
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
robruis there a problem with the bot that syncs packages from ci train silos to the archive? I published some stuff hours ago but it's not in -proposed or even UNAPPROVED01:54
robruor rather "not in the upload queue"01:55
MirvI wonder the same as robru, no sight of qtcreator-plugin-go, nuntium webbrowser-app, unity-weappa-qml anywhere05:06
infinityMirv: I assume this bot has logs or something?  This isn't the place to ask about it.06:17
Mirvinfinity: from what we can see the copy to archives should have happened. I'm not sure if didrocks can check anything more, but cjwatson has sometimes digged logs from somewhere deeper on what has happened regarding the copy when it doesn't appear anywhere (like rejection because no binaries found or such)06:24
didrocksMirv: I'm looking at the logs of the copy machine which was asked to be on snakefruit06:25
didrocksso not you or robru have access to those logs (same for launchpad logs)06:25
infinityMirv: If the bot doing the copy had an email address anyone checked...06:25
didrocksinfinity: well, we can say the same when the copy to launchpad doesn't work06:26
didrocksinfinity: there is no central logs for them06:26
didrocksand I don't keep ranting about it, being quite rare06:26
infinityWe can go digging in LP logs, but that's not the right answer when a copy fails and WE TELL YOU ABOUT IT, but you don't read it.06:26
didrocksinfinity: exactly the same in that case06:26
infinitydidrocks: When copies fail, the uploader is sent an email.06:26
didrocksinfinity: not when they fail, I'm telling when they go to limbo06:26
infinitydidrocks: (ie: the bot)06:26
infinitydidrocks: There's no such place as "limbo".06:27
didrockswhich already happened more than once, but rarely, as told06:27
didrocksinfinity: ah, definitively there was06:27
infinitydidrocks: Either the API call failed (immediate response from the API), or the copy job failed (you get an email with an OOPS)06:27
didrocksMirv: the rsync progress didn't timeout06:27
didrocksinfinity: not with asynchronous copy06:27
infinitydidrocks: Yes, really.06:27
infinitydidrocks: I do this all the time.06:27
infinitydidrocks: And get emails occasionally.06:27
didrocksnever saw the OOPSS with the bot's emails06:27
didrocksin that case which happened twice in 2 years and half, so acceptable06:28
didrocksMirv: ok, next run should copy it now06:28
didrocksMirv: not sure why --timeout didn't work in that case for rsync to exit06:28
cjwatsondidrocks: There's definitely a problem if the bot has a working e-mail address but you aren't getting mails about async copy job failures.  As infinity says, normally the person who requested a copy gets a mail if the async copy fails.08:17
cjwatsondidrocks: Do I infer correctly from what you said above that the bot has a real mailbox somewhere and occasionally somebody checks it?08:18
didrockscjwatson: the CI team did. But I remember twice when apart from the launchpad logs, there was no trace of the copy being rejected (and it wasn't) you had to look at launchpad logs08:19
cjwatsondidrocks: And that's what I'm saying, *all* such cases should also have been mailed to the copier08:19
didrockscjwatson: but in that case, as told, it's the rsync progress being stuck which caused the issue on snakefruit (even with the --timeout, which is weird)08:19
cjwatsondidrocks: I remember those cases as well, and I just assumed that there wasn't a real mailbox behind the bot08:19
cjwatsondidrocks: Ah, I didn't gather that, OK08:19
cjwatsondidrocks: I only had to look at Launchpad logs in those cases because nobody seemed to know how to find the bot's incoming mail08:20
didrockscjwatson: I remember about the first time, we were at a sprint and we had nothing in the email logs (sitting next to each other at a meeting)08:20
cjwatsonHm, that's obviously escaped my memory08:21
didrocksbut as told, those cases were rare (2 times in 2 years and half), so more than acceptable IMHO08:21
didrocksbut yeah, the bot has a valid email address. Unfortunately, only the CI team has access to it AFAIK08:21
cjwatsonStill, I'd like to chase down the cause if possible ...08:21
cjwatsondidrocks: Would it be possible for the train to declare that it's sponsoring the real human requester in its copy requests?08:22
cjwatsonif you see what I mean08:22
infinityThat would be nice.  I'd love to have better blame mechanics than "a bot did it".08:22
didrockscjwatson: yeah, would be completely possible, (I guess the person pushing the publish button)08:22
didrocksthat was discussed some months ago with stgraber, but he told that some changes on LP side was needed08:23
