
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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dobeycwayne: aww now i can't reply on the post. but "Home ownership gets out of hand fast. ;)"01:23
cwaynehah :)01:23
lotuspsychjetail -f /var/log/syslog is pretty interesting from ubuntu touch :p04:44
bactinteresting how?04:46
lotuspsychjeseeing realtime probs04:47
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FloatingGoatCan I fetch my android files from ubuntu touch when dual booting?06:44
dholbachgood morning07:29
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Endangered Species Day! :-D07:57
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Mirvmzanetti: are you testing/landing silo 005 today?08:52
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mzanettiMirv: yes, I will09:22
ogra_so the front page of system-settings shows one update ... tapping on it it says software is up to date09:31
ogra_hmm, closing the app and restarting it fixes it09:32
Mirvmzanetti: excellent. I'll just need to rebuild unity8 after it has landed09:42
mzanettiMirv: should I ping you once its landed?09:42
Mirvmzanetti: yes please, although if I'm around I'll probably notice it anyhow09:43
mzanettiok. I will09:43
mandelogra_, is there any documentation of the steps to follow to generate an ubuntu touch image? I'd like to have an image with my own platform api for testing10:18
ogra_mandel, bzr branch lp:project-rootstock-ng ... there is a build script inside that branch mimicing an image build ... note that it takes a long time to build 2h or so ...10:19
ogra_it has options to inject your own packages or a PPA10:19
mandelogra_, awesome, is exactly what I needed10:21
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ogra_mandel, oh, there are issues with installing ppackages in chroots ... (i totally forgot) all image builds fail until sysvinit  2.88dsf-41ubuntu12 moved to the main archive10:28
ogra_mandel, so better wait for that10:28
ogra_("rmadison sysvinit" will tell you about the status ... it still sits in -proposed i think)10:28
mandelogra_, ok, I'll be doing some maintenance work on udm while I wait, adding symbols and stuff like that so that people are free to use the client lib10:30
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mandelogra_, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/add-symbols/+merge/219810  I believe you are wisher in deb packages than I am :)10:54
mandelogra_, I'm not sure if it is the right way to export the symbols in cpp10:56
mhr3mandel, what's the tool that you used?10:59
mandelmhr3, dpkg-gensymbols but I'm not sure if I have to pass a special parameter for cpp10:59
mhr3i mean it's horrible, but i didn't know about it :)10:59
mandelmhr3, that looks very ugly10:59
mhr3oh really?10:59
mhr3you got this from gensymbols?10:59
mandelmhr3, I might be missing something specific for cpp, but yes10:59
mandelmhr3, I'm doing => dpkg-gensymbols -plibudm-priv-common.so -v0.3 -Osymbols.amd64 -elibudm-priv-common.so.*.*11:00
mandelmhr3, might knowledge might be very outdated11:00
mhr3mandel, just do empty symbols file and let buildpackage generate it for you ;)11:01
mhr3mandel, i mean, only with the header11:02
sergiusensmandel, did you see my comment about udm?11:02
mandelsergiusens, nope, sorry, looking11:02
sergiusensmandel: ack, the readArgs thing is broken it seems, so testing broke it ;)11:03
mandelsergiusens, really? weird, I'll take a look11:03
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sergiusensmandel: I get download errors saying that Decode expects pointers11:04
mandelsergiusens, where did you write the comment?11:04
mandelmhr3, I'll do that11:10
mhr3mandel, plus https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#I.27m_exposing_a_new_C.2BAC8-C.2B-.2B-_symbols_in_my_library.2C_it_seems_that_some_packaging_changes_are_needed.2BICY-11:15
mandelmhr3, awesome, thx, I was missing the sed part to demangle the names11:17
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sergiusensasac: ogra_ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/goget-ubuntu-touch/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu-emulator/diskimage/customization.go#L2911:38
sergiusensnetwork manager does run though11:40
ogra_we are looking for an issue with the network indicator ... so i guess that should be fine to try  in the emulator11:42
ogra_oh you set ip eth0 ... not a wlan facke connection ... hmm11:42
