusens should upload that16:19
sergiusens972 won't work with py316:19
popeycamera 269 approved16:19
bfillersergiusens: thought we needed 972 to have python3??16:20
dbarthsil2100: o/ if you have a silo, i have line 16 which was ready and free to go no16:20
bfillerI'm confused16:20
sergiusenspopey: bfiller oh, ic...16:20
sergiusensother way around16:20
sergiusensbfiller: I was confused, not you...16:20
bfillersergiusens: ok :)16:21
bfillersergiusens: then we should upload 972 to store and test that right?16:21
xnoxwell i'm running 972 from http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/gallery-app-click/ on image #31 on mako at the moment.16:21
xnoxit's still going....16:21
sergiusensbfiller: yeah16:21
xnoxsergiusens: what's the difference between gallery-app-click & gallery-app-click-from-branch ?16:21
bfillerxnox, sergiusens : ok, once we validate that please upload to the store16:22
sergiusensxnox: since it can't be built in a chroot I added a job for people to build random branches16:22
sergiusensxnox: cross built that is16:22
xnoxsergiusens: ah, cool. so i am using "the right one", that is gallery-app-click for the purposes to upload into the store?16:23
popeysergiusens: ping me when you need more testing done.16:23
sergiusensxnox: you can upload, right? I'll leave that to you16:23
popeyor xnox ☻16:23
sergiusenspopey: we should confide in xnox's results16:23
* xnox moment of truth16:23
xnoxpulling the logs....16:23
popeyif someone else tests it and it passes I'm happy ☻16:24
xnoxRan 37 tests in 848.781s16:24
xnoxFAILED (failures=3)16:24
sergiusenspopey: he already is...16:24
sergiusensthere we go16:24
* xnox needs autopilot guru help =)16:25
ogra_and thomi isnt here16:26
ogra_xnox, probably elopio could help16:26
elopioxnox: I can probably help. Are you testing the gallery app?16:27
elopioalso rvr can help with that.16:27
elopiono, sorry, robotfuel, not rvr :)16:28
xnoxelopio: yes, in all of our logs generated we have e.g. 3 or 4 failures, yet only one "FAIL:". What are the other failures?16:28
xnoxe.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468524/16:28
xnoxah, they are ERRORS:16:28
xnoxERROR: gallery_app.tests.test_albums_view.TestAlbumsView.test_add_album_and_cancel16:29
xnoxERROR: gallery_app.tests.test_picker_mode.TestPickerMode.test_pick_named_photo16:29
robotfuelxnox: there is a real bug in the gallery app16:29
xnoxERROR: gallery_app.tests.test_photo_viewer.TestPhotoEditor.test_photo_editor_redo_undo_revert_enhance_states16:29
robotfuelat least when I checked yesterday there was16:29
bfillerartmello: ^^^^16:31
sergiusensrobotfuel: in current gallery or proposed?16:32
bfillerrobotfuel, xnox, artmello : the bug we know about is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1319927 which should only cause one test to fail16:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319927 in gallery-app "Adding photo to existing album not working" [Critical,New]16:32
sergiusensreason I mention is that, if it's from before, we should just upload this new gallery16:32
sergiusensas it brings in py3 tests16:32
bfillerartmello: have you seen these other failures? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7468524/16:32
sergiusensor live with py2 for a couple more weeks if you want16:33
bfillersergiusens: think we need to understand if py3 causing those additional failures as they weren't there yesterday16:33
bfillerbut maybe something else has changed16:33
sergiusensbfiller: when this was tested back then, there were no errors16:33
artmellobfiller: no I haven't seem them16:34
sergiusensbfiller: I recall robotfuel saying he tested with py3 and so did I (with py2)16:34
robotfuelI am in a meeting I'll comment when I am out16:34
* xnox is rerunning tests with both python2 and python3, will file logs on launchpad when complete.16:35
xnoxbfiller: in addition to that one, we see 3 additional ERRORS aka autopilot exception StateNotFoundError.16:35
bfillerxnox: might mean the app is getting hung due to the first failure16:36
bfillerthat's my guess16:36
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
xnoxbfiller: oh, are CI not using phablet-test-run? or e.g. executing each test sequentially / restarting?16:37
bfillerxnox: hmn, not sure actually. maybe that's not the problem16:37
robotfuelbfiller: I thought the app restarted with each test16:38
bfilleryou're right16:38
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 32 DONE (finished: 20140515 16:40) ===16:39
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/32.changes ===16:39
robotfuelIs failure this testing proposed image? if I flash my phone with today's image will I see it?16:39
robotfuelis this failure16:40
robotfuelmy mouse jumped16:40
bfillerrobotfuel: get the click from here: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/gallery-app-click/ as it has the changes necessary to make it run with py316:42
bfillerrobotfuel: trying to verify if the failures are related to py3 or not16:42
davmor2ogra_, sil2100: image 29 has no indicator on mako at all16:43
robotfuelbfiller: I tested py3 on both the phone and the desktop and it worked16:43
balloonsdidrocks, perchance you are still about. Can you tell me why you removed the sphinx docs from uitk? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/97516:43
sil2100davmor2: right, since unity8 is missing there - but do you have wifi network enabled?16:43
davmor2ogra_, sil2100: sorry it just has no image, the network indicator is there and shows wifi16:43
didrocksballoons: see the commit message :)16:43
