
phillwknome: did you back up all the images from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IconsPage before you deleted them?01:51
phillwAs you will have done so, please do let me have the link as to where they all are. thanks.01:58
pleia2phillw: if you look in the history you can still view them all01:59
pleia2on lines that say: ATTDEL: you can still click on "view" or "get"01:59
phillwpleia2: nope, you cannot.. once a image is deleted it is gone02:00
pleia2for example?02:00
pleia2most of the images were deleted before knome came along, which is why the cleanup was done02:00
phillwpleia2: the images were attached to that page... i know as I did add some.02:01
phillwA sweeping deletion is the only thing that a wiki admin cannot reverse.02:02
phillwthere is no trace, there is no way to recover unless the person has followed the wiki rules of backing up every page and image that they mark for deletion.02:04
phillwpleia2:  the images were attached to the page, the logs show - quite clearly, that they have been manually deleted.]02:06
pleia2phillw: can you give me an example?02:06
pleia2maybe I'm not going far back enough in history02:07
phillwpleia2: look at the edit history....02:07
phillwfollow it back02:07
pleia2oh I see, the "view" is showing up but showing the icons he replaced it with, not the old branding02:07
pleia2anyway, he can certainly give more info than I can :)02:09
phillwpleia2:  you know I'm persona non gratis, but deleting all the icons from a library is simply silly02:09
pleia2there was certainly discussed rationale behind all the changes, but again, he can fill you in02:10
phillwsuch things make it more difficult for me to be an advocate for linux02:10
phillwpleia2: As I recall, deleting things was totally against wiki rules... you HAVE to make a back up.... Have things changed since I resigned?02:12
pleia2a lot has changed, knome spent several days after our discussions fixing up the IconsPage, documenting his work and updating all related wiki pages that had the icons02:13
pleia2it was a broken link mess before he began his work, it looks much cleaner and easier to navigate and use now02:14
pleia2anyway, time for me to get some rest02:14
phillwpleia2: well knowing knome, he will have back ups02:14
phillwknome: can you please have a read back and let me know where you backed up the artwork to. Many thanks.02:21
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knomephillw, i'll have to dig up if i have the artwork backed up. is there something specific you need?09:03
phillwknome: all of it :) several teams provided artwork to the central source at my behest in varying sizes for wiki pages to use from a central source that would never be deleted.09:03
knomeso who's missing what?09:03
phillwWe had an issue where someone vandalised a wiki page and the art work was deleted.... I trust that backups have been taken this time.09:03
knomethe whole point of the IconsPage update was to make the icons througout the wiki look consistent09:03
phillwknome: Read the file of alterations... not too difficult?09:03
phillwknome: indeed, but the artwork has to be moved to a new area. The rule of wiki is "never delete, without a backup"... Unless you have decided to break that rule....09:03
knomeit's possible i have.09:04
knomei need to check up my backups, i might have them somewhere09:04
knomebut i'm really more interested about what is actually missing from somebody?09:04
phillwSo, the artwork would be on "...old artwork" :)09:04
knomeif they are missing any admonition icon, i'll gladly upload it for them09:04
knomeand make sure it's consistent09:04
knomei understand your concern, but unless somebody actually needs something that isn't there, it'll be on my "wishlist" list :P09:05
phillwI had no idea that the artwork of people provided across teams would simply go / vanish / not be available. I did a review of that area and stated it was *THE* place to put artwork on that could be referenced from the wiki system.....09:08
phillwI'm still wondering why you deleted stuff :(09:08
knomethe IconsPage mainly consisted of two kinds of icons:09:09
knome1) icons pulled from various icon themes in various sizes09:09
knomethese are still available in the original icon themes if somebody specifically misses them09:09
knomebut they shouldn't be used on the wiki since they do not look consistent09:10
knomeinstead the contributors should use the new icons, or ask for more if the selection isn't broad enough09:10
knome2) oversized application "header" images and other very miscellanous stuff09:10
knomethose that was *IN USE* were moved to the appropriate pages09:10
knomesay there was an 300x200px "app x" header image09:11
knomelinked to from AppX09:11
knomeit's now an attachment of AppX, since it has *no other use*09:11
knomethe ones that weren't used were simply deletable material anyway09:11
