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nestle19i installed ubuntu server 13.10 on this dedicated server with raid1 (2x 2TB) and when it first installed, it was doing a raid resync or something in /proc/mdstat (software raid).. i let it finish to 100%.. once it was no longer doing any sync i began using the server. Now randomly a week ago it started resyncing again.. I've been told this can be normal? so my question is.. it says [=========>...........] check = 47.3% (920534400/1945569088) finish=04:04
andolnestle19: /etc/cron.d/mdadm04:08
andolAssuming that applies04:09
nestle19there is a file there yes04:14
nestle19so shoul di disable that ?04:15
nestle19i mean i dont mind checking but, this is 800gb worth of data on there..04:15
nestle19so what if i wanted to reboot.. i feel like i cant04:15
nestle19i mean its a server so its not meant to be rebooted necessarily but i just feel like its taking a long long time just to do this so i dont konw if itsnormal or what04:16
hxmwhere is htpasswd command?06:27
hxmi installed apache2-dbg06:27
sarnoldhxm: apache2-utils06:27
hxmah, ah, thanks06:27
hxmapt-file confused me06:27
morph__anyoen know how I can safely back up my server06:37
morph__i dont havea nother server to put it to06:38
morph__so if gure id have to put it in a tar or omething06:38
sarnoldmorph__: take a look at tarsnap, amazon glacier, amazon s3, rsnapshot, rsync, duplicity, syncthing... there's a lot of options, perhaps too many, but hopefully among those you can find something that works for you06:39
morph__yea ive never done this06:40
andolmorph__: What sarthor said :) +1 for tarsnap or for duplicity against either S3 or rsync.net.06:50
andolmorph__: Oh, and since you are new to this, also remember to early try verify that you actually can restore the files you think you have backuped up.06:50
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lordievaderGood morning.07:10
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TazmainHi all I am new to the whole firewall setup on ubuntu. Is the only way to setup a firewall through iptables ?08:39
cfhowlett!ufw | Tazmain08:43
ubottuTazmain: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo08:43
Tazmaincfhowlett, thank you08:44
love23iam using ubuntu serever and i installed squid3 ans squidGouard  and have already fully configured but squirdguard doesnt  block unwanted site from blacklist dtaabse is  any one who can help me thnks?08:56
love23I installed squid and squidguard.   I enabled them and they are running.   I enabled the blacklist for squidguard and pasted in http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz and downlaoded the blacklist.   Looked like it downloaded and updated the db properly.   I clicked apply and save for squidguard.     However when I try to go to some bad sites (for example using URLs from within that downlaoded file) they still work 08:58
lkthomashey guys09:30
lkthomasI am trying to use module-assistant09:30
lkthomasbut it keep saying kernel headers could not be found09:30
lkthomasI did m-a prepare and all are fine09:30
ciastekubuntu 14.04, proftpd's logrotate script is broken. it makes proftpd to shutdown instead of restart.09:46
ciastekservice proftpd restart -> works fine; invoke-rc.d proftpd restart - server doesn't work anymore.10:04
TazmainIf I start a vncserver on my server and I have xubuntu-desktop installed and I just get a grey screen when I connect what does that indicate ?10:07
InFiernoTazmain, Something isnt working?10:08
InFiernoTazmain, It indicates there may be a configuration problem?10:08
TazmainInFierno, I mean is my xstart the session incorrect or is the vncserver not working or the desktop session not functioning10:13
InFiernoI know mate; as to that I dont actually know - I tend to command line in - Did you turn off encryption to start with?10:14
Tazmainturn of what encryption ? I am not tunneling it through ssh10:16
ciastekproftpd's bug already confirmed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd-dfsg/+bug/124624510:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1246245 in proftpd-dfsg "proftpd service failed to restart" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:36
samiuxI am running ubuntu 14.04 server, the apparmor's aa-genprof will crash when select scan.  meanwhile, the aa-logprof takes several hours not complete.  any idea?10:55
Jonny86guys, does anyone know what to do to fix limited plantar flexion motion of left ankle ?11:31
cfhowlett Jonny86 wrong channel.11:32
Jonny86are you sure?11:32
Jonny86i thought i was in the right place11:33
cfhowlettJonny86 so NOT funny.  read the topic.  play somewhere else.11:33
cfhowlettJonny86 if you truly thought this was the place for medical help, you have issues.11:33
Jonny86i was sure someone would come up with a fix11:34
cfhowlettJonny86 go away now.11:34
Jonny86cfhowlett do you think i might get better support in the android-dev channel ?11:39
Jonny86i'm afraid they might kick me before i ask11:39
cfhowlettJonny86 they won't.  just explain that in addition to your ankle problem, you suffer from terminal cranial-rectal inversion.  They'll understand.11:40
Jonny86lmfaootf thanks for the laugh cfhowlett11:41
Jonny86you just made my day11:41
Jonny86i'm no freakin bored at work11:41
