
dholbachgood morning06:54
czajkowskipopey: ping17:55
bkerensaoh jcastro you are great18:09
bkerensajcastro: the meme18:10
jcastrodon't worry, I ratted you out to the EFF18:10
bkerensajcastro: so long as you didn't tell the FSF those guys have bats18:10
jcastroshrug, FSF doesn't dictate what runs on my computer18:11
jcastroczajkowski, how is budapest?18:14
czajkowskibut peopel turned up which is always nice :)18:14
czajkowskiAm here till Sunday so hoping I get some time to do some tourist stuff18:14
czajkowskiI've had 2 nights of bad sleep18:15
bkerensaczajkowski: do you get to do any events in NA for mongo ever?18:15
pleia2ooh, people are around, will the format for summit blueprints be like community-1406-ubuntu-women again?18:16
czajkowskiNA ?18:17
pleia2need to start making blueprints, times a-ticking :)18:17
pleia2bkerensa: north america is covered by a different community manager, they have events too :)18:17
czajkowskiah yes18:17
czajkowskithat's Amy :)18:17
czajkowskiI'm EMEA18:17
czajkowskiA is not for America  :)18:17
czajkowski<--- mingling18:18
bkerensapleia2: I know just wondering if czajkowski gets to go to the bigger events like OSCON18:20
bkerensausually Mongo has 10+ people running around there18:20
* popey wonders if iloveubuntu.net will ever start posting again19:11
mhall119popey: me too, I emailed him a few weeks ago to see if everything was okay, but I got no response22:03
mhall119czajkowski: but if there's ever a Mongo event in Florida....you'd come right?22:04
mhall119speaking of which, I send Bryan from FOSSETCON a link to your form, hopefully he's sent that in22:05
* mhall119 has his MongoDB shirt on today too :)22:06

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