sergiusensogra_: http://developer.android.com/tools/devices/emulator.html#emulatornetworking11:47
cwayneogra_, ping11:50
ogra_hey cwayne11:50
cwayneogra_, heya, did your rewrite of ubuntu-touch-session land yet?11:51
ogra_cwayne, nope ... to much desaster handling this week11:51
ogra_cwayne, i'll push your session change later today ...11:51
ogra_(havent forgotten about it ... there is still an open tab in my browser with it ;) )11:52
ogra_we currently cant build images anyway to land it anywhere11:52
cwayneogra_, :) thanks. sorry to bug, was just going through my list to update statuses11:52
sergiusenscwayne: well an updated  golang-go-flags should be in utopic (since the original sync) in case you haven't noticed11:53
cwaynesergiusens, oh, awesome, thanks!11:53
asacogra_: Wellark: thostr_: so using emulator i get the crash i think right after booting11:59
asacroot@ubuntu-phablet:~# ls /var/crash/11:59
asachope helps debugging12:00
asacWellark: go go go  :)12:00
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ogra_davmor2, in case you can get your flo online could you check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/132015412:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320154 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "browser related actions do not work in privacy settings" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:36
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asacWellark: did the emulator help debugging the crash?12:39
Wellarkasac: I'm pretty sure it's the same "missing ofono" crash that we see on manta and flo12:41
asacWellark: yeah, thought you had no tablet to debug12:41
asachence pointing you that you can reproduce it on emulator12:41
WellarkI could repro by just doing "sudo stop ofono"12:42
Wellarkasac: but thanks! :)12:42
WellarkI need a tablet though to debug the other issues12:42
asacWellark: which issues?12:42
asacWellark: try emulator please12:42
asacits awesome12:42
asacthe x8612:42
Wellarkasac: it's not that usable for me with indicator-network unless it emulates actual wifi devices as well :)12:43
Wellarkwhich it doesn't12:43
Wellarkbut I could take a look12:43
asacrsalveti: can emulator emulate wifi? or maybe pass through to host?12:44
ogra_you could probably fake the wlan0 name via udev rules ... but that wont give you wifi features for the device12:44
ogra_asac, http://developer.android.com/tools/devices/emulator.html#emulatornetworking12:45
asacwonder what would happen if you pass through a USB wifi dongle to the qemu12:47
asacafaik you can make usb devices available in qemu quest?12:47
ogra_right, but i guess it also becomes ethX12:48
WellarkI've done this sort of hacking before using virtualbox and passing through wifi usb adapters12:49
Wellarkit works marvelously12:49
ogra_well, then it might work too with qemu ... we should definitely look into that12:53
Wellarkogra_, davmor2, sil2100: thostr_ prepared silo 1113:04
Wellarkon devices where you can't get internet because of the crash you can just manually download the indicator-network*arm*.deb13:05
Wellarkand adb push that to the device13:05
WellarkI need to visit a pharmacy real quick while the packages are being built13:06
Wellarkthostr_: oh, forgot to merge trunk. pushed now an update13:06
Wellarkthostr_: please hit "Build"13:06
Wellarkif the silo was building already13:07
Wellarkseems it still on a state of "ready to build"13:07
Wellarkso we should be all good.13:07
mhall119bzoltan1: Kaleo: is there a way to make a WebView/UbuntuWebView a Page's flickable so that the header hides properly?13:17
mhall119I haven't been able to get them to play nicely together13:18
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Kaleomhall119, hmmm, I don't know, our specialist in that matter is timp13:19
mhall119t1mp: I can never tab-complete your name because I always start with ti :(13:20
mhall119anyway, see above13:20
t1mpmhall119: yeah.. I wanted timp, but it is taken already13:21
t1mpmhall119: I don't know about the webview. Is it a Flickable?13:22
mhall119t1mp: I don't know, but surely we could make our own UbuntuWebView flickable if we needed to13:22
mhall119olivier isn't around to comment on that though13:22
t1mpmhall119: Page has a flickable property, which automatically detects if you put a Flickable inside the Page, and links that to the header13:24