Jonny86hell is real11:42
dw1ciastek: add this "sleep 2" line to /etc/init.d/proftpd -- fixed it for me: https://pastee.org/dd7cx11:44
Jonny86dw1 what about my issue?11:44
dw1ciastek: found the fix here https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=675081#1011:47
uvirtbotDebian bug 675081 in proftpd-basic "proftpd-basic: logrotate kills proftpd instead of restarting it" [Important,Fixed]11:47
Jonny86are you guys discussing string theory11:48
Jonny86Debian bug 675081 = is that what you call the 6th dimension11:49
uvirtbotDebian bug 675081 in proftpd-basic "proftpd-basic: logrotate kills proftpd instead of restarting it" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/67508111:49
dw1ciastek: ahh thers a better solution at the bug link you provided. nice :)11:50
Jonny86i opologize11:51
love21I installed squid and squidguard.   I enabled them and they are running.   I enabled the blacklist for squidguard and pasted in http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz and downlaoded the blacklist.   Looked like it downloaded and updated the db properly.   I clicked apply and save for squidguard.     However when I try to go to some bad sites (for example using URLs from within that downlaoded file) they still work 11:57
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dw1hmm, dont know. try in #squid too12:09
love21I installed squid and squidguard.   I enabled them and they are running.   I enabled the blacklist for squidguard and pasted in http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz and downlaoded the blacklist.   Looked like it downloaded and updated the db properly.   I clicked apply and save for squidguard.     However when I try to go to some bad sites (for example using URLs from within that downlaoded file) they still work 12:13
Tazmainwill export VAR=myvar set a global environment variable or just local variable to the user?12:22
pmatulislove21: maybe check in #squid12:24
pmatulisTazmain: try it and tell us12:25
Tazmainpmatulis, well seems to be global until reboot12:30
Tazmainwho else do you set a global environment var, in /etc/environment ?12:31
Tazmainhow *12:31
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jdstrandsamiux: can you file bugs with steps to reproduce? we plan on fixing these sorts of bugs in the coming weekesz12:58
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med__smoser, is 255 a real firm limitation in metadata (being discussed in the Nova room 303 a few moments ago) proposal about to extend it13:16
samiuxjdstrand, I cannot find a open a bug report at launchpad.net13:27
jdstrandsamiux: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+filebug13:28
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smosermed__, metadata on nova ?14:11
smoseri have no idea. not listening :).14:11
med__smoser, no worries. It was the previous session14:12
KawaiolaAnyone know how to make changes to the php configuration files by chance?14:24
ArmadillosKawaiola: They usually reside in /etc/php4 directory.  There's a config for the CLI, and one for the web.14:26
ArmadillosKawaiola: Or /etc/php5/14:27
KawaiolaArmadillos, Okay sweet thank you would you happen to know where I would get the download for the latest version of vtiger 6 I can't seem to find the download location anywhere14:30
ArmadillosKawaiola: That I do not know :(14:35
KawaiolaArmadillos, no worries haha just having a hard time setting this up unfortunetly and the vtiger channel has like 4 people who aren't even there14:37
shwaiilQ: a sudoer in ubuntu is wheel, right ? why isn't that created by default ? Thanks!14:38
shwaiilI just runned: groups, I only get root14:38
jpdsshwaiil: It's 'sudo', not wheel.14:39
shwaiiljpds: Thanks for looking!14:40
Picior 'admin' in older releases.14:40
shwaiilOk, to see the groups less /etc/group ?14:43
InFiernoGuys, If I make a subdomain that is served through nginx via and apache reverse proxy - I only need a CNAME record right?14:44
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KawaiolaWhere do files go by defult when you download them ?15:26
rbasakKawaiola: download them how?15:31
Kawaiolarbasak, I used wget15:31
rbasakKawaiola: wget will put files in the current directory, unless you're using some particular options that change that.15:31
Kawaiolarbasak, but I can't unpack the files because I'm not real sure where they are haha15:32
KawaiolaOh so if I was in my main directory that is hwere they would be.15:32
Kawaiolarbasak, How would I find a file, for example I need to find  vtigercrm6.0.0.tar.gz on my server so I can upack it15:45
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samiuxanyone know how to download the lastest apparmor-utils for ubuntu 14.0416:54
pmatulissamiux: install the package with apt-get?16:56
jdstrandI think he wants trunk based on bug feedback16:56
KawaiolaHey does anyone know how to change the settings for php16:57
SCHAAP137change what settings16:57
jdstrandsamiux: we have daily builds of apparmor trunk, but you don't want those since Ubuntu has several Ubuntu-specific patches that you would want. I can say that the work is planned to gather up all those bugs and push them as SRUs to 14.04 this month16:58
samiuxjdstrand, thanks16:59
KawaiolaI need to turn display_errors off change the max_time_exicution16:59