knomethere were some custom icons too,09:12
knomebut those are either preserved/updated09:12
knomeor weren't in use09:12
knome*all* wikipages that linked to *any* of the images in the IconsPage are updated to link to the new icons09:12
knomeand/or their new locations under the appropriate wikipages09:13
knomenow let me ask you again...09:13
knomeis there something specific you are missing, or would you just want to see the old ugly wikipage?09:13
phillwknome: I'm guessing you *HATE* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/FAQ09:13
knomeno, that's fine09:13
knomeit's consistent.09:13
knomeit uses the round ubuntu icons. great09:14
phillwit has been deleted09:14
phillwby you09:14
knomethat page?09:14
phillwno, the page that held it... in this case I actually uploaded it to the page and did not link it to the library, had I done so... it would be gone... as are all the others you deleted... Do you not see what you have done by deleting a library?09:16
knomehmm, let's be clear here09:17
knomei was working on the *community wiki*09:17
knomei don't expect other wikis to interlink09:17
knomeif you've done that, and something is lost, i'm sorry09:17
knomei don't hate any page09:17
phillwWho empowered you to delete art work provided by the community?09:18
knomei didn't touch that page.09:18
knomejust to be sure we're talking about the same thing.09:19
knomei don't see a reason to continue this discussion as you seem to want to finger point at me09:19
knomeit's unfortunate that some pages you maintain have broken images, and it wasn't really my intention09:19
phillwI owe you a rather large apology, It is that page I thought you had removed ...09:20
knomei cleaned up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/community/IconsPage09:20
phillwI blame google :P I do recall there was confusion... it appears that there still is09:21
knomeif i'd cleaned up the developer wiki IconsPage, i would have made sure any icon on it that was used was *somewhere*09:21
knomeand tbh, the developer wiki IconsPage would need a cleanup as well09:22
phillw3 pages saying 'icons'..... not good :(09:22
knomethat isn't a "common use case" "icon"09:22
knomeand that isn't by any standards consistent with the ubuntu style09:22
phillwSo... who is the self appointed council of "standards consistent with the ubuntu style" ?09:23
knomeeither it's obivious to you or not09:24
phillwIt may be obvious to me (and it is), but there is no feed back to people posting art-work up09:27
phillwI'd love to suggest to point people to  UBT, but that does not exist and no one takes any care of budding graphics people....09:27
knomehmh, well09:28
knomethe situation in the community wiki is okay now09:28
knomesince it's cleaned09:28
knomeif somebody posts an icon that is a bit "off", we can just fix that09:28
knomeif people post those as attachments to single pages... not much we can do09:28
knomewe can even find all pages that use a certain icon (fortunately)09:30
phillwknome: tell me, we have yet another major overhaul of both lubuntu wiki areas pending..... But, we'll get that done... If we find a padawan along the way, would you be prepared to assist him / her ?09:31
knomesince i've just got rid of responsibilities, not at this time ;)09:31
knomebut i'm always around for the odd question here and there09:32
phillwokies, I'll bear that in mind and during the re-write of the 2 sections of lubuntu wiki (dev and community) I'll try to also update things to the new standard icons :)09:33
knomeif you're poking at wiki.ubuntu.com, don't link to help.ubuntu.com09:34
phillwThank you for putting up with me and allowing me to understand how things have changed09:34
knomebecause there is no way to trace that path09:34
knomethe problem with the developer wiki is that there is a huge amount of stuff that is maintained by somebody09:35
phillwI do know the two are seperate, I used to be a wiki editor person :P09:35
knomeand they are probably more touchy about somebody touching their stuff09:35
knomeyeah, just making sure09:35
knomebecause it *is* tempting to do that now that the community wiki icons page is clean09:36
phillwknome: If I wrongly edited a page that our Head of Dev (lubuntu) looks after... He'd simply arrange a contract killing. - Motto of the story?... Don't mess with MOTU's :D09:37
phillwand as you are one, you know that :)09:39
phillwknome: Thanks for your time, We have new TL for comms and he's making me dust the cobwebs off my wiki stuff :) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-brainstorming/+spec/lubuntu-website09:45
phillwCrazy thing? I'm really enjoying it :)09:45
knomegood luck09:47
phillwknome: even though I'm no longer "ubuntu" let the doc team know that I'll help out where I can. just not in release team :P09:51
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