didrocks"remove the doc generation for UITK autopilot emulator. Autopilot is in universe for now, it needs MIRing first16:44
balloonsdidrocks, what is MIR?16:44
davmor2sil2100: also my mom has just sent 2 sms so network for that is working16:44
sil2100davmor2: oh, thanks16:45
sil2100ogra_: ^16:45
sil2100ogra_: so it must be broken in 31..?16:45
xnoxballoons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess16:45
didrocksthanks xnox :)16:45
davmor2sil2100: also in the setting app I see connections16:45
xnoxdidrocks: it's funny how it's MIR yet wiki page describing it is MIP =)16:46
xnoxballoons: MIR - Main Inclusion Report, a set of criteria that needs to be fulfilled for a package to be available in main.16:46
didrocksxnox: yeah :)16:46
xnoxballoons: packages in main, may only build-depends & depends & recommends packages in main.16:47
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: want me to bootstrap 3016:47
sil2100davmor2: could you do the same for 30 and then 31? Just to make sure16:47
davmor2doing it now then16:47
ogra_xnox, hmm http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/32.changes ... interesting ... something keeps python2-autopilot in place despite unseeding16:50
xnoxogra_: interesting, let me check.16:50
ogra_sil2100, so it seems that this new libconnectivity-cpp0 might have something to do with it ...16:53
ogra_which means 30 and 31 should be broken the same way as 2916:54
xnoxwell python-evdev removal will fail deb based python2 tests, however many we have of those left.16:54
xnoxbut autopilot-legacy upload is fixing that, thus if -proposed is enabled they'll be fine.16:55
xnoxor it will fix itself once arm64/powerpc builders catch up.16:55
xnoxbut it shouldn't affect an image at, once landed.16:55
sil2100ogra_: but hm, davmor2 said that 29 wasn't broken16:55
sil2100ogra_: he said that he had wifi when bootstrapping #2916:56
ogra_sil2100, because it didnt have the full landing16:56
ogra_iirc the indicator didnt even start on 2916:56
sil2100Not sure, I think it was there, but not visible? Or am I misunderstanding now, hm16:56
ogra_it seem that this new lib is for making the indicator manage the connections ... so when the indicator was fixed it startd using this16:57
sil2100Ok, then I know now why you're suspecting connectivity-api16:57
ogra_(thish is still total guesswork, but it seems veryy likely that this is involved)16:57
sil2100Yeah, it does look as a possible culprit16:57
ogra_i know cyphermox now will take a look (despite being overly busy with other stuff), we should know more in a while16:58
davmor2ogra_: there are no icons on 29 but Indicator-network showed if you dragged down from the top and swiped across16:58
sil2100ogra_: ^ so hm, it's strange, since duh the unity8 change related to connectivity-api seems really not regression-prone16:59
ogra_davmor2, right ... then 30 had no changes and 31 had the final bits for that indicator landing16:59
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
davmor2hmmm 30 isn't coming up17:00
sil2100davmor2: what do you mean?17:01
sil2100davmor2: no network or no nothing?17:01
davmor2ah there we go just taking it's time17:01
ogra_confidence :)17:02
xnoxautopilot-qt has a stray dependency.17:02
davmor2Okay so image 30 no indicator images, Swipe down from the top and I have network listed and it shows wifi, Settings → wifi shows available aps17:03
davmor2onto 3117:03
ogra_right, 30 was nearly identical to 2917:03
ogra_only hadd apport changes17:04
sil2100Right, wanted to make sure17:04
ogra_so if you revert unity8 on 31 ... that shoould theoretically get it working again17:05
davmor2ogra_: but then you have no icons right17:07
ogra_but are also using the old connectivity-api17:07
cyphermoxso after flashing, wifi is off, but that's expected17:07
davmor2ogra_: also the no network in setting app only seems to affect flo and manta so lets see if mako is the same before we go reverting things17:07
ogra_cyphermox, thats a regression17:08
cyphermoxogra_: well, no17:08
cyphermoxI mean, it's disconnected17:08
ogra_cyphermox, well, yes :) it behaves differently to how it did before ... unannouced17:08
cyphermoxthe switch in the indicator in 32, on mako, is ON17:08
ogra_and you can connect ?17:08
davmor2in 3217:08
xnoxpy2 -> 2 failures, py3 -> 4 failures, in gallery-app latest.17:08
cyphermoxI have scan results, but nothing is connected since I never entered anything17:08
davmor2we were on 3117:09
xnox*sigh* will debug this later tonight.17:09
ogra_cyphermox, wow, did you do a clean bootstrap install ?17:09
xnoxogra_: apart from gallery app nothing should be broken on image 32 after autopilot-legacy gets into the release pocket.17:09
xnox(thus if something deb based fails it would need a retry later)17:09
cyphermoxogra_: yes17:09
ogra_xnox, awesome, so i should not need to roll back ?17:09
ogra_cyphermox, that is strange17:09
xnoxogra_: no need to rollback.17:10
cyphermoxogra_: so far, it's the expected behavior17:10
davmor2ogra_: I haven't tested 32 only 3117:10
ogra_cyphermox, sounds like ... why do we see it broken on 31 then17:10
davmor2So maybe 32 fixed it17:10
ogra_how ?17:10
xnoxogra_: and well gallery-app is broken. but we are actively trying to land/update that at the moment.17:10
davmor2ogra_: magic17:10
ogra_via whoopsie ?17:10
xnoxogra_: and it must to promote an image.17:10
cyphermoxthis is only first boot17:10
cyphermoxso I successfully connected to wifi, so far so good. Now I'll reboot the phone17:11
ogra_xnox,  we wont promote anythign today anymore so we have tomorrow to fix it17:11
ogra_cyphermox, well, we had people without either wlan or 3G after fresh boot before ...17:11
