
MooDoohello all06:21
mapphey MooDoo06:39
mappfell asleep at genting:((06:40
mappwent for a smoke06:44
mappthen came back and yea fell asleep06:44
mapppaying 8.60 a pac06:45
MyrttiI've slept really poorly for the past few weeks so pardon my rant06:52
mappwe allmdo06:52
Myrttibut why can't I easily find a multivitamin that doesn't have vitamin K in it? Don't people understand that your body in general makes it itself? GGGGGRRRRRRR06:52
MooDooIt's my kids keeping me awake :S06:53
MooDoomapp: 8 quid a pack of smokes?  wow is that how much it is nowadats?06:54
mappand theres maps06:54
mapp8.50 for 20 malboros06:55
mappi remember when it was like4quid a pack07:00
MartijnVdSalso, trying to get people to quit for financial reasons07:05
mappi paid like 8euros in holland07:05
MooDooglad I don't smoke, and I only drink when people buy me beer for fixing their computer :)07:06
mappMartijnVdS once a smoker always a smoker07:06
mappMooDoo half wish i didnt smoke07:07
MartijnVdSmapp: not my dad07:07
MooDoomapp: give up?07:07
MooDooeasier said that done i know07:07
MartijnVdSMy dad decided one day that he'd quit smoking.. hasn't smoked since07:07
mappmy dad quit smoking 30years back07:09
mappjust wish we couldve stopped my mum07:10
mappbut thats life07:12
MyrttiDixons and Carphone Warehouse announce £3.8bn merger07:37
SuperMattI'm not surprised07:37
SuperMattthough I am still surprised that dixons continues to call itself curry's digital07:37
SuperMattthe dixons name holds more weight, imo07:37
SuperMattalso, carphone warehouse needs to change its name07:39
SuperMattdixons mobile, maybe?07:39
MooDooweek or so ago that was... dixons carphone it's going to be called07:41
TwistedLucidityAnyone know how to disable the keyboard indicator gubbins? (Keeps starting on login and keeps getting the wrong keyboard)07:42
SuperMattMooDoo: really? that sucks07:42
MooDooSuperMatt: yes07:44
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Chocolate Chip Day! :-D07:55
mappsouf london07:55
mappis where its at eh07:55
* SuperMatt highfives mapp 07:59
SuperMattalthough I'm coming at your right now from west london08:00
SuperMattstupid commute08:00
* mapp highfives SuperMatt08:04
mappwest london08:04
SuperMattwell, it's where my super awesome job is08:04
mappsouth london for life08:04
SuperMattweeeeellll... when you're working for rackspace, you just deal with west london08:05
mappyou kow e&c?08:05
SuperMattKnow it? I practically live a 5 minute bus ride from it!08:05
mappthats where its all about08:05
mappyea right08:05
SuperMattI'm down by Burgess Park08:05
mappelephant and castle i mean btw08:06
mappguess no08:07
mappi live near that mess that is tbe strata08:09
SuperMattoh, fun08:10
mappnot really but thats life08:11
mappyou near there SuperMatt?08:11
SuperMattmapp: like I said, down by burgess park, look it up :)08:14
mappi shall08:20
mappso youre near me08:21
mappe&c is the best08:22
mappim just off gaunt street08:28
mapplike 2mins from there08:29
SuperMattah, cool08:30
SuperMattnear mistry of sound, I see08:31
SuperMattThat is some place I would rather never go ;)08:31
mappmos is a joke08:31
mappive only been 3x08:32
MooDoowant one - http://aerofex.com/08:32
SuperMattI've never been08:32
mappbut its pretencious08:32
mappu know fabric?08:32
mapplove it there08:33
mappused to love turnmills08:33
mappaka gurnmills08:33
SuperMattnope, I'm not in to clubs08:35
SuperMattnever was, but I'm too old for that now anyway08:35
mappoh no...08:36
mappim too old too;p08:37
mappfabric is ace08:37
mappin faringdon08:37
mappmorning bashrc08:46
davmor2MooDoo: you want the moon on a stick08:48
davmor2MooDoo: you do want an oragnce box though don't you :)08:49
MooDoodavmor2: I so want an orange box09:08
MooDooalthough  have been looking into openstack swift :)09:08
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:09
MooDoodavmor2: can you get me one?09:09
MooDoodavmor2: ;)09:09
shaunoI kinda want to see someone playing tf2 on the orange box.  just because.09:12
SuperMattit shold at least come with the steam dedicated server binaries installed ;)09:27
SuperMattman, my typing sucks right now09:27
awilkinsI'd love an Orange Box09:36
awilkinsHave a raffle!09:36
WobboWhere can i find where java, "Andoid ADT" settings saved? Everytime i reinstall java and/or Android ADT some setting are still there. I removed everything whith "android" incl. ".android" ".java" all eclips... etc. I reboot but stull all settings are stil there. Oh i removed all java using purge. Help09:44
