
mappsthis show coppers on 4seven..edl protestors and uaf01:52
mappsall look exactly like youd imagine..shaved heads for edl..uaf loads of odd balls01:53
Myrttioh my god what a brilliant feeling it is to have slept enough06:10
MooDoohowdy all06:15
mappsmorning Myrtti / MooDoo06:21
robotninjamornin' all07:07
MooDoogood morning07:08
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Endangered Species Day! :-D07:56
ujjainWhat is a chair called that you would use in a garden, outside that's actually like a bed, because you can really lie down on it, it's plastic.08:08
popeyujjain: recliner?08:20
popeyujjain: or sun lounger08:20
popeyujjain: uk-lo-2.static.podcast.ubuntu-uk.org08:21
popeyujjain: www.amazon.co.uk/tag/sun%20lounger/products08:21
ujjainthat's perfect, thanks!08:21
foobarrysomeone called mark shuttleworth has an account on our HPC cluster :-|08:32
foobarry"Mark Stephen Shuttleworth"08:37
foobarrylooks like a real person, he's logged in08:37
popeynot him08:37
popeywell, not our one08:37
MooDoohe's normal sabdfl isn't he?08:37
popeyhis middle name is richard08:37
foobarryanagram of RMS?08:37
popeynever see them in the same room08:37
jussiand the beard thing is scary...08:38
jussi(has he still got the beard?)08:39
Myrttinobody denies it, so it must be true08:44
foobarryhow do i fix "stdin: is not a tty error" prodcued by a crontab that runs bash -l -c ?08:44
awilkins? http://tech.karbassi.com/2011/11/09/stdin-is-not-a-tty/08:44
foobarryoh, i think i fixed it08:44
foobarryi applie the change but it did not take straight away08:44
foobarryi accidentally emailed 600+ users with a test message yesterday :(08:44
foobarryfortunately it was not rude08:44
popeyhe has08:44
foobarryrms was born with a beard08:44
foobarrynever clicking that link08:45
awilkinsThat link is *awesome*08:51
awilkinsRMS ignores the beautiful surroundings in favour of his laptop in _so_many_places_08:51
awilkinsSometimes the setting also includes cans of soda08:52
awilkinsAlso, sometimes his has a ThinkPad. Other times he has that other laptop we can't remember but it's more Free.08:52
foobarryor something09:03
diddledanisn't that what the martians sing in jeff wayne's?09:03
davmor2diddledan: The chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one they said09:03
diddledanbut still, they come09:03
davmor2that'll be oooooooo laaaaaaaaaaa09:03
foobarryjust fell off my chair, literally09:03
foobarrythe back just snapped off09:03
foobarryi went flying09:03
foobarryi'm not even a bloater09:03
diddledansorry, I souldn't laugh09:03
davmor2diddledan: no you say are you okay, then laugh09:03
diddledana dad would say "what did you do that for?"09:03
diddledanhttp://rt.com/news/159304-proton-rocket-crashed-kazakhstan/ <-- saboutage?09:06
ujjainAre liquors expensive at Testco?09:14
foobarrywrong chan ujjain09:15
ujjainis there a offtopic ubuntu uk?09:15
foobarrywell this goes offtopic a lot because there are a lot of regulars in here, but if you arrived to ask that questions specifcially, then its prob the wrong chan.09:16
ujjainwell, I'm looking to buy jagermeister for my birthday party, people can come, just looking for a good price.09:16
foobarrytesco is not too expensive09:16
ujjainwell, I use ubuntu and live in the UK since recently09:16
selinuxiumMorning all. having some fun and game trying to upgrade a server from 10.04 to 14.04.09:17
foobarryasda might be a bit cheaper, but there's probably not too much in it09:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:19
diploselinuxium, big upgrade :(09:21
diploThough then again, my home box upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 quite well09:21
selinuxiumdiplo. Sorry... i meant i was going form 10.04. to 12.0 4 ... then to 14.0409:21
selinuxiumFailing on the 10.04 tio 12.0409:21
diploWhat issue are you getting ?09:23
diploJust promised to make a brew, back in 2 mins09:23
popeyhi updated a vps from 10.04 to 12.04 this week09:23
popeymight go to 14.04 at some point09:23
selinuxium'Think' I may of found it... I will let you know... :)09:28
TwistedLucidityIs 14.04 out yet for servers? I thought we have to wait for 14.04.109:33
selinuxiumHad 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks' looked in '/var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log' and found that unixodbc was flapping... removed it with apt-get remove and now all is groovy.09:34
DJonesTwistedLucidity: The automatic offer of upgrade isn't set yet, that doesn't come till 14.04.1 (I think 24th July)09:36
