
cubed_rootsomeone in here the other day mentioned cinnamon desktop isn't ready yet for ubuntu 14, but if i run the apt-get-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev... commands the compatibility will be confirmed w/out breaking anything?00:14
danzHey, This might seem like a stupid question but better safe than sorry. I'm running Xubuntu 13.10 if I upgrade to 14.04 will it swype my computer clean? Will I lose all my files? Thanks for your time!00:53
xanguano, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't  have backups...if you consider your files important00:54
danzOkay thanks!00:55
cubed_rootwhat's the safest way to install software? ubuntu software center? synaptic? apt-get?00:57
David-Acubed_root: as to where the software comes from, software center, synaptic and apt-get are equally safe. they use the same software sources (repositories).01:11
David-Acubed_root: as to authorization and use of the tools in your computer,  software center, synaptic and apt-get are equally restricted. you need the same admin priviliges in sudo for all of them. (iirc)01:13
David-Acubed_root: as to easy of use and hence less chance to mess things up, people would say software center, but I would say synaptic. cause in synaptic you will see if an install will uninstall something else. and you can check dependencies before you install. (you can do that with apt-get too, but unfamiliarity with the command line may increase risk of mistakes)01:16
holsteinfor me, its more about where the applications come from, cubed_root .. as i was saying the other day, adding PPA's and going outside the repo packages can give folks a hard time01:21
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:21
holsteinif you need one, you need one, and they are handy.. but, if you are mentioning "safe" and "stable", you probably either want to be doing something where you have more control over all the parts of the system, or just using default ubuntu01:21
cubed_rootthanks guys, i think i understand a little better01:22
cubed_rootand i guess it's just a matter of getting more familiar with the linux world01:22
cubed_rootfor example, i think the problem was installing gnome which comes with libreoffice, and libreoffice conflicts with openoffice, which i already had installed01:23
cubed_rootand i might go back to open office -- the icons in libreoffice just aren't as nice as those in openoffice : )01:25
xanguathe icons are just the same...01:30
holsteincubed_root: the icons?01:34
holsteincubed_root: you mean, the menu icons?.. you can change those all you please.. you want libreoffice01:34
holsteincubed_root: for all practical purposes, libreoffice *is* openoffice..01:34
cubed_rooti was going to ask about that... thanks for the tip01:53
cubed_rootholstein: do you know the history? was open office sun and they stopped supporting it?02:07
holsteincubed_root: its really OT here, in the support channel, but AFAIK, OO.o was to become a commercial product.. the project was forked, and development continued as libreoffice02:09
holsteincubed_root: AFAIK, the team, developers, developed code, and momentum that was OO.o is libreoffice02:09
holsteincubed_root: you are welcome and encouraged to research that on your own, and try both.. but, libreoffice is the newer fork or OO.o and is well developed02:10
cubed_rootsorry, it is OT, but thanks for the info as always.02:12
tierpodHello, when i put in flash drive, thunar ask me a password. Ubuntu - all works fine. I need a polkit config?05:14
tierpodMy user in plugdev group05:14
tierpodafter reboot all works fine :)05:22
toki_Hi! i need some help with wireless. i just installed fresh xubuntu and wireless was working. but after software update it say that device not managed. im using dwl-122 rev C  usb adapter.12:13
toki_Hi! i need some help with wireless. i just installed fresh xubuntu and wireless was working. but after software update it say that device not managed. im using dwl-122 rev C  usb adapter.12:30
toki_please help me figuring out why wifi not working after system update12:40
starratstoki_  try this driver:   http://drivers.softpedia.com/get/MODEM/D-Link/D-Link-DWL-G122-revC-USB-Adapter-Driver-330.shtml12:40
starratsyour device might need an update for the driver Toki_ that is why I sent you that link, please try.12:44
toki_starrats thank you. but this is win driver. how an i use it?12:44
starratsit's a driver for your USB adapter not for windows I believe12:46
starratstoki_  did you try going to settings manager > additional drivers to see if one is available there12:52
toki_yes i did. no additional drivers for dwl-g12212:52
starratsah okay, don't know what to tell you but stay here someone with more knowledge than I will be able to help you.12:55
toki_thank you anyway )12:58
starratstoki_ are you running windows on your computer or just Linux byt the way?12:59
xubuntu538buongiorno a tutti! ho un problema quando utilizzo il browser internet.. mi esce quasi sempre a intervalli quasi regolari la richiesta di uscita ( log of )13:06
knome!it | xubuntu53813:09
ubottuxubuntu538: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:09
Yanch0anyone can offer me any tips as to why xubuntu is crasshing installation on a new hdd? i just replaced the hdd since it was giving the same error13:14
toki_starrats  xubuntu linux. but adapter worked fine on windows.13:15
knomethat doesn't help debugging much... did you check if the DVD/USB had defects?13:15
Yanch0knome, this is my 2nd cd13:16
knomeYanch0, check the MD5SUM13:16
Yanch0matched the iso13:19