MartijnVdSWobbo: ~/.config ?09:46
Wobbodelete it?09:47
MartijnVdSWobbo: no, look in there09:47
MartijnVdSWobbo: it should contain all configuration for your user account09:47
dwatkinsmorning folks09:50
brobostigonmoeninf dwatkins09:51
WobboI can not find anything there, nothing like "java", "android" or "ADT". Only "openoffice".09:54
MartijnVdSWobbo: all Android stuff is in ~/.android for me -- maybe check /root/.android if you started adb as root?09:55
MartijnVdSah.. ADT is the Eclipse plugin. Check in Eclipse plugin directories.09:55
awilkinsMyrtti, That Sailfish phone is cool, but pricey compared to a 16GB Nexus series phone10:22
hooverHi all10:28
Myrttiawilkins: yup10:46
awilkinsThat Chinese superduperphone also seems an attractive buy even at the 64GB mark10:47
Laneysomeone invent a bee / fly flicking device11:05
Laneyso that I can push them out of the window without having to get up11:05
shaunothese are great fun :) http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003GU23EW11:06
brobostigonwhy not invent a miniture UAV for the purpose, in house/room usage, :)11:07
brobostigonwith a huge james bond laser on it, to buzz the bugs.11:07
shaunothen you'd have to out-fly a fly, rather than just applying disproportionate force11:08
brobostigonno, it flies itself, detects the flies and kills them, without user intervention.11:08
LaneyI don't want killing :(11:08
awilkinsNo need for lasers11:11
awilkinsJust have a turbine intake that sucks them into a jar11:11
awilkinsThen it flies outside and releases them11:12
awilkinsOr mulches them into a biogas digester to power itself11:12
awilkinsLike the slug-killing robot that digested the slugs in a fuel cell11:12
brobostigonthat would work,11:13
shaunojust stop dusting.  spiders will take care of the rest :)11:13
awilkinsYeah, I just leave spiders alone because they don't generally annoy me11:14
awilkinsExcept the one that lives under the fireplace11:14
awilkinsWho is big and brown and scuttles. Fast.11:14
shaunoI've tried to draw a truce - I chase them out the bedroom, but let them have behind the TV11:14
shaunoit seems to work okay for Israel, so why not11:15
davmor2Morning all you funky people11:27
MooDoomorning davmor2 :) how are you this fine day?11:28
jussidavmor2: careful... you honestly think that we are funky? that anyone here except funkyHat is funky? :D11:30
* jussi hugs davmor2 11:31
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:33
jussimorning bigcalm11:33
davmor2MooDoo: I'm feeling pretty good today to be honest, Back is killing too much standing at the funeral yesterday but today pretty happy11:34
robotninja'lo all :)11:35
MooDoodavmor2: good to hear it mate.  You'll feel even better when you get me one of the orange boxes :D11:42
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
davmor2MooDoo: popey was ordering multiple ones yesterday I'm sure you can bung you one :)11:43
popeyI was ordering orange leather backs for my nexus 4 ☻11:43
popeysomewhat cheaper11:43
davmor2MooDoo: there is an article on building your own minus the pretty orange case11:43
davmor2popey: Yeah yeah yeah ;)  You say that now people might believe you were buying them :D11:44
awilkinspopey, Does that imply dismantling the case and swapping the back out?11:44
popeyno, stick on back, hairdryer to bond11:45
awilkinspopey, Intruiging11:45
awilkinspopey, Most of the reason I have a bumper case on my N4 is because the plastic back means it slips off smooth surfaces and gets dinged11:45
popeyhttp://curebit.com/x/YsY9UF is what I bought11:46
popeyawilkins: exactly why I bought ^^ that11:46
popeyand apparently it even can charge through that using the induction charger11:46
awilkinsIf it didn't slip I could take the case off and enjoy it's slick slimness more11:46
popeyi only have a case on my two nexus 4's because I'm scared of dinging them11:46
awilkinsAlso thought about doing the CPU heatsink mod11:50
awilkinsBut loathe to take it to bits11:50
davmor2popey: oh I thought it was cause it cost you money to de-ding them so you bought the case to keep them de-dinged11:53
popeysame thing11:54
MyrttiI got some scrapping paper from the garden centre on the weekend, so now I've got almost unlimited amount of pretty cases because I can put the scrapping paper into my Ringke Fusion11:55