diddledanTwistedLucidity, the upgrade path isn't stable between 12.04.x and 14.04 until the .1 release09:36
TwistedLucidityThanks - thought so09:36
diddledanTwistedLucidity, that doesn't prevent you from doing it anyway, and you can always install a new 14.04 without waiting09:36
brobostigonopensim setup again, now to build the perfect virtual pub, :)09:37
TwistedLucidityI think I'll wait - had issues on the desktop machines going to 14.0409:37
TwistedLuciditySo don't want to risk the server until things are more stable09:37
diddledanI've upgraded 6 servers without problem09:37
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Clearly you do not have my magic touch :-S09:38
TwistedLuciditybrobostigon: https://simtk.org/home/opensim/ ?09:39
TwistedLucidityAh, the other one. A bit like OpenWonderland. Interesting.09:40
brobostigonTwistedLucidity: opensimulator.org09:40
=== Fruitness is now known as stevenm
popeyhow is that private?09:52
popeyhttps://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-nightly is public - I didn't realise individuals could have private PPAs09:53
selinuxiumpopey, How is the syncthing going?09:55
popeyworks for me ☻09:55
selinuxiumI am using Opencloud atm... was thinking of giving it a go..09:56
foobarrywhats this canonical orange box?09:59
selinuxiumlooks amazing... Trying to get the business to buy me one as a dev box.10:00
foobarrygot a link to article?10:00
diddledanfoobarry, it's cluster-in-a-box10:00
foobarryhow much?10:01
selinuxium40 cores, 160GB of RAM, 1.2TB of solid state storage... *drools*10:02
popeyPrimary use case is you get the box and some training from canonical for a couple of days, keep the box for a couple of weeks10:02
foobarryso landscape is still a thing?10:02
popeythen send it back, and migrate to big boys cloud10:03
foobarrywe are looking for openstack providers for big cluster upgrade next yr10:03
foobarryso would be up our st10:03
MooDoofoobarry: 7k basic up to 9k with 2tb drives ish!10:15
MooDoofoobarry: if you wanted to purchase one for yourself that is :D10:15
popeythats if you wanted to buy it10:15
MooDooyeah just said that :D10:16
popeywhich I suspect most people wouldn't10:16
popeyi typed before you pressed enter10:16
popeyhah, that's brilliant10:22
foobarryIn fact, it’s all about the butts. Because players see their avatars from a third-person perspective from behind, men are confronted with whether they want to stare at a guy’s butt or a girl’s butt for 20 hours a week10:24
foobarryshould have " "10:24
MartijnVdSthere's also the gift factor10:24
MartijnVdSSomehow, if you're playing a female character, random people start giving you thigns10:25
foobarrylike irl in bars10:25
directhexi've opted to play female characters given the choice since street fighter 210:38
* davmor2 complete blames diddledan for the fact that I'm now listening to War of the Worlds10:40
MooDoodavmor2: no one would of believed that10:40
popeyi played a female in 2nd life10:40
popeyfor the cumulative hour or two i ever went onto it10:41
diddledanI play a female at the weekend10:41
directhexi mostly play narrative-focused games rather than online games, and i pick female avatars because their stories are more interesting. i already know the outcome of that game where a badly shaved space marine guy shoots the aliens.10:41
directhexVERY few games with both choices actually pick up on them in the content, though. mass effect did, dragon age did, fallout new vegas did a little10:42
jussiI play heroes 3 mostly as a male, but sometimes use the female. thing is, I chose not based on gender but what they can do...10:42
davmor2diddledan, popey: I'm not sure which is more stomach churning :)10:42
directhexyeah it's different when you're looking at specific characters with specific traits10:43
directhexthe guys get heavy armour, the women get bows & arrows, usually10:43
directhexbut, y'know, why? maybe the story of the female barbarian would be interesting10:43
davmor2diddledan: or are thieves mages10:43
davmor2directhex: even sorry10:44
directhexalso, grr @ chainmail bikinis10:44
ikoniadirecthex: the old C64 game barbarian 2 had a slightly different story for the female player, so even back then it was a trait10:44
davmor2directhex: you wear a chainmail bikini this is a whole new side to you10:44
diddledanchainmail bikini because the boobs are vital, but the stomach isn't10:45