t1mpmhall119: but it is also possible to set Page.flickable to anything you want if it is not auto-detected13:24
t1mpmhall119: if the webview is or has a Flickable, it should be easy to do. If not, then it is hard to do13:24
bzoltan1mhall119: as far as I know the webview captures that input13:28
mterryogra_, do you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-touch-session/split/+merge/211549 ?  I just realized it never got an approved sign off (I'm doing split landing prep)13:34
ogra_mterry, hmm, are you sure that NM pkla is needed ? i think we do soemthing similar at build time in livecd-rootfs13:35
mterryogra_, read the comments in that file13:35
ogra_hah, blind me :P13:35
mterryogra_, it was missing a lightdm section13:35
mterryogra_, so I expanded and we can eventually drop from livecdfs13:36
Hennakinhi there. i have my lg google nexus 4 running on ubuntu touch 14.04. everything is working fine - only the call quality is really bad. it sounds like a robot speaking. do i need a specific radio image for it to work properly? is there a check i can do to verfiy the correct version installed or is there another trick like specific mixer settings for my device?13:36
ogra_--poweroff-delay defines how long the animation runs on shutdown ?13:36
mterryogra_, no, that's a hack around a mir problem of seeing a "frame gap" when turning on the screen13:36
mterryogra_, like you'll see an old frame or two13:36
ogra_ah, k13:36
mterryogra_, not technically related to split greeter, but part of "seemless locking"13:37
ogra_mterry, approved13:37
mterryogra_, thanks man13:37
ogra_cwayne, same for your session change13:38
cwayneogra_, thank you sir13:39
davmor2ogra_: meh what's the link for the silo my brain isn't working today13:40
davmor2ogra_: nvm I remembered13:41
ogra_davmor2, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-011/13:41
davmor2ogra_: oh man arm64 and amd64 next to each other I wonder how many people are going to click on the wrong one or wonder why its built all the packages twice :)13:43
cwaynersalveti, ^ once the session change goes in, you could ship a upstart override for the x86 emulator to fix that unity8 issue :)13:45
Hennakinis there an open issue about bad call quality on the nexus4 on trusty tahr ?13:51
popeyHennakin: not that I'm aware of, can you be more specific?14:01
kenvandinepopey, actually my wife complains that i'm hard to understand when I'm on my mako14:13
kenvandinebut on my end it sounds fine14:14
popeylow mic volume?14:16
seb128kenvandine, that's because you are so shy/have such a low voice :p14:18
ogra_seb128, shy and american ? does that exist ?14:19
kenvandineseb128, yeah... i'm sure that's it :)14:19
seb128ogra_, not sure, but I know it's not kenvandine :p14:21
* ogra_ thinks the shy americans just buy guns and stop being shy14:22
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rsalvetimandel: remember that if you touch the compat side of the platform-api (the part that gets included in the android container), you'll need to rebuild the android image14:37
mandelrsalveti, thx, AFAIK I'm ok but is something to keep in mind.. (me takes notes)14:38
mterryWellark, you asked me to send you a reminder email yesterday about https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-network/watch-nm-dbus/+merge/219705, but I forgot  :-/14:40
Wellarkmterry: np. there was a critical problem I have been working on the whole day anyway14:40
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HennakinI got a problem with my nexus4 using trusty tahr: the caller has really bad audio quality. i can understand him well. It seems that some sort of latency (drop outs) problem or something else. Callers say it sounds like a robot 4-bit crap voice. Can it be that i have the wrong radio image installed?15:13
HennakinI have the developer branch installed and keep it updated.15:14
HennakinA friend of me has the same problems with the same phone but another provider in another city - so i think it´s not related to the quality of the phone network.15:15
popeyHennakin: sounds like a bug which might need filing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+filebug?no_redirect15:16
HennakinCan i somehow check which version of closed modules i am using?15:16
popeyHennakin: which specific modules?15:18
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Guest19999i have Question, i wonder if anyone could helpme...15:20
