
zequencelinux rt imported from debian building in a PPA. Let's see how that works out.10:38
zequenceNo errors yet, though still building https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-kernel/+archive/linux-rt-testbuilds11:50
ttoinezequence, yes, I get it12:07
ttoineI was very surprised to see it online12:08
ttoineI will have to delete it, instead of just disable it12:08
zequencettoine: I bought the white t-shirt a couple of months ago, so I've tried two now. The blue, and the white. The white one was not as good as one had hoped - the printing was different, compared to the blue one12:10
zequencettoine: Not sure if they have changed the printing, or if white t-shirts are printed differently12:10
ttoineI think you are right12:11
ttoinefor colored fabric, they have to use a printer with white ink12:11
ttoinefor white shirt, a standard quadri color printer is enough12:11
zequencettoine: Ok :)12:11
zequenceI also got the cup early, which had printing only on one side. I liked it very much.12:12
zequencemadeinkobaia did a nice job on the graphics, and you on implementing them12:13
ttoineit would be great to have some stickers at unixstickers, too12:18
ttoinebut madeinkobaya had no time at the moment to design them12:18
zequencettoine: Oh, I just mailed him about the future cycles. We should really find a way to do that shortly.12:22

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