cjwatsonHe's right, but they're trivial08:23
didrocks(at the core sprint in january/february)08:23
infinityHrm.  Why am I still voiced?08:23
cjwatsondidrocks: So, if the bot used sponsored=, then it's at least possible for LP to know whom to mail08:23
apwyou have been since release08:23
didrockscjwatson: however, not sure how much the CI team would be willing to work on it apart if this becomes a top priority, they are supposed to move to the airline in a matter of weeks now08:24
didrocks(and as you probably know, I can work on it on the train, still, even if I'm moving to other duties)08:24
infinityapw: Yeah, I'm obviously just oblivious to little plus signs.08:24
cjwatsondidrocks: Well, the airline ought to do the same thing, I assume it's not desperately hard to fix in either place?08:24
cjwatson(possibly incorrectly ...)08:24
apwthey have been annyoing me for ages :) as they are yellow for me08:24
cjwatsonAnd the Launchpad fix is the same in either place08:25
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I guess the longest is just to get the right info from the jenkins env from the job runner08:25
didrocksso if you think the launchpad changes can be done easily, I can work with sil2100 on the train side08:26
cjwatsonIt's just this method: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/view/head:/lib/lp/soyuz/model/packagecopyjob.py#L24708:26
cjwatsonI'll prepare a fix this morning08:26
didrockscjwatson: sponsored would be a launchpad login?08:27
cjwatsonYou pass a Person object08:27
didrocksah ok08:27
sil2100uh oh?08:28
bzoltan1seb128: ping08:28
seb128bzoltan1, hey08:28
didrockscjwatson: of course, it doesn't seem that jenkins is sending the user running the job info in its env… :/08:29
bzoltan1seb128: yo man ... I would like to ask your help and time :)08:29
didrockscjwatson: will try to dig a little bit in that whenever I have some time for that08:29
bzoltan1seb128: In the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= the qtcreator-plugin-go package needs an eye08:29
cjwatsondidrocks: Ah, always a hitch08:30
bzoltan1seb128:  this is the QtCreator plugin to support Go and Go-QML app development.08:30
infinityAhh, such patience people have these days.08:30
cjwatsondidrocks: I'm filing an LP bug for this, so shall I add an ubuntu-ci-services-itself task?08:30
cjwatsonOr is it cupstream2distro?08:30
didrockscjwatson: yeah, and cupstream2distro as well08:30
didrocksone for the airline, one for the train08:30
cjwatsonBoth?  OK.08:30
didrocksthanks :)08:30
seb128bzoltan1, let me have a look08:31
bzoltan1seb128: thanks08:31
cjwatsondidrocks: The other bonus is that the sponsored person will be tracked and show up in the LP UI, so it'll be easy to see who published something08:32
cjwatson(well, in theory, I think that works ...)08:32
infinityNot sure how true that is for copies.08:33
infinityFor example, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd-ui/3-2 was copied by ~adconrad, sponsored for ~logan, but neither of us shows up on the page.08:34
cjwatsonubuntu -> ubuntu/trusty08:34
cjwatsonand I think it shows up then08:34
cjwatsonerr, utopic08:34
infinityAhh, so it does.08:35
infinityI hate that page.08:35
cjwatsonprobably in the publishing history too08:35
didrockscjwatson: yeah, so, there is a plugin (of course)… However, of course, it will say "Didier Roche" for instance in this env var. So, people.find(text=) can find it, not sure about duplication then…08:35
cjwatsonso unnecessarily hard to find, but it's there08:35
seb128those ubuntu ubuntu/<series> difference are confusing08:35
infinityOr, rather, I hate that there are two pages with differing but similar info, and one has a crap layout. :P08:35
seb128it's annoying that the serie-specific one doesn't have the diffs (especially that it's the one in the -changes emails)08:36
didrocksI guess an additional field in case there are multiple matches (and so, we fail by default)…08:36
cjwatsonmm, I guess this requires Jenkins hacking to pass through the Launchpad user name then08:37
cjwatsonSearching on a person's full name isn't sensible :)08:37
cjwatsondidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/131970408:38
didrockscjwatson: thanks, will see if sil2100 wants to be tutored on that one08:38
didrockscjwatson: yeah, jenkins hacking… we can add a mandatory field as a first step, but needs people to be aware of it08:38
infinityWell, all the Jenkins instances have been switch to SSO, right?  So it should, in theory, not be crazy hard to determine the LP ID of the requestor and pass it through.08:39