mbalmerOh, I doubt that.15:20
Guest19999can i install ubuntu on my android tablet acer iconia b1 a71 with LOCKED Bootloader?!15:20
Guest19999i mean possible?15:21
dpmhi dobey, so to merge the translations of core apps .desktop files I was thinking of just copying the cmake changes you did to the click scope to use intltool. I see it's now using POTFILES.in and LINGUAS. Is there a way that these could be generated on-the-fly instead of maintaining them manually? I'm not too worried about POTFILES.in, but I wouldn't want to have to manually track and modify LINGUAS across 20 apps every time we get a new translation fr15:24
dpmom LP.15:24
dpmI know python-distutils-extra does some magic to generate these during build, so I'm wondering if we could do something similar with cmake15:25
dobeydpm: you don't need the LINGUAS15:25
dobeydpm: we've dropped the LINGUAS file in click scope recently15:26
dpmah, nice15:26
dpmdobey, ah, I see it now on the 'devel' branch. What about POTFILES.in?15:28
Hennakinpopey: i do not know the names. but some modules like the one for the radio functionality to make calls for example. i think i could potentially check some things like mixer settings for making phone calls, radio image version (if there are versions that are not supported by Trusty Tahr), some logfiles where a could find info about a phone call or debugging info (which i dont know how to15:29
dobeydpm: we have a POTFILES.in because we are using intltool-update to generate the .pot file15:31
dobeydpm: i was trying to make the translations support in click scope work as closely as possible to how we use intltool in autotools projects, so i could learn some things and translate what i learn back into support in intltool for working under cmake as well15:33
HennakinOops - i just found out that i have 14.10 (the new utopic unicorn) running on my nexus4. should i install 14.04 to get rid of my bad quality phone calls problem or is itok to use it?15:33
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dpmdobey, ok, so you'd recommend to still use POTFILES.in, then?15:35
dobeydpm: i didn't look at how you were currently building translations in those apps15:38
dobeydpm: if you are not using POTFILES.in currently, there isn't a huge reason to start using it (doing so is a bit complex at this point)15:38
dobeydpm: you're generating the .pot file by calling xgettext directly right?15:39
dpmdobey, exactly, and using a script to extract the translatable messages from the .desktop.in files. That would need to be rewritten in a nicer way, but can't wait. But in any case, we need to add at least a way to merge the translations back.15:41
dpmso I was thinking of just using intltool15:41
dpmbut *can wait, I meant15:41
dpmwhat we need to do now is the merging back to .desktop15:42
dobeydpm: have a url to the source of the script that pulls the messages from the .desktop.in?15:42
dpmit's inside the cmake, let me find an app that uses it15:42
dobeyi think you're not doing things the standard way there, and just using tr() in the .desktop file, which is kind of weird.15:43
dobeydpm: i guess calculator-app is doing it this way right?15:44
dpmdobey, yes, that's what I meant by it needs rewriting. Yes, calc is doing it this way: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt#L5415:44
dobeydpm: ok, i really need to get lunch now. but i'll look at calculator and see if i can make a simple enough change that you can apply to the other core apps as well15:46
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dpmthat'd be awesome, thanks dobey!15:46
dobeyno problem :)15:46
=== tedg is now known as ted
mterrysil2100, do you have a link for the bug that prevented network indicator from showing up?16:10
mterryI'm seeing same thing in my split silo and trying to find out why16:11
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sil2100mterry: oh, I think there is a fix for that already16:22
sil2100mterry: I mean, did you rebuild unity8?16:23
sil2100mterry: (like, synced with unity8 trunk and rebuilt)16:23
sil2100mterry: since the problem in our touch images was that unity8 with the required changes for the new network indicator weren't uploaded I guess16:23
mterrysil2100, I did resync and rebuild...  That's why I'm confused16:24
mterryMust be some new problem!  :(16:24
mterrySeems like some mismatch between network-indicator and ofono16:24