ogra_on 3117:11
ogra_32 has no related changes ... so it should be broken the same way17:11
davmor2cyphermox: manata and flo have no network at all17:12
cyphermoxwell, you can't possibly get connected on first boot with wifi unless you touch something17:12
ogra_also davmor2 sees no wifi settings at all in the system-settings app on flo and manta anymore17:12
ogra_while mako seems to have them17:12
cyphermoxit's not going to magically choose a network to connect to17:12
cyphermoxI don't have a manta or flo, so I can't say about though17:12
ogra_yeah, indeed17:12
cyphermoxso on reboot, mako is properly connected to both gsm and wifi17:13
* ogra_ doesnt get that ... 17:13
cyphermoxmako is good with networking, I can confirm this17:13
davmor2ogra_, cyphermox after tea I'll do fresh bootstraps on flo and manta17:13
ogra_davmor2, can yo also try 32 ?17:13
cyphermoxshould I try an earlier image?17:13
kgunncyphermox: robru ...2 items when you get a chance, first reconfig on silo6 (i added qtubuntu rebuild), second can i get a "test only" silo for line 35 ?17:13
ogra_even though it is totalyl beyond me why 31 should be any different to 3217:13
ogra_cyphermox, well, davmor2 sees 31 broken17:13
davmor2ogra_: will do but again after tea need to eat now :)17:13
cyphermoxogra_:  on mako?17:14
kgunngreyback: ^ like so17:14
cyphermoxhow do I go about specifying the image I want to install?17:14
ogra_--revision i think17:14
davmor2cyphermox: give me one second and I will take a screenshot as soon as it comes up17:14
cyphermoxflashing 31 now...17:15
cyphermoxI really need to get my hands on one or both of the other devices17:15
robrukgunn, sorry we are totally out of silos, but I can reconfig silo 6 for you sure17:16
kgunnrobru: thanks!17:16
ogra_asac, is there a chance we can get the networking guys more devices (flo/manta) ... awe and cyphermox both only have a mako17:16
davmor2cyphermox: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-181553.png17:16
ogra_davmor2, 31, right ?17:17
davmor2ogra_: yeap17:17
robrukgunn, alright, silo 6 ready to build17:17
davmor2cyphermox, ogra_17:18
ogra_Wellark, see the screenshot above17:18
davmor2cyphermox, ogra_ : http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-181734.png this is what I get if I turn it on17:18
cyphermoxdavmor2: that's a mako on 31 correct?17:18
davmor2cyphermox: yeap17:18
cyphermoxgood. then I should be able to see this as well shortly17:18
cyphermoxnot that it's especially useful since on 32, it works :P17:19
Wellarkdavmor2: can you get it back to the initial satte?17:19
cyphermoxbut maybe with this I can get just enough information to know what's up on flo and manta17:19
davmor2Wellark: I think cyphermox will shortly hopefully17:19
Wellarkwell, I'm flashing also..17:19
davmor2right tea for me back in 3017:20
ogra_the weird bit is that 31 and 32 behave differently for no good reason17:20
ogra_unless NM secretly hooks into whoopsie now :P17:20
Wellarkon 32 it works?17:20
cyphermoxwas it reported by more people than just davmor though? like, do we see the same issue in the lab?17:20
ogra_Wellark, for cyphermox it works on 32 ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/32.changes is the changeset between 31 and 3217:21
ogra_cyphermox, yes, it was reported by more people17:21
Wellarkdoes that track all the android changes as well?17:21
Wellarkogra_: ^17:21
ogra_Wellark, no, but there werent any17:21
Wellarkwere there some?17:21
ogra_last android change was from 29 to 3017:22
Wellarkok. flashed 32. works.17:22
Wellarklet's see 3117:22
ogra_but there the indicator was only half landed aynway17:22
ogra_(before 31)17:22
ogra_so it doesnt give us any good datapoints17:22
Wellarkogra_: the unity8 side of the landing did not affect the functionality of the indicator at all17:23
Wellarkit's only changed the way unity8 reads the icons from the indicator17:23
ogra_it affected the visuals ...17:23
ogra_no indicator at all vs indicator visible17:23
WellarkI mean the actual code paths run17:23
ogra_but you cant interact ...17:23
ogra_and if it come up like http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-181553.png... but without indicator you are locked out of wlan17:24
Wellarkwell, you could if you go to the bluetooth indicator first and then switch from the panel :)17:24
Wellarkogra_: you can get the indicator visible by going inside the bluetooth indicator first17:24
Wellarkogra_: but using system-settings is just the same17:24
Wellarkfrom 29-30 you can simply open system-settings Wifi page17:25
Wellarkand get he exact same toggle17:25
ogra_right, thats another issue ... on all non mako devices system-settings wlan settings are gone17:25
cyphermoxogra_: 31 appears to work just the same17:25
ogra_(they are fine on mako)17:25
ogra_cyphermox, bah17:25
Wellarkogra_: what.. I'm running 31 and 32 just fine and seeing the system settings17:26
bfillersil2100, ogra_, robru: can someone review/ack these packaging changes for silo1 so we can get that released?17:26
ogra_Wellark, on flo or manta ?17:26
Wellarkwait.. ogra_ do they by any change use the tablet profile on the system settings?17:26
sil2100bfiller: right, so it seems ogra_ is busy, let me find someone else ;)17:26
robrubfiller, in the meeting sil2100 told me he was doing that one, but if he's not then I can take a look at it after I finish silo 617:26
ogra_Wellark, not sure ... ask seb128 or Laney ... i dont think so though17:26
* sil2100 still writing the e-mail17:26
bfillerthanks guys!17:26
cyphermoxsil2100:  robru: i review17:27
