
liquorstoredrunkim having trouble getting ardour to run i paid for it so it isnt third party and i installed qjackctrl but it says it cant reconnect to the midi03:12
liquorstoredrunkqjackctrl gives me eralso03:13
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: paying for something has nothing to do with if its 3rd party or not03:13
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you can pay for it, and still use the included verion in the ubuntu repo.. or not pay for it, and compile your own version of the latest from the ardour site03:14
liquorstoredrunkokay i was just putting thaat out there that i have the version from ardour.org03:14
holsteinregardless, whic are you using?03:14
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: the latest?03:14
liquorstoredrunki just got it today03:14
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: consider just using the stock ubuntu version at frist, to get used to everything03:14
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro03:15
holsteinmake certain jack is running, and go from there03:15
liquorstoredrunki would do that but i need to save plugins03:15
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: not sure what you are talking about03:15
liquorstoredrunkjack tells me it cant connect to the server03:15
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: plugins are different03:15
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: jack will need to be running, then the other things will likely just work03:15
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you follow the guide i gave, and make sure jack is running and working properly03:16
liquorstoredrunki have jack running im going to try again03:17
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you really need jack started *before* trying to open any audio applications..03:17
liquorstoredrunkjack telles me it couldnt connect to the server as a client03:18
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. so jack is *not* running03:18
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you have no reason to try and do *anything* else til you get jack running03:18
liquorstoredrunkim here because i need help getting it running03:19
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: ardour depends on it, and its trying to start it, and will be kicking out errors03:19
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. did you consult the link i gave03:19
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: did you close *everything*?03:19
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: i'll help.. you will do this03:19
holsteinclose *everything*03:19
holsteinopen *only* a terminal and run..03:20
holsteinps aux | grep jack03:20
holsteinyou can pastebin that if you dont understand it03:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:20
holsteinif you do understand it, kill any running instances of jack03:20
liquorstoredrunki typed it in  and lots of text popped up03:21
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. you read the link i *just* gave that explains how to share that information with me03:22
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you are running installers there03:23
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you need to stop running *everything*03:24
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: if you cant figure that oue, just reboot03:24
liquorstoredrunkokay ill come back03:25
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: after reboot do *nothing* besides coming here..03:25
liquorstoredrunkokay im back03:47
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro03:48
holstein^ that pretty much outlines what im going to do with you03:48
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you open qjackctl *first*03:49
holsteinnothing else03:49
liquorstoredrunkokay its open03:49
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: what audio devices are you using?03:49
liquorstoredrunkaudio devices as in?03:49
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: as in devices that do audio03:50
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: a USB device03:50
holsteinjust the internal device03:50
holsteina firewire.. pci.. pci express.. adat.. whatever03:50
liquorstoredrunkfor starters im using a usb interface called the zoom h4n03:50
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: what are you using?03:50
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: for "starters"?03:50
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: not sure what that means, but, this is fact03:50
holsteinwhen you reboot, those device can jump around03:51
liquorstoredrunki said for starters because i wasnt sure what you meant03:51
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: this is what i suggest.. remove the zoom, and use jack with the internal device03:51
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: ok.. unplug that, and *any* other audio ddvice03:51
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: just use the internal audio device with JACK right now.. to get used to it03:51
holsteinthen, lets close qjackctl03:52
liquorstoredrunki unplugged it but i do need the h4n because that it connect to my microphone03:52
liquorstoredrunkis connected*03:52
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. but you will *not* be connecting a microphone right now, ok?03:52