Yanch0btw error is no space left on device ... error saving source cache13:28
=== qwebirc612198 is now known as slickymasterWork
a5m0how can i get lightdm to have the correct resolution and correctly show my dual-monitor wallpaper? (xubuntu 14.04)14:34
holsteina5m0: you mean, at login? could be tricky.. and "correct" is really just a matter of what you need/want14:45
holsteina5m0: whats happening now? and what do you want to have happen? and how big a deal is it for the login screen?14:46
a5m0so right now when i lock my computer, both monitors show the same mirrored low-res lock screen14:46
holsteina5m0: and thats not acceptable?14:46
a5m0i would like it to be my normal resolution and inherit my dual-monitor desktop wallpaper14:46
holsteina5m0: i usually just deal with little issues like that, since the graphics card manufacturers do not promise me linux support...14:47
holsteina5m0: would a different locker be "better"?14:47
* starrats doesn't understand why nicks need dual monitors other than for gaming, if that?14:48
holsteinstarrats: i use it for audio production.. quite handy14:48
a5m0holstein: well i would assume it's not a gpu issue since eeverything works when i'm not screen-locked14:48
holsteina5m0: why assume that?14:48
a5m0does the lockscreen use different drivers for some strange reason?14:49
holsteina5m0: anyways, would another locker be acceptable?14:49
a5m0starrats: work gives them to me, i do a lot of stuff where more screen realestate is better14:49
holsteina5m0: if so, i would probably just either try auditioning different ones (probably from a live CD, so i dont do any "damage"), and/or, reading about configuring one of them intensely14:49
holsteina5m0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/274504/multimonitor-in-login-screen-vs-lock-screen seems relevant14:51
a5m0holstein: relevant but not helpful14:52
starratsah okay a5m015:44
ochosia5m0: problem with dual monitor is the following....16:25
ochosithe greeter (which is used for login and lock-screen) is a systemwide app, so it can't know the setup of a user16:26
ochosieven if it would know about it, imagine 3 users with different screen-setups and the greeter switching around between them when changing users in the combobox16:26
ochosianyway, we have that issue on our roadmap and it'll hopefully improve16:27
ochosiyou can install and use unity-greeter meanwhile, maybe it works better with multiple monitors16:27
=== veebull is now known as veebull_away
mik3why has every laptop i have thrown xubuntu on since 12.04 require me to either manually create acpi hooks or swap xfce4-power-manager for gnome-power-manager to not completely fail at suspending since 12.04?18:44
miki_hi there19:21
miki_anybody experiencing issues with the monitor not turning off? (fresh install, the power management will kick in, but it turns back on right away)19:22
miki_same thing happens with "xset set dpms force off"19:22
miki_"xset dpms force off19:23
GandhiXubuntuI need help with my internet19:58
knomeGandhiXubuntu, ask away and we'll see if we can help19:59
GandhiXubuntuit seems to fluctuate alot and to the  extremes19:59
GandhiXubuntumy internet speed seems to fluctuate alot and to the  extremes19:59
GandhiXubuntuit is basically very unreliable20:00
GandhiXubuntui'm very new to xubuntu20:00
GandhiXubuntuif i switch back to my windows install the internet in fine20:01
drcGandhiXubuntu: same machine?20:02
drcGandhiXubuntu: Wired or wireless?20:03
GandhiXubuntunow sure what you mean?20:03
drcDo you have windows and Xubuntu nstalled on the same machine, and does windows on that machine have no problems with the internet connection?20:03
drcAnd is your connection wired or wireless?20:04
GandhiXubuntuwindows xp and xubuntu on the same machine20:04
GandhiXubuntuYES same machine, Windows has no issue20:04
AzelphurGandhiXubuntu: what do you mean by speeds, how are you performing the tests to see the differences on either side?20:06
GandhiXubuntuno, just general unreliable internet..... compared to windows.... I'm just waiting longer than i should for things to load OR they time out and don't load..... then i can wait 5-10mins try again.... and it works and its fast..... but its up and down all the time...20:09
Azelphurhow are you defining whether it's up or down?20:10
geniiProbably by a 404 ;)20:12
GandhiXubuntubasically each page eityher take ages to load or it doesn't load20:14
GandhiXubuntubasically each page either take ages to load or it doesn't load20:15
GandhiXubuntuHELP.... i'm struggling to stay in this chat room because.... my wifi is soooooooo slow/unresponsive..... i've got windows installed on the same machine and the internet has no problem..... i just recently installed Xubuntu 14.04 for the for the first time (my computer is P4 3ghz 2gb RAM) can anyone help me please????20:36
monkeynautis anyone else seeing this behavior?  click and hold one of the window buttons in your panel and drag it slightly to the left or right.  does your whisker menu icon disappear?20:53
monkeynauthere is a video demonstrating the problem i'm talking about.  nothing major, just annoying:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAxa_0hbBCg21:07
imthenachomanhey guys. need some help. i had ubuntu 13.04 (i think) on my machine before. i installed xubuntu 14.04 and it installed fine but i'm having intermitant freezing. i don't know what is going on. like the freezing even kills my downloads (through FF or wget). anyway i can figue out what is wrong?22:14

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