sil2100But it's just getting someone to look at it17:27
Wellarkogra_: if they do then that would explain the settings dissapeaering17:27
sil2100cyphermox: thanks, it's a quick one - a new binary package and its usage17:27
* Wellark makes a note to check the tablet profile17:27
ogra_i'm pretty sure we use the same on all devices currently ...17:27
sil2100cyphermox: it's safe from my POV17:28
Wellarkwell, then there is no reason.. unless indicator-network is not runnig17:28
ogra_but let them answer that ... i dont know the system-settings code17:28
cyphermoxit looks fine, simple17:28
Wellarkbut again. is someone now running a device that has the wifi disabled right now?17:29
ogra_Wellark, davmor2 will shortly ...17:29
ogra_(he said)17:29
ogra_i'm upgrading a flo here17:29
ogra_so i can get you infos about that side17:29
ogra_(thought thats OTA ... might not be 100% the same)17:30
Wellarkogra_, davmor2: are you doing anything else than simply running ubuntu-device-flash ?17:30
Wellarkor OTA17:30
ogra_Wellark, davmor2 only used u-d-f17:30
Wellarkok. so no scripts or any other dark magic involved.17:31
ogra_with --bootstrap even17:31
ogra_so it is 100% clean17:31
Wellarkhmm.. could that be it?17:31
Wellarkis it always with --bootstrap?17:31
Wellarkwhat about plain --wipe?17:31
ogra_you need that on new installs since thats the only way to get the ubuntu kernel and recovery installed17:32
ogra_--wipe just formats /data17:32
Wellarkumm.. new kernel and recovery..17:32
ogra_after OTA on flo i have wifi ...17:32
ogra_but no wifi page in settings17:32
sergiusensogra_: flashing from a pre installed image does get you a new recovery and kernel17:33
sergiusensit just doesn't reboot into it during the install17:33
ogra_and no network indicator either17:33
ogra_sergiusens, using --bootstrap doesnt get you a new kernel ?17:33
Wellarkogra_: please, stand by17:33
Wellarkdon't touch it17:33
Wellarkogra_: please open17:34
Wellarkogra_: flo is a tablet right?17:35
Wellarkso change the [tablet] [tablet_greeter] and [tablet_wifi_settings]17:35
* ogra_ has the file open17:35
ogra_to what17:35
Wellarkogra_: ther ObjectPath=..../tablet*17:35
ogra_to be phone =17:36
Wellarkchange them to ObjectPath=..../phone17:36
sil2100brb, jumping out to the store17:36
Wellarkogra_: then reboot17:36
Wellarkor do restart unity817:37
Wellarkthat should also do it17:37
Wellarkbtw, I installed 31 with --wipe to mako and wifi is on by default17:37
Wellarknow trying with bootstrap17:37
ogra_nothing in wlan settings nor in the indicator menu with that change17:38
Wellarkogra "status indicator-network"17:38
ogra_its not in the processlist17:38
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ status indicator-network17:39
ogra_indicator-network stop/waiting17:39
Wellarkogra_: start indicator-network17:39
Wellarkas phablet user17:39
ogra_starts it seems17:39
Wellarkogra_: did you get indicator on the panel?17:40
sergiusensogra_: --bootstrap boots recovery with the new kernel and then the system-image-upgrader also flashes that kernel17:40
ogra_and it prints "ModemManager::ModemManager()" in the log17:40
ogra_every time it starts it seems17:40
Wellarkogra_: yep. that's a "feature" ignore that for now17:40
ogra_sergiusens, ok, phew ... you scared me17:40
sergiusensogra_: correction, we boot into recovery with the new kernel; and then recovery flashes the kernel17:40
sergiusensogra_: in every case, recovery is the one that flashes the kernel (in the boot.img)17:41
ogra_Wellark, anyway, nothing is running ...17:41
ogra_and .cache/upstart/indicator-network.log has no errors17:41
Wellarkogra_: what about /var/crash?17:41
ogra_except the MM thing17:41
ogra_Wellark, indeed :)17:42
ogra_there is a .crash file17:42
Wellarkogra_: run the indicator manually on the shell17:43
ogra_"on the shell" ?17:43
Wellarkogra_: console17:43
ogra_or-network-serviceblet:~$ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/indicator-network/indicat17:44
ogra_Segmentation fault (core dumped)17:44
WellarkI need that dump..17:44
Wellarkbetter yet, I need a flo17:45
Wellarkogra_: is NetworkManager running?17:47
Wellarkogra_: is ofono running ?17:47
ogra_why would ofono run ?17:47
ogra_NM is running, i'm online17:47
davmor2Wellark: for that run is was as follows, adb reboot bootloader and then ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-proposed --revision=31 --bootstrap17:47
ogra_(and see it in ps)17:47
Wellarkdavmor2: what about 32 ?17:48
Wellarksomebody everything magically started to work properly on 3217:49
ogra_well, cyphermox didnt even have issues on 3117:49
sergiusenssil2100: any updates?17:49
ogra_which is ..... well .... irritating17:49
Wellarkogra_: did cyphermox use --bootstrap ?17:49
ogra_i would expect so17:50
cyphermoxI *always* do17:50
Wellarkok. good. just had to check17:50
davmor2Wellark: that was when I went for tea so trying 32 now17:50
Wellarkdavmor2: wait17:50
Wellarkdo you have that faulty system live now?17:51
davmor2Wellark: no it's flashing as we speak, but I can re-flash 31 after17:51
Wellarkwell, as long as there is any system where the wifi is disabled initially17:52
Wellarkexcept flo. it has some other issues17:52
davmor2Wellark: I have manta and flo with no networking at all.  I'm going to bootstrap those after, mako shouldn't be long before it is up on 32 and I can see what happens there17:53
ogra_davmor2, check /var/crash on manta17:53
ogra_and: ps ax|grep indicator-network17:54
ogra_see if it runs at all17:54
* ogra_ suspects flo and manta have the same issue 17:54
Wellarkwhat was manta?17:54
ogra_flo is N717:54