sil2100hm hm, since the landing for that was I think indicator-network, connectivity-api and unity816:25
sil2100And even more components, so the change involved: unity8, connectivity-api, indicator-network, qmenumodel and unity-notifications <- but the 2 last ones might be a bit less important16:26
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Wellarkanyone has any idea where this message is coming from?16:48
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WellarkI see from the text that it's some sort of a balance notification coming from the cellular provider16:48
Wellark(note, chromium now things imagebin.org is malware...)16:48
Wellarkbfiller: I'm pretty sure that comes from the messaging side.. anyone I could aks?16:49
WellarkI used to get that before, too. but the text was not visible16:50
Wellarkso I had no idea what it was about16:50
Wellarkalso the "?" in that message should be €16:51
Wellarkso we have an encoding problem somewhere :)16:52
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Wellarkbfiller: it seems to be same kind of a message I get when I use those magic *XXX# codes in the dialer16:55
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phqHello, I'm having a problem with the following commands(run as root) reporting that the instance does not exist: ubuntu-emulator create myinstance && ubuntu-emulator run myinstance18:06
achiangdoanac: i see you've messed about with phablet-network in the past...18:10
doanacachiang: wow. i hate VCS :)18:10
achiangdoanac: it would be nice if i could copy multiple NM configs to the device and not have it blow away the active_ws_connection.conf every time18:11
achiangdoanac: why do you think VCS was invented? linus invented it when he turned from a coder to a manager ;)18:12
doanaci'm stealing that quote.18:12
achiangdoanac: except i can't figure it out. simply copying various NM configs from my host to target doesn't seem to result in happiness when i run "nmcli con list"18:12
doanacachiang: it sounds like a reasonable request to me. I don't know NM stuff too well though.18:13
achiangthat is, NM only seems to know about the most recently deployed config18:13
achiangdoanac: hm, ok.... i'll keep poking along then18:13
doanaci think you probably need to get sergio's take on this. (seems to be offline now though)18:13
achiangdoanac: yes, why do you think i'm harassing you? because sergio is not online! ;)18:13
doanacachiang: you are very skilled. i like your style18:14
achiang"the Macbeth understudy is cursed with bad luck too..."18:14
doanaci may need to become your apprentice :)18:14
mterryWellark, so I'm looking at an issue in split-greeter mode where indicator-network isn't showing up in the greeter18:42
mterryWellark, is there any easy way to get more debugging output from indicator-network?18:42
mterryor at least to easily debug which menus it's exporting or something18:45
mterryWellark, aha!  If I set the profile to "phone" instead of "phone_greeter" it works...  Something in the recent rewrite broke phone_greeter18:52
Wellarkmterry: right. I'm not exporting it properly.19:08
Wellarkplease file a bug that the phone_greeter profile is not being exporter19:08
WellarkI will take care of it next week19:08
Wellarkhave a great weekend!19:08
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mterryWellark, I've filed a bug and working on a branch, no worries!19:11
dobeymhall119: around?19:20
dobeyanyone around that has access to manage core apps on devportal?19:31
mhall119dobey: I am around19:38
mhall119do you mean the website, or the store?19:38
mhall119I have access to manage the website, but I think only popey has access to update the apps in the store19:39
dobeymhall119: well not sure, becaue i really have no idea how teams work in respect to the devportal19:39
dobeymhall119: what i want to know, is the value of "Keywords" in the store for ubuntu-calculator-app19:40
mhall119let me see if I can get that19:41
rsalveticwayne: did the workaround worked reliably for you? (emulator)19:42
taiebotI am the only with problem with gsm connection on nexus 4? downgraded to r28 devel still cannot connect to gsm19:43
ogra_works fine for me19:44
taiebotOn r3319:44
ogra_on 2819:44
ogra_everything above 28 is known to have wifi and 3G issues19:44
popeymhall119: just saw my name mentioned, wassup?19:45
taieboton 28 wifi is ok but no icon for gsm19:45
mhall119dobey: Keywords: calculator,math19:45