jdstrandsamiux: if this puts you in a bind, I suggest profiling by hand. see: http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Profiling_by_hand16:59
KawaiolaI assume they are config settings16:59
samiuxjdstrand, k17:04
esdeKawaiola: /etc/php/cli/php.ini might be what you're lokoing for17:09
Kawaiolaesde, okay I will take a look and let you know thank you17:09
Kawaiolaesde, there is nothing in that file when I open it perhaps I'm doing something wrong17:10
esdephp -i | find /i "Configuration File"17:12
esderun that17:12
esdephp -i | find "Configuration File"17:13
Kawaiolaesde, It came up saying no such file or directory17:13
esdesame here17:14
esdegot it from stackoverflow, let me frind the proper command for you17:14
Kawaiolaesde, thank you I've been trying to figure out how to do this forever17:14
esdephp --ini17:14
esdethere ya go17:14
Kawaiolaesde,  ahh okay I see now how do I open and modify those files?17:15
esdeyou'll probably only be changing the php.ini file, but there might be some settings in the additional inis listed17:15
Kawaiolaokay sweet would I open those files with nano ?17:16
esdedisplay_errors and max_execution_time should both be in php.ini iirc17:17
Kawaiolaesde, When I change and save settings is there something special I have to do?17:35
esdethey *should* take effect immediately unless you're using like php5-fpm, in which case you'd need to restart the service like sudo service php5-fpm restart17:35
esdeyou could also check phpinfo()17:36
KawaiolaI have php517:37
samiuxI submitted a bug for apparmor at ubuntu 14.04 server.  the developer requests me to submit backtrace.  How can I do that on a server?17:42
jjohansensamiux: apport-collect bug#17:43
sarnoldjjohansen: I don't thikn that'll do it17:43
jdstrandI think it will. there is a cli backend17:43
jjohansensarnold: it should, or it used to17:44
sarnoldjdstrand: but are python stack dumps saved anywhere useful? I thought they just went to the terminal and that was that.17:44
jdstrandbut I forget if you need to invoke it specially17:44
jdstrandpython tracebacks should end up in /var/crash too17:44
jjohansensamiux: you can also always just manually attach the part of the log with the backtrace17:44
jjohansenif the back trace isn't showing up in the logs the, just copy it, and paste it into the bug17:45
sarnoldjdstrand: really? neat. all I've got in there now are some systemd crashesh, I'd have expected a python stack dump somewhere, as that's the usual python error handling :)17:45
sarnoldsamiux: if apport-collect 1319829  doesn't do it, try: sudo -s <enter> then aa-genprof suricata 2>&1 > /tmp/aa-genprof.out17:46
samiuxsarnold, thanks17:47
jdstrandI think it depends on if it is an official binary as opposed to some random script. pitti could explain more. I do know that I've seen tracebacks in there17:47
sarnoldhrm, maybe that functionality was dropped somehwere? I just tried again with the 'maas' command line program, nothing new in /var/crash17:50
hans67521Hi i've install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as a KVM guest, sudo apt-get update produces 403 forbidden, i've tried changing the sources.list to a different mirror but still getting the same output18:00
hans67521any ideas?18:00
sarnoldhans67521: can you pastebin your sources.list?18:03
dasjoehans67521: pastebin your sources.list, for example on http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:03
sarnold(the pastebinit program can make that very easy :)18:04
hans67521i dont see the sources.list been the issue here, just installed the machine18:06
dasjoeAre you behind a proxy/firewall of some sorts?18:07
hans67521Yes, the VM runs behind a shorewall box18:07
hans67521i can ping out onto the internet, ssh to remote hosts18:08
dasjoeAlso, I assume you are not in the US but in ZA. Replace us.archive[...] with za.archive[...] for (probably) better downloads.18:08
hans67521lol i know what is issue is...18:09
hans67521squid acl...18:09
hans67521lol works now....18:10
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samiuxmy ubuntu 14.04 server displays "audit: printk limit exceeded", why?18:22
sarnoldsamiux: the short answer is that it looks like e.g. apparmor is generating too many messages too quickly18:24
samiuxsarnold, I see18:25
jjohansensamiux: the message rate limit is rather low, you can up it or turn it off18:25
sarnoldsamiux: the longer answer is that the audit system looks to offload messages from the kernel to the auditd daemon, but to avoid allowing someone to perform a denial of service attack against the machine by logging too many errors at once, it only has a backlog that's so long..18:25
raubHas anyone seen sudo-ldap crash on 14.04?18:25
jjohansensamiux: to turn it off, as root do: echo 0 >  /proc/sys/kernel/printk_ratelimit18:26
samiuxjjohansen, thanks18:27
rberg_Hi folks I have been seeing a lot of this "INFO: rcu_bh detected stall on CPU 1 (t=0 jiffies)" on 12.04 lately I was reading that 0 jiffies means its not a real hang.. does anyone know how to go about debugging this?18:33
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JulinuxHi everyone22:06
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pmatulishello there23:20

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