Wellark2013 ed.17:54
Wellarkogra_, davmor2: you do have a mako, too, right?17:55
ogra_plars, so i guess you want to switch off tests on flo until this is fixed ...17:55
davmor2ogra_: mediascanner, system-settings, unity8, indicator-network-service, thumbnailer and upstart17:55
ogra_Wellark, i only have a personal mako that only runs promoted images17:55
ogra_davmor2, well yes, we look for indicator network indeed :)17:56
davmor2Wellark: I have mako, manta and flo17:56
plarsogra_: I'm happy to leave them on as long as it's not something killing devices17:56
Wellarkwell, who then reported that mako now boots with wifi disabled by default?17:56
ogra_plars, adb should still be fine ...17:56
plarsogra_: we may have incomplete results is all17:56
plarsogra_: yeah17:56
plarsogra_: that way when it does get fixed, we're not behind17:56
ogra_Wellark, davmor2 did ... and i think popey too earlier17:56
ogra_plars, ok, fine17:56
Wellarkogra_: could you get me the output of17:57
Wellarknmcli nm17:57
Wellarknmcli d17:57
Wellarkfrom flo17:57
ogra_note that i did OTA and have working wifi ... just no way to manage it17:58
plarssil2100: ogra_: they clearly didn't run for this image though, so don't expect results on flo or manta for now is all17:58
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# nmcli nm17:58
ogra_RUNNING         STATE           WIFI-HARDWARE   WIFI       WWAN-HARDWARE   WWAN17:58
ogra_running         connected       enabled         enabled    enabled         disabled17:58
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# nmcli d17:58
ogra_DEVICE     TYPE              STATE17:58
ogra_wlan0      802-11-wireless   connected17:58
ogra_plars, right17:59
ogra_Wellark, the NM side is totally fine ...17:59
WellarkI just finished a fresh flash on mako with image 32 and --bootsrap an wifi is enabled.17:59
davmor2ogra_: flo has the same crash as manta stands a chance it;s the same issue which then begs the question as to why mako works when the others don't18:00
ogra_well, mako is the only one that also has ofono18:00
Wellarkwell, I either need a flo, manta or a backtrace18:00
greybackrobru: hey, silo6 didn't reconfig, qtubuntu is missing from it still. Could you kick it please? :)18:00
Wellarkor being able to reproduce on mako18:00
Wellarkwhich I am not18:01
ogra_Wellark, well, do you make any assumptions about ofono in your code ? the tablets both dont have 3G so there wont be any 3G connection18:01
ogra_nor will there be ofono running18:01
robrugreyback, strange, ok18:02
greybackrobru: thanks18:02
davmor2Wellark, ogra_, cyphermox: Right so on 32 this is what I see http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-190056.png  note no wifi indicator icon, however I have a list to choose from which is kinda what I expect18:02
Wellarkogra_: the code *should* be able to function without ofono18:02
robrugreyback, you're welcome18:02
ogra_davmor2, right, i would call that fine18:02
ogra_(and we know about the icon issue)18:02
Wellarkthere is a MR for the 3G icon18:03
Wellarkwaiting for a silo18:03
Wellarkthat's screenshot looks correct18:03
ogra_well, seems the WLAN icon is missing too18:03
ogra_judging by davmor2's screenshots18:03
Wellarkthere is no separate wlan icon18:03
davmor2ogra_: that's my point the wifi icon is missing18:03
davmor2Wellark: there was when did that change18:03
ogra_davmor2, right, but the issue we look at is "wlan disabled on first boot"18:04
Wellarkonly if 3G is not connected18:04
ogra_we know about the icon18:04
* cyphermox lunch, bbl18:04
ogra_well, in any case it looks like a heisenbug ...18:04
ogra_since it seems to work fine for everyone on 3218:05
davmor2Wellark: let me get this straight if there is no 3g there is no wifi icon?  How do you tell if you are connected to wifi then,  or the signal strength or for that matter how would manta and flo that have no 3g ever display wifi :)18:06
ogra_if there is no 3G there should be a wifi icon ... is how i understood Wellark18:06
Wellarkyes. if there is no wifi and no 3g18:06
Wellarkthen you will have an icon showing wifi with a X18:07
Wellarkbut if there is no wifi and a 3g connection then you see a mobile broadband ion18:07
ogra_davmor2, switch off 3G18:07
ogra_then you should see a wifi icon18:07
ogra_and if you switch off both you should see the disabled wifi one18:08
ogra_if i understand that right18:08
davmor2Wellark: but normally I see a wifi icon with a x on it to say that there are wifi ap's available18:08
ogra_davmor2, even if 3G is up ?18:08
Wellarkwell, the old indicator was a bit flaky on it's icons ;)18:09
Wellarkthis is the way the design wants it18:09
ogra_i found the old indicator quite logical ...18:10
ogra_but who am i to argue with design ... :P18:10
davmor2Wellark: in that case how do you know that there are wifi zones available if there is no indication for it?18:10
ogra_(i'll just grow a longer thumb to reach the new back button they "designed")18:11
davmor2do you just have to swipe down everywhere you go to see?18:11
davmor2ogra_: I'll buy you a thumb tip from the local magic shop :)18:11
Wellarkdavmor2: well there are plans to have a super annoying (my personal opinion!) dialog that tells you "Hey, there are access points available!"18:11
ogra_oh, like IOS18:11
ogra_davmor2, well, do you see the wlan icon after disableing 3G ?18:12
Wellarkif it was up to me we would have separate icons for mobile data and wifi18:12
ogra_same here18:12
davmor2Wellark: I'm with you on that one :)18:12
ogra_but after the back button issue i gave up arguing with design18:12
WellarkI would actually put wifi icon per wifi adapter :)18:12