davmor2I beat they chaff I'm not supprised you don't like them :D10:45
directhexdiddledan, apparently so10:45
diddledandirecthex, and obviously the bad guys always aim for the boobs with their swords10:46
diddledanok, that sounds risqué10:46
directhexgood female armour in sword-heavy games needs to do the absolute opposite of what they do - i.e. plate over the boobs which sticks out means a sword hitting them would get funnelled towards the (unprotected) heart10:48
directhexit should stick out past the bustline in the middle, or be flat against the bust10:48
jussidirecthex: but, but, but appearances! :P10:49
davmor2directhex: I have to say this, You know it's only a game right ;)10:49
* bashrc is not familiar with gladiator fashion10:50
MooDoowatch the film :)10:50
davmor2bashrc: no don't watch sparticus it's much better10:50
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Commas are important. :-)10:51
davmor2bashrc: no don't, watch sparticus it's much better10:51
foobarryspartacus the film or spartacus the porno thats shown late at night on obscure channel10:52
jussino, I'm sparticus!!!10:53
jussifoobarry: ...10:53
davmor2foobarry: thats just wrong10:53
diddledanfoobarry, I don't want to know about your spartacus' sword10:55
directhexdavmor2, it's hardly inclusive to make the female characters there purely as eye candy for pervy male players10:55
davmor2directhex: yes that's how they sell the games in the first place :)10:56
jussidirecthex: and what about the pervy female player? (see, you are making asumptions about men also... ;D )10:58
diddledanjussi, are you suggesting something?10:58
jussididdledan: only that its wrong to assume only men are pervy...10:59
davmor2directhex: You'll notice 9 times out of 10 you either have the male heros with scantily clad maidens swooning or the female hero at the front with the male characters you're actually likely to use faded in the background and that's just the cover of the game10:59
directhexjussi, male characters in western games aren't designed to match what female players find attractive, according to countless surveys on the matter10:59
jussiit would be an interesting excercise to see how they would be designed if they were...?11:00
TwistedLucidityAs IT (including games) is male dominated, you get the male fantasy.11:01
TwistedLuciditySimply because there aren't enough women devs to give the inout11:01
diddledanlol @ inout11:01
diddledanTwistedLucidity, freudian euphemism11:01
TwistedLucidityOr the "O" being beside "P"11:01
TwistedLuciditySomeone should to a game where the female character is a muscle-bound freak and the male character runs around in chainmail "Speedos"11:04
TwistedLucidityActually, that would be rather hilarious11:04
shaunoboth of these things are awkwardly possible in WoW :/11:38
directhexgenerally not11:46
directhexsee also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egNGa41tRac11:46
TwistedLuciditydirecthex: ROFL12:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
MyrttiI wonder if a realistic timetable for a day excursion in London would be a walk in Belgravia and possibly seeing Buckingham Palace and then Forbidden Planet and then home12:16
MartijnVdSthat would be a morning or an afternoon for me12:19
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I'd rather timetable less and do stuff spontaneously than fill my day with possibly unrealistic expectations of what I'll manage to see and then be disappointed12:20
Myrttithe only fixed thing is that Belgravia walk has to happen before 150012:20
brobostigonforbidden planet :)12:22
Myrtti(as the whole point of the trip to London is to go vote)12:24
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledanxzip blows my mind13:02
diddledan21MB text file down to 1.3M13:02
davmor2diddledan: what does 7zip do to it13:03
diddledanhaven't tried 7zip13:03
diddledandon't have that installed13:03
diddledanxz comes out-of-the-box13:03
davmor2diddledan: try it sometime13:04
shaunoI never realised how useful ears are :/  I have some inner-ear thing going on.  my hearing is messed up, my balance is messed up, and I'm getting carsick sat at my desk13:09
diddledanshauno: still gets motion sick, eh? look at me, steady as a rock, we could go forward backward up down...13:11
diddledanID4 quotes FTW13:11
jussishauno: you aren't supposed to drink at work...13:11
davmor2diddledan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7472940/13:12