mhall119popey: dobey just needed some info about the calculator app'19:45
mhall119app's metadata in the store19:46
popeymhall119: i cant edit core apps19:46
mhall119popey: who can?19:46
popeyi can only accept / reject them. sergio / balloons and mirv have the creds to upload/edit19:46
mhall119ah, ok, good to know, thanks19:46
popeydobey: what needs changing?19:48
dobeypopey: nothing at the moment, just curious what the values were19:48
popeyok, i can hepl19:48
dobeythere's no direct way to see them in the client afaik19:48
popeyrun that python19:49
popeyit will spawn a browser window in which you can see all the metadata for apps in store19:49
taieboton 28 i am affected by this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1318755 but now my gsm do not want to start. i think there is a problem with the kernel. I used to notice that after work where i have very poor gsm network i could not reconnect without a hard reboot or having to do adb shell sudo reboot19:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318755 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Missing cellular settings " [Undecided,Incomplete]19:49
cwaynersalveti, yeah, ive only booted maybe 4-5 times since i did it, but it's worked each time19:50
dobeyoh, they are in the details for the package19:50
dobeyso i guess i can see them that way19:50
dobeythanks mhall119 and popey19:50
rsalveticwayne: great, will propose the workaround later then19:50
ogra_taiebot, the network-indicator should be fully fixed in image 34 (once that was built)19:51
ogra_the settings kind of depend on it too ...19:51
ogra_there were many issues with that indicator change in vereything after image 2819:51
mhall119popey: well isn't that a handy little script19:51
ogra_taiebot, if you want an always working image better stay on devel ...19:52
popeymhall119: made by the author of beru iirc19:53
popeyits on github19:53
ogra_devel-proposed is broken often enough19:53
taiebotogra_ : Are you sure the indicator is the problem? i do think there is something more problematic. i had gsm before on 28 now i cannot connect to gsm19:54
taiebotogra_ will go back to devel its safer :)19:56
* mhall119 stays off -proposed for a reason :)20:08
taiebotogra_ flash to devel and i have lost all my contacts is that suppose to happen?20:10
ogra_depends how you flashed20:10
ogra_--wipe definitely does what you think it would20:11
taiebot ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel20:11
ogra_that should not delete your contacts ... but ... if the addressbok app format changed in the new version and it somehowconverted your contacts to it thihs could indeed have influence when going back20:27
taiebotogra_ sorry reboot agained and i have my contacts back still no gsm though...20:28
ogra_no gsm or just no icon ?20:28
taiebotno gsm20:28
taiebotogra_ looking at ofono scripts in /usr/share/ofono/scripts20:36
ogra_are you sure you didnt simply run out of creadit ?20:36
taiebot python enable-modem20:36
taiebotConnecting modem /hfp/10683F5C8E08_3C363DA4136A...20:36
taiebotCan't set modem 'Powered': org.ofono.Error.Failed: Operation failed20:36
taiebottried earlier with girlfriend simcard20:37
ogra_awe_, ^^20:37
ogra_seems another gsm issue20:37
taieboti think UT try to connect to wrong modem20:43
taiebotShould it not connect to /ril_0 ?  mine try to connect /hfp/10683F5C8E08_3C363DA4136A...20:44
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awe_taiebot, you shouldn't need to use the scripts at all, when the device is powered up, urfkill is supposed to online the modem20:50
awe_this was previously done by telepathy-ofono20:50
awe_what device are you running?20:50
taiebot I cannot connect to any gsm network.20:50
taiebotNexus 4 i am having this bug . https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/131875520:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318755 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Missing cellular settings " [Undecided,Incomplete]20:51
awe_So there's a bug which won't be fixed till image 34 where the 3g icon is not displayed on the panel, even if you're connected20:52
awe_can you check the output of 'list-modems | grep Online'?20:53
ogra_awe_, he went back to 28 after having these issues20:53
awe_ogra_, do we have a 34 yet?20:53
ogra_waiting for ufw which fixes a test issue ... should migrate from proposed soon20:54
ogra_then i'll build20:54