infinity(In theory... I realise this is Jenkins, and nothing about that screams "easy")08:39
cjwatsondidrocks: Yeah, certainly shouldn't need an extra user-visible field since it (in theory) has that information08:39
didrocksinfinity: right, the question is how much time we should investigate into this knowing that: 1. I'm transitioning to other duties 2. the CI team is supposed to deliver something equivalent to CI Train in less than a month08:40
didrocksso not sure if the jenkins part needs to be heavily invested in08:41
infinityYeah, that's fair.08:42
cjwatsonIf the result ends up being that we transition to the airline before this is fixed and wontfix it in the train, I don't mind08:43
cjwatsonPresumably it's a trade-off against potential time spent investigating confusion before then08:43
cjwatsondidrocks: I think your estimate of number of times this has come up is a bit low, FWIW - there have been a few times when you weren't around08:44
didrockscjwatson: it would have been good to have it raised a little bit more at the CI (even daily-release) UDS sessions so that I prioritized it or on the ML08:45
didrocksanyway, I'll see what I can do08:46
cjwatsonWell, can't prioritise *everything* :)08:46
didrocksthe real issue is only this jenkins -> cu2d part08:46
sil2100cjwatson, infinity: hi guys! Can I just quickly ask you for something? We have released a new unity8 yesterday and the faux package needs bumping for it to move out of -proposed :)08:56
cjwatsonsil2100: Laney said in #ubuntu-ci-eng that he'd already done so08:57
sil2100Ah :) Thanks Laney! /me was in a hangout08:57
didrockscjwatson: ok, I've done the support for it in cu2d. (was able to find in some way through jenkins what should be the launchpad username). However, will need testing and sil2100 to convince webops to install that plugin09:11
sil2100didrocks: the RT is filled, now I poke webops09:11
didrocksin addition, there will be an additional field, like if I sponsor for sil2100 for instance09:12
didrocksso that people can collect names, will make MOTU approval and tracking easier09:12
cjwatsondidrocks: OK, but you can only pass one sponsored person to Launchpad09:12
didrocksthat sounds good to me, one packager is supposed to look at the silo09:13
cjwatsonSo I assume you're resolving to the most relevant person09:13
cjwatsonI've filed an MP for the Launchpad part, anyhow09:13
didrockssil2100: changes in trunk09:20
didrocksdon't deploy before the plugin is there09:20
sil2100didrocks: \o/ thanks! No answer from webops, they seem to be busy with something else right now09:20
didrocks(it will need the jenkins template to be deployed as well for the record)09:20
didrockssil2100: well, actually, we can deploy, but the field will then be mandatory09:20
cjwatsonsil2100: There's no EMEA webops vanguard coverage this week09:21
mlankhorstcan any archive admin remove xorg-lts-transitional from utopic?11:31
infinitymlankhorst: Sure.11:37
Saviqhey all, is there anything we could do in unity8 to lift the need for manual approval of each unity8 migration?11:41
cjwatsonSaviq: I've been thinking about it, but it's tricky11:46
cjwatson(other than "port unity8 to all architectures", which is mostly blocked on platform-api ...)11:47
cjwatsonSaviq: I do still consider this my problem to fix though, since our current solution is crap11:48
cjwatsonI might be able to come up with something that at least doesn't put the crap quite so much on the surface11:48
Saviqcjwatson, I thought it was possible to have a package only on a certain set of architectures, would that not be good enough for now?11:51
cjwatsonunity8 *is* only on a certain set of architectures, but the problem is that indicator-network depends on it and indicator-network has a festering mess of reverse-dependencies which are hard to disentangle11:52
cjwatsonThe alternative to this is a hideous pile of architecture limitations everywhere11:53
Saviqheh :|11:53
cjwatsonSo we pretend that unity8 is actually available on all architectures to make the problem go away at least somewhat gracefully11:53
cjwatsonAnd this is the result11:53
Saviqcjwatson, ok, please let me know if we can do anything to help11:53
xnoxmake src:unity8 build an empty unity8 package on unsupported arches?!11:57
cjwatsonxnox: I think I prefer fixing proposed-migration.12:01
cjwatsonIt actually shouldn't be *too* hard, as it has the existing Packages files as input12:02
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cjwatsonSaviq: OK, I believe it's fixed now - shouldn't require manual bumps on unity8 uploads any more12:18
cjwatsonJust took me a while to figure out which angle to approach it from, but easy enough in the end12:18
