
josepleia2: I can make sure to set up mtg-2 and announce it on the fridge, maybe?05:11
pleia2jose: already on setting it up, want to update the TB calendar entry?05:12
josesure thing05:13
pleia2we can etherpad a fridge announcement if you want05:13
joselet me open it up05:14
pleia2I think that's good, we can publish once we have meetingology in there05:25
josepoking Alan tomorrow as soon as I get back from university05:28
pleia2thanks :)05:30
silverlionhey there20:25
PaulW2Uhi silverlion20:31
silverlionhey PaulW2U i was wondering if the ubuntu news team could assist the lubuntu comms team by spreading the word of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Marketing/Lenny ?20:32
* PaulW2U looking20:34
PaulW2Udoes that appear on a current blog anywhere or as an announcement on a mailing list? that's what would generally be included in the newsletter20:37
silverlionnot yet20:42
silverlionbut we can make this happen20:42
silverlionwhat is more appreciated? blog or mailing list?20:42
PaulW2Uit doesn't matter as long as we can link to the story/announcement - blog or mailing list archive20:45
silverlionPaulW2U: we are working on a final announcement mail as we speak ;)20:46
PaulW2Uok, so post in here or send an email to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com stating where the announcement can be found20:48
silverlionPaulW2U: great. will do20:49

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