davmor2Yeap with 3g knocked off I now see the icon I was expecting to see18:13
WellarkI already had quite a fight convincing that we do need to show cellular strength per modem18:13
davmor2wifi with a x in it18:13
Wellarkyep. so you don't have wifi nor you have 3g18:13
Wellarkyou are offline.18:13
ogra_Wellark, well, they answer your questions then ... i had a week long email thread on the ML where i only got "well, we decided that" in the end as answer18:13
ogra_davmor2, and swtiching on wifi will get you the normal wlan icon, right ?18:14
Wellarkso.. now. is anyone able to reproduce the the "wifi initially disabled after --bootstrap" on mako anymore with image 32?18:14
davmor2Wellark: indeed but that is the icon I expect to see which says there are wifi aps available :)18:14
ogra_Wellark, doesnt look like18:14
davmor2image 32 is fine let me try image 31 againa18:14
WellarkI just flashed both 32 and 31 with bootstrap and everything looked fine18:15
Wellarkogra_, davmor2: regarding the tablets18:15
ogra_well, as long as it stays fine now i dont care about 31 ...18:15
Wellarkwould you be able to install ofono-phonesim-autostart package ?18:16
Wellarkthat would provide ofono18:16
Wellarkjust to see if indicator-network does not handle missing ofono as well as I thought18:16
davmor2Wellark: no there is no network to pull it in on :D18:16
Wellarkok :)18:16
Wellarkdavmor2: you can use nmcli to connect :)18:16
davmor2Wellark: let me finish flashing mako now it has started18:17
Wellarkogra_, davmor2: has there been a kernel change between 30 and 32 ?18:19
davmor2Wellark: no idea ogra_ ^18:19
ogra_kernels are shipped with android18:19
ogra_and that didnt change as we know :)18:19
ogra_(our kernels didnt change since mid trusty actually)18:22
ogra_sil2100, hmm, 32 looks really good actually18:23
ogra_even shorts app has one failure less18:24
ogra_(uitk and system-settings didnt run yet though)18:24
davmor2sil2100: and wifi is working there too :)18:27
davmor2ogra_, Wellark: meh okay so this is weird this time 31 has aps in the list and the wifi is turned on,  I hope this isn't going to be some random race condition18:29
ogra_stop wearing these aluminium gloves !18:30
davmor2ogra_: no one told me it was safe to take of the tin foil hat and gloves18:30
ogra_Wellark, well, i guess for mako we are fine then ... and i think we can let flo and manta be until tomorrow ...18:33
* sil2100 goes back to tinkering then18:34
ogra_sil2100, well, we need that icon fix landed asap ...18:34
ogra_but given that we wont promote anything tonight anymore i guess thats also for tomorrow18:35
davmor2rsalveti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android/+bug/1319119 I added the crash file but if I try and collect on it it crashes apport18:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1319119 in android (Ubuntu) "Emulator x86 not functioning on amd gfx" [Undecided,New]18:36
robrusil2100, oh are you still around? we're having more snakefruit rsync issues if you didn't notice. do you remember what the fix was yesterday? (or, uh, earlier today for you i guess)18:36
rsalvetidavmor2: haha, thanks18:36
Wellarksil2100: ogra_: that iconfix is ready. just waiting for a silo.18:36
ogra_Wellark, right18:36
Wellarkdavmor2, ogra_ : if you happen to see the disabled wifi again18:36
davmor2rsalveti: I added it in the hope that you can deconstruct it and maybe get something useful from it :)18:36
Wellarkthen just stop everything18:37
ogra_we will hunt you down18:37
sil2100robru: hmmm... maybe Timo would know, no one informed me about those sadly ;/18:37
Wellarkogra_: ok :)18:37
sil2100robru: what issues are those?18:37
rsalvetidavmor2: sure, thanks! :-)18:37
robrusil2100, http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ there are 8 packages spanning 4 silos that are in "no known space and time". we've lost the ability to publish anything basically18:37
robrusil2100, happned to me yesterday18:37
Wellarkdavmor2, ogra_: you could try to install ofono-phonesim-autopilot on manta and flo to see if missing ofono causes indicator-network to crash18:37
Wellarkyou can get network up with nmcli18:38
ogra_i will do that tomorrow ... i'm constantly working since over 12h now and need to go afk else my brain explodes ...18:38
Wellarkogra_: oh, you, too? ;)18:39
Wellarkfor how many weeks?18:39
WellarkI lost count at some point :P18:39
davmor2ogra_: but your brain can't explode until I press the button on this detonator18:39
ogra_Wellark, haha18:39
ogra_davmor2, stop that !! :P18:40
ogra_anyway ... off to take care of that headdache ...18:40
davmor2ogra_: have a good evening Sir18:40
davmor2Wellark: I'll have a play and see if I can't get it up and running18:41
robrusil2100, I pinged in #ubuntu-release already, no response yet, I'm off for lunch now... bbl18:41
davmor2Wellark: this is what I currently see on flo and manta though http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-194140.png18:42
Wellarkdavmor2, ogra_: could you guys make a comment to bug #1319906 saying that after exhaustive testing from several people we were not able to reproduce on mako with image 3218:42
ubot5bug 1319906 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "indicator-network show wifi disabled on a bootstrap install or ota update on 31" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131990618:42
=== jhodapp|lunch is now known as jhodapp
Wellarkand mark it as "Incomplete" just so it stays open if the problem comes back but also it will expire in 60 days if it doesn't come back18:43