awe_ogra_, too many broken pieces landing, which makes trying to debug anything very frustrating20:54
awe_let's see how 34 looks20:54
taiebotI have 5 output of Online = 020:54
awe_are you on image 28?20:54
ogra_awe_, we normally keep the changeset to a handfull of packages ...20:54
ogra_but with the broken builders today plus ripping out all python2 from the image plus the borken indicator it was simply to much20:55
awe_taiebot, if the script 'online-modem' doesn't bring up your modem, I would try a reboot20:55
awe_I have seen an issue where the modem sometimes doesn't get onlined when the device boots20:55
taiebotDid a few already cannot get it trigerred. Is my phone dead ?20:56
awe_but I could only get it to happen twice earlier today with image #3320:56
awe_every other time, it works just fine20:56
awe_no, I don't think your phone is dead20:56
taiebotshould i remove all those modems? and only keep /ril_020:56
awe_what other modems?20:56
dobeydid your imei get blacklisted?20:56
awe_there's only one modem on a mako20:57
awe_dobey, no his modem is not online20:57
awe_'Online' is the radio control20:57
awe_if it's set to 020:57
awe_then the radio is off20:57
awe_we landed the stack components for flight-mode earlier this week20:57
awe_which just changes which component sets the modem online20:57
awe_it used to be tp-ofono20:57
awe_now it's urfkill20:57
awe_and in some cases20:58
taiebotpython list-modems give me 5 different choice of modems  /hfp/10683F5C8E08_3C363DA4136A   /hfp/10683F5C8E08_3C363DA4136A20:58
awe_can you pastebin?20:58
dobeywell those 2 are the same thing20:58
awe_also those look like BT devices20:59
awe_hfp = "hands free profile"20:59
awe_fyi, you can just run '/usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems', you don't need to supply "python"21:00
* dobey wonders what happened to tassader21:00
awe_taiebot, can you also try to disable BT?21:00
* kenvandine is fighting the urge to upgrade the laptop to utopic before traveling this weekend21:01
dobeykenvandine: don't do it21:01
awe_have you installed any other software on your device is it totally stock?21:01
kenvandinei need to rebuild a bunch of things for trusty though...21:02
kenvandinedobey, but i won't21:02
awe_taiebot, ril_0 is the main modem, and it doesn't even show up as powered21:02
dobeykenvandine: vm it21:02
awe_which is bad21:02
awe_taiebot, my advice to you would be to wait for image #34 to land21:03
taiebotJust for my knowledge what is the use of the other modem?21:03
awe_those all are Bluetooth devices21:03
dobeytaiebot: have you flashed with --bootstrap --wipe? (hopefully you have any data backed up)21:04
awe_taiebot, and I'm surprised they're showing up without you explicitly pairing them21:04
taiebotno the only stuff i have done to rootstock image is enable rw and manually set 3g21:04
awe_taiebot, what do you mean by "manually set 3g"?21:04
awe_and why are you using a rootstock image?21:05
awe_vs. a standard touch image?21:05
awe_ogra_, ^^?21:05
ogra_why do you ask me ? :)21:05
awe_you wrote rootstock?  ;)-21:05
ogra_yeah, but i didnt decide for taiebot :)21:06
awe_and I thought maybe you'd already found this out from taiebot21:06
ogra_taiebot, i would only use rootstock if i really need to ... because i fiddle with the android system.img or so21:06
taiebotbecause 6 month ago could not get access to 3g netwrok did few changes to the file where all the 3g operators are set..21:06
ogra_or to roll some special image21:06
taiebotthis neverworked though and never encountered a problem..21:07
ogra_i think you should actually backup and do a proper install then21:07
taiebotbut i will have to do the same as my 3g network is not recognised by ut21:07
awe_we've made big improvements to the provisioning for gprs21:08
ogra_rootstock is nice for one shot installs ... but it wont for example upgrade your kernel or recovery if there are new bits21:08
awe_taiebot, that said, if you flash a stock image and you're network still isn't provisioned with the latest code, then let us know and we can try to patch our gprs db21:08
awe_but it you just patch yourself, we'll never know21:09
taiebotDo i just have to copy home folder?21:11
awe_taiebot, you need to flash a standard image using ubuntu-device-flash21:12
awe_and use --wipe21:12
ogra_for backup the home folder shuld be fine21:12
awe_I also would recommend waiting till image #34 is available21:12