davmor2diddledan: looks like a similar kind of ratio to xz13:12
diddledandavmor2: 3.5:1 is comparable to 20:1?13:13
davmor2diddledan: I did default xz on the same file got 456213:14
davmor2diddledan: as I same pretty similar13:14
davmor2diddledan: -rw-r--r-- 1 davmor2 davmor2 2799504 Dec 14 16:32 whf-tax.pdf.xz   -rw-r--r-- 1 davmor2 davmor2 2799502 Dec 14 16:32 whf-tax.pdf.7z  a whole 2 in it :)13:18
davmor2diddledan: on a plus side 200000 smaller than the original pdf :)13:18
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest63531
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
Myrttipeanut butter + chili noodles = wow16:05
palnjpopey, are you guys doing 14.04 CDs, or is that not a thing anymore?16:06
popeyit is a thing16:06
jpdsMyrtti: World of Warcraft?16:06
palnjIs this not valid anymore, then?16:08
popeynothing to do with me, that's AlanBell16:09
shaunopre-orders for 12.10?  ;)16:09
palnjThe current state of my internet isn't helping either :/16:14
daftykinsi'm sure it's better than dial-up and ISDN :>16:14
=== Guest63531 is now known as Monotoko
palnjT-Mobile EDGE tethered to my laptop...barely getting 15kbps16:17
daftykinsomw, why on earth do you use that?16:17
palnjNo goddamn 3G coverage in my area16:17
palnjWell my broadband's been down for a few weeks...typical Sky.16:17
palnjSeriously they've just postponed activating my fiber optic for 2 weeks because BT need 4 weeks notice to change line rental.16:19
palnjAt least it isn't dial-up, though. Paying for internet per minute? *shudders*16:19
daftykinspalnj: are you after a substantial quantity for a loco, or just ones for personal use?16:21
palnjJust personal use.16:24
daftykinswhat do you do for keeping up to date, or if new installs have problems?16:24
daftykinse.g. with hardware support16:24
palnj12.04 works pretty damn nicely on my current machine, after little to no modification.16:26
daftykinsmmm, i've seen a lot of that not being a transferrable truth over in #ubuntu support though16:26
palnjReally? Hardware-wise? I've actually never had that problem on any machine I've stuck Ubuntu on.16:28
palnjLucky me, I guess.16:28
daftykinsyou must not have anything up to date enough or with awkward wireless adapters16:28
daftykinsor any desire for proprietary graphics drivers16:29
palnjNot really, no. xD16:29
palnjBut 12.04 works flawlessly on my macbook16:30
palnjThere was just an annoying thing with the keyboard backlight being set to 100% on every reboot16:31
palnjBut that was since fixed.16:31
palnjImpressive that I didn't do anything? If you say so.16:32
daftykinspalnj: no that it works so well on a mac16:41
daftykinshrmm i might be scoring a second desk and a chair for free \o/16:47
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
davmor2popey: supercat to the rescue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbEnGoqFnko16:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
* Monotoko facepalms18:05
Monotokoa PHP script I've been chasing around for the past hour... I was echoing out the values, then trying to work out why in the comparison, it was dying out18:07
Monotokoturns out missing an = sign and using if ($saved_hash = "") sets saved_hash to nothing and screws it all up18:08
popeywe've all been there18:26
mappswell thats a tad annoying19:56
mappsmy chromecast wont seem to work with iplayer19:56
mappsyoutube works fine..but it just says error connecting when trying iplayer19:56
diddledanis there a celebration today? fireworks have just been let-off20:16
diddledantwo screaming rockets which upset the entire neighbourhood dog contingent20:16
shaunorussia invades amazingstoke?20:21
diddledanhmm, facebook are shutting down xmpp chat20:25
brobostigonoh dear.20:26
diddledanhttps://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog right at the bottom there's a footnote20:29
diddledanrumour is that'll be 30th April next year for the switchoff20:29
brobostigonthank you, i will read.20:31
MattJIn other news, for anyone who runs an XMPP server - many servers will begin requiring encryption to communicate with them (either as a client or another server on the network), from Monday21:01
MattJas per https://github.com/stpeter/manifesto/blob/master/manifesto.txt21:01
popeyEvening all.21:07
popeyAlso, Jabber \o/21:07
MattJJabber \o/21:07
* popey looks forward to having a Jabber client on his ubuntu phone one day21:08
MattJI hope it'll be a good one21:09

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