Wellarkdavmor2: yeah, try installing ofono-phonesim-autostart18:43
Wellarkand reboot18:43
davmor2Wellark: yeah that is just the before18:43
Wellarkdavmor2: could you file a bug, install gdb and try to get me a backtrace18:45
Wellarkif you do, then please file a bug18:45
Wellarkor if there is a crash file under /var/crash18:45
davmor2Wellark: I've just had a thought,  I wonder if the issue with 31 was that there was no 3g/phone signal on ofono so it tripped out wifi with it maybe?  Long shot I understand but just a thought18:45
Wellarkwould be great if that could be backtraced with LP backtracer evven18:46
Wellarkdavmor2: good theory, but.. :)18:46
Wellarkthe wifi disable/enable switch on totally separated code path18:46
davmor2Wellark: oh well18:47
=== tedg is now known as ted
davmor2Wellark: man ofono autosim pulls in some odd stuff18:58
davmor2xvfb x11 libs18:58
Wellarkenjoy ;)18:58
bfillerxnox, sergiusens : we are good to upload 672 of gallery to store, the failures are all because of the one known bug19:00
sergiusensbfiller: ok ... I'll upload (xnox ack)19:00
davmor2Wellark: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-200029.png  note indicator is there settings → wifi still blank19:01
davmor2Wellark: on a plus side I can at least try and report the indicator crash now :)19:02
Wellarkdavmor2: try to modify the /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network19:02
Wellarkon the same go19:03
Wellarkso that I can fix the settings if it's just that19:03
Wellarkdavmor2: does the indicator contain the list of access points also?19:03
Wellarkdavmor2: so on that file19:04
Wellarkall the ObjectPath= lines19:04
Wellarkthat contain "tablet"19:04
Wellarkreplace with "phone"19:04
Wellarkthen reboot and see if the wifi settings magically populate19:04
davmor2Wellark: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-15-200456.png19:05
davmor2I'll reboot19:05
davmor2Wellark: so oddly both with tablet and phone in those settings it look like it briefly lists the network connections maybe 1 second and then reverts to empty19:09
davmor2Wellark: I'll do a fresh bootstrap tomorrow though and test it properly then19:11
Wellarkdavmor2: if the list goes empty then indicator-network probably has crashed19:14
Wellarkthough upstart should bring it up again straight away..19:14
WellarkI need to get myself a manta or flo somewhere19:14
Wellarkor somebody needs to get me a backtrace19:15
Wellarkthere should be a crashfile under /var/crash19:15
Wellarkalthough the one that is there right now is probably just the ofono missing crash19:15
davmor2Wellark: I just cleared it down I'll run a manual retrace on manta's but that is waiting till tomorrow to late tonight19:15
davmor2I'll see if flo has a new crash now though19:16
Wellarkdavmor2: if you have the stamina,could you nuke /var/crash and get a "clean" crashfile after ofono-phonesim-autostart has been installed19:16
davmor2Wellark: _usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_indicator-network_indicator-network-service.32011.crash19:16
Wellarkdavmor2: ok, thanks!19:16
Wellarkif ofono crashes19:16
Wellarkthen it will crash indicator-network now19:17
Wellarkas I'm intentionally letting dbus problems raise exceptions that are not catched19:17
Wellarkso ofono crash would explain why the indicator misbehaves19:17
Wellark(after I've fixed the crash when ofono is not available at all)19:18
Wellarkis it really so that ofono is not seeded to manta or flo?19:18
Wellarkdavmor2: did ofono-phonesim-autostart also pull in ofono package?19:18
davmor2Wellark: I have no idea19:18
Wellarkawe said that there is a known crasher on ofono19:19
Wellarkthat is waiting to be landed19:19
Wellarkthat might be affecting flo and manta19:19
Wellarkawe_: ^19:19
davmor2Wellark: I need to go sorry,  I'll try and get manta's crash uploaded tomorrow after the landing meeting so about 10am bst  and we can pick it up again then19:22
Wellarkdavmor2: np. I need to eod too19:22
Wellarkdavmor2: thanks!19:22
awe_Wellark, there's a very specific crash that can happen during autopilot testing on flo and manta as they have no rild running19:31
awe_Wellark, AFAIK, nobody has hit this crash in a production scenario...19:32
Wellarksure, this was not a production scenario19:32
Wellarkmore close to an AP encironment19:32
awe_sergiusens, I thought you were going to update the status to "tested"19:33
sergiusensawe_: yes19:33
awe_it's not19:34
Wellarkawe_: is ofono seeded on the tablet images?19:34
sergiusensawe_: no it is19:34
sergiusensWellark: yes19:34
awe_as far as I know it is19:34
sergiusensthe seed is common19:34
awe_thanks sergiusens19:34
Wellarkso tablet images have ofono installed?19:34
Wellarkis it running?19:34
Wellarkok. good.19:35
awe_at least for the autopilot tests19:35
sergiusensinstalled, but probably not started as the rild upstart event never happens; haven't looked really19:35
WellarkI meant on "production"19:35
awe_I don't have a tablet, so I can't verify whether it's started on a table in the non-AP case19:35
Wellarkoh, well. I will need to get myself a tablet as well19:35
Wellarkwhat an interesting situation19:35
awe_probably not, as it won't get a rild-started event from the rild upstart job ( see /etc/init/rild.conf )19:36
sergiusensawe_: Wellark $ adb shell status ofono19:36
sergiusensofono stop/waiting19:36
Wellarkus not having HW :P19:36
awe_I have more phones than I know what to do with...19:36
awe_tablets are not important in my world19:36
sergiusensawe_: I'll trade a mako for a manta ;-)19:36
awe_sorry, I only have one mako19:37
