
PabloRubianesmhall119: ping18:47
mhall119PabloRubianes: pong18:59
PabloRubianesjose point me to reach you to a problem I am having with the loco portal18:59
PabloRubianesI cant make it run localy18:59
PabloRubianesI am trying to make it work on ubuntu 14.0419:00
mhall119PabloRubianes: what's the issue you're having?19:00
mhall119PabloRubianes: are you using virtualenv?19:00
PabloRubianesthe "make init" does not work19:00
PabloRubianesI was able to make it work on previous ubuntu versions19:00
PabloRubianesmhall119: yes for other stuff I did virtualenv works19:01
mhall119PabloRubianes: it could be the virtualenv setup that's failing, there are some issues with packages not being where they used to be19:01
PabloRubianesI was finally having some free time I want to use to help in the loco portal19:01
PabloRubianesmhall119: I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7469298/19:02
mhall119yeah, that looks familiar19:03
mhall119daker: ^^ do you have a ready solution to the virtualenv setup issue for LTP?19:03
PabloRubianesatfer work I will try to find a solution but I wanted to ask if there's one already19:04
mhall119PabloRubianes: I think so, a change to the requirements.txt I think19:04
PabloRubianesyesteday I try to use a newer version of the bzr but got the same error19:06
mhall119PabloRubianes: I think it's a change that needs to be made to the Launchpad URL to tell virtualenv where to find it19:07
mhall119daker encountered it too, so I'm hoping he wrote down what he needed to do to fix it19:07
PabloRubianesok, I imagine somebody else should have found this19:08
mhall119PabloRubianes: try changing your requirements.txt from using bzr==2.6b2 to bzr>=2.6 and running make clean then make init again19:13
PabloRubianesgood, I will try it at night19:16
PabloRubianesthanks! sorry to bother19:16
dakerPabloRubianes: hi21:28
dakermhall119: PabloRubianes managed to fix it, a MR is coming now22:48
dakermhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.makefile/+merge/21976822:54

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