Saviqcjwatson, awesome, thanks!12:21
infinitycjwatson: Do we not want to use that substitution for all the entries in FauxPackages?12:22
cjwatsonProbably, it was just less urgent for the others12:23
cjwatsonBe my guest if you're feeling keen :)12:23
infinityOh, I guess some don't appear to really have the issue.12:23
infinityLike wine seems to not care about the version.12:23
infinityOr maybe it only doesn't care about the 1.4 version. :P12:24
* infinity shrugs.12:24
infinityI'll care if it causes an issue later.12:24
infinityI'm sort of a zombie right now.12:24
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bzoltan1seb128: do you have any news about the qtcreator-plugin-go?12:53
seb128bzoltan1, no, still on my list12:54
bzoltan1seb128: OK12:55
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robruhey guys, another poke about that snakefruit rsync thing. seems to be off again, can somebody take a look at it?18:20
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bdmurrayslangasek: Could you merge this? https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu-archive-tools/set-phased-update-percentage/+merge/21944419:37
cjwatsonrobru: it *seems* current; incoming/ has one file (packagelist_rsync_landing-014-utopic) timestamped less than a minute ago20:06
cjwatsonI can only guess here though20:06
infinitycjwatson: I assumed impatience, based on "New source: golang-udm" appearing right after he asked. :)20:06
infinityOh, except that's not a sync.20:07
cjwatsonhe asked about it on #ubuntu-ci-eng 15 minutes later too, so I'm guessing not that one20:08
cjwatsonI don't know how often this is supposed to run, which syncs are expected to arrive and are missing, nor where the logs are, though, so flying pretty blind :)20:08
cjwatsondidrocks just said this morning that rsync was getting stuck rather than honouring its --timeout, so I'm guessing that he fixed it by killing a stale rsync process20:11
cjwatsonbut there are no such on snakefruit right now - so hopefully it timed out by itself and is resolved now20:11
robrucjwatson, nah -- http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ I've got 9 packages in "no known space and time", published as early as 2 hours ago. typically I see these things get into -proposed within minutes of publishing, it's very strange and bad for it to be this stuck. something is definitely wrong20:14
cjwatsonrobru: I think it needs somebody who knows more about how our end of it is supposed to work than I do, I'm afraid20:17
robrucjwatson, do you have any idea who? this issue is extremely opaque to me20:18
cjwatsonrobru: didrocks20:19
cjwatson(I'm afraid)20:19
cjwatsonrobru: FWIW there's no mention of address-book-app in the relevant LP logs, so it's not that the copy failed, at least not in that case20:19
cjwatson(or rather no relevant mention - there are some MPs that show up in the same logs)20:20
robrucjwatson, yeah, that's what I'm trying to get at. it's not that the copy failed... it's that whatever component is responsible for the copying isn't doing them20:20
cjwatson./incoming/packagelist_rsync_landing-001-utopic:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-001        Release utopic  Proposed        utopic  address-book-app        0.2+14.10.20140514-0ubuntu1     0.2+14.10.20140512-0ubuntu1     mathieu-tl20:20
robrucjwatson, that's one of the ones I'm expecting to see uploaded...20:21
cjwatsonoh, it's a regression from didrocks' patch earlier today20:21
cjwatson2014-05-15 20:21:23,967 INFO Found packagelist_rsync_landing-017-utopic20:21
cjwatsonTraceback (most recent call last):20:21
cjwatson  File "/home/ubuntu-archive/cu2d/cupstream2distro//copy2distro", line 51, in <module>20:21
cjwatson    sponsored = launchpadmanager.get_person(sponsored_name)20:21
cjwatsonAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_person'20:21
slangasekbdmurray: merged20:21
cjwatson looks like it's fixed in cupstream2distro trunk, so I've pulled20:22
robrucjwatson, ugh, any way to just revert that until didrocks gets back to fix it? literally all citrain publishing are blocked on this20:22
cjwatsonlike I say, I pulled what should've been the fix20:23
cjwatsongive it a few minutes for the next run20:23
robrucjwatson, ok thanks20:23
cjwatson(my son demands attention)20:23
cjwatsonrobru: looks good now20:26
robrucjwatson, thanks20:26
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bdmurrayarges: Does Tuesday work for you for SRU duty?23:03
bdmurrayarges: if so maybe you could update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Publishing23:03

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