Wellarkoh, well.. until someone gives me a flo or mako I'm just going to mark all bugs coming from them as "Opinion" ;)19:37
awe_Wellark, you don't have a phone???19:39
Wellarksorry. was supposed to be manta19:40
awe_ah, ok19:40
Wellarkok. eod19:40
awe_Wellark, did the indicator icon fix land?19:41
dobeyawe_: there's a network-indicator in the panel again on 32 for me20:07
awe_dobey, sweet, 3g?20:13
dobeyawe_: i'm on wifi at the moment, and the wifi icon is there. cellular bars too.20:14
awe_ok, thanks...I'm re-flashing myself20:15
dobeyawe_: and turning off wifi shows the [L] for LTE yes20:15
awe_dobey, still broken for me on mako20:25
bfillerrobru: could you reconfigure silo 8 as I've added address-book there20:31
robrubfiller, can it wait until silo 1 finished publishing? will save you an extra rebuild that way20:33
bfillerrobru: that's fine, any eta when that publish might finish?20:34
robrubfiller, should be soon. it was blocked all day by an infrastructure issue, but cjwatson fixed it just moments ago so everything should be working normally as of right now20:34
bfillerrobru: cool20:34
bfillerrobru: if I'm not around and you happen to notice the publish finish just go ahead and reconfig and rebuild if you don't mind20:35
robrubfiller, sure thing20:35
bfillerwill be back later tonight to test20:35
sergiusensdoanac: the time has come, can you do a full ci run on silo 3?20:37
doanacsergiusens: sure thing.20:38
sergiusensdoanac: thanks20:38
doanacsergiusens: you have the new link to the spreadsheet handy?20:41
sergiusensdoanac: I use the meta sheet from robru20:41
sergiusensdoanac: http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/20:41
robrudoanac, and that page links to the spreadsheet in the top bar20:42
doanacrobru: i love this: http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/train.gif20:44
robrudoanac, lol! I was wondering how long until somebody noticed that! ;-)20:44
dobeyawe_: weird. my mako has the wifi icon too (i have all on my hammerhead)20:45
dobeyawe_: are you flashing devel, or devel-proposed?20:45
awe_dobey, the bug was that the wrong 3g icon was used, so that's why it's working for you20:48
awe_unfortunately, there's no silo for this fix yet20:49
robrubfiller, ok, silo 1 merged and silo 8 reconfigged and building: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-008-1-build/67/console20:49
bfillerrobru: awesome, thanks20:49
robrubfiller, you're welcome!20:50
doanacsergiusens: kicked off a job: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/andy-smoke-daily-test/14/console20:52
doanaci'll check back with the results later tonight20:52
robrualright, I'm going to run some errands, does anybody need anything before i go?21:02
dobeyawe_: oh! i thought you were talking about the indicator not showing up at all :)21:09
awe_I was...  if the icon can't be found, it doesn't show up at all!21:10
awe_all I see are signal bars21:10
awe_when the phone is actually on 3g21:10
dobeyawe_: i mean, the bug about the indicator not showing up at all21:11
dobeynot the 3g icon only :)21:11
awe_I wasn't aware there was another bug21:12
dobeyawe_: there was a big change to the network indicator that landed in i think image 29, so 29 and 30 didn't have an indicator at all. don't know about 31, but with 32 and a new unity8, it came back21:16
awe_in my opinion it's still broken for mako21:17
ToyKeeperHmm, I wonder if I'll be able to see that issue...  my 3G doesn't work most of the time.21:18
awe_well, if it does work you won't know it.  ;)-21:19
ToyKeeperNo idea why.  Another phone here uses the same provider and works fine.21:19
awe_ToyKeeper, have you filed a bug?21:19
awe_3g not working properly is the kinda thing that keeps me up at night21:20
ToyKeeperUntil recently, I didn't even know if it *could* work...  and then it just suddenly worked one day.21:20
ToyKeeperI had been meaning to flash android on it to test, but never seemed to find time.21:20
* ToyKeeper tries image 3221:21
dobeyawe_: know how to disable LTE so i'm forced down to 3G?21:25
awe_yea, I believe /usr/share/ofono/scripts/set-tech-preference umts will do the trick21:27
awe_and conversely, just use "lte" to switch back21:28
dobeyeither "lte" doesn't work for that, or once the icon's broken it stays broken21:29
dobeybut setting it to umts does result in the brokenness you describe21:29
dobeyok, got lte icon back after a reboot21:31
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
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thomiplars: doanac fginther: any idea where I can find a list of tests that are run on the dashboard, and their corrosponding bzr branches? That must be stored somewhere, right?23:15
doanacthomi: i don't know about their corresponding branches, but the tests we run come from: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/jenkins/testconfig.py#L5123:16
robrukgunn, building in silo 1: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-001-1-build/49/console23:17
thomidoanac: yeah, I relly need the bzr branches. Maybe in phablet-tools23:17
robruboiko, building in silo 14: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-014-1-build/44/console23:17
robrugreyback, building in silo 17: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-017-1-build/56/console23:17
doanacthomi: cupstream2distro-config? i don't think phablet-tools is going to have anything like that23:17
doanacwell - phablet-click-test-setup might.23:18
thomithat's what I was thinking23:18
* thomi reads the source23:18
doanacthomi: i've got to grab dinner. good luck23:19

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