
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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pittipleia2: thanks; but it's really 17:00 London time as it changes with DST05:03
pleia2pitti: ah ok, fixing05:03
pittipleia2: ah, great! that's not on fridge yet, is that expected?05:04
pittiGood morning05:04
josepleia2: hey, I had some discussion with pitti about this earlier today05:06
jose(or yesterday, depending on your timezone)05:06
pittihey jose05:06
pleia2jose: oh, can you let me know next time? :\05:07
pleia2the calendar is a bit of a mess now, and the new TB timing conflicts with the Server meeting05:07
josepleia2: I didn't want to interrupt while you were on summit. Yeah, I knew that05:07
josepitti said they could have #ubuntu-techboard-meeting or maybe #ubuntu-meeting-2 for other conflicting meetings05:07
pleia2ah ok05:07
josenot sure how we want to handle this05:08
pleia2is meeting-2 a thing? :)05:08
pittiwell, maybe having a second general meeting channel is more useful and specific05:08
pitti#u-tb-mtg would only be used once every two weeks05:08
pleia2I'd rather a second general meeting channel05:08
pleia2helps with team visibility and all05:09
jose+1 if we announce it properly05:09
joseuh, I'm seeing double05:10
josenvm, my browser was messy05:11
josepitti: meeting is all set in the fridge now05:29
pittijose: awesome, many thanks for sorting out!05:30
josechannel will be ready soon05:30
elfythomi: congratulations - that is the 1st video on autopilot I've watched all the way though :)07:57
brendandthomi, good video - looking forward to more08:08
elfynow if only I could get my head around coding :p08:10
elfyballoons should note that he needs Alice in his videos from now on :p08:14
brendandthomi, might be a dumb question but will autopilot.platform.is_tablet() return true on a phone?08:19
thomibrendand: no09:14
thomiit'll return false.. pretty sure :)09:14
thomibrendand: use model() != "Desktop"09:15
thomibrendand: if you want all non-desktop devices09:15
brendandthomi, right09:15
thomioh hey brendand, I just figured out who you are :)09:27
thomireplying to your email now :)09:27
brendandthomi, i'm me :)09:27
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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