
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Silverlion is now known as Guest88320
=== Guest88320 is now known as silverlion
A3any devs here who can answer a question i have?21:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:06
silverlionA3: sorry that was not for you21:07
silverlionI needed the links ^21:07
A3no worries21:07
Unit193A3: Not via ESP they can't.21:07
A3are Lubuntu devs active on Ubuntu forums?21:07
A3Unit193: i've tried asking a question on this channel at various times over the past week. No on seems to have an answer anyways21:08
A3It seems the devs don't really use this IRC channel21:09
Unit193You normally don't ask the devs, if everyone asks the devs, the devs have no time to make Lubuntu.  Are you the PPC person?21:09
silverlionUnit193: what about the ML?21:10
Unit193If he's the PPC guy, I might try going and finding more PPC specific sources, otherwise perhaps.  It all depends on the time you come here though.21:10
Unit193A3: So, what's the question?21:10
A3Well my question is pretty basic, but even so nobody on the IRC channel ever seems to have an answer - Does Lubuntu come bundled with Zeitgeist or other intrusive software that is part of standard Ubuntu?21:11
A3can't find an answer anywhere online21:11
Unit193...I already answered you.  No it doesn't come with zeitgeist, and it doesn't have Unity so it doesn't have the unity shopping lense.21:12
A3Thanks. Sorry, I never noticed your previous answer.21:13
silverlionTIMBER! ;)21:44
RAy___Hello i am very new at Lubuntu i just intalled it but is there any way to scan for wifi can connect to it? i can only plug in internet23:49

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