MyrttiHobbycraft had some nice scrapping paper ... let me find a link11:56
Myrttialthough they do have 6x6 too11:57
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
MooDooanyone use chromecast?  just got myself one today12:55
Myrttitwo in UK, two in Finland13:04
Myrttithey're brilliant13:04
MooDoogood thanks Myrtti13:04
Myrttithe only thing that there's to complain is that depending on what you connect them to they hijack the device13:05
Myrttiie. if we'd hook it to our AVR, it would automatically start with Chromecast on rather than what was last used13:05
MartijnVdSoh it uses "Control for HDMI" or CEC13:07
* awilkins has only one device with an HDMI port and that isn't getting Chromcasted13:07
MartijnVdSdisable that on the other devices (and use a Logitech Harmony to get everything on/off in the right order)13:08
MyrttiMartijnVdS: the remote the AVR came with is better than Harmony :-|13:08
MartijnVdSI've tried CEC (with the auto on/off), but that doesn't work for me13:10
MartijnVdSTurning on the receiver/amplifier turned on the TV.. even if I just wanted to play a CD13:10
MartijnVdSturning off the TV also turned off the amp13:10
MyrttiI wish I weren't so tired, I might even understand what you're saying13:13
MartijnVdSMyrtti: with CEC on: turn on amp -> TV turns on (even if I want the amp for CDs)13:15
MartijnVdSMyrtti: without CEC on: turn on amp -> only amp turns on13:15
* Myrtti blinks slowly13:15
MartijnVdSMyrtti: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Electronics_Control#CEC13:16
* Myrtti bookmaksr for later13:17
awilkinsNearest experience I've had is the wire in the SCART connector that changes the channel when you turn on the DVD player...13:20
MartijnVdSawilkins: yes.. and it bothered me back then too :)13:26
awilkinsDO DO DO, come on and do the conga13:28
MartijnVdSFriday is *tomorrow*, awilkins :P13:29
awilkinsMy shiny new big nerdy joystick gets delivered tomorrow13:29
awilkinsI can pew pew some spaceships13:30
Seeker`awilkins: in what game?13:30
awilkinsWell, I'm looking forward to both Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous13:31
awilkinsCan play the single player build of Elite : D a bit13:31
awilkinsMultiplayer beta of Star Citizen is supposed to be out next week13:31
awilkinsElite D multiplayer beta out end of month13:31
dwatkins:D awilkins13:32
awilkinsUntil then I'm tempted to just get both i-War games on GOG for ten bucks and play the heck out of them... again.13:32
awilkinsOr my X-Wing / Tie Fighter collectors editions13:32
awilkinsOr Freescape 2 or basically anything involving space combat pew-pewing13:33
TwistedLucidityawilkins: BSG:Diaspora13:33
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, Is that a Freespace total conversion?13:34
awilkinsAha, yes it is13:34
TwistedLucidityIt's short, but good fun and would be great on a decent games rig13:35
awilkinsAlso sounds good fun13:35
awilkinsMy rig can probably do Freespace 2 engine Great Justice13:35
TwistedLucidityHelps to like the BSG reboot (which ended at season 4....there was no season 5. It never happened!)13:36
TwistedLucidityJust like Star Was 1-3 do not exist....13:36
dwatkinsawilkins: Planetary Annihilation is £20 on the humble bundle store today13:38
dwatkinsthe latest bundle looks pretty neat, too13:38
TwistedLuciditydwatkins: Does it have Linux support?13:40
TwistedLucidity2 out of 3 it seems13:41
dwatkinsTwistedLucidity: yep - http://store.steampowered.com/app/233250/13:42
TwistedLuciditydwatkins: Yeah, I initially assumed that because I couldn't see a penguin it was Windows-only.13:42
TwistedLucidityAnd sorry, I was talking about the Humble Bundle13:42
dwatkinsah sorry, context confusion13:43
MooDoohowdy diddledan_14:08
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
diddledan_gotta love weebl14:39
shaunorandom.  someone just came up to me at work with an ubuntu iso on a usb stick, and asked if I'd ever heard of it & could figure out how to boot it16:01
awilkins"Sounds like TERRORIST software to me."16:03
awilkins"You ain't no TERRORIST, are you, pal?"16:03
shaunoeh.  he's from the north.  I try not to make that joke because I don't want to know the answer16:04
diddledan_shauno, you mean he "copied the iso to the usb thingy" rather than imaging the iso to the usb thingy?16:05
awilkinsI also wondered the same16:05