ogra_which i just triggered :)21:13
taiebotok found back which file i have modified mobile-provider-info21:14
awe_so I would make sure you copy that file21:15
taieboti do not think this is related to my problem will wait for 34 to see if it solves my problem..21:15
awe_however we also now use a new db21:15
awe_ /system/etc/apns-conf.xml21:15
ogra_note that 34 might have other issues though ...21:15
awe_modifying mbpi directly is not advised21:15
ogra_the test results for 33 didnt look so well21:15
awe_well, I don't know what to say then21:15
taiebotto enable 3g i had to do https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1225174/comments/1421:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225174 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular Settings -- No way to edit APN" [High,Triaged]21:16
awe_right, but it's better to modify the ofono gprs file in /var/lib/ofono/<IMSI>/21:16
awe_but only after stopping ofono21:16
t1mpogra_: you mean in general there were a lot of failures in image33?21:17
awe_again we've changed our provisioning db now21:17
ogra_t1mp, yup21:17
t1mpogra_: popey and I just tested weather-app in image 33 and it is all good on our devices, but on the dashboard it has a lot of red21:17
awe_it's much more complete, and there's a good chance it will just work21:17
ogra_we went from 11 to 32 failures21:17
ogra_t1mp, aah, good21:17
awe_perhaps asac needs to declare defcon-021:17
awe_( or whatever it's called )21:18
ogra_awe_, we will do that if we're not better on monday21:18
t1mpogra_: actually, weather app in image 33 has less failures than 32 because some flaky tests were fixed :)21:18
ogra_i actually expect a few improvements in 3421:18
dobeyawe_: we must not allow a mine shaft gap!21:18
ogra_t1mp, well, the dashboard shows 10 for weather ...21:19
taiebotNo problem if you could add my provider i would be more than happy :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/telephony-service/+bug/1266275 or if you could allow the community to fill this file i would be more than happy to help21:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1266275 in telephony-service "impossible to connect to 3g network" [Undecided,New]21:19
ogra_32 only had 421:20
t1mpogra_: I got those 4 in 32 also, but everything passes in 33, see https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_140514/+merge/219516/comments/52516221:20
ogra_t1mp, note that all of python2 was removed from the image with 3321:21
ogra_might be related21:21
ogra_also there were issues with wifi in on the lab devices ...21:22
ogra_if weather polls a remote source that will likely cause extra failures21:23
ogra_anyway  ... #34 is building ... lets hope that fixes the wifi issues as expected ...21:24
* ogra_ EODs ...21:24
dobeyogra_: shouldn't you have done that ~6 hrs ago? :P21:25
taiebotThanks guys  hope my problem will get fixed with the next image21:26
awe_ogra, so his provider isn't in apns-conf.xml.  VECTONE is yet another MVNO21:27
awe_so I moved his bug to the android project, and we21:27
awe_will need to get the right details sorted out to update the db21:28
* awe_ hopes the settings team hurries up on the Edit APN UI21:28
nik90_rsalveti: ping (hope it is not too late)22:22
rsalvetinik90_: pong22:22
nik90_rsalveti: is it possible to go landscape in the emulator?22:22
rsalvetinik90_: there's a way to change the orientation of the emulator screen, but not sure yet if that's connected with the sensors data22:23
rsalvetiCtrl-F11 and Ctrl-F1222:23
nik90_rsalveti: if I were to report bugs against the ubuntu emulator, where do I report it?22:24
rsalvetinik90_: feel free to open a bug against the android package22:25
rsalvetinext week I'm going to check everything that is broken in there22:26
nik90_rsalveti: yeah..I just wanted to report wishlist bugs :)22:27
rsalvetilet me know the bug number as well22:28
nik90_rsalveti: will do22:28
nik90_rsalveti: you were right, the sensors are not connected to the orientation22:29
a_muva__just want to report if someone calls my nexus 4, the phone rings only once, and then once again when I press Answer button. I have to wait until sound ends and then I can speak.22:29
rsalvetia_muva__: please open a bug against the telephony-app22:29
rsalvetia_muva__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app22:31
a_muva__thank you22:31

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