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you are troubleshooting too many things at tones03:53
liquorstoredrunkit's unplugged03:53
holsteinyou do it with the internal only, please03:53
holsteinopen a terminal and run.03:53
holsteingksudo qjackctl03:53
holsteinthen, in the qjackclt window, click on "setup"03:53
liquorstoredrunkgksudo isnt installed03:54
liquorstoredrunkshow i install it now03:54
holsteinno, just open it normally, and click setup03:54
holsteinopen qjackctl normally03:55
holsteinframes per buffer 203:55
liquorstoredrunkim in setup03:55
holsteinframes per perio 51203:55
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you see "interface".. there are 2 dropdowns there03:55
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: i will literally try *all* options there03:55
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: likely, the default will be fine.. but, thats where you will find the zoom USB device later03:56
liquorstoredrunkit was on default i changed it to hw:003:56
holsteinclick "ok"03:56
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: keep in mind, "default" may be what you want03:56
holsteinanyways.. try it..03:57
holsteingo back to the main window, and click the start button03:57
liquorstoredrunkit started03:57
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: ok.. thats what you do *before* opening *anything*03:57
liquorstoredrunkokay got it03:57
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you'll stop it completely before trying to use the ZOOM03:58
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: i suggest *not* using the zoom for a while03:58
holsteinget used to routing and running jack, then throw that in the mix03:58
liquorstoredrunkwithout the zoom i can't record into ardour03:58
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure03:58
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: im not suggesting that you *never* use it, friend03:58
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: im staying wait03:59
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: use the software, and get used to routing things03:59
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: make sounds.. kick the tires03:59
holstein*then* in a few days, or hours of use, get the zoom out03:59
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: i realize the zoom has 2 mics, and 2 onboard preamps, and you want to route those to the machine03:59
liquorstoredrunkwhen i installed ardour i checked a box that might be giving me problems could i uninstall it to bring it back to default?03:59
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: might be?04:00
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: test and see04:00
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: you have JACK running, try ardour. open a file in there and play it04:00
liquorstoredrunkardour opened04:02
liquorstoredrunki dont have any music files on here yet but i think it got it im going to try and see what i come up with04:03
liquorstoredrunkthank you for all of your help04:03
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: download one.. you should have refernce tracks04:03
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. also try #opensourcemusicians for a nice helpful community04:03
liquorstoredrunkokay will do and can i find you hee again if i need help?04:04
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: sure.. me or another volunteer04:04
liquorstoredrunkokay thanks04:04
holsteinliquorstoredrunk: cheers..04:04
mrmjbJust installed 14.04 and getting it set up the way I want.  Love all the easy install menu options and the about ubuntu studio menu option.  Great stuff15:55
bormanПожалуйста скиньте список актуальных репозиториев для UbuntuStudio 14.0416:28
bormanПожалуйста скиньте список актуальных репозиториев для UbuntuStudio 14.0416:30
bormanPlease throw off the actual list of repositories for UbuntuStudio 14.0416:30
borman Please throw off the actual list of repositories for UbuntuStudio 14.0416:39
borman Please throw send for me the actual list of repositories for UbuntuStudio 14.0416:40
jarnosI tried cutting and exporting a video I shot by a smart phone by ubuntu studio 13.10. In OpenShot I couldn't figure out how to cut. Kdenlive rendered a tiny file that does not show or sound anything.16:43
roaniinstalar gnome 3 no ubuntustudio, tem como?21:31
hb756hello. I'm a computer science student just finished with junior year and I'm interested in contributing to ubuntustudio over the summer. Can anyone tell me the best way to get started?23:30
lehthanisevening all.  any video capture folks in the rom?23:41
lehthanisanyways, I'm trying to capture video from a video capture card using VLC...it's a live video feed from a video switcher.23:53
lehthanisIf I use the record button I get a HUGE file...about 1 gig per minute...23:54
lehthanisif I use the media->convert/save to transcode as I record, I can't see the video as it's gettign recorded, but it recods to a reasonable file size.23:54
lehthanisThere's an option for keep original video, but if I check that, I end up with a movie that only has audio. No video...but I can see the video as it's happening.23:54
lehthanisWould I be better off to use the record button but set it to not record the native video?  If so, how do I set the record button to use transcode settings?23:55

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