shaunoyes.  he put the iso on the usb stick.  hence the question :)16:06
shaunoI pointed him to unetbootin and told him I don't do PCs :)16:06
bashrcI thought that hte definition was so broad that everyone is a terrorist now16:06
awilkinsI find a good way to make a bootable USB is to have a bootable USB to use the bootable USB program16:06
diddledan_awilkins, that's so meta16:06
bashrcterrorising the interwebs with yer bootable USB16:07
diddledan_awilkins, catch 22 and all that jazz16:07
awilkinsSince our work laptops are so locked down we can't write to removable devices, this is in fact the only way to do it with work laptop16:07
diddledan_I like that the work laptop doesn't prevent you from booting random usbs tho16:07
awilkinsThe disk is encrypted with something proprietary so you can't really interfere with it16:08
diddledan_oh :-(16:08
awilkinsAlthough I have accidentally blatted it's bootloader on occasion....16:08
awilkins.... the installer now very carefully prompts you for which disk it puts the bootloader on as a result.. :-)16:09
shaunowell he seems to be getting somewhere.  he went quiet for 10 minutes, and came back with "what's the super key?"16:09
diddledan_hehe, love that linux renames the windows key16:10
awilkinsThat's because the new builds splat the shortcut thing into your face until you press super16:10
awilkinsWhich is a problem on my machine at home because it has an old-style Model M16:10
awilkinsStill not found out how to remap capslock to another super on Trusty16:11
shaunoI'm just entertainined because I live on the internet.  I don't get to observe 'noobs' in their natural habitat very often16:11
awilkinsMy upgraded boxes still have the setting in place but my fresh install doesn't and GNOME in their infinite wisdom have removed the panel that sets it16:11
awilkinsI think that kind of attitude is rather dunderheaded, TBH16:11
awilkinsOn Windows : the answer may be obscure, if the feature is supported, but there is a panel to set it16:12
awilkinsIn GNOME : "What do you mean, it supports that feature, but they took out the GUI panel that lets you control it and I *might* be able to set it if I install this other thing....?"16:12
bashrccan you get ubuntu keys for model M's?16:13
awilkinsbashrc, It has no keyswitch for it16:13
bashrcto replace the windoze keycap16:14
awilkinsI've seen custom super keycaps but I don't know about for Model Ms16:15
awilkinsDon't know if the Unicomp ones even support removable caps16:16
bashrcyes they do16:16
shaunoI didn't think the model M had a windows key?16:21
awilkinsOld ones don't16:22
bashrcthe originals wouldn't have, but they're still made by Unicomp16:22
awilkinsUnicomp make "new" ones16:22
bashrcwith windows keys16:22
awilkinsThey use buckling-spring switches liek the old ones16:22
awilkinsBut are not as heavy, have USB plugs, etc16:23
shaunoah, gotcha16:23
awilkinsI have one made in Scotland. From girders.16:23
bashrcI don't think there's much difference in weight.  They still have the metal backplate16:23
awilkinsStill beat-your-boss-to-death and keep-on-coding capable?16:24
awilkinsI use a Cherry at work16:24
awilkinsIt's marginally quieter16:24
awilkinsStill has clickity switches though16:24
awilkinsPeople generally know I'm on a conference call from home when they hear the sound of something like an M60 in the background16:25
bashrcterrorist target practice?16:25
awilkinsSo, yeah.16:26
shaunoI gotta admit I never got the attraction there. not my cuppa tea16:28
bashrcVim or model Ms?16:29
* awilkins is intensely fond of both16:30
* bashrc is an Emacs user16:30
awilkinsEmacs is of course the editor of people who like running one operating system inside another. And I don't mean in a VM.16:31
diddledan_I can do drive-by use of vim but haven't scratched the surface of it's capability16:31
diddledan_I tend to stick to nano16:31
diddledan_or a gui16:31
awilkinsI feel like that regardless of how much I use Vim but nano irks me16:31
shaunoI have an irrational hatred of nano :/16:32
awilkinsAnd I tend to prefer GUI editors that have a Vim-ish keybinding16:32
awilkinsLike Komodo Edit. Or Eclipse with a Vim plugin.16:32
bashrcorg-mode is hard to beat16:32
awilkinsYeah, I like the sound of it16:32
awilkinsI think I even installed Emacs to try it16:33
shaunoI can't believe the hurd guys still haven't finished emacs' kernel yet16:33
awilkinsAnd tried to find a Vim plugin for it16:33
bashrcI think there is a vim mode for Emacs.  have never used it though16:34
bashrcgenerally if you can htink of it then there's a mode for it16:34
awilkinsYup. You don't see people writing Emacs mode for other editors, but you do see Vim ones :P16:35
shaunoI had an icq client than ran in emacs, way back in the dark ages16:35
awilkinsProbably because there is no Emacs mode, it's all *you* mode in Emacs16:35
awilkinsI tried to use Microemacs when I had an Amiga. It made my brain hurt.16:35
shaunohah, I still use memacs.  the trick is to ignore that it's trying to be emacs, and just mouse the menu16:36
bashrcI think Linus used microEmacs for a long time16:36
awilkinsVim makes my brain hurt also. But not my fingers.16:36
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
awilkinsLinus : "emacs ..  is the tool of the devil"16:38
awilkins(quote lacking a little context...)16:38
awilkinsHe's saying that Full Fat Emacs is the tool of the devil, but he uses a shiny version of microemacs that has UTF-8 support so that's OK16:38
awilkinsOh wow... Vim... runs on Chrome : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vim/dhhoacdlegcbdglbfnhgnlchpkdlofkb16:40
awilkinsAh, but no storage and no running external tools16:40
awilkinsSo basically almost pointless16:40
bashrcwait.  you can run emacs-mode from within vim-mode from within Emacs?16:42
awilkinsIs there an emacs-mode for Vim?16:42
bashrcI winder if that also supports vim-mode16:42
shaunointeresting - I never even thought of running vim on the amiga, but apparently it exists16:42
awilkinsBecause it's so nice and light you can run it on old antiquated buckets16:43
bashrcor dead badgers16:43
awilkinsAmiga only got MicroEMACS though (was included with machine)16:43
awilkinsI had an Amiga 50016:44
awilkinsIt got to the point where it would only work if you directed a hairdryer at a particular spot on the circuit board16:44
shaunomy 1200 is sat at home paused half way through a game.  sometimes I wish it made noise so I'd remember to turn it off16:44
bashrcyou probably didn't recite the correct incantation16:45
awilkinsThat was one thing about the computers of yesteryear... no thermal problems16:45
awilkinsThat Ubuntu Orange Box thing is all passive cooling apart from one case fan16:45
awilkinsMight try and get my boss to shell out for one16:45
bashrcI have no thermal problems with the Cubieboard.  It runs almost cold16:45
awilkinsThe problem is then once we've created awesome cloudiness is getting it deployed to our server infrastructure16:46
awilkinsBecause our IT department would look at a Linux VM and go "Nuh?"16:46
shaunowe have the opposite problem atm.  someone keeps getting excited about AWS, and we're struggling to stop them from doing something silly16:49
bashrcairraid warning system?16:49
shaunoamazon's cloud wotsit16:50
bashrcsurely the amazon cloud is only for businesses who want to have all of their data exfiltrated16:51
* bashrc noticed the "economic" section of No Place to Hide16:53
* diddledan_ wanders off to find chocolate16:56
bashrcheard of that idea before.  It sounds good16:58
awilkinsYeah, if only they could produce costings16:58
awilkinsBut, iterative product design16:58
awilkinsI paid £2700 to repave my drive16:59
awilkinsIf it cost £5000 to repave my drive with those solar hextiles, I'd do it in a heartbeat.16:59
bashrcthe surface area of all roads and pavements must be massive16:59
bashrcif a tile lasted for a decade then it would probably pay for itself in electricity17:01
shaunounless you live in ireland.  then you'd just be day yoke with the blue driveway.17:10
funkyHatjussi: ⢁D18:56
daftykinssome snaps of the fine weather at a couple of beaches today :)20:33
MartijnVdSlooks good!20:36
* diddledan_ zeroes in on the doggypics20:37
daftykinsthe forecast keeps saying it's only 15, but i'm sure it's higher20:38
daftykins'cause it's already at that my-forehead-is-caked-in-sweat from cycling stage20:38
daftykinsyay i got my new CD that's not scratched this time20:41
daftykinslet's see how ripping fares this time20:41
daftykinsstill need to send the old'un back D:20:41
daftykinsheh, i just zero'd the 2TB WD that was in my old array, that failed20:42
daftykinsnot as good as 2 million but definitely fubar \o/20:43
=== Krenair_ is now known as Krenair

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